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St, Louis, Mo., soon raised $2,000,000 fn stock subsc-rip'ions for the building of the proposed electrie atreet raflway. "N-d BunQin" has u-ritten nearly 400 sedal stories and he stil] lives. But raany who have read bis tales are dead. Whisky and handsome women are to be found In all quarters of the globe, aceording to in old and app-eeiative traveler. Paris' elevated railwav system. designed by Jules Garnler, will !■ readj for business when the exposition opens in 1889. Raudolph ChurchUl is a pretty smart man , for hls nge; bu! think of William Pitt who was prime minister at the age of 24 ! California is worsc off than Michigan. In the formei's state Qnlve ■ ity, 319 out of the 517 students thrcaten to prac Ice law. Vanderbilt.'e yearlv Income is equal to ten tous of olld gold ; that of the average laborlng man to two pounds of the same stuff. For funnily dviug an eneray'shairbrightreü. an Englishman lias been coinpelled to pay S200 j dainages. Through the efforts of Ouida, the practice ol skinning frogs alive has been stopped in tho markets of Florence. l'riuce Frederick Chark's has been one of tliC riilust men in Germany. The Counoughts wiU under his will get abou't 2,509,C0J. A man in Illinois askí a court to change ht name from Sheol to Shradv. He thlnks that the Scriptural revisión renners the change de slrable. "Whenever you gft near tnoughtoanlndlan shoot him," was the remirk made by a man reported to be an "active Christfan worker" In one of the churches of Cbloagq. A pair of the (nest blac'.c cves did uot satis fv MÍS3 Casey of Iowa, and iii trylug to turn tliem to blue by means of Chemicals she bas ruined both thelr'usefulness and beauty. Dromedarios ore expert. d to raake rare sport in races with horses In Vienna, but tfi.-y proved so slow that the meaucsl cart drawers brought In from the Street beat them fusily. The porulatlon of Kurope has iiureascd in a r enturv from 14".00U,U0Ü to 3ütUX0,0eO. Eugltshmeu have moltlpl ed ttvetoli. the Husslana fourfold, an'i the Germana le8 thau threefold, wbile Frenchmen and SpaniarJs have addcd ! only about 50 per cent. 'Bight Poart." "1 wasiight peart till the rheumatiz ot in " said a saffier ug old man who lived near the swatnp. Fact is, whereever jou live you oan't be ' right peart" if you are a victim of this troublefo i e disease. Captain C. W. Kotsenpiller, Scringfield, O., says, ' I found great relief from inflammatory rliouiuatism i by using Brown 's Jrbn Bitters," Thousands of other people have found similar re ief. Fnüjinnii Agrijultwil Works, Vori:, h, [ V . - - -- -1' _ iniHHII'' Oo You Feel All tlred put, nlmcat proatratci, vlttaont ar.pjttto n'-rvnus. (trine seü, aml deapoüdent? Hood'a Sar. j fiaparllla wlll glvo you streuth end vigor, restore and Kl;arpen your appetlte, bulld up your uervoua eystem oml clear your mlod. Do you have ptinplea and bolï9 bresklnsf out o11 yonr body. scrofulous sores or bunchtig, or ot'ier indlcatlons of linpure blood? lïooii's Earsaparllla wlll remove cvery vestlge of lmpurity aad vltallze and enricbe the blood. Do you have li'ïftdsc.he. Indigestión, heartbum dlstress aitcr eatlnc, falmness, or other eymp'-o: ■ ofdyspepsia. Hood's Ssrsnpftrill wlll tone up th digestiré organs, remore every dlangrce.-.b'.e symptorn, aud corapletely cure you. Do you have palos In the back and the dlsagreeable evldenccs of dlfflculilea with the kldneys or liver? Hood's Sarsaparilla ronsot iheic organs to thelr proper dutles and cnable thi ii iü rosst tbe citücka of dlseas. Glvo It a trial. Xïood's Sarsaparilla Fold by all drusglits. W;ilxfor5. Madconly C. 1. BOOD & CO., Apothecarlea, Lowell, II i IOO Pose Ope Dollar. A l aneh of the aalvation army, to bc known as the Balvatlou navv, Is to be ëtartcd In England. In the Austriau raüway servil i 8,090 women find ctuplo ment, earning irora 1 " to 25 per month. The oldest picce of lenther in the world Is an Egyptlan scroll, date of 1SÜ0 B. C, noiv acarly reüuced to dut n the Brltish museum. There is a widow lu luimeester, llass., who has 21 cbildren. Sbe is now looking for a sccond Lub;mLl to uld ber in keeping the wolf : irom the door. Over 10J years ago several competent engineers declared tbat the obstacles iu the way jf building a Panama caaal were not insurmountubic. The Lonc'.on Lancet, recognizod as high authoritv by :ül c'oetors, Iooks upon prayer cures nót as miníeles, br.t as purclv the ellcct uf the mind niioti the body, it belng the falth that lieals and not the outside source or object of faith. Lambert Tree of Chicago, the ncw minister to Belgium, is worth $5,00X000. The Kew York Journal lntiraates tbat ií he llkes the country he wlll trv to buv it with a view to moving it over on the lifce front at Chicago and convertlnjc it into a beet i"'''1-'"The Hoaie of Mr Blame. Washington, D. C- The son of Senator Frye of Maine, who has been Buffering from a severo colil, which setll il on his chest, was cured by a few doses of Red Stur Cough Cure. He publicly endorses it as prompt, pleasant and safe. l!r. Cox calis it the best remedy. It contains no (.piatoi or p i ons. A Bosion man tha other day found a small ira';e in a bunch of bananas. He promptly eavc the bananas to a small boy. E0UGH ON CATAREH." Correct ofleDsivt; oüora at uqcc. Cúmplete cure of woiiít ca9ca,aiso aneqyaled as gargle for Dlphtbcrla. Sore Tliroat, ï'uul Brcath. Therc are no white eervauts at the White House. THE HOPE OF THE NATI0N. CliIMrcn, slow in development, pun scrAWny anl delicate, uso "WeH's HtMltii lïrnc Parishm belles utv C&rry ptitols. CATAREH Oí THE BLADDEiT StinsiiiK. Irrltatlon, Inflammatton. ui! Ktdney ond Urlnary Oum]laluts, eared by "Buchu-raaw. ilColor Your Butter. Farmers ihat try lo stil whit butter are of the i pmion that dairying does not pay. lf thev would use Vcll, Rit hard son & Co. 's ImproveJ Butler Color, and rtLirket thtir botter in perfect condiüon, Ihty would till Kt goo' pricea, bul it wil) not pay to make any bul the best in color and quality. Thi color is used by all the leíic'.jng creamüries and dairymen, and isscld by druggtsts and merebaat Kon DY6PEPSIA. ujuiiiJLUliOii, üapioMon 01 spirits lüd general debilUy, in iheir variou ionns: also as o ireventlve agalnst fever and :Lue and othcr Ínternittent f e vers, the "I-'erro-I-T.o&phoraled Blis :allaayn" njade by Caawett Hazards Co., New York. md sold by all Druggists, ís tlie best tonfc; and for patients recoverlng irom fever orotherslckness, 1: las no equal. __ Public Notlce. Koiice U hereby giren ihat a contract has tlila day been raade betwèen Ihc Board of Inspectora of the Michigan State Prisou nud Detroit Huuse of Corree[fou for thfi confinemeüt and inaiutcnance In sa ld House of Coi i eet ion of all females convlcted and Ben tunced underfiectioüs9tó3.Ct!;CiüudííbCy Howcll'a Ad"" DWIGHTUMUTH. Clialiman Board of Siste Pnfionlnspectors. VM. J. CHITTENDE1Í Ctaalrman Board oí Inspectora, Dctrjlt llottse uf Uürrection. May IX JES3. If alllicted with sore ever, use Dr. Isaac Thompson-s Eye Water. Druggists aell it. 25c. The new comblnat:on of Smart Weed and Belladonna, as u;ed in Carter's Backaehe Piasters Ij us proved to be one of the best Üiat could be made. Try one of these popular planters In anv case of weak or lame back, backaehe, rheümatism. neuralgia, soieness of the chest or tangs,' A:e,. and vou wül be surprise:l and pleased oy the prompt relief. In bad cases of chronic dyspepsla, a piaster over the pit of the stomaeh stops the pain at once. Ask for Carters Smart weed and Belladonna Backaehe Piasters. Frice 35 cents. Vlctorla's cbildren all like to attend theaters. 1F YOÖ WANT A íend 15 cents for Dog BttyebS' Giiue, II cngraviiifs. TOlored platc. AsBot-iated Puclera, S7 South Elght Street, PhüadelpUia. Half-rrl Saiirp Expreasly for famlly usc. Onlysold ttflNTAN REMEDÍ OUR ES Rheümatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backaciie, Hcad-che. Tccihache, SoroTIiron,SwollIil5.f;pr:ini.IJl'uie(., l'.iii-a. St!tl. Praat ISiiro. IND ALL OTHKK HODII.Y PAIR AX A1IIKS. Solí! by Oruslitasud llMltH 11 TTTTTlltTt t'iít y Cau a Ui ,:!x Dlrwtlooalo 11 uws THE CHARLES A. VOOEUEK CO. --.f... L V00RUIftC0J Blt!"-f-. . . V. y. :,. W BSSTTONIc! l This medicine, corabining Iron with pure vegetable tonica, qnickly nnd complettly t'ure ííyspcpnitit Indlffertlon, Woakncsm linpureBlol,.HuIniJ!iiCUiiisaudFoverf ■na Neuralgia , , _, ... Itis an un&llini remedy for Diseasesof the Kiilneys umi Llver. It is lnvaluable for Disenscs peculiar to Woraen, a:id all v!io Icml BCdentarjf lives. Itdocs not injnre the teetb, cause licaclsohe.or produce conítlpatlon- othcr Iron medicinado. It enríenos and pnrifies tho'nlood.stimtilatfs the apnetite. niils the asslmilatlon of food, reliivcs Beartbum nnd Belehlny, and strengthens the niusclcs and nervcs. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassltude, Lact of Energy, tc, it has no eqiml. ïf The gennine te above trade mnrk and cros5ed red lines on rapper. Tfeke no othl _ a,;,,.i,l,. I vv CHBMIOt fO.. IUI.TI':oB TUC GPCIT 2TÍ5"S' Drillsthewell nd pumpBout tha I ML uiilAI I ■13 CQtttngB of ttio Drill ac tach jkMiM niAüj. Etiukv. Drives Ihe cuiiic ur drillj vrlIVI I Aliólo under it to Ut it follow. UininOIII I Ml Tettdtho wfü without rcniovinc ntLL L'illLL ■ ! y I toolsl Kuuöcaitiillumariyother iSil I ' istr: Wotüsomako ölUSPSi oNYMAK( 'rwfaskr is cheapest." WSIXE. TUDCCUCDCS1WÍILUI flrsrowerL ' "_ " " O Clorer Billen lsutMltallanuöc2 WriuforVKEK niu.PaapliM ïïl?5SiliS?Ao A Tvto 00., HMWd. (Síír IT WILL PAY TOU TO GO TO DETROIT ■" AND 1IAVE YoUB EXAMINAD AND FITTED WITH BPECTACLE3 OR EYE GLASSES ROEHM &VRIGHTS. LMPOUTER3. J" WTaHR3 AND m TICIANS. HO WOODWARD AVE. I THEY MAKE KO CHARGE FORB TESTIXQ ETES. AIhD SELDOMB FAIL TO GIYE RKUER 1 mehvoto hebimty. Jjoh. M untiuodi i-rt-iSi.ture Hcvaj, WeakneM, ÜruïnKiind fcUformsot iUbllftv in Men f rom early rror. fónorance, vk-e G;-s::rt sscs uiokly cnii Laally i. (ii-i-il rt hv tlio =C!VIALS TREATEVSSNT Ho ilrmïy:'uLj.i -titxï:.] Auitíiicanolei y un inmerlt FREE tt earneftt hmnirerB, timt to toys, r curio Bityx i kor:o. Ij ifl iüutr.ited worlt on )lu'uei of tbe (ion!t-.;'rtiii;ry ftrtinii Umin mul N'crrea (Seak' c.-n'., instelt! )s.)Öivé'st'rBtimoniaU,baAK lOPS MALT BITTERS. It win cure nny ca ot Liver aml Kldncy troubles when jiionerly takeitt It is a perfect renovator and invifcorator. ltcleanses the y" tem of tlie polüonuai bumors that derelop in ï.lver, Kidirey and Urluary diseases, car ryiog uway uoldouous matter and r6 torliig the Blood toa litalthy condition, cnrlchlug it, refreslilns and invlgorating 'I i lid Rini Elody. It provt-nt the growth to Spriosi Illnexs of a DawteroDi Class of Disi'ixiccs that bein in more trivial ailments, ami are too apt to be ceglected as sucli. THOTSiSnS OF OASES of the worst forms of these terriblo diseases have been qulcklf rellBTCd nnd in a short time perfectlv curcd by the use of Hops de Malt Bitters. Do not eet Hops and Itlalt Bi J confounded with inferior preparaiions o. .uilar name. Take Nothlnsr hut Hops Malt Bitters it you want a sure Cure HOPS & MALT BITTERS CO, Detroit, Mich. T.H. EUtCHUAH ftSOSP, Detroit, Mlch.. ?w?1# JAMKSK. DAVIS t (,-. 1 etrolt. Mlcll, J Agent n H READY I 111 111 RELIEF. A CUBE FOH ai.i. NUMMER OOMPLAINTS Atcaspoonfal In tialf a tumblcr of waterwill in a few momenta cure CRAMP8, SPASMS. KOUR STOMACH. .VACSKA. VOMITING. UEAUTIIUIIS NEUVOUSNKSS. 8LÊEPLESSNESS. SICK HEADACUE, D1AKRH&A, DT8ESTEBY. CHOLEKA MORBU8, COLIC, ÏXATULENCT, AVD ALL 1NTEKNAL PAIX8. Tot CHOLERA and evere cases of the foregolng Complainta, see our priuted dlrectiuns. MALARIA IX IX I VAItlOUS FOItXS FETER AND AQVE. There Is not a remedial agent in thls worlcl that wlll cure Fevcr and Agüe and all othsr Malariuus. Blllou, andotlierfevers (akled bv HADWAÏS 1'lLLSj to yuickly as BADWAY'S READY BELIEF. KAIÍWAY 'S IÏEADY BELIEF ISA CURE FOR EVBRY 1'AIN.TOÜTHACHE. HEADACUJS. 8CIATICA, Ll-MUACO. XtXRAI.GlA, BHEUMATI8M, SWÉIX1XG OF THE JOINTS. 8PKAIN& HHU1SES, PAINS IN THE BACK, CHE8T OU UMUS. The appHcatlun of the REAUV RELIEF to the part or pnrts wbere the pain or dliUculty cxlsts wlll altord lDStant oase nnd comfort. __ „„,,___ It W09 the Brst and Is THE OXI.Y PAIS RF.MKDY that Instantly stops the most excruclating pains, allay luñainmatiun. and Cures Congeatlons, whether of the I.utigs, Stomach, Bowels, or otlier glands or organs oy une applicatlon. PRICE, SO CEXT8 per bottlc. Sold by druegist. DR RADWAY's M.SJLPARILLIM RE OLVENT, The Creat Blood Purifier FOB THE CUBE OF CHROXIC DI8EA8B8. Chronlc Rlicuinailsin. ScrofuU, Glandular Swelllng. Hacklnsr, Dry cough. Canceróos Affi-ctlons, Syphültlc ComplaTnts, liletclluï of tlie Lung. Dyspcpsia. Water Brasu, White SwftllñKí1. Tumors. Phnptes, Blotchcs, Eruptluns of the Face. Ulccr, Skin aml Hip Diseases. Mcn-urlRl niseases, Fi'inaleComplalnts, Gout, Dropsy, Rlckets. Salt Rheum. Bronchitis, Oonsumption, Kliney, Bladder, LIvcr Couiplaluts. etc. Dr Radwaifs Sarsaparülan Bcsolvent. A remedy couiposed of Ingrediënt of cxtraordlnary medical prupc-ritlcs, essentlal to purlfy, heal, repair and lnviKorate tbc broken-dowu and wasted body- Qcick. Pleasant, Safk and PtiïMA.xKvr In lts trefttment and cure. SOLD BY ALL DKUGGISTS. One Dollar a bottle. DR. RAUWAY'8 REOULATIXG PILLS, The Great Lieer and Stmnach Remedy. Perfcctly tasteless, clegantly coated. purge, regúlate, purifv. cleanse and strenpthen. Dr. Badwaj'l l'llls, for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Llver, Bowels, Kldncys, Bladder, Scrvouï DUeaaea, Loss of Appctltc. Hendache. Oonstlpatlun. Costlveness, Indlircstion. I)yspt'r.sla,BIllonness, Fevcr. Inflammatlon of tbc Bowels, Piles, ana all dearsnermcnls of the Internal Viseer, l'urely vegetüblc. containing no mercury, nilnerals, or delftterous drugs. Prlce 55 cents per boi. Sold by all drugglsts. BE AD "FALSE AND THUE." Eend a letter stamp to DR RADWAY CO, Na (Varren Strert, 2s'ew York. tyinforniatiou worth housands vlll be sent to you. "ROSS Bá COLLAR PAD __y "f Zic & Leather. NO MORE SOBE NEOKS. It wlll posltlvcly prevent chaling and cure sor Witlicrs. Horsc eau bc worked while cure is perfected. Harpcs makeri win rcf uu i mouey If not "Si "' l"TIS. Madl,on V!i_ ARQUHAR VIBRAÏINQ((SLrArtAÏR. S lWVCS JM3ffffífffiinfBÍPfc-MB- AddfW. Á. B. rAKQL'HAlt Yrk. P. ISgOfliW lk pAGES ÉLIQUB0 GLUE Sfi?aAki:IB.Mf9JS.EfT.EuSHaW2 AmJe:l GOLD MEDAL. LONDON. 13 Vti byMaain t Ilcullin Orïn ainl Piano (V,.. FM"' PÍlo.arCo.Sic. Mf.l nnlv hy the RUSSIA CrMENI'CQ GLOUCE6TER.MASS.toLD evÉRYWHERï ria-Smiplo Tin Can by, 2S& ■Germán Aslüinat ure nevër.Vii4tO8rtve J-B Mvudia'erellriuthie worst Cü4i'BUrcoir:fort- Hableslei;elíectscuroswherea lo burífau. Am R. U.AWARE m Loriliard's Ciimag Plug Wvjr iicj-.i-ing a cd tin frty ; that Lorlllard Sm ituBcLeafflnecut; that LorlUard' lioliïk ni that LorllUird's ÖBuff,ai1 ■ 'i '. V"iHtv cons' ered ? tl XJ I Ï'HlT T E KCANS IMPERIAL TRL'SS Tbls uew trusa lias a snlral spring ana QRADUATED PBBS8UBB; yleld tO i-VOry mOtlon, retalninu the hernia alway. It :"'"■ Wium d iï ml xiuiiT with comfort, hnclosa stamp for Circular. l'dlnhoth Hospital. .urdnusUt. EQA1T8 IMPERIAL TRrsSCO, Box"}iiö Anr Arbor,Mlch. . - -vt i i il u To Introduce BIG OFFSfC. themwe wlll QIVE 4WAÏ 1.11011 Seir-Opcrating Wasblug Machino. If "u waoi one aend ua tour name, P. O. and cxpreMofflcc al once. TUE NA.T1OXAL CO. ffl IEY BTBKST. H. T KiODER'SPASTiLLES.gsrf.S gmgglCigpgmEMBCnarJc&townj Maas. Wpi CCD1DUV TAT7GHT AND 8ITUATIOX8 TtLtunflrnT FUKNISHRD. Circular fre. I VAJLKNTINK ÜKOS., JanesvUlu. Wii._,i W. K. V. D-V-8---31 '!■ AflIIIU Mo-phineHabit C'iii-Ui 10 llPIIBM to,-i,uyli. Xopayti l-':di


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