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A Lady's Perfect Companion. Painless Childbirtli, a new book by Dr. John H. Dye, one of New York's most skillful physicians, shows that pain is not neaessary in Childbirth but results from causes easily understood and overeóme. It clearly provea that any woman may become a mother without suffermg any pain whatever. It also tells how to overeóme and prevent morning siekness, swelled limbs, and all other evils attending pregnancy. It is reliable and highly sndorsed by physicians everywhere as the wife's true private companion. Cut :his out; it will save you great pain, and possibly your hfe. Seud two cent stamp !or descriptive criculars, testimoniáis and confidential letter sent in sealed envelope. Address Frank Thomas & Co Publishers, Baltimore, Maryland. It is claimed by a New York physician that elopemtnts come under the head of liereditary diseases. When you hire a coachman, you should inquire whom his father or mother skipped out with. An end to Bonb Sobaping. - Erïward Shepard, of Harnsburg, 111., says: "Hav ng received so much benefit from Elec ;ric Bitters, I feel it my duty to let suffering humanity know it . Have had a running sore on my leg for eight years; my doctors told me I would have to have ;he bone scraped or leg amputated. I usc-d, instead, three bottles of Eleatric Bitters and seven boxes Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and my leg is now sound and well." Electric Bitters are sold at fifty ;ents a bottle and Bucklen's Árnica ialve at 25c. per box by Eberbach & Son. A fashion paper says "Skeleton bon iets are all the rage." The husband is ;he one who performs the "rage1' act when he is calíed upon to pay a small fortune for the ghost of a hat. Cheer Up ! Help is at Hand. - " I'm afraid I shall have to be taken to i hospital or to the poorhouse. Tve aeen sick bo long that my husband, good and patiënt as he is, can't stand the worry and expense much longer." No, you won't dear wife and mother See what Parker's Tonic will do for you. Plenty of women as badly off as you are, liave been rescued almost from the grave by it. It will build you up, curing all ailments of the stomach, liver and kidneys, and is simple, pleasant and safe. The width of a St. Louis girl's smile s now discussed by the paragraphers. The St. Louis girls say they smile largely because they never read paragraph columns. Bucklen's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bnuses, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rlieum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, OhilblainH, Ooms, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay requirod. It is guaranteed to givu perfect satisfation, or money refunded. Price '25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach &Son. BARRY HOMESTEAD FOR SALE. The R. J. Barry Homestead on Fourth-st., is nowoffered for sale, whole or in part. Centrally located; convenient to the University, Public Schools Markets and the whole city. For abstract of title, terms and other intormation, address C. A. BARRY, Jackson, Mich,, or J. Q, A. Sessions, AnnArbor. Michigan (Tentrai The Jliagara. Falh (Route. TIME TABLE, MAY 24, 1885. All train? run by Ninetieth Meriuian, or Central Standard Time. IHIINCI LAM.. stations. g &L „-o g i g _?_ ?á i ?. í.._i A. M. A. M. P. M P. M. P. M Chicago Lv. 7.20 9.00 4.00 8.4J 9.30 Nilee 11.45 12.15 7.45 11.50 12.55 Decatur 8.30 1.43 Lawton 8.45 a. m. 1.58 Kalamazoo.PM 1.42 9.15 6.45 1.15 8.32 Salesburg 7.03 2.01 2.49 Battle Creek... 2.23 7.31 2.23 3.17 Marshall - 3 07 7.57 3.42 3.40 Albion 3.32 8.20 4.03 A, M Jackeon Ar. 4.30 Jackson Lv. 4.34 4.15 9.15 3.85 4.50 3rassLake 4.53 9.36 5.12 Ohelsea 5.17 9.57 5.33 Dexter 5.33 10.12 5 48 &nn Arbor 5.53 5.30 10.23 4.40 6.07 rpsilanti 6.10 5.45 10.45 4.65 6.23 vVayne June... 6.35 6.05 11.05 5.18 6.45 Springwells.... 7.10 6.35 11.35 5.50 7.20 Detroit „Ar. 7.20 6.45 11.45 6.00 7.30 St. Thomas Ar 11.15 ' 10 20 8.25 Weiland 2.03 122 603 Falls View 1 55 6.32 Niágara Falls 2.31 2 00 ti.37 Susp. Bridge.. 2.40 2 15 6.47 Buffalo Ar 3.35 3 15 7 4q ooino west. . tu . 3! -L ; ! ! stations. a ,LL„■ gL -5 L JS Q QM o HM Lk W H ■ ++W --W A.M. P.M. P.M. A. A.M. A.M. Buffalo L. 6 00 11.30 5 00 11.35 a: m.I r. m Susp. Bridge.. 12.30 12,35 Niágara Falls 12.43 12.53 Falls View p. m. 1.02 St. Thomas... 3 00 4.05 9 20 4.45 Detroit Lv. 7.35 9.05 4.00 7.00 9.10 Springwells.... 7.15 9.15 4.10 7.10 9.20 ufajue June... 8.23 9.43 4.45 7.45 9.46 Ypsilanti 8.53 10 13 5.12 8.07 10.W AunArbor 9.12 10.2S 5.30 8.23 10 20 üextcr .37 5.53 8.44 Chelsoa 8.57 6 07 9.00 9russ Lake 10 37 6.39 10.10 Jackson Ar. 9 25 Jackgon Lv. 11.00 11.42 7.07 11.55 Albion ' 12.S3 8.10 9.58 12.42 Marshall 1.05 8.48 10.38 1.07 Bsttle Oreek.... 1.31 9.22 10.58 1.35 A.M. Qalesbnrg 9.57 11.33 Kalamazoo 1.58 1Ü.30 4.45 12.05 2.33 Lawton... P. M. 5.18 13.45 Decntur 5.35 1.00 Niles 4.00 3.45 6.40 1.4S 4.13 Chicago Ar 8.20 7.10 10.35 6.00 8.0a The New YorkExprtss, a fast train leaves CM 3aLo at 3.30 in the afternoon and makes the fol tnwing stops, Mieh'gan City, 5,17: Niles, 6.13; Kal imazooi-28; Battle Creek, 8.01; Jackson, 9.15 Ann Arbor, 10 U0; Vpsilanti, 10.21; Springwells 11.05; arriving in Detroit at 111.5 P. M. The Chicago Express, a fast train leaves Detroit at 1.00 p m. making the folowing stops: Wayne Junction, 1.S4; Ypsilanti, 1.50; Ann Ar bor, 2.02, Jackson, 3.01, Albion, 3.32; Marshall, 3 48, Battle Creek, 4.0H ; Kalamazoo, 4.38; Niles, 5.48; Michigan City, 6,55; Chicago, 9.00. Sunduy excepted. } Saturday Jt Sunday excepteo tDaily. O. W. Ruoglbs, H.W. HAYES, O. P &.Ï.A.. Ohicaao. Aal. Ann Arbor. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Northern Michigan Itailway. TBKOUGH TIME TABLE. i'aklng effect June 21, 1885. Going North. Going South. 4 I 2 STATIONS. ! I I 3 Ex. Mail Standard Time. Ex. Mail. p. m. a. m. Leave Arrlve a. m. p. m. 500 7:05 Toledo 9:30 5:U( 5 OH 7:14 Mauhatten Junetion 9:26 4 55 5 15 7:23 Alexis Junction '9:16 4:47 5 50 8-16 Mouroo Junction.... 8:42 4:14 BW 880 Dundee 8 30 4:04 610 846 Azalia 8 20 3 54 6 2ti 9 0J Milan 8 06 345 6 SB 9 23 Urania 7 52 1 3 30 648 932 PJttííeld, :.., 74C 3 23 702 950 Ann Arbor!... ;..'..." 7 7 I 3 10 745 1045 South Lyon.... 6 50 2-25 Counections at Toledo"wim 'railroads divergii'tc. At .Manhattan Junction with Wheeling$ LaceBrie R. lt. At Alexis Jnnctiou with M C K. lt. L. S. R'y, andF. fc M. R. R. At Monrot Junction with L. S. & M. S. R'y. At Dundee with L. 3. & M. S., and M. & O. At Milan with W., St. D. & P. R'y. At Pittsfleld with L. S. & M. S. R'y., and at South Lyon with Detroit, Lansing & Northern R. R., and G. T. R'y. H. W. ASHLEY, W. H. BENNETT, Oen. Superintendent. Uen. Passenger Agt. GRAND; TRUNK RAILWAY INCLUDING THE GREAT WESTERN DIVISIÓN. The Niágara Falla Short Line. Pullman and Wagner sleepitig Cars and Elegant New Dining Cars on all Express Trains east and west. All trains arrive at and depart frorn Brush-st. depc t on Central Standard time, which is 28 minutes slower than Detroit city time. Main line train via Port Huron. DEPOT FOPT OF BRTJSH STREET. Leave at Arrive at Toronto, Montreal and East 8 00 am 9 '5 am Buffalo 800am 5 05 pm Port Huron Express 4 20 pm 5 05 pm Toronto, Montreal and East. $11 00 pm +9 35 pm Buffalo Fast Express 12 00 pm 0 3E pm Great Western División, Depot Foot of Brush Street. Leave at Arrive at Atlantic Express 6 35 am S8 35 am Express 12 05 noon 83 20 pm London Express 5 30 pm 8 50 pm For tickets and intormatlon apply to General Ticket Office. 169 Jefferson avenue, corner Woodward, or at Depot Ticket Office, foot of Brush street, Daily. 'Except Sunday. J HICKSON, General Manager. WM. ROBINSON, Mich. & 8. W. Pass. Agt., Detroit. Gilbbrt Bliss Pass & Ticket Agt., Ann Arbor. LOOK OU fl Gentlemen can Save Twenty-Five per cent. by having tbeir CMllilll He ! FRED EHNIS Who has opened a Tailor SIbLO-p I Over Reynold's Store, Ann st., Next door to J. D. Stimion's grocery. No slop work, but everything made in a workman-like marnier A Perfect Fit is Cuaranteed. FRED. EHNIS, Ann Arbor, Micli. jBF I II MACKINAC. The Most Do] ielitful 8UMIVIER TOUR Palaoo Steamerg. Low Hat8. Iour Trips per Week Botween DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Hvery Week Day Betweea DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Wrlte for our " Picturesque Mackinac," lllustrated. Contuina Pull Fartioulara. MaUed Free. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. D. Whitcomb, Oen. Pass. Ast., DETROIT. MICH. I? Anal Aiiüoimcemenl ! Now ís the time of year that people are looklnK for iBIG BARGAINS ! ín goods. I will say that for the next thirty days I will make panta and suits lower than ever they were made bef ore in this city, and persona can not put their money to better use than to come right in now and leave their orders. lam reduclng my summer stock, which sball be very low, and I am also receiving large invoiees of Fall and Winter Patterns of all the Leading and Nobby Styles, whieh I shall put up at wonderfully low prices. Now come andsee me, and you will not lie dis appointed. A perfect flt guaranteed or money cheerl'ully refunded. Remember the place St. James Block, W. Huron St., next door to Luwis & Oibson's Photograph Gallery. W. C. BURCHFIELD. IToir? S"CLga,:r?s That are Strictly Pure, FOR COFFEES That are Perfeci in Flavor, FOR GROUND SPICES That are not Adulterated,! "or Toets That Never Turn Red and SALT BY THE BARREl ! -GO TOJL D. Stimson ANN ARBOR, MICH.


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