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Household Hints

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üour eggs, four cups of llour, four cups of riiilk, sni:il! piece of butter, piuch of salt. Bake in gein paus aml servo with sauce. FKITTERS. Throe eggs, one and :i I:ilf cupfuls of niilk, tlireo teaspoonfuls of baking powder, flour to ïuake a balter. l'ry in hot lard. CHIPOLATA. Slice an onion and fry it brown in a tablespoonful of butter; pour in two cupfuls of cold beef soup, udd a sprijr of parsley, salt and pepper. Whon it boils thickcn with a littlo flour and water; wben roady to serve pour over buttered toast. CUSTAKI) l'LÜDING. One and oue-half pints milk, four eggs, one cupful sugar, two leaspoonfuls vanilla. Heat eggs and sugar together, diluto with inük and extract, pour into buttered pudding dish, set in oven in dripping pan two-thirds full of water, and bako uutil lirm, about forty minutes in moderate tfven. STEWEDLAMJJ. Take the neck or brest, cut into small pieces, and put in a stevv pan with somo thinly sliced salt pork, and enough water to cover it; cover closely and stew until tender, skim off all the scum, and add a quart of green pees, auding more water if necessary; when the peas are tender, season with pepper and butter rolled with llour. KOLLS. Two quaits of flour, one pint of cold bolled milk, oue-half cup of yeast, one-half cup of sugar, one tablespoonfnl of molted butter. Mako a well ín the middle of tho Uour, pour in all the abore, and lot riso over iiight ; knead and lot rise uutil tho middle of the af turn jou; roll out, cut theui about tlic cdges, lap over, let rise again and bake in a hot oven tweuty minutes. GKEKN' PEA SODP. Put two quarts green peas with four quarts water, boíl two hours, keepinir steam waste supplied by fresh boiling water; strain them from liquor, return that to pot, rub the peas through sieve chop an onion lino, and smail pigment, let boíl ten minutes, stir a tablespoonful Üour into two of butter, add pepper and salt to tasto, stir smoothly ïuto boiliug soup. Serve with wel] buttered sippets of toasted bread. MEKINGÜE KICE PUDDING. Take a teacupful ot rice to one pint of water; when the rico is boiled dry add one pint of milk, a pieco of butter the sizo of au egg and tive eggs. Beat the volks and grated rind of a lomon and mix with the rice. Butter the dish, pour in the mixture and bake lightly. Beat the whites to a stiff froth; add a cup of sugar and the juiue of a lemon. When the pudding s nearly done spread on the frosiing and bake in a slow oven till tho top is a light brown. MEAL PUDDING. Take three tablespoonfuls of Indian meal and ono tablespoonful of wheat üour and mix evenly in twothirds of a cupful of cold milk, add this with salt and two well-beateu eggs to oue quart of boiling milk, coou twenty iniifutes briskly, then pour it into a buttered baking dish and bake one hour. lnvariably keep a baked puddiug covcred, until about fifteen minutes before it is readv to come out of the oven, then remove cover and brown it slischtly. pook man's pudding. One-half cupful of chopped suet, onehalf cupful of seeded raisins, one-half cupful of currants washod and picked, one and a half cupfuls of grated bread, one cupful of Üour, one toaspoonful of baking powder, one-half cupful of brown sugar and oue pint of milk. Mix all well together, put into a wellgreased mold, sot in a saueepan with boiling water to reach half up the sides of the mold; steam for two hours; turn out on the dish carcfully; serve with butter and sugar. ROAST BEEF. Put beef in a dripping pan; pour cup of boiling water over it. Rub a little salt into fat parts; roast ten minutes for every pound. Bake soon as juiee begins to üovv. If meat haa much fat on top cover fatty portion with paste made of Üour and water. Whon nearly done remove this, dredge beef with flour, baste well with gravv. Sprinkle salt over top and serve. Poür fat from irravy, return to fire, thicken with browned gravy, season and boll up once. Koast most nll other meats in same way. FRIES SCAI-LOPS. Drain two dozen scallopscarefully, and after seasonitiir t.hem with salt and pepper, roll thciu lightly m lino bread crumbs. Beat two eggs in a soup píate, with a spoon or fork, and after dipping the soallops in the egg, roll them in a quantity of crumbs and lay them on a largo plattor. Be careful that they do not touch each other. When all have been breaded, place in the frying basket as rnauy as can bo accommodated on the bottom and plunge into boiling lal. Care should be taken that the tish are thoruughly seasoned with salt previous to the breading, and that the fat is so hot that blue smoke rises from the center. BUN. One quart of bread sponge, three pounds of llour, three-quarters of a pound of butter, one pound of sngar and milk as roquirod. Into a pint of water stir enough flour to make a smooth batter, add ne arly a pint of yeast, cover, set in a warm place and let rise. Creain the butter and sugar together, rub the flour in by handfulü, work smooth, add tho spongo and milk enough to mako a soft dougli, ktiead well and set to rise over nigut. In tho morning kuead it liglitly and roll into sheets half an inch thick, cut into small round cakes and put in a buttered tin to rise. When liarht bake in a quick ovon. When dono wash over with the yolk of an egg and dust with powdered sugar.


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