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"crossest Man In Alabama

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"Do crosscst man Id Alabama lives dar," said iho driver as we appruached a way-side home near ï.eloaa, Ala., to ask aceommodations for the night. At supper, and aftor t "mino host1' scowled at t-verv one, foaud fanlt with every thing earthly, and i was w ndering if ho would notgrowl if thehearenly líalo didn't lit him, when incidontal mention being made of the cornet of 1882, he said:"I didn't like its form.üs tail shoiüd have been fan shapod!" But, next morniug, he appeared halfnffendcd at our oftvring pay for hi ■ hospitality! My eompanion, howcvcr, made him accept as a present a sample from bis caso of goods. Six weeks later I dr :w up at the same house. Tho planter stepped lithely from the porch, and reetod me corflially. I could scarcely bolieve that tliis dear coinplexionc1, bright-eyed, animated fel ow. and the moróse being of a f e w weeks baok, wore the same. He inquir. d af ter my eompanion of tho former visit and regretted he was not with me. "yes" said lü.s wife, "we are both much iudebtcd to him." "How?" J asked, in surprise. "For this wonderful ohaoge in my husband. Your fiiend when leaving handed him a ottlo oí Warner's safa cure. Ho took it, and two other bottles, and now - " "Andnow," lic broke in, "fi'om an ill-feeiing, growling old bear, I am calthy ;ind so heerful mv wife declares she has billen in love witn me again!" It has made over a thousand love matches, and keeps sweet the tempers of the ainilv eircles evcvwhere. -


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat