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Aclmlrers of the G. O. M. wlll be glad to Leur that he is in no Imm díate danger oí coming to want. It is sald that h bas an annual Income of Í25.030 from liis Hawardeo estáte and Is the patrón of four ehuroh livlngs, oae of which. worth $12,XW, is held by hia son. Henry Schoenhals, foretnan Henrv Krug l'acking Co.. St. Joseph, Mo. uses'Dr. Thomas' EcleotrioOii with his men for sprains, luís, bruise?, chapped hands, e o. It is tho best. Blindness has como upon the poet Philip Bourke Margton. Tue Secuet Art of Beauty lies not in cosmetica, butis otily in pure blood, and a healtby performance of the vital functions, to bo obtained by using Bur doek Blood Bitters. Prairie chlckens aro nearly as thlckas flles In Iowa. For Riikumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Champ and Colic there is no remody superior to the genuino Dr. Thomas' Eoleotrio Oil. Wonnen are a great snecess asdentlsUlu Gcrmany. Erysipelas and Salt Kheum was driv n entirelv away from Mrs. J. O. Ander on, Pc htigo, Wis by Burdock Blood Bitters. No cqual as a Blood pu ifier. Cornell university owns 240 acres ot ground. __ Hay Fever is a type of catarrh haring peculiar svmptoms. It is attended by an iniiamed condltiou of the Uning membrane of the nostril.s, tear-dnete and tkroat affocting the lungs. An aciid mucus is secreted, the dischajge is cccompa:;ie 1 v.ith a bnrnlag sna tion. Th. re are severe spams of Bneezlng, frequent atiacks of headaehe, watery a:id iiiflamed ejes. Kly's Creatn Balín is a rernedj lounded on a correct diagnosis of tlrs ciscase and can be d' p nded upen. 50 cis. at dru?'_'Í3ts or by mail. Sjnd for circular. Ely iiros. Drugg.sts, Chvego, N. Y. Card swindlers infest eastern watering places. Fob seveiial years I have snffored Kreatly from periodiral returns of Hay Fever. At the suggestion of Covebt : Cbbbveb, Druggisto, I obtained Ely 's Crcam Ualm au. i used a portion of it during a severe attack. I can ctíeerfully testlfy aa to fue immcdiatc and continue! relief obtafned bv lts tise. I heartilv recommend it to those'suilerioi; from this or kindred compiaints. (Rev.) H. A. SMITH, Clinton, Wis. The pope has the dyspepsla. An alligator Btrayed i; into Long Island 8ouad and was enu-,lit rcccntly. Tomatoes are now grown in TurUIsh gardens under the name of reu cggs. San Antonio has a newly organúed crematlon society with 163 Stockfiolders. Ex-President Arthur is making a big record this scason as a tisherman. Charleston, W. Va.,rejoicesinthedl8covery, ncar the c.ty, of a vein oi quicksilver. One blast of giant powder in Salt river, Arlzona, knocked out three wagon load of tab. EIghty degrees is about the rlght tempera ture, when you want to make your horse trot fast. Memphis docsn't conslder anything under 100 degrees In the shade uneomfortably warm. Tbe Sunday clostns law is made to apply to barbers in Philadelphia and it is said to work well. A doctor down east Bays U's rlsky. as well ae DBdlgnifled, for auy man over 40 years af ag to run. An Iowa girl trled to change the color of her eves, and, as a result, made herself hopslessly blind. The question of tbe liour is- what knocked out the roller rinks I Was It public opinión or the weather! More than a Millicn. New Oblbans, La.- A reporter of the l'tines-Democrat, vho recentlv ioinpleted a tour of this and neighboring States, vi iticg every city, town and hamlet, states that he interviewed alt the wholesale and retnil druggists and storekeepers, as well as transportation ompanies, with a view o' learning tho volume o trade in certain articles. The statistics thus gathered show that during the past two years over ne million two hundrcl thou.and bottlos of 5t. Jacobs Üil were sold in this section alone and that this qaantity largely ex eeds tho total combinad sales of all othor similar remedies during that period. He addd that dealers, as well as the public, contnuo unanimoKS in their praise of tho wonderful pain-enrine powers of this unapp oached remedial agent. The duke of Cumberland Is conspicuous for hls hatred of Germans. 'EOUOH ON CATARBH." Correct offeaslvc otlors ut once. Complete cure of worst cascvilso une'iimled as gargle for Dlplithcrla. Sore Throat. i'oul brcatli. au;. There are io white servants at the White House. THE HOPE OF THE NATI0N. Chlldren, slow [d favelopmeac, puny, scrawny and : delicate, uao "Weil'B IJcatEh Rcacwcr. Parisian belles now carry pistols. CATARRH OF THE BLADDERT SUnclntf, Irrlltitloa, in(lain:n:illo:i, al! Ktdney and Urlnary OomplalDta. cured by "iïuciiu-l'aiba." 91. Prooi of ths Pudding Is In the cstlDg; and proof oí the excellence of a medicine Is lts acccptnnce by the public. Ask your drugglst, or almost miy one, and they wlll teil you that the nierlt of Uood's Sarsaparllla, whcre It bas . leen iutroduced, has caused It to rldo 1IOUG1I-&U0D over all compctltois Into the vcry lieart of public con. fldence, andto-day It has a record of success and of i ures uncqualled by any other medicine. "I was ffcnerally run down, had no appetlte, and telt the need of a good tonlc. I havo taken othcr medicines, but never uaed any that dld me so much good as Uood's Sarsaporllla. I now have a good ap. petlte and feel renewed all over, ara better than I have been for yeai-s." E. II. Kaud, Oswego, N". Y. "I had cataiTli nlne years, and euffcred terrlbly with It. Soon after I began to take Bood's Sarsaparllla the catarrh troubled rae lesa, and after taking three bottle I w.13 entlrcly curcd." Jase Hisey lumberton, Cllatou County, Oblo. Kood's 8lcl by all drugglsts. il; Ixfor3. Prcpared BOOD CO., Apothccarles, Lowell, Mast. IOO Doses One Dollar. fARQÜHAR ViBRATiKS SEPáRATOR. -X - - "O FOR CATALOGUE. yMBIBFf' ' ,tft, _fc Wontlirful Vf',-' B Ciolty. idiMM, 1. v. r aiiqi 111 Vf vork, r. ShsRHBBW Hobbies of Hypfioniet. There wero scveral dozen of the liygienists n conneil, ea h wi'h his individual hobby. Each thought all the others weiv wrong. Kach was sure that his own hobby was the only cor reet one. A gentleman present sa d he had taken Brown's I oa Kitters lordobility and dyspepsia, and, though he didn't want to raakc a fuss about it, he knew the use of this great tonic to be better than al! the notions he had heard ad vaneed in thecouncil. One pra ti al oore is irortb thousandi of guesses and notions. Thouiands o? happy ronvales ents speak grate'ully ot Brown's Iron Bitters. Chicago belles eomplatn that thelr pet pues are stolen by Chlaamen. Pu dogs roasted are 6ald to be roo 1 eatlng. Therc is one hotel flag at Atlantic Citv 80 supported by wiroi that it al u-u looks as if it were beiug blovvu outwatvl by the breezc. PATEWTSoWainc.lbyT,onisBai;s(r&Co.,Attorueys, Waíhingtoti.D.C, Esl'd 1SC1. Advioe fre. A BosLou in.iii '' v fci'.uul a small ena'te in a bunch oí bananas. Ho promptly pave the bauamw to a small boy. F.very nei ■ . u should try Carter's Llttle NERVE Pilis. Ttxej aro made specially Tor neiTous auJ drspeptic men and womea, ond are ju t the móaiclue necd"d bj all persons ivho, from aaj c mac, do uot sleep well, orwno fail to get proper etrength from thrli iood. m weak Btomacb, indigestión, dvspepsia, ucrvoua and siek headacbe, Jfcc, readily yield to the use oí the Littla N'ervc Pilis, particularly If combined wlth Carter'í Littie Liver Pilis. Iu vlals ut 25 cento. The;1 CodLIver 0!l la th? world, maDaftictured from rretb, licnïi hy nvcrs, up "ii i hj eea-síutrí'. it la abH;jlutcly pure and sweet. I'atlcnts who have unce taken it pretei-it to a!l others. Physlclani have dedded ir stuierTor to Rny oithc otheroüa In market. Made by Caswell Xí.akd, & Co., New York. Cnapped XaodB. Face. Pimples, and Rongh Skin, curodby uslnifJiuilperTnr Soop, maCe by Caswill, Xazard & Ou.. New Yui k. Malford Salida Exprcsslyforfaraily nse. Onlysold Red Star trad e)7 mark: Freo from Opiatas, VmetUs and l'oisons. A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE For CoukIi, Sore Throat, nuarsenci-i, Influenza, CoW. líronohltl, Ci-oup, Wbopl:iS OouBh, Altbma, Qansy, Peins In Chi'it. aaoiaiu ffoctlons of tho TUront n'i l.unES. ïnTjntrtlt unahtt t induce c. tmnWj „ft;: i reaütn treo boittetxgrtn caurgtt vuuL bu sendinn one dollar to -KKS CH.IKI.E8 A. YOr.ElW COtrltt, W BEST TÖMÏC. S This medicine, combining Iron with pure Vegetable tonics, quic.kly nnd pompletely Curca Dygpepsin, Iixücc-Kiloiii Wcnkness, Impuro Iiloul,.Unl:triu,'iiii:! and Fuvri'B, and Nciiralaia. Itisan unfalliiiR remedy for Diseases of tho Kiilneys nnd l.iver. It is inva'.uable for Diseases peculiar to TVomen, atid all who lead sedentary Uves. It does not r.jnre the teeth, canse headache.or produce constipation - othfr Irnn medicines do. It curiches nnd rmrifies theblood.stiroulates tho appetite. ai!3 tiio asslmilation of food, relieves Heartburn and Btlching, and streiigthens the muscles and nerve& For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lackof Enerpy, Lc., it has no cqual. tSF The genuine bas bove trade mark and crossed red linea on rapper. Take no othcr. ■nUonlTbT BRO CHEilK'AL CO.. BH.TUlftRr ■ _.._.___. HAY FEVER O Aa A E9E?U 5Iv brothcr Mvron and t#%5r%rïllOmJT8''lf wcle 1)nt1 cured2gp28aS""!H ' ' a" appearances, ol MWyC l VStBgCatarrh and Hay-Fever XrCRCkij i BMÏA'ast July and August. WQAT rciSrOVluP t0 t"'8 Desii, R54J'Xj5tSjllneit!!er have hadany reB3e'fltoi'' Dlturn ' ttlese trounles. PHAVrCUTDMlfj ajilFlv's Crcam Balm was lt"l&gSMtó: medkiDe used. ri ""iiyffllOAümcL Fehris. SpenW eer' Tioga Co-' Y fcCisaCream Balm HBa'PtW V.t&-linL ga'.ned an envlable repBbs'&' mï ïiitjitioii wbcrever known, - J(il;:' !m:ing all other preparaII Af A partlclo I applied Hfll ""t S" WB1 Klnto each noetrll; no patn; HfTI I lm V klBagrecableto use. Prlce 50e. bv mail or at drazguts. Send for circular. ELT BKOTHKE8, Drugglatt, Owego. X. T. MALT BITTERS, If you wlsh a rrrtaln cnre for all Blood diseases. NoDiing was ever inventad that wiii cleane the Blood and purify tlie System equal to Hops anti M.4I.Í Bitters. It tone up the Syitem, puts new Blood in your veins, restores your lost appetite and sleep, and briugs vou pei'fctt líealíH. It never rails to sivo reiiet in all cases oí Kidney or I,lver Troulilcn, Mlllouanesa, Iudli;elloii, OonstipatioD, Blek Headacie, Dys popla4 Nerveus disorders, and all Femalo Cont jtlaliiiK ; irhaa properly taken it ia a sure cure, n Thoosands havo Iwen boiieflted by it in this and other Western St.ites. It in the bet Combination of Vegetable remedies as yet diecovered for tho restorntion to health of the Woakaiid DeblIJtated. Donotget lilops and m.iï1' ïSKters eonfounded wlth inferior preiiaiations of Blmilar name. I prescribo Hops & Malt Kittsrs rctr.iiai-lv in my practice. Robert Turner, M. D., Flat Bock, Mich. For salo by all drugsists. KOPS & HALT BITTERS CO, Detroit, Hich. T.H. HIN-CHMAX 8ON8. Detroit. Midi.. ', U 'V" JjJtg B. DAVJB CO UeiroiUMlch, Ja HALLJ Is Recommended by Piiysiclansl S1OOSBffAffMB8PI Womnufa:ture and collittrith.". positivo guaranteo that i'. wfSl curo any case and wewill forfeit the abote saiouat if it faiisia a singue iristanco. It'9 uniike " -Unr Catan h remcay, at HU taken internaüy, actlng upon tho blOOd it JOU ari trouhludrilU this ai!treMin; disease.asl: yourlri!(rs3tforit,and ACCEPT KO IUITATIOJ OE SDB0TIÏÜT3. If h bas not got it, eend to ut an J wo will forwaxd j Immeüiatoly. I'rice, 75 conis per bottle. F. M'HSTNeV T:r -'-lo Obfn. i IT Wíí.L PA Y TOU DETROIT AND HAVE YOÜR EXAMINED AND FITTE!) WITH SPECTACLE3 OR EYE GLASSE8 BOSTITiI &VRIGHT'S, IMPORTEKS, JEWKLERS AKD m TICIANS. 140 WOODWARD AVE. I THE Y MAKE NO CHARGE FORl DOES CiAP WONDERFUL YVUti CURES OF ll KJDMF.YDISEASES (J) AND (j LtVER COMPLAINTS, 5 Btrame it act on th I.ITfclt, ROWELS ui KIDSETS t Uto amg time. BectmM it eleauies Cie systetn of cim buroorc t2xat dovolope xa Kidusy and tJrinary Diserte), liiliousnoM, Jmitküc, Coa' Uon, J?il, or la E.-.ooiatiin, I.'eurslxla, HerTOUSliisordcns and all Fema'.e Cornplaiatt. ty-SOLID PROOF OS 7II18. rr wtLiTiroSTr era CONSTIPATEOK, PILES, and RHEUMATiem, By oaualas FEEE AC7I0K of nU tb creta and functiona, thereby CLEANSSftC the LOOD restoring tlio noraal power to throw off álMOtae. TM0U8ANDS OF CASES of Oio Tvertt forras of theso terrible disouaa naTO been quicltiy roüoved. r.nd ia a short Ujco Pi-RFECTLY CUflEO. PSICE, $!. MljCIl) CK DUT, ÏOI.D Bï D2VCCIST3. Dry can l:o ecat by jaail. WüliTfl, B.K:ajJSX3011 ÍS Co., Burllneton.Tt. 3 ücud sünp :ur Dtory Alsicas ír 1SS. -♦ tíZSm VEGETABLE COMPOiJfiD W -QJ 13 A rOSITIVE CX'RE WOR 2íí3 k1h1 WeakneKKr fo commaa4 y FEMALE POPL'LITIOJI. # Frico 91 ia Itqnld, ytU er Lcmt tom. TtB purpone ia êolcly Ar 'ft UfMmatt keaHmQ #i diaeosc and the relief of pnln, od ÍAÍ J o a i caima Lo Ïö, Uunuaa&a of ladtes can gladly ttrttff. ■ It wlJl cure cnürcly oil Ovarían iroublcs JaflAurtattlon and Dloeratlos, Fuliing and IlvpUtOwaeatB, ni consequent Spiual Wcakness and if pftrticubu'lj attapted ly tTï j thaiige of Ufe. ♦# It reraovo 4 Kftiiitii-.s.:, Ha turner, dertroys all craTtnj for aUmulantH, anJ rolifiTi ; Weftfesési oí the StonMrÍL It cure Bloatlug, Hadache, Kerrirai Prot-trat, Qneral Debiiltr, :'knplcij ncTijl f;u tri mi ana Ind getinn. )i:.t (oelintf of bsaring dvci. causiiif painf anti bacür..rmai'-oncti i-ircd bv t n. Serni stamp lo hjan, Mas., forpjtlet. Lettrito laqulrywui:. -'-:reL Frsaleatdrffnin. Tnvalnablo in Sickness. Inall caseaofdyRcntei'7orany bowol complalnti, Rldpre'8 Koud shoulq l-t aaopted -ib the d'rtettc. 't Is nenectly s.ifc, licing ncuirm lu lis actlon tjon taf buweU, ard is cisll; asiinilnted. Moreovcr, It WÍU be retalued wheic every lüing clac f IJ. Is CHKAP, STKONO, cn? to opply, doe not niM or mttlc. I l5o A SUBSTITCTE IOR PJLA6TER, at UtUt the Conit ootlosis the bnïidinif. CAKPETS ANU KÜÍJ8 oí same, doabic the tve&rof oil clotbs. Csï-3ocub and camploa. W. H.KAY tfc COoCamdco, N.J. Farmïng Land For Sale Cheap. Twelve tbonsantl acies of fannlnj land In ülartwlq County, Michigan. Oood sll. üood water. Hnd oue ol the muat healthy countli's 1i ttn state. Forpautculars lnqulre oí Euffenc Fostcr, aguut at Gladwln tbfl Couuty Set of GFudwIn County, or of BUTMAX Í KUST, SaKlnitvr City, Mlcli, Plat iumlsheü on pücatlon. C'fhe Oidcst Medicine íd the World is prohably Dr. ISAAC THOMPSON'S 1 elebrated Eye Waten This artlcla la oaxofully preparod physlclao'f firescription. and lias been In constan, use for nor y a century, :ntl n-)twitlist..ndinif tia mm y otbet prepamtions that havo bon Intrmluoed Into th marltot. the naio :;I tin? article is con man tl y iucreaaIng. If the á.i'icüona are iollowöü it will uever ftL We part Iculitr! y 'nvitü b attontton of physi&anj to 31 John L. Thompson, Song. & Co. . Troy. N Y ?6flnsylïaaia Agncultural Wcrks, Tcrk, Pa. miUif! S' Staaiird Eifitd k Sjt Uil iiddSl ,ï. ;■.".',. -'iísirvíoffít. Pa. K& SWÏEWiiT' ■RfiQ0n vin b pitJ fr mtj Vrmtu Fn ;mCHHHIBLS af ma "zt 1 ■ fU êSBrJ haf M OIUCL (.[UI f iM AflWllKrja T.roi".. MIU hk vult. UXHwf n9 ir "hloh wa Sr ktsy Clrilf r NEWARXIMCHINECO IF PAGES LIQUI0 OLUE_l : IíiiMdbytbonjíndJoffintelaiJdttnuriicinrcrj CjjrV tnd Mechmict en thclr be! work. 1' -eivwl rgj.jf GOLD MEDAL.lxir.dr.n.'Rl. i'ronouiict'l .■■ ..■ .■'.! ,""1 lt,ri:hllví 2c ittmpííor SAMPLE CAN rpCC [tJSTOli Rossia Cement C.,GIoaeesttr.Mass. LShLüia3 KEW EliGLASTD CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Boston, Has)., OLDKST In America; Largest and Bint Uquippedmilic WOU '.-! - 100 Jnstriictors, 197 L Student last yenr. Thorougll lnstructimi In Vocal and lnstrunien;;il -Musir, l'iano and Organ Tunïnjr. Fine Arts, Oratorv, Litrature, Frcnch, Germán, lid Itallan Lancnnpri-s'. Kiisiil' Branche, (ymnasiku, etc. Tultlon, SS ti S-: bosrd am'. n t, i a lo Ï7 pfrterm. Fsll Term ueglns ScptenbcrlO, IS, ror lllustratM ('tii'iii'.ir. liivinx full Information, nilctrrss, E. TOUKJKE.Oi q., UOSTOJ, Uatf (SÑSFH eiLLOTTS STEEL PENS SoidBy ALL DEALERSThrouchoutThe WORLD GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXP0SITION-ia7B. #R. U. AWARE THAT Lorillard's Oiimas Ping „ a -! tintair, that Lorniard" Uuko l.enf fino ent; Lorillari NavT li?piHK md H's Snaflfc'1 :iü.l clie;:piv'.. uilUty conüderoa ? 430 LADY AGEKTS SÏÜS3 C-vttTSÍ!, oiuiiloyroent aisd good lrj Tvrjilji. Vtiltm M;-fiii:tSu]nrtorH.3aaii! B'liJ-i rutlit Irro. Aderes C.urin'rttl 2J- Suspender Co., Cincinuati, O. SAI niCBC NKW I.A1V; OfUcar1 pt trom Fonslon :id Increasc: Ppt-.laioe vi viitl', fuccias.T uo.'e. Wrltc f..r tnd :, A. W. MoOÜRJIICli SON, CiaclüMU, Olll. ■HBnMBjRagB92E3B8B8BB Rere rel Ier i omrry I 3ER'8 PflST{LLE8,oTa.caisS jyjBmlMUKgw- BCairiasIown. Mau. w: N. V. P- 3- 32 AnBIIBS Mo'pli))-. ITnblt Curedln 10 BlPli Sil toüoday. NoyllUCurpa. UriUNI Db. J. BTtrax =. XcWon, Oblo.


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