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Around A Great State

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The annual meeting of the American Porno logical Society is to be held in Grand Rapids, Sept. 9 to 11. The meeting will be held in the Uiiiversalist chiirch,and the display of fruit will be made iu the Valley City artillery armory. Statie displays will be made by Missouri, California and Arkansas, and novelties will bc shown from Arkansas, Nebraska and Iowa. Twenty of the 28 Michigan hortieultural societlés will be represented. Gov. Alger has appointed E. H. Scottof Ann Arbor, a uommittee of one to have charge of fhe disbursèmeut of the $1,000 appropriated by the leglslaturo to procure the exhibit. The venerable president of the society, Marshall P. Wildor of Boston, will be pres ent. Fruits for exhibition should be sent. charges prepaid, to"Charli-s W.Öarfleld, for thé '(American Society.'1 and exhibitors should give early notice stating the space they áesire. Members who intend purchasing tickets on Michigan railroade should apply for blanks and ïnstructions rearmng reuuoeu rates 10 me Becretary, Prof. W. J. Beal, Agricultural College, Michigan. The following Is a Hst of topics to be presented : Discnssion of new fruits, apples, pears, peaehe?, etc., etc.- W. C. Barry of New York, T. S. Hubbard of New York, W. C. Strong of Massachusetts. Proper Nomeaclature of Fruits - J. J. Thomas, of New York, P. Barry, of New York, T. T. Lyons, of Michigan, Robert Manning, of Massachusetls. Nonienclature of Russian Apples- Chas. Gibb, of Quebee. The Strawberry- F. M. Hexamer, of New York. The Causes that Produce Colors in Fruits and thoir Design in Nature - Joseph H. Bourn, of Rbode Island. ii'Influence of Pollen on the SIze, Form, Color ind Flavor of Fruits - C. M. Hovey, of Massachusetts, A. S. Fuller, of New Jersey, Prof. W.R. Lazenby, of Ohio, W. Crawford, of Ohio. American Grapes - T. V. Munson, of Texas, J.B. Moore, of Massachusetts, G.W. Campbell, of Ohio. Sfnall Fruits- Granville Cowlng, of Indiana, C. A. Green, of New York, E. Williams, of New Jersey. Fruits of the Northeast- Dr. T. S. Hoskins, of Vermont. Fruits of the North- D. W. Beadle, of Ontario. Fruits of the Northwest- Peter M. Gideon, of Minnesota; Prof. J. L. Budd, of lowa. Fruits of the South- P. J. Beroltmans, of Georgia ; T. V. Munson, of Texas ; John Saul, of District of Columbia. Fruits of the Pacific Slope- Dr. J. Strentzel, of California. Leasons from the World's Exposition - L. A. loodman, of Missouri ; T. J. Lyon, of Michitan. Relative Value of Fruits for Canning and Drying in comparison of those for Desert and Market- Josiah Hoopes, of Pennsylvania. Insects injuries to fruits and remedies - Prof. Wm. Saunders, of Ontario; Prof C. V. Riley, District of Columbia; Prof. VV. R. Lazenby, öf Ohio. Recent experimenta with injurious fungi or disease of plauts, with remedies - Prof. T. J. íúrtill, of Illinois; Prof. J. C. Arthur, of New Tork ; Dr. C. E. Bessey, of Nebraska. Distant shipment of fruits, packing, and other arranEements to secure success and profit - 'arker Earl, of Illinois; G. C. Bracket, of iansag. The best latitude for leading varieties of apiles lor marketing - W. H. Rágan, of Indiana ; J. E. Brown, of Nova Scotia. The best methods for preventing or protecrion fronfrost- Prof . W. R. Lazehby of ühio ; f. K. Phcenix of Wisconsin. The best methods of exhibiting fruits- R. V. Furnas of Nebraska; Prof. . Tracy of iissouri. Needs and methods for gathering fruit statistics - Hon. W. L. Chamberlain of Ohio. Methods of conducting State and local hortiultural societies - Geo. KJwanger of xew Yprk, L. B. Pierce of Ohio. Hard problems inpomology, with hints lookng towardf improvements-J. J. Thomas of iew York, Prof. J. L. Budd of lowa, Judge G. V. Lawton of Michigan. Injurious Fungi and Diseases of Plants - A opu)ar illustrated lecture on the evening of September 9 - By Dr. C. E. Bessey of Nebraska. Economie Entomology - A popular Iilustrat :d lecture on the eveniiigof September 10 - By 'roí. A. J. Cook of Michigan. The closing exercises on Friday evening, September 11, will consist of many very short, practical taiks. Favored Newspapers. The following is a list of newspapers deslgnated by Ihe Auditor-General to publish list of lands to be offered for sale October 6, 885, for delinquent taxes of 1882 and 1883 and irevious years. County. Name of Paper. Postónica. Jeona Review Ilatrisvile. .llegan Journal & Tribune Allegan. klpena Pioneer Alpena. ntrim . . ..Herald Maneelona. ixenac Independent Omer. araga L. S. Sentinel L'Anse. larry Hastlug lianner Hastings. ay Bay City Tribune Bay City. lenzle Frankfort Express Frankfort. lerrien Xües Republiban Niles. iranch The Courier Coldwater. .'alhoun Albion Kep'blie'n. .Aibion. }ass Vigilant Cusïopolis. harlevoix ..The Statenman Boyne City. Jheboygaru. Northern Tribune. .Chel.o.gan. hippMva . .Newa Sault Sta Marie Jare Register Farwell. Jlinton Republiean St. Johns. awford. ..Avalanchc Grayling. )elta Tbe ironPort Estañaba. Saton Republiean Cl'.arlotte. ïmmet Republiean Harb'r Springs enesee ....Wülverine Citizen. .Flint. ladwiu Record Gludwin. . Traverse Herald Traverse City. ratiot St. Louis Leader.. ..St. Louis. [illsdale ...Standard Hlllsdale. ioughton.. Mining Gazette Houghtón. luron Ilurou Tribune Bad Axe. nghara News Mason. onia lonia Sentinel Ionia. oseo Gazette East Tawas. sabella .... Ti mes Mt. Pleasant. ale Royal (No delinquent tax tandt.) ackson Jackson Citizen. . . .Jackson. alamazoo.Telegraph Kalamazoo .alkaska. . .The Kalkaskian Kalkaska. .ent Lowell Journal Lowell. ieweenaw . Mining Gazette Houghtón. -■ake Chase Eclipse Chase. apeer Lapeer Clarion Lapeer. eelanaw. .Enterprise Leiand. -enawee. . .Times & Expre s Adrián. Jvingston . Republiean Howell. lackmac. .Republiean St.Ignace. laeomb. . .Romeo Obierver Romeo. tlanistee . .Manistee Times Manistee ianitou. . .Petoskey Record Pctoskey. rfarquet.te.Iron Hera'd Negaunee as011 Luiiington Record. . . .Ludington. Mecosta. . .Curreut Big Rapids. Menom neeilerald Menomfnee. lidland. . .Republiean Midland [Usaukee.New Era Lake City donroe .... Commercial Monroe. klontcalm . . Stantou Herald Stanton Montmor'y Index Hlllman. Muskegon. .Chronic'e Musegon Newago .... Republiean Newaygo. Oakland. . . . Pontiac (uzette. . . .PontiaS. Oceana Hart Journal... lUrt Ogemaw. .. .Times West Branch.Ontouagon.. Herald Ontonagon. Osceola Reed City Clarion. .Reed City Oscoda Northern Mail Mio Otsego Herald Gavlord Ottawa.. ..Herald Grand Haven Presque lele A d vanee Roger City Roseoramon News Roscomrnon Sagmaw. . . .Saginaw Herald. . . . Bast Saginaw Sanilae. Jeffersonlan Lexin"ton Schooieraft. Pioneer Manistique Shiawassee..The Times Owosso 6t. Clair. . . .Times pOrt Huron. 8t. Joseph. .Sturgis Journal Sturgis. Tuseola Pioneer V'assar. Van Buren.. Republiean Ueeatur. Washtenaw. Courier Ann Arbor Wayne The Detroit Post. . .Detroit Wexford Pioneer Sherrnan. Hurraa lor Michigan! For the August erop report the secretary of state has received returns frora 1,020 correspondeuts, representing 741 towuships. The weather in harvest time was very favorable. At Lansing the total rainfaK during July amounted to ouly two iiiches. The latter part of the month the drought began to be quite severe, but 6ince August 1 rain has fallen copiously. Wheat and hay have been secured In good condition and are óf superior quality. Esfimates of wheat made August ï, after threshing had eommenced in many parta of the state, show an average per acre in the outhern four tieri of counties of 18) bushels, whieh is nearly a bushei nbovo the July estímate. The August estímate for the northern counties is onc-uuarter of a bushei helow tha July estímate. These figures indícate a total yield in the southern counties oí üá,925,114 bushels, and in the state of 26,407,000 bushels. This exeeeds the July estímate by 1,033,318 bushels. The amount of wheat in laruiers' hands was reduced about 2 per cent. in July. Corn promlses in the southern four tiers of counties 88 per cent. aud in counties north of the southern four tiers, VtZ per cent, the comparison being with the vitality and growth of average years. Oats are estimated to yield about 31 bushels, and barley 25 bushels per acce The yield of hay per acre was perhaps a triüe less in quantity than in 1884. Clover sown this year is badly injured by the drought. Potatoes promise about nine-tenths oí an average erop on an acreage not quite equal to the average. Apples promise about one-half an average erop. _ AgricuJttiral College. The following program wijl be observe during the week of the aunual commencement exercises of the Michigan agricultural college at Lansing. Sunday, Aug. 16 - Bacealaureate sermón, 3 p. m. Monday, Aug. 17 - Society banquet, 8 p. m. Tuesday, Aug. 18 - Military exerclses, 6 p. m. : class-üay exerclses, 8 p. m. AVednesday, Aug. M- Commeueement exercises, 10 a. m. ; President Willits' inaugural address, 8 p. m. ; president's reeeptlon, 8 to 10 rt. m. Thursday, Aug. 20- Alumni day- Literary exercises, 10: 30 a. m.; business meeting, 3 p. m. ; banquet, 8 p. m. Somewhat Salty. The salt inspection in the state during the month of July was as follows : Barrels. Saginaw County 114,213 Bay County 73,788 Huron County 43,916 Ioseo County 33,884 Midland County 5,7J9 Manistee County 43,487 St. Clair County 10,250 Total 325,317 The total inspection for the year up to date is 1,828,223 barrels: for thé eorresponding period of 1884, 1,733,015 barrels. A Health Report. During the week ending Aug. 1, dlphtheria was reported at Detroit, Flint, Ithiea, Jackson, Kalainazoo, Mackinac, Muskegon, North Star township, Mt. Clemena, Morley, Oxford, Robinson township, Rose Lake township, East Tawas and Hart; scarlet fever at Charlevoix, Dundee, Detroit, Ithaca, Monroe, New Baltiraore, Snerwood township, Owosso, Riehmond, South Haven, Bay City and Romeo ; measles at Houghton und lvalamazoo, and typhoid fever at llumboldt, Houghton township, Jackson, L'Anse township, Monroe, Reading, Hart and Ionia. Snspects Arrested. Marsh Barker and wife, suspected of the murder of Harvey Keith of Bloomingdale, Van Buren county, have teen arrested. Great excitement exists in Bloomingdale and vicinity. MINOR STATE HAPPENINGS. The Detroit annual conference raeets in Pontiac, Sept. 10-17. Wm, Rice, one of the mO3t highly respected business men of Ionia, diei this mornlng of typhoid fever. Chester McDonald, who is charged with passing a forged order for $20 at Shelbyville lias Leen captured and jailed at Allegan. Hon. Henry G. Reynolds of Old MissionTraverse county, has been chosen secrctary of the state board of agricultura, vice A. G. Beard deceased. Detroit capltalists have bought all the available land in the southern portion of Royal Oak, the lowest price paid being $100 per acre. Their object is notknown. The annual eneampment of soldiers and sallors of Central Michigan was held at Greenville on the 6th and 7th iust. The next eneampment will be held in Owosso. For ten years past Allegan's death rate has been five and one-half to seven per 1,000 inhabitants, as certifled to by Drs. F. M. Calkins, W. H. Bills, E. Amsden and H. F. Thoas. Jerry McCarthy, a brakeman on the Salt river grading, wasfound deadnearjthe track of the Detroit, Lansing & Northern railroan nar Alma. He was intoxicated when last sen alive. The reunión of the agrieultural college alumni occurs Thursday, August 20. A laree number are expected to be present. Reduced ratesmay be obiained through the alumni eecretary. A daughter of John Beals of Willmington, while playing with a grain eradle on her fatkcr's farm, cui a gash nine iuches long in tne calí of her leg. Dr. Rogers was called and elosed the wound with EO stitches.J Th Ionia county court house is nearly completed and is one of the handsomest in the state. The building is of Ionia sandstone and the worlc bas been done in a thoroughly substanthil manner. The court house eost $50, - 000. An elderlv Holland woman nameil DeCottie of tfalarnazoo, eut her throat as she lay in her own bed by the side of her husbsnd. He w os awakened by the strerm of blood. She lived but a short time. Insanity is supposed Ui be the cause. The agjicultural college people are testing the vitality of seeds burfed ín sealed bottles six years ago. The seeds whieh thus far prove to have most vitality are those of common weeds, their percentages being from 90 to 100, while plant seeds did not germinate freely. Luther Beckwith, at one time prosecuting attorney, of Bav eounty, alderman, and for several years past United States commissioner died at his residence ir Bay City the other (.yening, of peritonitis af ter an illness of flve days. He was inarried and leaves a wife and two children. Irael Smith, the Grandville miser, who was brutally outraged and robbed by the thugs, Madden, Jcnnings and Sligh, and for which Mudden and Sligh are now serving time in the Jaekson penitentary, died recently from the effects of the injuries received, Mr. Smith was 76 years old. The second annual reunión of Michigan Bat talion Regiment, Merritt's Horse, will be held at Battle Creek, Sept. 1 and 3, Measures have been taken to secure the attendanee of Col. Lèwis Merritt and to obtain the old regimental colors. J. C. Leiris, secretarv, West Leroy, Mich., will furnish iuformation." While the Cutler house 'bus was being driycn up from tlie Chicago & West Michigan depot, (rand Haven, several bovs got on the back stand on the 'bus. The "driver ordered I thern off and pulled the strap closing the door. While doing so John Mahon's little boy, aged 4, got between the horses and was run over and instantly killed. The englneers have made the first survey of the proposed St. Clair River & Detroit railroad and correeted the same. Tney are uow at work on a map of the section to be crossed by the road, showing the way the railroad will approach the town. It is expected that everythinjj will be in shape to secure the right of way in the course of a few weeks. The government will sue the bondsmen of x-Postmast-r Saylor of East Saginaw, for the nearly $7,000 shortage. The government has also diseovered that George J. Lockly, who was postmaster iu 1876, was guilty of the same Fort of work as is charge! against Gage and 6aylor, and as be is dead, the department is considering the advisabibty of bringing uit sgalnet the estáte for the amount of the shortuge. Albert Carpenter, a;ed 31 years, of the township of Woodstock, Lenawee county, was taken sick about 20 minutes alter his usual breakfast and in little over an hour he was a eorpse. From the history of the case as glven by those present before death as well frorn the healthy condltlon of all vital organs as sliown bv a earcful examination after death, the ! Bicians present were of the uuanimous opinión ! that deceased carne to his deatli from poisoning. A swineing scaffold on the Second street M. E. Churcn tower. Grand Etaplds, whcre men were engamd painting the dial of the clock, gave way the other morning by one of the men Ictting go the ror e James E. Fox and Fred Schurr. painters were precipitated to the ground, a dístance of 70 feet. Fox broke his neck and shoulder and was conveyed to the undertaker's, .'■■clHirr struck on the roof, which broke his fall, and lie. only fracturedone rib, but was uiicouscious for several hours. He now lies in a dangeroua condition. Collector Davis of the Grind Rapids district has had a deputy invest:giitingwhether dealers ere cancelllne revenue sUiínps as ordered by law, and found that if all the cigar, liquor and tobáceo dealers who neglecteï to do so' were prosecuted the penalties enforced would amount to $35,50;). Sonje of the lirms hadn't seen a revenue offleer iu 10 years, and were let olí in consideration of their Ignorance of the provislons of the law. The revenue collected at the Grand Rapids office in July was $2.000 in exces of the Bum received in July, 1884.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat