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An Intellgent Agriculturist

An Intellgent Agriculturist image
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"Got any cow bel Is." "Yee, step thia way." "Those are too email. Haven't you any larger?" "No, air, the largest ones are all sold." Rusticus started off, and got as f ar as the door, when the clerk called af ter him: "Look here, stranger, take one of these Bruiill belU for yoiir oow, and you won't have half the trouble in finding her: for when you hear her bell you will always know she can't be far off.'' The farmer bought the bell. Time is always represented carrying a soythe, and we suppose he will continue to oarry this primitivo agricultural implement until Time shall be no mower. It is scientifically estimated that if all the "champion" roller skaters in America should stand up in a row, there wouldn't be people enough left to oount them. There ars two things which the wise man never tries to do. The first is to shave himself with the razor which his wife uses upon her corns, and the second is to convince her that a razor is not ïm pro ved by being sharpened on a butcher's 8 teel.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat