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The trip taken by the "Liberty bell" to the New Orlcans exposition cost Philadelphia $1,Over 24,000,000 fish eggs have been put In the waters of the eastern inore of M.iryland this season. A Massachusetts sexton has just dled, having In hfs üfe dug the graves of over 3,000 people. Red and white roses are the ornaments worn by a pony drlven by a White Sulphur Springs belle. Gen. Prim's murderer, Angelo, Is now In Spain. King Alfonso'sfriendsare consequently worrinl. Chicago continúes to grow fastcr, proportlonately to lts own size, tnan any other large city in the world. Nuarly a million new testaments have been sold, attwo ctntsacopv, In the past year in England, President Lincoln appolntcd five supremo courtjudges, (rant íour, llaves two, Qarfleld one and Arthur two. San Francisco people have at last come down to uslnij' fivc-cent pieces, and a resort to peanies is imminent. African elephants will be all killed off within another century if the slaughter now going on Is Bot stopped. Health and Educatiou. Tho Sisters of tho Academy of tho Visitation, Frederick, Md., are amongst :hoso in chargo of edneational institu;ions who use Red Star Cough Cure and give it to their pupils. Thoy writo ;ha_t they can heartily recoinraend it to their friends. In a short time a Paris concern will be able to cremate dead bodics for $2.50 each. Evcry nervous person should try Carter's jittle SERVE Pilis. They are made specialeer nervous and dyspeptic men and women, and are just the medicine needed by all persona vho, from any cause, do not sleep well, or who ail to get proper strength from their food. Cases of weak stomach, indigestión, dvsjiepsia, nervous and sick hoadache, tfcc, reaclilv viikí o the use of the Little Nerve Pilis, partiëtilarly f COmblned wlth Carter's Little Liver Pilis, 'n vials at 25 cents. "Hot Weather Causes the blood to heat and get into a dcplctcd con lition, and wcakens the whole system, tlius glvtng opportunlty for scrof ula, salt rhcum, bolla and humors o come to the surface. The blood should bc purlfied and vltalized by taking Ilood's Sarsaparllla, whlch wlll cxpel all impurltlua and give tone and strength to he whole body. "I had four scrofulous sores come on my feet, whlch gre w go bad that I could not wcar a shoe. Nothng whlrh I took dld ino any good, tlll onc day I saw Iood'8 öarsaparilla advirtlscd In the paper, and decldedto trylt. I have taken two bottlea and th ores are almoat entlrely bèaled." Mrs. Addik PittsSouth Potsdam, N, Y. "I have used Jïood's Sarsaparllla wlth snch ben'1 ' as to astonlsh my frlenda. I Imve rencwed j trength; my appetlte Is good; my cough Is gro, g better; I feel ltke a different person." Mes. A. roctor, Marblehead, Mass. Hood's Sa.rsapa.riHa. ïold by all drugglats. $1; slxforjö. Prepared by ), I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. tOO Doses One Dollar. Mk.vsmanjí' Pkptonizkd beef tonic, the only preparatlon of beef cuiirnltilnir it s kstiük xutritiovs KOi'KKTiKS. It contatna blood-malcjng foroi generatug and llfe-sustiitniniï proporties; lnvaluable fur In Llgestlou, dyspepsla, nervoua proscration, and all orms of general debflitv; nlso, in all Infeebled condltlonn. whether the rotolt f exhausdon, nervous írofltratíon, overwork or ncute dlseasc, partlculftrly f rCHultlitK from pulinonary complainU. Caswell. laznrd A: Co., l'roprleturs, Xew .rïc. Sold by drugglsts. Mcrited Fraiso. Tlie universal praíse be&towcd upon Kidney V.ort as an bmluable renicdy ior all disorders of he Kulaejs, UVer and Bowels, ii well morilcd. is virtues are umvursally known and its cures are eporled on all ükle?, Many oüstinale cases have uccumbed lo it after they hul been gtyeo up by the loctors aod a Ihoroujjh tre-itmenl will never fail to cure. Sold by all drugxists. het adv't. "Kashion is Qiekn. Fitst, brïlliant and ashionable are th; L)i;iinond Dyc colois. One package colors i to 4 Ibs. of coods. iOc. tor aoy olor, üct at druggists. We!l?, Richardson & Co,, ïurlington, Vt. A brancli of the salvation arniy, to be known as the salvation uavy, Is to be startcd in Engand. UalfarHQaiino Expressly forfamlly use. Onlytold ndiiuruoauue n (ttles, Uest luul oheapest. WMkú reMÍDi CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backachc. Headache Toothache. ortThroa.nclllnB.Sprin,BruIeo, Burn, .M'iilil. Frol itilr. AÍD ALL Dlliril DODII.l PA1KÍ 4SD AtHES. Bold Ly iroggltand Dwlcr everyvlícre. fiay Ceuu a bottl. DlrectioimiiiU LnKu:t. TDE CIIAKLE8 A. VOCEI.KK CO. (SuaceMon toA. TOOtLJ CO.i Blllmorf. 3ld.. t. 3. A. Men Think they know all about Mustang Liniment. Few do. Not to know is not to have, IT WILL PAY YOU TO GO TO DETliOIT AND HAVJS YOUB EXAMINED AND FITTElfWITH SPECTACLE8 OR EYE GLASSES AT TICIANS 140 WOODWARD AVE. I f Iï'éi irr W B BEST TONIC. I This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonica, ouiekly and completely Corea liypcpsia. Indient Ion, WenkueiM, Impuro Itlnod, Halaría, ( blllxuiid Fevcrs, and iiriil':i. Itis an unfaiüng remcdy for Diseases of tho Kidneys nnd l.ivrr. It is invalunble for Diseases peculiar to Women, aiid all who leail edentary lives. Itdoesnotinjure the tccih, cause headacbe.or produce consiipation- olher ron medicines do. Itenrichesand purifics theblood.stimulatea the appetite, aiils the assimilation of food, relieTes Heartburn and Helching, and 8trengtliOns the nrasclefl anrl'es. For Intermittent I'cvers, Ijissitude, Lackof Energy, &c, it ba no eijiial. The genuine has above trade mRrk and crossed red line on w-rapper. Take no other. 'la onlrl.Y tll'onx CHEMICAL CO„ BlLTUOBE. n 'PuujlTani& Ágrievitiiil Works, York, Fa. j0ÈjBÈb3SjS$l'i SUndird Engine & Saw Killi ■ - ' J7 -■"■" - Stomach 1 Liver I regulatchTI CUBES COWSTSPflTIO. v Torpid Llver.Indigestion, Heartburn, Malaria, Kheumatlsm, Palpitatlon of tho Heart when arisingfrom indigestión orderangedcondltlon olthe stomach, öick Ueadache or Mierala, Pilei ana Female complaints. The only modIcino in tho world that PeaiCively Caros Constlpatisn. Prlea, 1.OO perbottlo ; 6 bottlcs, 6.00 BSND TOK CIKCULAR8, FKEE. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Prop'rs, Llanuffccturlng Cbamliti, BOLECO. O .hops MALT BITTERS, ïf you vrfsh to he relieved oí those terrible SlcIC üeadacliew and that miserable Sonr Stom ach. It will, wben takpn accordlng to directions, care any case of Slok Ileadaclie or Sonr Stomach. It cleans tbe lining of Btomach and bowel, promotcs healthy action and weet secretions. It makee pure blood and gives it frce flow, thus sending nutrlmcnt to cvpry part. It is the safeat, speodlest and surest Vejjetafolo Remedy ever invented for all diseascs of tbe stomacn and liver. J. M. Mooro, of Fnrminston. Mich., says: tij fraflfcrliig froin Klok Hendadle and Sour Stomarli was terrlbte. One bottle of Hopg and Malt Bitters curcd mo. Do not et Hops nud malt Bitters coufounded with inferior preparatioiis oL similar name. For sale by all druggists. HOPS & HALT BITTERS C0„ Detroit, Mich. T.h. iiinciimax 480HS, Detroit, M1oIl,'w,Í?5 JAMKSü. UAVIS&OO Detroit, Mlell., JAgcilt We vant 5,000 More BooK Asentsto Sell The Personal H story of 0. S. 8ÜANT. Tb look #rji-.r:ej ti Ufne-at1 tntlro ffitliliTy, ItII kttIo. iai {irittte ctreer, uJ in ü- maat coméala xai rcljsl-lc biataij of k.m iuit. A lrgo hansomt muto rolume, auMlblr iüuatratxl Wi wmiI mm McntlD mn (iti.) -■- r m Post u1 In crrr toRiblp. lUná fr fu'l pftl.-n)rj in ■!. BPEC1AI TEBM.S TO AGKNTS, er uw facj tl MM br tradiBK üücli. f..r ftuUI. lriivi ChU piwr.1 AAOKIB, AMERICAN PUBiaSHING CO., Hartford il o at on Clilcaao Cincliiuatii or Si. IjOuI, i nwf Atura wfltíP?AWP wtatw I I Nczt f Kin and Illr irkiitt, wfco htva bon H gM tl;d rr Id til ptrU uí U. 8. sed Forelgn ctuilriw fr ■ W Uta put 100 Yt&rs, to cUlm lsi utsi of tuonry ui M B Uta. KcoM rontaini s:(wW bmh. Your ■ B ly raaes tuay b amonr lii'i. Suud for íkwk oí Nibii H OH by mail wiih 10 cU. Iw. CHcCQRD & C0., De Moine. towa. J C'i'hc Olííesi M'-.: fine ín '■■' World ifl probably Dr. ISAAC THOMJPSON'S IJ elebrated Eye Wate Thls artlcle is a enrefuüy propnred phstcian'f jroscrlption, and hns boen in constant uso for nearyacentury, anrl notwltlistandlnji the many othor sroparatlons that have baen Introducörf Inlo the narket. the sal4 Of this artlcle is ctmstantlyíucreasntf. If the dlreetloDs :ire followed It will never fall. Wo particularly Mivlto be attentloüof phjrslclAns to Ib merlts, XT Jul;n 1,. Thonifis ín, Sons, ft ■ 'l'r"V. Y _ fARQUHAR VÍBRATING Stf'ARATOR. - . . END FOH CATALOGUE. A!ldrf. A. I!. yAUIItllAR. ' "k,JSt&ÊÊIt!!- ' "l",",a"d " "ot DebllltT IÏ M. Ir" 7$ fL,ei'r","";1 ''""'' '"nam, Rr.ln and Nar'eá! ISealod, forOceiiUiiiiítuí lip.) Oir. testimoniáis bu5 RH Q RADWAÍS K K READY I lililí RELIEF. A CÜKE FOB ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS J . poonful Ín hall a tnmMer of water wlll !n a few moment cure ( rami'S, BPASM8. 8OUR8TOMA ■ 1 1 . ■. AWTINc;. HKAItTItUKN, NEUVni sKss 8LKEPLESSNEB8, S1CK ÍIKADACHK. J'IAUUIKKA, IIY8KNÏKBY, CHOLERA UOI'.BUS. COLIC, FLATULENCY, AND ALL 1NTEHNAL 1 A INS. For CHOlO.A anl Reveré cases of the foregolng Complalnta, scc our prfuted dlrcctlons. MALARIA ÍN ITi VARIOUS FORH3 FErER AND AOVE. Thcrc i not a remedial agent In tlii worW tht wlll cure Feverand Aruc and al; oiher Halarlous, nilloui, and otliiT fevers inlrli'l bv RADWAY'S 1'II.LSI to qulckly os iiadh u '8 READY l'.Kl.l I'.K. RADWAY'S UKADY RELIEF ISA CUBE KO EVERY PAIN. TOOTHACHE, UEADACHE, 8CI ÁTICA, LUMBAGO. NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, svvia.r.iN(. oi;-i iik .ioints. sVji.mns. hiiuISKS, I'AINS IN THK BACK, CHEST OK I.IMÜS. Tlic:r theREADY 1ÍELIEF to thePMt ot parta.where ■ ii - paln or tlltlluulty Miáis wlll fford hutani eitse and mnifort. ll raí the lii-i : I II II K ONLY PAIN ÜKMKDY tbatbuUnU7toptbemoI i:rndtlnKpalns.aila7a matlon, anl Carea Congeatlona, whetherof the Luntrs, Btomach, Uuwela, or otlier glands or organl bj uuc appücatlon. PKICE, SO CENTS per bottle. Sold by drugglita. DR RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT The Creat Blood PurifierFOR THE CUBE OF GHRONXC DI3EA8E9. CtaroDlc Btaenmatlsm, Scrofulji, Glandular Swelllng; Hacking. Dry Cnucli. Canceróos Affect lonx, SyphlUtfo Comnlaínls. BlecdTng of tho Lnnffs, ííyapopsla. Water Brasil, WtiiU; Bwelllngs. Tumors. Plmplfia, lílotchea, Kniptloiu of the Pace, Ulcera. Skin and H!p Dlseúea. Mercurial Div e (.'umplafnts, Gout. Drqpsy, Iifok't9, S&It Rbeam, Jironohltls, Consumptíon, Klaiicy, Bladder, urer Complalnta, éta. Dr Jiadways Sarsnparülan HcsolvenL A remedy compoged of lngrcdlents of extraordlnanr medical properltle, esBcntlnl to purlfy, Iieal, repair nnd Invleorate tho broken-down and wasted body- () roK, rLSASAKT. Safe and Permanent In lts treatment and cure. SOLD BY ALL IHíUGGISTS. Oae Dollar a bottl. DR. BADWAY8 REOULATING PILLS, TJie Great Liver and Slomach Remedy. Perfectly tastelcsn, elegantly coated, purge, regúlate, purlfy, clcnnsc aud BtrenRlheo. I)r. Iíndwiiy's I'illí, for the cure of all dlaordersof the Stomacn, LIver, Bowela, KIdncys, Bladder, Kerroos Diseasoa, Loas of Apóetlt.-. Huadache, Con stlpatlon, Costl venen. Indigestión, UyapcpHla, BIMouaaeas, Pever, IniliinuniUlon of the Bowel, IMlea, andali dcaranirements of the Internnl Viscera, rurely Tegetanie, contalning no mercury, mluerals, or del teroua drugs. Prlce 25 cents per box. Sold by all drugglsta. READ "FALSE AND TUUE." Scnd a letter stamp to DR RADWAY & CO., No. 33 IVarren Street, New York. %3T Information worth liousands wlll bc sent to yuu. TUrfiRFIT ItH' DriUs the weiland pumptouttb int OntAl ■ t cuttings of tho Drill 'at e&eb fLl I KA fttroke. Drives the caairur ordrllla wfllV Ir aholaundsr ít to letft follow. WPI I ilRIl I IT f! Test th- well without reroorlng TT LLL UniU. Ijy. . tooljtl Kun oaster than any other am Pl 'aster '. W als mak Èp"%f COLLAR PAO Zinc & Loathor. so more: sobe skokm. It wül poeltlTfly prevoHt aiul care ton (Vitnors. Horse cao be worketl vrhlle carel perfect il. Hftroess makers wlll rcfuni money lf a4 wtiïOea alter SC dajra trial. BÏXTKB CUKTIS. Madioon Wl. JKgSft $50 litKVAKfl WM f aumili A A tu Ím timé jam Wf u mooh ÖralB w S4 te e ?:- ' PVB& 4ijMirpteat MOJíAJlOM A3 'Om Grmim a tscd Bot t%' BSWgJM Wra MUI wltfcVuff ■fBUWflH itr which ■ Kar ekt. Ctf4 LE PAGES ÉLIQUBD GLUE Awanlci GOLD MEDAL. LONDON, 1Í83. V-c by Ma-i. il k llnwn ()r;an and Piano Co., Pujlm Car Co . Jic. SIt 1 onW by the RÜSSI CEMENT CO GLOUCESTER. MASS.SOLD - - EVERYWHERE. Ug-Bmple Tin On by Mail. Ü9 ''..t IR.M X 9 MKaSrmü4r!'n E5fwotcaae4 uiwcomfortl ■ab0es!eep;effeoUcre-wher8 'thersfaiLjl BB1.0Oi0lDnwötHOr ovmnll. siimrlortttlíH GONSÜP ION. I haro a nualtlvo remcd j for the above ile ; bj 1U no thoaan.liotciiseo! tho worat klndandof ioni tundinehure boen curod. Indsod. tostronRls mrfallh fïïïiefflcacy.tliatlwl.l i.DdTWO BOTT1.E3 ÍKB1. tïrtthsrwithaVAI.Cilll.ETRKATISEonthladUoa #R. U. A WARE Lorillai'd'sT climax Plug bOffrlDK a '■ciï tin tag ; that Lorlllardi lenf Cnccut; that Lorlllard1 ■ Shtt ;llpi!nea and that Iorlllard's SuufT,ax ' ■ ■■■ i-n auS cbeuwi'. .uallty oonakleiw ? tB ü P T U E Kü.WS ÍMPKBIALTRU88 . Thls ne truM baa a piral spring an ORiDUATBD PBKSSI RX; jrleldS tO r)r J tlon, ri'talnlnis liiTiim aiwaya. Hel'. Worn ]ay ana hioht wltn comfort, kuclou BUmp for Circular, üserf In both Hoffllt Askyonr.lruxKlst. feoAiTS IMi'LUI AL 00. Box 2288 Aun Arbor.Mlch. _, florida rr.-... . humust.". TELEGRAPHY ?rog I VAI.KNT1NK itKOS., .laneavllle. WLt. . i ■■■■ inMifmrTrTMHI"


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