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The decorations in the coridor of the court house was done by H. Kundall. A Lady's I'eiTect Compiuiion. Painless Childl irth, a uew book by Dr. John H. üye, one of New York'B most skillful physicians, shows that pain is not uesewsary in (Jhildbirth but results from causes easily nnderstood and overeóme. It clearly proven tliat auy woman may becomo a motlier without ulFenng any pain whatever. ft also tells how to overeóme and prevent nnirning sickurss, swelh-il linihs, and all other evils attending pregnaney. It is reliable and highly endoi-sed by pliysicians everywhere au the wife's true private oompanios. Cut this out; it will Havo yon great pain, and possibly your life. Seud two cent stamp or deeonptive criculars, testimoniáis and oonñdential letter sent in sealed envelope. Address Frank Thomas & Co Publiahere, Baltimure, Marylaud. A petrified baby was recently discov ered in Texas, and our lately married editor in wondering "how the blamed tliiiig kept qnit lonff enough to get petnfled. Au Enterprisingr, Kelinblc House. Eberbach & Son Citn always be relied apon, not only to oarry in stock the i)est of ever i thinfj, but t sui ure the agency for Biich artioles :ih bave woll-known merit, and are popular with the people, thereby Bustaining the roputation of boing always enterpriHing, and ever rcliable. Having seoured the agoncy for the celebrated Dr. King's New Discovsry for 'onsumption, will soll it ou a positivo guaranteo. It will surely cure any and every affection of Throat, Lungs, and Obest, and to show our confldence, e invite you to cali and get a Trial Bottle Free. "A harmonious color gives a feeling of repose in the home," says an art journal. Therefore, if you have a red-headed wife furnish yonr home in the same tint. Becanse a man happens to be íessed of a "oonstitution hko a liorse," it y no meaus follows tliat Iúh puysician k jiistiüi-il in treating him hke an asa. Oheeb Up! Help is at Hand. - "I'm fraid I shall have to be taken to t hospital or to the poorhouse. I've een aick so long that my husband, good iid patiënt as he is, can't stand the worry and expense much longer." No, ou won't dear wife and mother See rhat Parker's Tonic will do for you. 'lonty of women as bndly off as you are, lave been resoued almost trom the grave y it. It will build yon up, curiug all ilments of the stomach, liver and kideys, and is simple, pleasant and safe. A prolouged bridle check upon the )ody is good for both it and the rider; ut what both most especially need is to get accustomed to the rein. Vkhy Kemarkaule Iíecovery. - Mr. GeorgeV. VVilliug, f Manchester, Mioh., vrites: "My wifo has bceu almost lielpesa for flve yearp, so helpless that she oulil not turn over in bed alone. She isedtwo bottleeof Electric Bitters and s so much improved that she is tibie now to do her own work." Electric Bitors will do all that is claimed for them. Inndreds of testimonialH attest their great curative powers. Only üfty cents bottle at Eborbach & Son's. " The wny to sleep," says a scientist is to think of nothing," but this is a mistake. The way to sleep is to think it is time to get up. liucklcn'a Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cnts, Jnuses, Sores, Ulcere, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay reqnired. It is guaranteed to givu perfect satisfation, or money refunded. Price Ü5 cents per box. For sale by Eberbaoh & Son. " Does your wife keep a pot ?" asked Bigsby of t'opinjay. " Well, I guess she does," was the reply. "She'e never out of a pet." Not a Single Gbay Haik.- "You may laugh and think me vain thing," writes Mr. J. R C, of San Francisco, to a friend in this city, "but I have not a rfray hair in my head, and yet (sad to say) I am flfty and a day. Recently niy hair was not only quite gray but quite thin, too. Parker's Hair Balsam - made m New York, I think - did wonderB for me. Try it if you have occasion. It really does what I say, uud restores the color also." Not a dye, not greasy, highly perfuined. Only reliable 5oc dressing. The victim of an ulcerated tooth will teil you there isn't much sweetness in that kind of sorcgum. The Huggin house is the name of a Western liotel, whioh ought to be popular with young folks. City Locáis. Fresh flsh kept on hand by J. M. Gonld . All orders for tish to be nred on Friday shonld be given the night bofore. Well digging. Prompt attention giren o cleaning and digging wells by the well kuown Gough Bros. Address D. B. 3wigh, Ann Arbor, or Thomas Gough, Ypsilanti. Tidwell's, next to Clarken's, is the place to purchaso notions. Martin Amber Wheat. We have testecl it for two years and iud that it is all that it is recommended ;o be, and will fully endorse it to all farmers desiring to make a change of aeed. Seed wheat (urnished at $1.40 per bushei, bags extra. Three pecks to bushei should be sown to the acre, ac cording to the strength of the soil. Address, T. J. DeForest, Jas. G Kash, T. Blakb, Ann Arbor P . O. Notioe. - I forbid all persons giving credit to my sou, Wm, Campion, jr., for 1 will pay 110 debte of bis coutracting. Aun Arbor, Aug. 17, 1885. Wm. Campion, Sh. Found. - Between tbe city of Ann Arbor and Whitmore Lake, a pocketbook contamiug money and papers, which the owner can have by calliug on Peter Kelly, one mile south of Whitmore Lake, proving property and paying for thU advertiaement. Geo. W. Cropsey ia agent for the celebrated Rochester Lamp. A. F. Hangsterfer, the caterer, makes the best Ice-cream and sells it cheaper than any other manufaturer in tbe city. Aleo hae the finest Ice cream Parlors in ■the state, and if yon dou't believe it cali and see for yourselves. For Sale- One horse and Top Buggy. No. 36, E. Huron-st. Geo. Collins. Cisterns built and repaired. Mason work of all kinds done on short notice. Leave orders corner Fifth and Huron streeta. G. D. Collins. Loaning. - Money to loan on first-cluss Real Estáte MortgageatCtirrent rates of Interest. Satisfactory arrangements made with capitalisls desiring such investments. Every conveyance and transaction in abstracts of titles caref ally examimed as to legal effect . Z. P. Kino, Ann Arbor If You Have Any Accounts For Collection, send them to Eugene K Fraeauff, Lawyer, Office over Krause's Store, Ann Arbor. Collections made in any part of North America. rpHE BILLIARD PARLOR BLISS k BLISS No. IO NORTH MAIN STREET, Ha been rsfltted, and we have the Finest Billiard Parlors inthe City! A Full Une of TOBACCO & CICARS ! The Original W. W. Bliss 5-Cent Cigar, BEST OF ALL. BLIS Sc BLISS. A AAA AAA presenta Klven away 11" ■■ 11 s.-ih1 iih E ..■■■ni i pustaee A I Mand by mal] ym wíl M&UUiVUU, i (ree a package of gouds jf lare ' value. tiiat will start you in work ttiat will at onee bring you in moneyfaster t Imi asytblng otoe in America. AU abou the LS2Ü0,UoO in present with each box Agentü wanti-d everywhere, of either sex, of all ages, for all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at thtfirown homes. Fortunes for all workersabsi .1 ii te ly assureil. Dou't delay. H, Hallett & Co., Portland. Maine. WHITE WALLAGE WHEAT This new variety of wheat is perhaps the most successful yet introduced. It is a white, bold wheat, and a heavy yielder. I live three miles and a half ïouth of Ann Arbor,where specimens can be examined, or I will send samples to anyone addressing L. WARNER, Box 2102, Ann Arbor. CHARLES RETTICH, "Dealer in Sheet Iron, Tin and Copper Ware Particular attention paid to putting up ROOFING AND EAVE TROUGHS. All kinds of Repairins Done Promptly ! Repairing pumps a specialty. Stoves and pipe cleaned. Please cali and seo me at No. I. East Libertyst, - Ann h iivnnnv Uan now make ON Y KI IY Photographs by lili II UUU I the new Dry Plate Procesa. For 50 cents we will send postpaid Roche's Manaal for Amateure, that gives full instructions for makmg tbe pictures. Outñls we furuish from $10 upwards. Our Photogbaphic Bulletin, edited by Prof. Chas. E. Candler, head of the Chemical Department of the School of Ahnes, Columbia College, published twice a month for only $2 per annum. keeps Photographers, professional or amateur, fully posted on all improvemente, and answers all questions when difflculties arise. Circulara and price lists free. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Maiifacturers uf Phottigraphic Apparatut . and Material. 591 Broadway, New York City. Forly yeai'H extablinlied in tltis line of bustnes REMOYAL Having removed my stock of HATS AND CAPS ! To No. 7 W. Huron-st., In the 8t. James Block, I would be pleased to have oíd customers cali on me, and new one stoo for that matter, as I intend to give everybody GREAT BARGAINS. A full line of Hata and Caps Cheap for Cash. E. J. JOHNSON. 00 YOU TAKE A COUNTY PAPER ? If ut, and you are about to subscribe for ono we invite your attention to the MN ARBOR DEMOCRAT ! And respectfully inforrn you that It is the People's Paper. IT PUBLISIIES FULL REPORTS OF ALl IMPORTANT KVKNTS In Washtenaw county. It glves a coueis and intertialiiiK HUmniury of THE WORLD' S NEW8, EVjroin, American, Congressional, Western and Northern. It prints 2 HE NEWS OF MICHIGAN, UoUed down for brief readfnj, and pives a fui" synopsis of the Uoiiips ot' the Legislature. It chronicles ALL THE HAPPENINGS OF ANN ARDOR, ThO county fleat, giving full and arrúfate reporta of the Circuit Oourt, l'olitií'til HeetíngB, Farmers Clubs, Univeraily and School Matter, Eto., Etc. IT IS FEARLESS In lts denunclation of monopolie, and all othei burdens that weigh upon the Feople; and shows up all frauds regardloss of who it hitn. it publtshes A QOOD S20Rr Every week, and has interestiiiR articles 'or the young. GF"( Price in 81. Per Tear, In Aiirancc, Anl ín regarded by ita subscribir awtoo valuable toloan; so don't try to borrow. We invite your attention to nomo of the many complinientary tliingsthatarebeingsaidof The Dkmocrat" t4It evinces shrewdnet3, (iush and ability."- Lansing Journal. "It is ïnakiiu; Manda em t day. It Is a wellconducted and readablu ,:uout."- Fontiac liül Pottmr, "A Tery enterprlsing, wide-awake local jou nal, full of new and good sayings."- Genat, (Flint) Democrat. "It is a live, 8picy newspaper, and a valuable nddition to the journalistiek list of Washtenaw Tecumstli llcrahl. "aiitorially, locally and typographipally it I one of the nnest lookin papers that ever came Into thisoffleo. "-Urtniit Eventna New. "The Dkmocrat abounds in able and vigorouR editoriato, a great variety oL local Information and InteresUns general newg and miscellaneous matter."- Jachsun Patriot. 'THE DEMOORAT Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made intheconditions of a certain ndentureof mortgage executed by Patrick Gorman and Mary Gorman, hia wife, of the village of Dexter, county of Washenaw, stnto of Michigan, to William P. Groves of the township of Northfleld. county and state aforesaid, hearing date the 14th day of August, t. D. 1%9, and recordrd in the offlce of the Register of Deeds for the county of Washtenaw, in Libcr 42 of mortgages, page 112, and assigned on the j4th day of May, A. D. 1885, by written assignment, to Hattie Groves of the township of Northfield, county aforesaid, and whieh assignment Í3 recorded in the offlce aforesaid, in Liber 8 of assignments of mortgages, on page 529, and oy triton defaultthepowerofsulecontained insuch mortgage having pecóme operativo, ana no suit or proceedíngs at law or in equity, having been instituted to recover the amount due on said mortgage or the note accompanyinft the same ; and tnere being now ciamed to be due on said note and mortgage the sum of sbc hundred and kíx t.y and thirty one-hundreths dollars [$660 üO). Notice i, therefore, hereby given, that said mortgage will be foreclosed on Saturday, the 21st day of November. A. D., 1885 at lOo'clock in the forenoon of that day. by a sale at public auction, to the higheat bidder, at the east door of the court house, in the city of Ann Arbor, in the oounty aforesaid Isaid court house being the place for holding the circuit court for said county], of the morgaged premises described in said mortgage, or so mucli thereof as may be necessary to Co satihfy the amount of principal and interest remaining unpaid upon said mortgage, wltb ïeasonable costs and expenses; which premises are describeil in said mortgage as foilov; All that parcel of land lyingin the village of Dexter, county of Washtenaw, and state of Michigan, known and described as lot numhi-r seven [7], in block utimber nine 19], in said vil lage. Dated August 25, 188S. E. D. Kir. .ns, HATTIE GROVES, A t t'y for Assignee. Assignee, f I i ' ■ i i All Beer will be Delivered Free of Charge. E. COLLIÏÏS, Dealer in STONE, LIME, WATER LIME CALCINED PLASTER, CEMENT, LAND PLASTER, PLASTERING HAIR, -And all Kinds of- TvTOOHD. tOFFICE:- Uorner of Fifth & Huron Streets. opposite Fireineu'a Hall. Aun Arbor, Mich. lje.AND&Cp'j saleratü8 SODA Best in thn World. TAfHËlEiÖCBif Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the condi. tions of a certain indenture of mortgage, executed by Cari Mt inherte and Minnie P. Meinherte, husband and wife, of the township of Livonia, Wavne County, State of Michigan, to Thomas Whipple, of the township of Salem, Washtenaw county, state aforesaid, benringdate the seventeeuth da y of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, and recorded in the office of the Keg ister of Deeds for s.iid county, of Washtenaw, in Liber forty-six (4t) of moVtgages on page 408, and duly assiged by said Thomas Whipple to Washington Bennett, of the township of rlyradit Ir county of Wayue and state of Michigan, by written assignment hearing date Hit sixteentn day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-flve, which assignment, is recorded in the office of the Kegister of Deeds of the county of Washtenaw aforesaid, iu I,iber síx (tí) of assin ments of morgages, on page 445; and again duly assignedby David Morelaud, as che administra tor of the estáte of said Washington Bennett, deceased, to Caroline Bennett, of the township of Plymouth, Wayne county, MIcfa igan, by written assignment bearing date the nSnsn day of Jarmary, iu the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred seveuty-eight, which assigmnent is recorded iu Líber six (öt of aaalgn ments of mortgages, on page 44Ö, in the offlce of the Kegister of Deeds for said county of (Vaahtenaw; and again duly assigned by said Caro line Bennett to Charles Hellmoth, of the township of Superior, Washtenaw couuty aforesaid. by written assigoment bearing date the tenth day of February, in the year of our Lord oue thousand eight hundred eightV, whioh asslgn inent is du-y recorded iuthe office of the Kegister of Deeds for said Washtenaw county, iu U ber six (J) of assignmtmts of mortgages, on page 447, by which default the power of sale contained in said mortgagc having becomooperative, and no suit or pioeeedings at law or in chancery having been instituted to recover tin ttmount due on said mortguge or note acconipanying the same, and there being now elaimeii to be due on said note and mortgage the sum i Eighteen Hundred Twenty-Six Dollars and Eleven Cents [$1,830.11]. Notice is, therefore, hereby elven that said mortgage will be foreclosed on Monday, the Second day of November, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the south front door ol the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county of Washtenaw [said Court House be ing the place of holding the circuit court for said county] of the mortgage d premises describ ed in said mortgage, er so much thereof as nia be necessary to satisfy the amount due on saic mortgage and note, with reasonable costs anc expenses, which mortgaged premises are de scribed as follows : All the followiug describe! piecesor parcela ol land, viz : The ast half of the west half of the south-east quarter of section number tiiirtyfour [34], in the township of Salem, Washtwiaw county, state of Michigan, containing forty acres of land, more or less. Also the east half of the north quarter of the west half of the north-east quarter of section number three [3], in the townhlp Waslitenaw.county aforesaid containiug ten acres of land, moie or less. Dated August 4, Is85. CHARLES HELLMOTH, J. H. Morris, Assignee of Mortgage. Attorney for Assignee. Mortgage Sale DEFAULT having been made in the condftions of a certttin indenture of moitgage, execuied by James tshaw and Sarah Shaw. his wife, of Northfleld, Washtenaw County. Michl gan, to Hudson T. Morton, or said county and state, bearing date the sixteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and Hcventy-four, and rucorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for said county of Washtenaw, ín Líber forty-nineí49) of mortgages, on page 518, and c'ulv aasiflned ty the said Hiui son T. Morton to William llulhert, of tho city of Ann Arbor, in gatd county and state, by written assignment bearing date the seveutetnth duy of July, one thoutaml eight hundred and 8Oventyfour, which assignment is recorded in the oftlce of said Register of Deeds of said county, in Liber aeven (?) of astugiiments of mortgages, on pago 58U, and again duly assigned by Comstock F. liill, as the adniinistrator of the estáte of the said William Hulbert deceased, to the aia Iliul son T. Morton, by written asstgnment bearing date the fourth day of December, In tluyearof our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eitihty-three, and which assignment is recorded in Li ber Á of assigiiiuonts of mortgages, In the said office of the said Register of beedfl for said county, on page 869. and by vrnlofa default, the power of tjale contained in said ui riitK1, having become operative, and no suit or pro ceedings at law or In chancery having been instituted to recover the amount due on snid mortgage or the note accompanying the same, and there being now claimed to b-. due on i aii note and mortgage ttie sum of two hundred and thirty-ninedullarsand twenty-flveconts($39.25). Notice ík, therefore, hereby given that said mort gage will be foreclosed on ïSalurday.the twentysixth day of r( A. D. one tiiousaud eight huudred and eighty-fïve, at ten o'ctock in the forenoon of that day, by a salu at public auction to the highest bidder, at the south fn nt door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county of tVashtenaw (yaid Court House being the place of holding the cirruii court for said county), of the morxgafred premises described ín said mortgage, or so much thereof as niay be neressui y to sntisfy i lie amount duo on said mortgage and note, with reasunable costa and expentes; wnich m ut gaged premiaefl are descrioed Insald mortgage as follows : All those certain pleoea or parceh "f land si inate being in city OÍ Aun Ai-lmr, in the county of Washteuaw and state of Bíichlgan, and deeortbed as follows, to-wit; All of lots Dombered one bundred aiui two (iW2), olio hundred and three (iU3j, one hundred and four(I04), and one bundred and Qve (106, In Joseph D. Baldwin's thlrd addition to the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Dated June 30, 1885. 11UDSON T. MORTON, E. D. Kisnk, Hortgagee and a asignoO. Aitoruuy lor Mortgagce and Assignee. iXotice to Credltors. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Couuty of Washtenaw ._ ss. Notice is hereby given that bv an order of the probato court for the county ot Washtenaw, made on the '4th dav rf August, V. D. 18H , six monttasfromthai datewere aDowed for credi tora to present their claims against the estáte of David Forshee, late of said county, decased, and that all creditors 'f Batd deeaaed are reQulredto present their claims to said probate court, at the probate office iuthe city of Ann Arbor, for exainlnatfon and aUowanoe, on or before the 24 th day of February next, and that surli laims will be heard befu e said court, on Tuesday,theiMthdayof November, and o:l wed nesday tl.p liith day of February next. at ten oVhu'k iu tht forenoon of euch of aaid days. Dalad, Ann Arbor. August M, A. D. 1885. W1LIJAM D. HAKKI.MAN' Judtfu of Probate. Anm "V r Sand 'i cents for postago III f I receive f ree a costu I il I I ■ of K(1I"'S which will IIImL'i'!1 you to more money tight away thau anythiUK else intliis worlii. All of either sex succeed from flrst hour. The broad ruad to fortune opens before the werkers, absoluiely sure. At once address, True& Co., Augusta, Maine. TAKETHE A.'A. DEMOCRAT Estáte of Tracj Y. Koot. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw Ö ss. At a sc;,si(ni of the probate court fo the county of Washtenaw, hold?n at the Pro bate offlce .n the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednes day, the 12th ilay of August, in the year on thousaud eight hundred and eighty-flve. Present, wUUamD. Harriman. Judge of Pro bate. In the matter of theestate of Tracy W. Rcot deceased' Elizabeth E. Root. the administratrix, with the wíll aiiiifx't'il, of said estáte, comes into court and representa that she is now prepared to reniler her final account as sucli administratrix. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday. the 8th day of September next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, beassijjned tor examining and allowinc sueh account, and that the devisces legatees, and heirs at law of said deoeased, and all other persons interestt'il in said estáte are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the probate offlce in the city of Ann Arbor, m sant couuty, and show cause if any ther be, why sald account should not be allowed: And it is further ordered, that said adniinistrator give notice to the persons Interested in said e-Uut of the pendencj of said account, and the har ing thereof, by causinj? acopv of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Dwnowat, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three successive weeks previou tosaid lay of hearing. W1LLIAM D. HAKltlMAN, (Atruecopy.) Jutlije of Probate. WM. O. Doty, Probate Register. lístate of Eugene I. Arnold STATE OF MICHHiAN, County of Washtenaw sa. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at (he probate offlce in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monoay, the öth day of August, in the year one thou keuk] eight hundred and elghty five. Present, Willlam 1. Uamman, Judge of Probate. In t be matter of theestate of Eugene B. Arnold, de-eased. un reading and lilini the petitlon, duly reri fled, of Sarah Bagley, praying that ad mi nis - tratration of said estáte niay he ranteu to Willard H. Sinith, or soine ther suitable person. 'Viiereupon it is ordered that Momlay. the 7th day "f Beptember aext, at lOo'clocJt In tlie for4-noon. be assigned for the hearing of said petition and that the heirs at law of said dr ceased, and all other persona interesteil in sil estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be bolden at the probate offlce, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner sliould not be granted Anil it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in siikl estáte, of tin Dondenoy of said petitiou. and the hearing thereoï, by eausing a copy of tliis order to be published in The Ann Arb&r ïnoerat, a newspaper printed and circuíate! in sjiid founty, three suooessiye weeks previousto said day of nearinff. WILLÍAM D. HARRIMAN, [A true copy.] Judge of Probate. WiixiAM G. Doty. Probate Register Notice to Creditors. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, Gotmtv of Washtenaw, k? sa. Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate (ourtiorthe County of VVaslitonaw. made on the Kth day of August, A. 1). '.jö5 six ui. nt lis f rom that date were allowed for creditors to present thelr fiaims against the etate of Edwin Lawrence, late of said rounty, de ceasedi and that all creditors of said deceasod are requlred to present their claims to yaid Probate ('ourt. at the Probate Offloe ui the city of Ann Arbor, for examinatton and allowanoe. on or befo re the l'iti; day of l'ebruary next. and that such claims wilt be hrant before said Court, on MoikIuv. the 1 tli day of .Nowmber, und on ednesday, the ii th day of February next, at 10 o'cloek in the forenoon of eacfa of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, Aug m a. i. 18 WILLlAM 1) HARRIMAN. Judge of Probate. Notioe to Credltors STATE! OF MICHiaN, Oounty of Washtenaw ss. Notice is hereby ifivon, uiat by an order of che probate court for the oounty oí Waslitc naw, made oo the 8rd day of August, A, l. 188B, six months from nat date were allowed for iredltors to present theü claims againsi theesaft- of ( lirisiian Frey, late of said county, deteased. and that all oreJltors of said deceased u .■ i quiieil to present ihelr claims to said proati- court, ai the probata oíBoe Id the city of iin Arbor, for ezamlnation and allowanoe, on r before the 3rd lay of February next, and that mch claims willbebeard bef ore sald court on i'ut'stiay, the 8rd das oi November, and on Wed tesday, the 8rd day' of Feiiruan nezt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon Of each Ox sani days. Dateit Ano Arbor, Augus 8. A. i. ÍW&. WILLlAM 1). II AKICIMAN, Judge of Probate. Notice to Creditors. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, Cnuntv of Washtenaw sa. Noiirr s iii -ri'i giréis wat by an order tt the probate court torttte county of Washte üiw, made on the Ifcthdavof August, A. i. 18W, six months from that date were auowed Cororedtora to present their claims a gainsl the eetateof Marv Kuut'h [fonnerly Stubbs], inte of said county Leoaasëd, and that all creditors of said deoeasea requlred to prestnt their claims to said proMtte ci-urt. at the probate offloe in the city of v 1 1 r i ]ini-, for examinatlon aud ailowauce, on ,r before the I2t& day Of February next, aml bat euch claims will bê heard before said court. ri Tbnis-ia . the Wth day of November and oo iYiday.the ISth day of February next, at ten o'cIock in the forenoon of each of said davs. Dated, Ann Arbor. August 12, A. L). 1885. WILLlAM l. HAKKIMAN, Jugde of ■ Kstatc of Fmleruk Sorg. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw O ss. At a ses ion of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor on Tuesday, the 25th day of August, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-flve. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of theestate of Frederick Sorg, deceased. On reading and fllfng the pet i t ion, duly verlfled, of Julianna Sorg, praying that a certain in strument iiuw on file in this court, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, m:.y be admittted to probate and that she may be appointöd executrix thereof . Tlienuium it ia Orú&red, That Monday.the 21st day of September next, at 10 o clock in the forenoon, be ussigned for the hearing of said petition, and tbat the devisees, legatees, and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to uppear at a session of said court then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann A rbor, and show cause if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted; A lul it is further ordered, that said üetitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estate, of the pendeucy of said petition. and the hearing thereof. bycausing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arhor DomoCTXXt, a newspaper prinled and circulated in said county three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (Atrue copy.) Judeof Probate. Wm. (i. Uoty, Probate Kegis er. Kstatc ot Patrick Cowen. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the fith day of August ín the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-flve. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Patrick Cowen, deceased. Ira Crippen. administrator with the will annexed, of said estáte, comes in to court and representa that is now prepared to renderhis final account as such ad min intrato r. Thereupon,it is ordered, that Tuesday, the lst day of September next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon beassigned forexamingand allowin suco account, and that 1 1 1 . - deviaOAfl légateos anti heirs at law of said deceased and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required t( uppear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the probate office, In the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should not be allo wed: And it is further ordered, thatsaidadministrator give notice to the persona tnterested in said est ate, of the pendency of said account and the hearing thereor, by causing a copy of this order to be published in The Ann Atimr Derníc7aí, a newspuptT print ed and circulating in said county three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARUIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate, Wm. (i. Doty. Probate Register. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions of a certain indenture of mortgage, ezecuted by John .eorge Volz and Mary, bis wife, of the township of fckdo, In tlie county of Washtenaw, in tiie rttate of Michigan, to Frederick Sclimiil of the city of Ann Arbor, in saitl county, bearing date the 15th ilay of March, one thousiimt ciht hundrcd and ftfty-nine, and recorded u the ofïice of the Register o? Deeds for the Mimty ut Washtenaw aforeeald, in .Liber 4i of Mortgages, on page lüO, and bywbioh defaull the tower of sale conlaiued in said mortgage havDg become operutive, and no suit or proceedn's at law or in equity having been inslilut-dto recover the aniount due on said mortgage or the notes acompnnyinii the saini-.aiul there being kiw rluimed to be due on said notefl and mortgage ihe sum of Seven Hundred, Niuety-Two tulliirs and Bixty-Two Cents (7W wfy. Notice is, therefore. hereby gtven that said nortgage will be foreclosd on Saturday, the 3lst day 01 October 1H8), at 1U u'clock in the foreïoon of iJiui day, by a sale at public auction, to he higheat bidder, at the soutu door of the „Jourt Houe, in the said city of Ann Arjor(said curt hoqte belng the place of holding the circuit court for the countj ot Washtenaw), of the mortgaged premteefl described in saia aorteage. or so much theref as may be Deceaary to satisfy the aniount of principa] andinereat remaining unpaid upon saln mortgage, vil ïi reusonable costs and expenses; which remlsea re described in said mortgage as folms; All of a certain piece or parcel of land o seclon twentS tive, in the township of Sein, in tlie ountyof waahtenaw afoTeaaidjbounded and delesribed a-s follous, viz: Heglnnineat the BOUthreal corner of the east half of tne south-east Liuarterof seotion twenty-live, f townahip tWO ■ ■ui li, of range flve east, in the letroit land dlarict; and running f rum thence east nlong the outh line of said south-east quarter nine cbaiiis nd flfteen links thenoe oorth, parellel with the s.'t line of said east half of said quarter, u i he fhuitis and fourteen the centre of Sber White road; thence wcstt'-rly alongthe enter of said road to the west line of said ast half of the south-east quarter ; thence outh along aald line nine chains and aeventyAven Unica to the place of beginuing, containing en acres. n:ore or less, Dated August 1, ih85. FHKDKKIOK SCilMID, Jr , Executor of the estáte of the said Frederick schmid, deceased . Mortgagee. E. D, Kinnk, Attorney for Execuor ■ il m iiiioí-c monev than at any t hing else by Ju I RtllkmK an agency for the best selling ■V I Illbook out. Beginners succeed graml II None fail. Terma Halle ook .■ Ou Portland Maine.


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