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Michigan íTentrai 27tfi Miagara Falk (Route. TIME TABLE, MAY 24, 1885. All trains run by Ninetieth Meruuan, or Central Standard Time. ÖOINQ EABa. STATIONS. d ,L„! Si. „g ■ OÜ Wij CD-13 K A.M. A.M. P.M P.M P.M 'JMcago Lv. 7.20 9.00 4.00 8.4J 9.30 SilCB 11.45 12.15 7.45 11.50 12.5.5 Decatur 8.30 1.43 Uwtcin. 8.45 a.m 1.58 Kalamazoo.PM 1.42 9.15 6.45 115 2 3: Balesburg 7.03 2.01 2.49 Battle Oreek... 2.23 7.31 2.23 3.17 Marshall 3.07 7.57 3.42 3.40 ilbion 3.32 4.03 A, M. Jackeon Ar. 4.30 Jackson Lv. 4.34 4.15 9.15 8.25 4 50 arase Lake 4.53 9.36 8.12 lielsea 5.17 9.57 533 Dexter 5.33 10.12 548 A.nn Arbor 5.53 5.30 10.2S 4.40 H 07 ïpsilami Ö.10 5.45 10.45 4.65 6Í23 iVayne June... ti 35 6.05 11.05 5.18 6 4a Springvells.... 7.10 6.35 11.35 5.50 7 20 Detroit Ar. 7.20 8.J5 11.45 6.00 7.30 St. Thomas Ar 11.15 ' 10 20 8.25 A. M. Weiland 2.03 1 22 609 Falls View 1 55 6.37 Niágara Falls 2.31 2 00 (37 Susp. Bridge.. 2.40 2 15 6.42 Buffalo Ar 3.35 3 15 7 40 QUINÖ WEST. -- 3 &ë. si -al II il P. M. P. M. A. A. M. A. M. Buffalo L. 6 00 11.30 5 00 11.36 a:m. i-, m. Susp. Bridge..! 12.30 13,35 Niágara Fails 12.43 12 53 FallsView P. w. i,02 St. Thomas... 3 00 4.0b 9 20 4.45 Detroit Lv. 7.35 9.05 4.00 7.00 9.10 8pringwells.... 7.45 9.15 4.10 7.10 9.20 ' nc June... 8.23 9.43 4.45 7.45 9 48 Vpsllaoti 8.52 10.13 5.12 8.0T 10.07 Aun Arbor 9.12 lO.Sd 5.30 8.23 10 20 Dcxter H.87 5.53 8.44 Ohelsea 9.57] Ü.07 9.00 3raae Lake.„... 10.27 6.39 10. 10 P. M. Jackson Ar, 9 25 Jackson Lv. 11.00 11.42 7.07 11.55 Albion 12.Í2 8.10 9.58 12.42 .rshall 1.05 8.48 10.38 1.07 Battle Ireek.... 1.31 9.22 10.58 1.35 Gnlcflburg 9,57 112'í Kalamazoo 1.58 10.20 4.45 is!o6 "ÍS2 Litwtou... p. M. 5.18 12.45 Dcatur 5.35 1.00 Niles 4.00 3.45 6.40 1.48 4.13 Chicago Ar 8.20 7.10 10.35 6 00 8 0o The New York Express, a fast train leaves Chi 3ago at 3.30 in the atternoon and makes the fol tnwing stops, Mieh'gan City, 5,17: Niles, 6.13; Kal unazoo 1.-23; Battle Creek, 8.01; Jackson 9 15 Ann Arbor, 10.U0; ïpsilanti, 10.21; Springwells ll."5;arri ving in Detroit at 111.5 P. M. The Chicago Express, a fast train leaves Detroit at 1.0O p m. making the folowmg stops: Wayne Junetion, 1.84; Ypsilanti, 1.50; Ann Ar bor, 2.03, Jackson, 3.01, Albion, 3.32: Marshall, 8 48, Battle Creek, 4,08; Kalamazoo, 4.36; Niles, 5.48; Michigan City, 6,55; Chicago, 9.00. Suuday excepted. Jáaturday B Sunday exceDtea TOaily. O. W. EuaoLKs, H.W. HAYES, Cf. P t i. A., OUeaao. Agt. Ann Arbor, Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Michigan Railway. THItOUGH TIME TABLE. i'aklng effect June 21, 1885. Gomg North. Going South. 4 12 1 STATIONS. ! I I 3 Ex. f Mail I Standard Time. Ex. Mail. p. m. a. m. Leave Arrive a. m. p m 50D 7:05 Toledo 9:30 5-0C 5 0i 7:14 Manhatten Junetion 9:2B 4 5.S 5 15 T.-23 Alexis Junetion 9:lti 4:47 5 50 8-15 Monroe Junetion 8'42 4-14 BCC 830 Dundee 8 30 4:04 610 846 Azalia 8 20 354 6i 9 o;j Milan 8 06 8 45 638 92 Urania 7 52 3 30 648 932 Pittsfleld 7 4C I 8 28 70 950 Ann Arbor 7 27! 3 10 7 45 10 45 South Lyon 6 50] 2 35 Couneetions at Toledo with raüroads divereïng. At Manhattan Junotion with Wheelini LafceErle ii.K. At Alexis Jnuction with MC R. R. L. S. R'y, and V. & P. M. R. R. At Monrot Junction with L. S. & M. S. R'y. At Dundee W!ft b 3%& h and & - At Mila At P'ttsfleld with L. h. A. M. b. R y., and at South Lvon with Detroit Lansing Northern R. R., and G. T R'y H. W. ASHLEY, W. H. BÉNNETT Oen. Superintendent. Hen. Passenger At. GRAND TRUÑOAILWAY INCLUDING THE GREAT WP:STERN DIVISIÓN. The Niágara Falla Short Line. Pullman and Wagner sleeping Cars and Elegant New Dining Cara on all Express Trains east and west. AU trains arrive at and depart from Brush-st dep. t on Central Standard time, which is 28 minutes alower than Detroit city time Main line train via Port Huron. DEPOT FOPT OF BUÜSH STREET. _, „ Ijeave at Arrivp at Toronto, Montreal and East 8 00 am !) Ü8 am BuflfUo.. 800am S O.i urn Port Huron Express ■MSOpm 8 05pm 1 oronio, Montreal and East. 11 (W pm +9 86 Dm Buffalo Fast JSxpress 12 U0 pia ü 36 pm Great Western División, Depot Foot of Brush Street. , . . Leave at Arrive at Atlantic Express 6 35 am 835am Express 12 05 noon 3 20 pm London Express 5 30 pm 8 50 pm m.p,or t'ckets and intormatlon apply to General Ticket Office. 169 Jefferson avenue, corner Woodward, or at Depot Ticket Office, foot oí Brush street, Daily. Except Sunday. m robinJson!6ksONi General Manager' Mich. & S. W. Pass. Agt., Detroit. Gilbebt Bliss Pass & Ticket Agt., Ann Arbor. johTwotzkëI THE Fine Boot and Shoe Maker ! AFirst-Class Hand - Sewed Shoe Worth $8 for S6.5O A FAULTLESS FIT GUARANTEED ! The Only Establishment n Ann Arbor that Manufactures its Own Uppers. Repairing Neatly Done ! CALL AND SEE SAMPLES. No. 53 South Main Street. LOOK OUT! Gentlemen can Save Twenty-Five per cent. by having their Mili lili ! BY FUED EHHIS Who has opened a Tailor Slxo-p I No. 65 South Main Street. No slop work, but everything made in a workman-like marnier A Perfect Fit is Cuaranteed. FRED. EHJÍIS, Ann Arbor, MIcli. MACKIIMAC. The Most Deliglitful SUMMER TOUR Palaoe Steamers. low Ratas. Sour Trips per Week Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Bvery Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write for out " Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated. Contains Foll EartieularB. Mailed Tree. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. D. WHITCOMB, QtN. PAS. AOT.. DETROIT. MICH. I I I" I ntor worlt'iK people. Sen 10 cts. ULI U postage. and ra will mail you free [ royal, valuable sample box of ''■■I goodsthat will put you in the vfay of imiking more money in a few days than you ever thought posslble at any business. Capital not required. You can live at home and work in spare time only, or all the time. All oí both sexes, of all ages, grandly successful. 50 cents to 85 easily earned every evenine. That all who want work may test the business, we make this unparalleled offer: To all who are not well sat isnedwewillsend$l to pay for the trouble of wrltlng us. Full particulars, tiireetions. etc sent free. Immense pay ateolutely sure for aii sssSfg êi. Addres8CHEAIV7 WfLEStóaSSajSBg FUHÖHKH St McMACKIN.Oücinnati.O. AMú VfANTED Mr Animal Aiiinrarat ! Now is the time of year that people are looklng for : BIG BARGAINS ! [n goods. I will say that for the next thirty days I will make pants and suits lower than ever thóy were made before in this city. and persons cannot put their money to better use than to come right in now and leave their orders. I am reduclng my summer stock, which shall be very low, and I am also receiving Jarge invoices of Fall and Winter Patterus of all the Leading and Nobby Styles, whieh I shall put up at wonderfully low prices. Now come and see me, and you will not be disappointed. A perfect flt guaranteed or money cheerfully refunded. Eemember the place St James Block, W. Hurón St., next door to Lewis & Gibson's Photograph Gallory. W.C. BURCH FIELD. ZEToir? Sugars That are Strictly Pure, FOR COFFEES That are Perfeci in Flavor, FOR GROUND SPICES That are not Adulteratedj That Never Turn Red and SALT BY THE BARREl ! -GO TO- J. D. Stimson ANN ARBOR. MICH.


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