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Poisonad by Scrofuig I Th talm of acrofuja In the blood ahonld be gotiid oforserlou ■ nsequencc! iptlon Ib undoubtedly scrofnla or the lang nnd In lts early etages m:iy be curcd by pui ifj ing the blood and bulld. Ing up the sysn-iji. For Ibla n l'i BampaiilU m iiiir.[i!illcd. lt alao eurefl serofula wUen tt appears In the fonn of runp.Iniï sores, bolla, bnnobei In Urn neck, catarrh, or In any othcr maimer. Wtaile It purlflcs, Hood's Sarsaparllla iiUo vltallzes and enrlchC9 the blood. "I have been tp.klng Hood's Saraaparllla for about n throe montha. Bcforc tliat time iny blood was la a ! terrible coudltlon. Al'trr using lt for about one month my appetlte was beaiïr and my general health i greatiy lmproved. Kur ft medicine as good au Hood's Sarsapitrllla too mucli ennoot be sald." L. L. tlxsnY' Bugbec House, Patnai "I have lr n tronbled wlth serofula for three ' years, ïiavlng running urei (n my leg. After takln? one botilc ol Hood'B Bafuparllla I nm gettlut well j rapldly." Asa ElBIL. Boutb Ilend, Ind. Kood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all dragglits. 1; slxfor. i'rcpared by C. HOOI) & CO., pothecutoa. I.owcll, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar. Stomach I Liver iRfGÜUTÓal OüRES Cf?533TiPaTIO. . IBaiaaacaRct iwiin n 11 1 ii ■■■- -i im'vwmKmm Toir'-d Llrer.lndlgertion, Iïsnrr.burn, Malaria Elicumati&m, Palpititli.u of tt.o HeRrt when arisiiigfromiiidigcia:u:.ord-rar;i;edcondltiOD oltüo ttnmaZb, Bicic ücadaiiiie or Jlicrain teil Tho oaly medl'osieivoïy Carn &OKstipatIn. Prie, e 1.00 perbottle ; G bottles, 86. e(END MI CIKCfLARS, FKKE. P.J. CHEWEY & CO., Prop'ro, Uauiafaciurin Chsmijti MALT BITTEKS. Itwin cure any cass of I,lver and KIdncy troubles when properly taken. It is a perfect renovator and invjorntor. lt cleaust'S the sytem of the polsonoiis huinont that develop in Llver, Kldney anti ïrinary diseases, carryinc away all polsoitoHS maitcr and re torins tho Bloed to a Iiealthy conditi 'ii, cnriüiliig it, refrpoliing and nvigoratini; Mlnd and Body. lt prevnita the rowth to 8erions lllncNa of a, K)ans;ei'ouM Clasa of XHaiiftcs that bcia ín mero trivial ailments, and are too ept to bo neglectd as sucli. THOrSANOS OF OASES of tho worst forms of theso terrible disea?es have b=pn quickly rcliovetl and in B short time perfoctlv cured by thö use of Iïorh A; Malt ISitters. Do not get Hops and Mnlt Bitters confounded with Inferior preparations of similar name. Tnitc Nolli:i' but Hops & Malt Jutters if you want a sure Cure. HOPS k MALT BITTERS CO, Detroit, Uien. T.TT. IIIXCTIMAK SONS, JÜetroIt, MICli.. lVi?1 JAMES E. Ui. VIS iCO L-eiSolt, Mtcü, jAgtntl DiSEASE BMÍsHEDÍ 1-loRlíh Gained, Long Lifo Socurod, BY USIWG It Purifles the Blood, It Cleanses the LIver, It Strongthens thc Kicineys, It Rogulaícs tho Bowsls, TIIUTIIFÜL TESTIMONY. KIDNEY DESEASES. "Itufereddnn and nio'H iciíA Kidncy trovbla, mu waterwas chcllcy and bhody, Icould oet no relief f rom doctoré. Kldnc'j-Wort curcd me. I am as vxll as ver. FKAXK WILSON, Feabodl, Xass. LIVER COMPLAINT. Ivoald not be without Kidney-Wort iit costflO. It oxired ny Livcr and Ktdncj troubles (iftcr Ihadlott allhopt, SAií'L U0VOE3, Wtíliamtfoicn, W, Va. PILES! PILES!! iBuJffredforlüyears ro;?i Piles, as nonebtetthose that have been q$tictêd can rtatixe. Kidney-Wort quickly cured tnc. LYMAN T. AJSELL, QeorgUt, Vt. CONSTIPAT1ON. ƒ teaa a great oxjfercr f rom díteased Kidntys &nd ïtaiterribUjcoretipaUdforycarg. 1 amnowatowmty ï3 wcll as ever I toca ín r.iy Ufe and it Í9 dut alcmtto Kidney-Wort. C. P. JtR0W2ït WestporttN. T. RHEUEtiATESM. "JtftertufferinQ forthirty yearsfrom lïheumatism and kidney troub.:, Kidncj-Wort hr.3 atimly eured me." JELMJilDOJS UALCOLM, WestBatiMe. FEMALE COPLAINTS. "Kidney-Wort hos curcd tny tvife after tieoyears aujferin'j and wfalviess, broupht on hyvse cfaSewing JtaehiM." &R. O. M. SÜMXEBUN, Sun BUI, Ga. FORTHE BLOOD. WTR past iexr Ihavi vsed Kidnty-Wori 'r MP than mtr, and tclth the best res:i!ts. laks it all H. lll, it it the mott MWes-Viil remahj I have Evtr ttstá." P1ULL1P C. DALhOir,l.D.,!iinMm, Tt. MALARIA. "ChrorJü Xalñriafor reurs, vtith Uver dltcase made me wiêh for i!eat!i. A Europzan trip. doctors and medicine t!UInoaiOd,ur.til lusctlKidney-n'ort- that CVREDme." BESllY WARD, Late Col. MM P.tjj.,N. G.S.N. Y.,J:rseyCtty,ir.J. It acts at tho oamo timo on the KIDMEYS, LIVER anti BOWELG stlmulatlns thom f r tealthy actlon and keeplng thom In portoet order. su i-j il im-ír.u, i'ro sloo liqald or Drj. Tho lattor c;n bo oont by mll. WELLS,ER!CHARDSOi3 & CO., BURLINQTOW, VERMONT, U. 8. A. MoalrU, P. Q., tml Lvaian, Satlmi. Si-sriiffftt Well DrilliuE lacMiiö 2 " f-i -M to tho surf ace at gêhbb slroliü of tin-; 2ér H&l dril!. Seiidforourcircularaiul : Mi Kr4" whjtliohorseia taken away and flUHJBWoílS&NYMAII, WSÊBKSSB&B' TIFFIM, OHIO. k3 Nert of Kii and Ilcir wante'!. wo have bea &■ Wd tij-d Ut ia al) fv of U. d. and tircïgn conntrU for BK B tb put 100 twi, to cïftitu Iwn sumí of money ama ffffc BH eiUbM. Our Jïasord rontaiu SI ,900 nuiet. Yoor funi BR m ly bmm ay b tnoog Iem. Eend for Bcok of NutM J? 1 W.C. McCORp 6 CO., Des Hoinet. lena. BJ iGerman AatlisaC:areaevcr!toglviiWÊmediatereiUr'r.i the worst c-ieoa.insu rea cooifotxKi)leHleííp; ticcïsfurrstw'acreJi l.xhcrafaii. A ■ UÊtrialeonwtnceétherr.Mtskcptical. PriCOüOc. ttlrt HSl.OO,oiI)re(ri,-i''-""tvinail. Snwpl'í I' K KV ■ ■ foratamj.. br..K. 6ÜKIFFMAy.St.auT.Mlna PHHBBOB IT WILL PAY YOU TO GO TO DETROIT " AND HAVE YOUB 3XAMTNED AND FITTED WIÏH 3PECTACLE8 OR EYE GLAlíjSSS ROEHM fc WRIGHHTP'fS, ;mportebs, jewelers J riCIANS. HO WOODWARD AVE. 1 THEY MAKE NO CHARGE FORS TESTING EYES, AND SELDOMÍ FAIL TO GIVE RELIEF. Rfl n RADWAY'S K K REWY I lig 1 11 RELIEF. A CURE FOR ALL UMMER COMPLAINT8 AteaBpoonful In half a tumbler of wnter wnitni few moment cure CRAMPS, SFASM8, SOl'KSTOJt A( H.NAUSEA, VOMITIJHi. IIEAISTIIURN, N'KKVH'SNKHS, SEERPLESSÑKSS. S1CK HEa6aCHK DIAIÍISHOÍA. DYSES'TKKY, ClIOUiliA MOKHUa I FLATÜLEXCY. AND ALL IXTEIUi'AI I i'AINS. For CHOLERA and nevnrc oases of the fcregolni Complalnt9, sec our prlntetl directions. SIALAUIA jy ITI VARIO US i'OItUS ! FEVJCR AXD AdüK. There Is not a remedial agent In thls wortd tliat wiï cure Fevcrantl Ague and all other Malarloue, ltnioui and other fevcra (aided by RAXWAY'S l'ILLS) u quieklya KADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Y UEMEF ÍS A CURB FOB EVERY PAIN. TOOTUACHE, HE IDACHE, SCIATICA, M MBACO, S'EUKALGIA. U11KIMATISM SWÉLLIXG "l fHE .1OISTS, SPRAIKS, HHUISÊÏ ' w '■--■!. PHK BACK. I HEST OK Li MUS. Tbe appllcatlon of the READY liKBEPto thenart orparts where pain dllfieulty 9lltra win aflord Instant oase and romfort. Il W8 tlic lirst and Is THE ON'LY PAIN REMEDÍ thatlnstantly atons the most ex-ruc[atini; paina, aUsyi nflammalloa, Rnd Cures Congcstlons, whetherof tin Lungs, Srmnach, Iïowels, or othcr glands ut orifana bf one ftppUcation. PIiICE,W CEKTS per Ixittlo. Sold by drueglat DR RADWAY'S ARSAPARILLIAN RE OIVENT, The Creat Blood PurifierFOK THE CURE OF CHKON1C PISEASE3. Chronlc KluHiiiiittism. Serufula, (ilandular Swelllnt Hackloe, Dry Cough, Canceroue Afïw-t!nn, Syphflltfi ComplaTnts. Iïleedintf of the Lungs, 1 )'! ps la, Watei Brasli. Wliltc Swelllngs, Tumors, Pimples, Blotche Kruptlonsof the Face, Ulcere, Skin and Hip ÜIspmc ÜercBrial DlBeaaes, Kcmale Cumplalnts, (uut, Dropsr, lilfkvta, Salt Rheum. Jtronchltia, .'oü&umplion, Kidoey. Bladder, Llver Complalnta, etc. DrRfulwmfs .Sarsaparillan Bcsolvent. A remetí y composed of Inpredlenw of extraordinarj medical properiticB, eseiitlal to purtfy, heal, repap anti invliforute tlie brokcu-dowa and wusted body- CJfK.K, rLEASAXT, üafk and PxrmanLnt In lu tret nu-nr eind care. SOLD BY ALL DKUGGIST3. One Dollar a bottlo. DB. RADWAY'8 REGULATING PILLS, Tiic Qreat Liver and Stomach Remedy. Perfectly tastelcss, elegantly coatcd. purge, regúlate purlfy, cleanse and ëtrenitn-ü. Dr. Hadway'8 Ptllfi, for the cure of nll disordersot :he Stomach, Llver, Bowels, Kidneya, Illadden N'ervous Dlseases, Loss uf Appctite, Headache, Conitlpatiun. Costlveneas, Indigestión, Dynpepsla, Iilllou aess.Fcvcr, Inflammatlon of the liüwels. Piles, and all learaneements of the Intcrnal Viscera. Purelj i-egetuble, contalníng no mercury, nilucraia, or del :erous drugs. Prlce 28 cents per box. Sold by all drugglsts. RErVD "FALSE AND TKUE." 6cnd a letter stamp to DU. BAD WAY 00, NX Q Warren Street, New York, tariüforniatlon wortb liuuauüila wlU be sent U you. We Want 5,000 More B oo K Agenta to 8tt The Personal History ofu L S. ÏRASfj CD TwBr itfHfl kJ Tha bok nWKylki 0bt1' atlrt BiB.'trr, Ml tèirtm, Ui t-.,U unir, mí ii iU mo npltts d tsuM tiUterJ rf kim . Vut A lix IhJii 31T Tcluat. ■aprblT'.131cu(V ff nat mm ittallamnütHd Anaj Fa u4ls stut uVatU Att for rlpkriwulM-t o4 ifVSCIALTERMSTü AOÏXTti. r icLi M KI ■ bT fillnff CU. Í6T ixttr. Jll-von im 4{Wr J ' AUliL AMERICAN FL'iili.lsniNc; CO., UartfoM U oston Chicago) Cincinnitt t or tít, L.uUj fARQUHAR vIbtIwÏJeRATOR. dreta 1. B. VAKyi'KAU, York, l'ft. S9BiBhH CThe Oldcst Medicine in the World is M nrobably Dr. ISAAC THOMI'SON'S U eïebrated Eye Watell Thls artlcio la a carefully preparad pliyílolan'l prescrlption. and has boen In constant ue for EerlTacenturT, and nolwlthstandinu tiio many otttsi proparatlous that hare boon lutrodacoil Into Ui markPt. the sale cf thls artlcle is constnntlr iucreaiIng If the direeilons are followed il will nevpr falL We partlcularly nvite b attentlOD oí püyaiolan v Kj, nieritójin ThoniplK)ni 8ons, 4 co. , Troy. N y CONSlMPTiON. I have a positlro romoily for iha abovo dlieait ; by lu so thousam'.sof cubos of the worst klnrt mid of lont Btaniilin liave len turet I luieeel, M)8trr.n; In my faltS lnitiefflcacT,th'itIwl;l emlTWO DOTTLU ÍKIB, tOïethrwll!iaVjlT.L'AU1.ETKEATI3Konthtiillieu to any sttfferer. üiToexpreasand F. O-addrBi. DR. T. A. SL0UUAI.181 FcarlSt., New York. R. Ü.AWARE Lorillard's Cümas Plug' bearlng .". ""d íh ttitr; that. IrllJard1 lti. lenf nnucut; that Lorlllardi HTT Cllppinit and thal Lo-lllard'a Snuff, a.1 1 oheupiv', .,!ilitr mm' lered ? tBÜPT ü R E3 EGAN'S [MPEBIA1 TB083 Thls new truss lias a ípinU sprlnj? ana OBADtjATBD pbissobï: ylclds to cvery mor on retalDfng the heruia alwars. Il ciirei. Worn inv iinil niuht wtrh comfort. Enclosa siauipforchvuliir. Dsed In both H,spitils. Aikyourdruggist. EUAN'S IMPERIAL TBDSB 00, Box2288Aui'.ArbmMlch. dftg ■■ ' a m: o -w t h: fek S fW aoi exyoMtJ paiii üy iclH e jwno o ■II ürSiraFaEB. We nion tlat rit y. Standard silTer Ware Co., Washinetun Si., r.nston, Malst. TTTiT -C1T.D A "DTT V ■' K A R N '"'rl! "nd TELEGrKAJrxi X . i-am ood pay. sltI Mutionsfurnished. Valc:iti: c Bro., Jancsvlllc, Wla, K DDER ö PASTÜXÖ.by mail. StówHI00. BtyfffTMiflif r1 '""j"" ■■-''"■--■ na. flPliSfM to-ia.l.vB. Noray il 1 t"ea. Vil B15II1 Ur.. .1. Srtruü.vs. Loi.anon, Oblo. . ■■ imm i ii ni 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 yTrnrnnfnrnrTTmrr'-Tl


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