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Around A Great State

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The twentiehbitnnial meeting of the American Poinological society was held in Grand Kapidsonthe 'Jth. lUlli and llth iiu-t. The sesslons were held In the Unlvcrsallst church, wlnch edIUce was l.andsoinely deeorated witli flowers and plants and presented an excellent appearance. Back of the rostrum was a solid background of geranium leaves with the monogram "A. P. S." tastily arranged in variegated colon. Other small pieces also ornamented the interior of the church. Secretar; J. V. Beal al Ann Arbor called the meeting t order, and annonnced 1 luit, the venerable president, Marshal P. AVildorwould be unublo tD be present, becauseot his udvanced years. The friist- of 86 winters have whliened Mr. Wilder's venerable liiiil. hut in ipite of swiftly passing years he an active interes! upo' nological research. l'f-i 'ei seniliug rogrets hls interest was shown by UK) varietlee uf pears sent by hlm. Mr. Uairy of Kochester, one of tbc oldest pomologisls m thig country, was elected Vicefresident, and ascended ttie rostrum amld hearly applansi: from tbc delégate. Mr. T. T. I.yon of South Haven, President of the Michigan Horticultural Society wilcomtd the American l'omologlcal Society in a short address, in whichhespoke in the highest termsof the bcneflts which Michigan people would derive from the meeting and hoped that. It would not be the lust tfniethev nrould meet here. He considered tflehlgao fruit societies amoug the flrst in the countn . Mayor John L. Curtiss aleo addressed the meeting, rcviewlng the erowth of the city during the past lifteen years, and welcomed theJ State aml city's guests most cordlally. Vlce-President Barry ezpreued thanks in bchalf of the sortety and spoke very tlattenn,rly of the giowth of the second city in tne state. .1. B. Angelí, President of the Unlversity of Michigan, was next intredueed, and he in behalf of the pomologists of the state and the state, welcomed the asoclatlon most ly. lie exprossed great regret at the inability of President Marshal Hinckney Wilder to be present, owing to the intirmities of oíd age. Of the progresa of the associatlon and the development of all kinds of fruit he spoke jointly. The progress of one means progresa iu the other, and the classification of fruits he said had been a most important part of the work of the society, and in conclusión thauked the association Tor the honor they had conferrcd on our people by meeting on Michigan soil. Alter the addresses committces wereappointed to take charge of various branches of the work, ainong others a delegatlOD from each neïtmcelViig'.'" "'" "'" ' Benj. G. Smitli, of Cambridge, Mass., Treasurer of the society, roadlas report, irhlcn showed the araouut of cash on hand In lirio to be 51,518, 2(5: cash recelpts up to September, 1SS5, are $,'31 78 inciudfog balance from old account. Cash disbutsements were $1,003 03; cash on hand,$l,226 (9. The accounts balance. Adiseilssion fulluwed ae to the iihn-rnf holdng the next meeting. J. B. Mooie, of Massichusetts. offered Boston as the place In bclal' of tbc MassachusetU Hortfcultural Society. Some desired that it be In ld at Koches;er, N. Y., hut by a unanimous voteit was dccided to hold the meeting at Boston. The aftCTnoon was devoted to a dlsoussion on app!e3. and in the evenlns Chas. E. Bessey, of Nebraska, delivered and address on injufious f unjji. SEPTEMBER 10. When the mEtlng had been -alled to order i'rof . Arthur of New York discu.-sed the nature of fimgi and related many intcresting experiments he made to show how it can be transmittcd. The germ that causes pear blight originates on the tree, is washed off into the fround and taken up in the moisture or dry air, and thls comes in contact with the delicate '-' nt tii,. t.... ,, tti. snrin? and shows Jtaeli n the liKUKi-mni; of tnr liinus, aiiout July 1, n hot. motst weather. The pear blight Is aused by this bacteria, a germ. 'I hé pear )light eau bc commnnlcated uy washing out tli' Julce in :i dlseased jimb. Ihe germ in the uice andnot the juice itiflf is the eommuni:ating cause. '1 lie disease would result irom nocculation bï germs, luit in no instancefrom .he jucie Erom vhich the gernis were removed. The germ i meterla that causes pear bllght L a distinci germ from otbers that attack the Yetr-t:ibK' growth likt the apple und quince, uk] ,i alone v.ill produce pear bllght. This ferm will not produce peach blight. In response to a questiouthe professor said: [t Is not cértaln that a pear tree will be (üitirey killed by the attack of the l-lightlng germ oualiinlj. lt may progress througliout the tree or it ma.y stop at any time. If the tree is attarkcd on thi liody below the 1, ranches, as it may be through a ? mail twlg or bad, unless liscovcred ut once and cut out t wil) be dead. The tree will turn brown or black when ttffectcd before the k-aves turn. This is bard to sec. l'he leaves are lirst to show the I l2ht ■leariy. The inife used in remoring dlseased ;wlgs or bark need not bc constantly dropped ii i ai bolle acid to prevent communfeating the liseasc. Tiicrc is no cure for bllght. The tree s killed as far as it reaehes. Only an anticeptic will prevent it, and that is practicallv impossible. The only thing to do is to cut OH and save as inuch as ixiisible. Wasbing the trunk of tbc tree witu tuipimr and Tme would not be effectivc. Heknew notSügDl the yellows in the peach, had made no experimenta In that directlon. The practical tulng to do to prevent bligbt In the pear is to not forcé a rapid growth. Prof. Beul read a note from l'rof. Burrill on O)e rot, allcging iU appearance in the ted States. Pi of. l.azcuüy of Oblo spoke on the methods of jimt -i-tii-n agalnat 1woti A mulch ol straw is used asa winter protection, and not removed in the spring. Expcriments at the Ohio experiment station showed a dtfference of over three degreea great r wannth where there was no straw than where there was straw. This and other experfmenU showed that frost is more likely on mulched ground than on bare ground. i?moke would be a protection, but is nol possible in the open air. The difference in tempe; at ure of tol he could not state, liut there is a difference iu favor of dark soil. A. delégate Btated that in New Jersey the dlfferenec betweeu niulched and unmulched grouud was from flve to sevcn degrees in favor of the bare ground, but wiiiter mulch use 1 in keepii g back the fruit blossem on etrawberrlea is beneficia!. On the methods of conducting borticultural Bocleties, Mr. Plerce of Oblo read n paper. The newspapor was bis principal relianee in this work lor succes. Mr. Gariicld of Michigan very heartily indorsed the sentiments set forth liv Mr. l'i ;rce. Lcssons ffom the world's exposition were set fiitti iu a paper read by Mr. Qoodman .f MisBouri and was followsd bv Mr. T. T. Lvon of Michigan, The fruit for exhibition was irranged at the armory, and presented avery Bne appearance. Thcrc were about 4 (x:o [dates containiug specimens of ncarly eve:y variety known t: pomolorepres-nted, Michigan's sbave b ■■miií: Twenty-fonr plutcs of apples and threcjcrate6 by C. 0. Wlcks of l.owcll, Mieh.; apples and plums by S. K. Marsh of Palo, lonia county; gïaches,"); rapes and pears K. E. Graham of ent eounty; a large collectton from Judgc J. (. KaïnsdclVs farin at Traverse City; appïes and jxaches by A. C. Glidden of Benzie county; 100 plat?s apples and pears by Lenawee county; 125 platea apples, peaches aml trapes, and samples of tranberries and black red raspberries by V. A. lirown of Stevensvllle, Berricn county; 86 plates apples, pears andgrapes by E. II. Scottoi Ann Arbor; 15 platos plums abd 0 platos of peaolies bj ('. A. Scssions ( leeana county ; 12 plates peaches and pears, and specimens on branches of plums. peacbei and berries by b. C. Woodman, Walker toWnfhi: 12 p'at s ipples, 11 pears, 2 grapes, 1 plums by (ïeo. Jinaenuiin. Grand napldstown stiin; i-O plates apples, pears and grapts by I. E. Ilgenfritz, Monroe ; 100 apples, peacne?, pears and grapes from South Haven ; 100 iilatcs wild fruit, mits, etc , indigenous to Michigan by Prof. Bailev of l.ansiug; 17 pea-s. H applea and2crabb? by B. F. Partridge, Bay City. and apples by Geo. G. Bennett of Grand Uapidí townshlp. Part of tbc Misfouri exhibit is two years old, havins been kept In cold storage. 'The fruit is in good condition. At the af trnoon fession a re solutlon was adopted that before the Russian aoples be placed upon the catalogue of the American pomológica! eodety, their ñames be referred to a comm;tte whö shall be governed hy the principies laid down in the rules oí the society lor the uaming of fruit; also, that when the fruit is introduced it shall be the dutyof the preslding offleer to fir.'t tubmit the name of the variety for approval, and if objected to it ! sball bo cklled by the name of the owner or introducer unttl properlv catalogued and named. Several papers were read and the committee on awardí made its report, the following awards beinegiven to Michigan exhibitors: Wilder mrdals, of 6ilycr, to the Michigan ftate horticultural society, for 517 plates of apples, 23 plates of crab 'apples, 152 plates of p( ars. tiS plates plums 34 peaches, 69 grapes. 4 raFpbenics, 4 blackherries, 1 eaca of tuincef. .Tapajjese, persimmons. horse-1 cbff tnuts una cranberrie, total %8 plat's. Prof. L H. Bailey, Jr., of the M.chigan í? cultural college for twenty-five plates ■ a, nuts. aad other native fruits. Honorable raention was also made of the exhibit of J. 8. Owena, Saugatncï, Mlch , acd S. TT. Conningi st. Jos ;pb M.oh In the evenlnjj Prof. (ook of LanslDdellyered ao nddress on uLconoin!G ËDtozo JoLr.v." Uta exblbltion of fruit attracteda Large gatbcring of poople during tbe cntiro cveniug. SEI'TKMBEK 11. Immcdlati'ly after thi' opening of the scssion Dr. Heiamerol tïew York unonoced that Gov. Coleman of Missouri, commfMloner of agricu ture, was present and an invitatlon was extondid the gentleman to address the meeting. He did so and referred to the iaut thathe was the lirst agrleulturist and horticulturist called to the agricultura] bureau. He had taken a strong Interest In the studv of funiii, aud he desiría to aid the horticulturist. To DUEh that work he had called to hls aid Prof. scrlbner, whom he hoped those having matters oL interest t) communleate would addren. The commis&loner referred to tht magnitude oL the great interests of horticulturc, t-tating tlie ralne of the tpple erop at from 820,000,000 to $4'J,000.000. Jle was in favor of a división or bureau in the dt partment devoted entirely to poniology. The testing of fruits an 1 plants from all part; of t :e world, in all parta of the country, wns a work he contémplate havlng done tnoronghly lor the ;ulvan inent of our productivepowers. Consuls will be asked to select and torward to Washington sueh plants as may have value in this couiil r y. Prof. Beal introduccJ a resölutlou, which was adopteil, thanking Mr. Coleniau fur jjushing nis investigations into fungl. "trrape culure" formed the subject of debate íor nearly four hourfl. The different varietles of American grapes, thelr quallDCations, hardiness and keeping quulities wcre dlscusseq at length. The disjussion of nev vaiieties of grapes eocupled considerable time, and was of the greatest interest At the close of the discussion carrlages were furnishcd by the i'itiz na, and a number of the delegates were driveu to Munson & Knapp'a nursery. two milos from the city. After lookine over the farm the delegates returned and again iscmbled and they listoued to a paper by W. 'I'. Chamberlalo öf Ohio on the needs and methods of gathering fruit statistics. Parker Earle of Illinois followcd with a paper on the packing and shipment of fruit, reter L. Uideon of Minne.-ota relatod the history of hls earlv experience In planting and growing apple trees. ïlie last paper ot the uay was read by E. T. Fibel of New Jersey on the culUvatlon of the eocoanut In Flor da. In the eveuing of the closing day no formal session was held. The delegates met and were entertained witb vocal sclecjtion by the Schubert club, and then followed short addressci from many of the delegates, giving their individual expressions of the pleasure the meeting had been to them. The next meetirg will fcc held two years henee at Boston, Mass. TIn; cxhibition of fruit was vlsited by large crowds of lmlii s and gentlemen. Sonie of the íüllíJílU-bp taked to tjie state fair at, Knlnmu.held in Grand Haplds, and the rest was sold and giveu away. The display has been most successful, and a more complete exl i t of fruit has oever been sccn in MichI _ ___ Michigan Crop Report. Por this report returns have been rcceived from 838 correspondents reyresenü 868 tovnship3. Five liundred and seventv-etecht oí these returns are from 405 towuships in the southern four tiers of counties. The number ol acres oi wheat thrashed up lo about August 25, in the southern four tier of rounties, a shown by the records kept by thrashers' w:ts 109,895) the yk'ld from whicli was 3,445,567 bushels- an average of twcnty aud seventy-one one-hundredths bushels per aere. The number of acres thrashed in the northeru tounties was 17,343; yield, 309,402 bushe'.s; average, twenty-one and thirty one-hundredths bushels per acre. The yield per acre in the southern counties is a trine more than a bushei, and in the northern counties nearly one and three-fourths busheli greater than in any previous year. Multiplying the acres ij] wlirat 'n ■""'" rnli,,(, H Wu uuuuiiB Tour tiers Ijy the average yield per acre in the samê eounty, and the acres in the northern counties by the average viel il per acre in those counties, and addiug the products, we obtaio 81,219,8 bnshela as the probable total yield In the st:it". This is 4,845,315 bushels iu excess of the highesl previous official estímate. In -June we stated that, with favorable weathcr until barvest, the ag gregate yield in the state would eieeed 25,000,üoo tmslicls and might reach Ü5,Ï59,OOO busbcls. The same month the Department of Agricultnre, ut Washington, estimated the crop at 2J.O00,O0O bushels, thuugh the average condltion ::s placed Six polnts lower tlian in May. Our August estímate was 26V:0r.00J bushels. This enormous increase of 4 842,342 bndkell over previous cstimates will doubtless cause vitv general surprise, but tono one more than farmers themfelves. The August estlniutes of correspo'.iüents show tt at the farmers expected a f uil avciaje erop, but they did not lookfor an average per acre that would exeeed the highest evergrowu. It is noticeable that the yield is unexpectedly large in everv pait of the state. The actual yield, as shown by thrasherd' rc:ords, exeeeds the estímate in cvory instance. sThe excess ior all the southern counties ainounts to nearly three and a half bushels, and for the northern counties to nearly live bushels per acre. It should, peruaps, be noted hcre that the department is informed of instances wete farmers have re])orted to the thrashers an acregge conslderably below that reported to " " i -irlinpi hntlt seems bardly probable ; that this has been done m i siunuitiyijumuci of cases to materlally affect the totals for the state. There may, however, be more or less lnaccuracy due to thefact that farmers huve thrashonly á part of their erop- genenilly the part stacked- but just what portiou it is impossiuio to i-.t ïmiuu uitii oertalnty. Most of the erroi'8 from this cause should be eorectcd in I Octobcr. To the question, what varïeiv of . whíat has given the highesl vield per arre, 252 correspondents in the southern four tiera of counties answer Clawson, ninety-four Fult!, twenty-slx Eirytian, sixten Lancaster, and fifty-two answers are divided between twenty-nine other varieties. To the ucstion, whlch varicty has glven the schond hlghest yield, elghte-elght answer C'awson, 117 Kultz. iiftyeight Egypt an,nnd Lancaster. To tt.e queston, whlch varicty is third In order of yield lifty-three answer Clawson, seventy-two Fulti, ftfty-three Kgyptian, and ofty-nlne I.amastrr. In the northern counties the order of yield was nearly the same as in the southern part of the state. Kcpurts have been received of the quantity of wheat marketidbv farmers durfng the in nith oí August at 381 elevators aud milis. üf these, c0) are in the southern four tiers of counties, wliich is eighty one per cent. of the whole number of e!evators umi thüIs in these countic.-. The total number of bushels i orted marketed is 1,607,173, of whlch 810,986 bushels w re marketed In the lir-t r souihern ticr of lomitics: iJOO.'.lxl bushels in th_' second tler; 895,470 In the thiril tier; 48'3,''58 bushels In the fourtb ticr; and 121,078 foushels í n Ule couotlet oorth o{ the eonthern fonr tlers. At ] Ol'ty-fnlir o'1-' atoEJ uud milu, ür twolv.' peí' r ni. ol Ihe ivkole aumber (rom which reporta have been recelved,there was uowhtatmarket ed durin the month. In th ■ oiiMirrn four of cmnties 47, 175 ; o.-it ■ thnisliedyiclded l,( 7S !)-l busbels, :n ave r.iiíi.' ol ihirt.-seven aud üS-hnndredths brishels et acre; and in the northern countles acre) threshed ylelded 26,419 bushels, au average of thlrty-nve and (Ki-hunilrcdtbs bushels per acre. The number of aerea of barley reportd thrashe:l in the state is 8,800, yleldlng 13 121 bushels, an aTcrage of twonty-iïven and 81bandredthe bushels [i r acre I-rom observatlona taken at the oflice of the State Board of Health it appeara that the weatuer during August was colder bv tour and one-half dezree than dur.'ng any prevloua August df whtch we have record. The avi iiturc lor the month w:is B'lty-three and 38-bundredtbe degrees; tho average in August, 1SS3, which is the next lowest, being tv.ïn and Imndredths degrees. )f C'iursc, ion; lias made very slow urogress tovratd maturitr. Unlesa toe weatner in SepT i ■ ! 1 1 1 ■ í ■ r i ' ■ riptionally favorabl , tin is little hope tiat the erop' in all partsof the el twill fully ripen. The condition of eorn is reported at nhu iy three per cent, and of clover sowo thi- year át etgbty-flvo per cent. the comparison belnfrwlth vitalily and growth of average years. 1'ot.atoes promlse eighty-nme per cent., and applcs fif ty-two per cent. of anaverai;ec.tfi. Brant Coes Fishing. Lyman A. Brant of Detroit has gone on an extended trip to the fishing Krouuds of the state. He has gone as an agent of the Michigan flsü commisslon, and the purposes ot hls journey, Driefly stated, are the collection of reliable information as to the extent and value of the fisherics, the number of pounds of food fishes taken, their size and value. the methods emploved in their capture, the number of jnen employed in the industry and other statistics which wlll place hefore th people of the 6tate reliable inforroation as to the importance of Ssbing iuterests and the best methods to be pur.-ucd to protect and increase the returns hom tbis resource. In conversation with a reporter of a Detroit dally Mr. Braut saifl: 'The eïtent end importance of the fishing interests of Micbiean are but little known and roorly appreclated. The time is not far dis'arit when somethlng must be done to trotect wlthin a reasonable dcgree the waters of the state or Ithey will become practieally depopulated and ■ a fallure as a sonreí of Wholesale and chcap iood BOpply. To limit the constant draiu upJon tbe waters wilhiu bounds whieh will not te destructive to the young fish mul to restock the waters bj artificial propagation and planting are among the uims of the intelligent fishermen and the general public, wlio have become informed as to the objeets sought to bc attainod and tbcir methods of attainment. Sotnething of an idea may be ftatherM ol the extent of the work of tfceeommission from the fact that during the present year abont JJO.OUO,000 wuitclish alone liave been artiflclalh hatched by thtin and deposlted in the waters within the boarders of the state. These tish would weljrh, if allowed lu reacb maturity, not less ihan an averageof,thrce pounds each and would have a market value at Wholesale of at lest 4 cents per pound. The work of the coiumiseion on le urosecuted at a comparativcly smal! eost to the taxpayers of the state. In fact, it is believed that within a few years a systém of inoderats Hcenses can be devisedlout of whieh eau be raised a fund whieh will defray the cutiré expense of their work. The artilicial propagation of fish has eeasí A to be a qiiestíon of experiment or theory, and has become a demonstrable faet. From it .can be derived an unfailins supply of cheap and wholesome iood. Many other states are In advauce of Michigan in this dlrectlon, Malnc, New Jersey and Wisconsln perhaps leading the van." ! "My íirst labora," contlnued Mr. lirant, "wlUoe on the slioro of Lake Superior. The full Santos Beason commences earlier there than elsewhere aud it is desirable to Ket over tbe eround before bad weather beglns. Mv alm will be to communioate with the practical fishermen on the grouncU, eonvey to them the alms of the commission and taKe from them tlieir views as t the best mcans of preserving and enhan ing the value of the great tishing interests of the state." Michigan Indian Homestead Cases. The seeretary ot' ÍBterior has Iflsued an order reopenlog the way for actlon n certaln coutested Indlan homestead cases in Michigan in wliitli ction has been suspended since Ma'rch II, 18T7, by order of Cari Senurz, the then secretary of the interior. The suspension of action was in regard to entries in the Todia and Travi City ilistricts, now concentrated at Reed City, Mlch. The order concludes as i'olows: "The time for offer of llnal prooi npon 'the homi'steakls has long siuce elapsed and in some instances 6ubseuent homestead entries made after eancellatiou and prior to the order of suspension have also remaiued more than the seven y r ol Umltatlon upon the records. 1 aceordiñglv reeall the former suspension and direct a fair examinatlon of the pending cases upon the inerlts of eaeh as it shall bé reached with such notióe to all partles, iueluding notice to the Indiau agent in charge, as shall be necesaarj to the just and ris;ht de Certainiv' mi ffiore tecilülcar Ijujcctítoirt be permtttcd to deprive the Indians of (ruaranteed treaty rights, if the saine eun be as-u 'cd to them by any reasonable construetion of tl' existioglaiv rclative to thosc homestead orivlleges." A Romantic Tale. Tbe case of Francés Earl vs. Nathan Earl has been dlsposed of in the circuit rourt at (rana Rap:ds by a decisión in favor of thc defendant. The defendant is a Sparta farmer aged 83 years. Ín Lenawce county, 22 years ago, hemarried the plaintill', and' the COUple livisl together several years, when it was iliscovered lio bad two prevlous wlves, both alive nnd no divorce. Thcy were proecuted f ir bigamy, but the case fi-11 threogll for some rearan. The two separated until theürstand legal wiíe dlcd, wheu they caoi'; together again uiul were remarried. Thcy lived togetbcr for a few years longer- until ÍSSO, when the oíd man got tlred oí bis wife, quarrellcd, and u divorce was secured by her In Lenawee countv. ■She wns given alimony by the court. lio moved to Kent county, bought a farm in Sparta, married a blooming widow 64 years oíd, !.'- f:mHí-(l in the ttayment of thc alimony to bis Ola lie, and she eot out un nttaihment on his farm. He unjoined the sale of the farm on the gronnds that It was his homestead and ex,empt. The ejurt sustained him and declared t'io attachment off. The plalntiff Is 58 years oíd. Officers of the Micnigan Asylum for Insane Crimináis. The Ionia asylum for the care of Insane crimináis is now in full operation and Iready bas forty-one patients. Tbc Institaüon Is locatcd on the same groundswitli the house of correction. Fo'lowing are the otlicers anl tbe present list of attundauts. O. 1!. Long, M. ü., Ionia, medical superintendant. A. Stanly Dolan, Lcwell, assistant physlclau. J. C. Taylor, Ionia, clerk and steward. P. D. Cutler. Ionia, treasurcr. John I.eathers, Montcalm county, engineer. Mr-. J. 13. Hart, Lapeer, matr.'n. B. R. Fales, ürleans, clothlng clerk. Neil McLarty, Poniiac, supervisor. Attcndenti- ü. A. Gould, New Hudson; J.eander Berry, ürleans; C. W. Draper, Plainwell; Floj'd "Woomer, Muir; J. (reenhoe, Ionia; Thos. Magill, Pontiac; B. F. S;ncer, Ionia: Mies Jenuie Clark, Oakland county ; Miss I. A. Carlisle, Detroit. Foatponed. The business men'a convention of tho upper península whleh was to have been heiu In Isbpeming COK;1 ''■■ ioti has buen post,. ... ■ .1 tu October Mn m... ' .,,„ active movers of the enterprlse are confldent that tbere wfll be :i goodly atremlnnce, and excsllent worli will lie accompllsbed. The comralttee on St. Marv's s:u;i canal 11 present an exhaustivo report, dwelling ehiefly upon the importance of widenlng the canal. Tne committses are : On uarfcors - C. Í. Osbornc, Maiuettc; Joseph Slercer and Louis Tiempo, Sault Ste. Marie. On St, Mary's Falls canal and rlver improvement- William Chandler. II. W. Seyinour, St. Marie; C. II. Cali, Marquetta On Portage lake ship canal and river improvements - John Duncan, A. J. Scott, Hancock; IJ. F. Emerson, Menominec. On raüioads - Tim Nester, Varquette; E. li. ( liamberlain, Edward Uvan, Hancock. On state relations - M. H. Maynard, Marquette; J. N. Wilirlit, Calumet; James A. Crozler, Menominee. Business of the St. Hary's River Canal for August. The sippended table shows the business done by the Sault caual fr the montli of August, 1884 and 1885. 188. 1885. Uf'istcrcd tonnage 488,314 489,182 Frelghttonnage 4S6.:i 519,572 PassengerB; number 11.477 7,934 CoaLtons.. 148,740 151,223 Flour. barrels 141,834 154,875 (rain, bushels 633.509 2,162,199 Salt, barrels 46.841 L6654 I ron ore, tons 981.989 328,512 Lamber, fcet 22,803,000 27,!i,000 The average of daily passages through the caual for tho mouth was a fractton OVOT "' It will be noticed that tliere is a general in'.'rcase over the traffic of last yeaï shown by the i above statement, that in grain belng over 2J0 I per cent. - Marquette Mirimtj Journal. MINOR STATE HAPPENINGS. I.owcll Iongeth fur more business enterprises. Cbauncey E. Hurlbut, a resident of Detroit s nee 1835, is dcad. Crystal Falls, in the upper península, liad a $Í8,OO ) lire a few days ago. A deposit of fine building stone ka been di.-covered in Grand Rapids. Charlotte is to bc bonded tor $40,000 for the eonstiuetion of water-woi ks. Detroit councilmen havn afreed to appropriate $300,000 for a bridge to Helle Isle [ark. In the past two years 8131,80 I worth of public buildings have h?en erected at ('harlevoix. The street ear drivcr, at Battle Creek, who earries the m ist passengers gets a prize every montb. Grand Rapids' new city hall is now falrly under way. The conaer-stone was laid on the Slth inst. Cheboygan Lopes to have a first-elass flouring mili in the near future, one that will tarn out 109 barrels of flour each day. The contradi to build the Toledo i. Ann Aiborroad have bedn let, and the hiring of men and teams has commenced. Ste. Anne's church propertv, Detroit, has been sold te a syndicate tor ?S7,000. A fine business block is to be erected on the site. Kalamazoo oelery growen propose to re cover damages from mili owners for the iniiiry to their celery fields from the recent flood. Wm. Dick, a farmer of Kalkaska eounty has ;i Poland China pig which bas made a growth of 3% pounds per uay for the la-t two months. A project is under headway for a transit rallway through Lansing, pays the Republican. It will be a home fr)ect and controlled in Lansing. Reports to the Michigan &tate board ïof healtn show dlphtheria at 14 places ; scarlet f ever atUrlaces; typhoid f ever at 12 placs; measles at Detroit. The public 6Chools and many business places of Colawater elosed on the o casion of the funeral of Hon. Charles Upson, whih was very largely attended. Cbauncey Neweïl of Muskcgon : rtenth shm uu from a lmiit a few Be bied to death before medical iiid eould b?'imuioned. ■J. 1). Munson Is tobe superintendent of the UOW ssyluio at Traverse city. For some time past Mr.MunLoii has been assistant physiclan l'mitie Insano tsylum. The business meu's assoclation of Marquette wbfcti hasbeen In erfstence for a llttle over a TMr, is maklngtewv eITort to secure : racturing industries i'or the place. Jacob Hancock, a resident of Hillsdale eounty sin v 16! II. dlel at the residenee of hia son-In-law, in Canibri township. the otbiT night Mr. Hancock was in the 7Oth year of his aee. Jackson is badly torn up by the fact that a number of prominent citizens and city oflielals werc captured at a raid made on agambllng bel] iu that city early on a recent Sunduy morniGg. The examination of W. Q. ('arveth, of ; li;i -tilias, chargèd wlth the attempted ]oisonInt; of his wife, resultod n the dcieudiuit beni; hn'd lor trial by the circuit court. Amount : of bailnotflxed. Perley ( base, live-year-old son of Geo. F. Cliase of Ionia. bas been missing since Au'i". $1 l[c was dressed In ft brown ehecked suit wilh knee-breeches, andhasdark complexión, black cjvs and balr, the lattcr ellpped. Mank. a eounty, eoraposéa' oL the seattered islands fa the nortnern part of Lake Michigan, is rapidly l-i reasing in population. Th" imm ber of in 1S84 was but 878, against 1,334 In 1SO, being a decrease of '30 per cent. Notwithstaudiug the transfer of 23 patlents at Kalamazoo asylum to the ncw asyluin at lunia for Insane crimináis, there are not sufnciedt accomodatlons at the Kalamar.oo institution to supply the applieauU for admission. TÁChleago & West Mlchlcan road has spent $10,000 In the erection of watertanks, andhasord red new ones al New Era, 8t. .lus: jii. Lacros c and 1'. utwatcr, whiie tbc lareesl onc :n the state bas Jutt b en Bnishe 1 at HoOlaad. In the shoot for the individua! state championship at Midland. Brown of Milfoil, won bv a ecore of ".':!, WaKciv, Osmon and Norlh'got 2:: Thomasand Bmmmitt20. The next meeting of tl:e state a3OCltlon willbe at Pontiai-, Oct Band 7. The Oovernor bas app-jinleJ (eo. H. Hop kinsif Detroit, a memoer of hls staff as As sistant Inspector-General wlth the rank of Lieutcnant ( o'.onc!, 'i nuel Wella of Huchanan, having reslgned that Hsition in order to beeome governor of the BÓldiers1 bom l Tha iore-lady at Parke Darla . Co.'s laboratorv iu Detro t stoi d on a liarrel oí to open a wlndow, and whlle doing eo the hcad of the barrel gave wav and she went sweet." A boy named Frank Whitney of halngsburï, whlle (oollng wlth a revolver, pointed it at the head of Burt Manzer, only son of S. H. Manzen. The weapon went bil, the ball entering the boy's chin and lodging iu the base of the braiu. }le lived in great agony for three days when he dicil. Dr. Qeorge W. Fish, of Flint, Mlch., formcrlv United States consul to Tunis, iuoums the death of his youngestdanehter, Miss Alda, who was his companion whiie at his post in África. Dr. Fish has lost his wife and three childrcu wtthln a eomparatively short time, all of consunintion. Prest. Willits' inlluence is shown at tbc agricultural college by the increased attendance. The numbering entering this term alicailv largely exceeds thnt of former years, and .-tuiieiits' are arriving daily . It seems as thowgh the school had ciïtered upon an era of great prosperlty. The Sands tfc Mnxwell lnmber eompany have purchased a tract of 5,0C0 acres of plne land rltuated on the coast of tha upper península, i i .Mackinaeand Chlppewa c:)unties. Also a saw-mill that cost $45,000 to buikl. They have a goud harbor and can load large vessels from théir own docks. Report.s fri in along the lines of the C. & G. T., the D. (i. 11. & M. and the D. &C. G. T. J. Ha the yield averages as follows: Hay I heat 'Ï2 bushels, oats 40, coru 58, barley o7, rye 20, potatoeslÖ). A (onvlet at the pri",ii by the name of Wm Maaden attempted to make his escape the otberday by concealing hims;lf lindera load of wagon poles which were being taken from the prison. Af ter getting outsidè he started to run, but was caught alter a chase of about half a milc and rctui'n 'd to hls cell. Vm. 1'. Lange, an Kast Sagiuaw cigar manufaourer, bas been missing since the 'Ú inst., and,' hls friends fear foul plSy. Lange is a man of light complexion, wears a sandy mustache and is over six feet in helght. Any information concernlng hiin will be gladly received by bis friends at 410 Germán Street, East Saginaw. Miile Neil St. Cla!rof Iloward City was cutting hoop )X)lea in the woods near ood Lake he icuuu what is supposed to be the skeleton of a ivoraan about .'í yearfl of age. The left side of the skull had been erushed in, and indications polnt to foul plav. The skeleton had evidently (aln therc seyerai years, and old resldents are puzzliog tlieir bralns trying to reeall incldent8 that will unravcl the mystery. At the Hudson school election, on the flrst ballot, Abram Loyster liad a plurallty oí the Boleseast. A sVmd vote was ta'íen. and Mr. Dyutc iccc! miv Mr. Loyster' s the II i. 'u working andera special charter which m-ikc a plurallty vo'e sutlii i-nt to clect; and as uu agreementcan be reached, the matterwill be carried to the state authorit:es at I.ansing. John Shafer, a resident of Paris township. Kent co., since 1S10, where he bought 400 acres of land, was a lirst liciteiiaut in the war of j L818, and lraow Inhb99b year. His sight and hearing are somewhat impaired, but nis mental faculties are as good s ever. His mother dled at the a:c of 101. He has three brothers now livliui, all over 'JO years of ago. His wifc dieil tbree years ago, after a wedded life of 08 yearö. - Voos TIn: state board of health has just issued a circular to the members of local boards of health, giving valuable hints on the prevention of the introduction of communicatie discases, and publishing thelaw infull inivlation to the matter. Rules rearding permits for the removal of sick persons or infected artic'.cs have also been issued, and the document on the prevention and retriction of cholera has been revised and prlnted. Qe irge E. Carr, of Kcut eounty. will continue his search for gold on his premises, the indications all b:ing encouracing. C.T. oodring. a mininir expert, bas ilsited tl: 'tind," and discovered black sand, pyrites, mies and other natuial gold assoeiates. It is belieycd that gond wi;cs could be made by washing the surface dirt. William C'heetham, whose farm is eat of the Carr place, bas found evidences of copper on his property. Mis M. Bi t-md, a most pucct'RRlul ih'Ii.t at Iiankers, lias been using "Michigan and lts r BOUrces11 as a text book in lier school for her most advauced pupUs wlth gratifyiug results. Among other features the pupils are re:iuired t ) writi' ;i composltlon ou some topic tuar, uicy Lave been reading about in the work. Sueh a course has awakened irreat interest uot only among papila ul also amone parentswho are brougbi face to face with facts that show that Mlchlgan's resources are not surpassed by those of any other state íd tbo Union. - Lans int) titpiMkan. Three new buildings are in tourscof cm ti'i for tbc agricultura] college at LaDslne; the mechanica! building, nearly completed; tüe vetcriuary building, half linished, and the military huikliua; falrly begun. The last will be 100x30 feet. All theie are of brlck. A number of new cottages for the families "f members uf the fa-ulity have latei; been buüt ] The comiug freshman class, it is estlmated, will number about 100; and it is airea ly becomlnj BOmethlng of a problem how to accommodate so many students as the lnstitutloD will next year coctaln. As a result of the recent changes in the pension service, by which a nummer of the dis trlcts wcre Consolidated, Paul K. WUllami of Detroit, lately in charge of lh; .Michigan district as supprvising examlner of ponsi(n asent :, has been ordered toto a new field. He has been selected by the coinmissioner as 'he agent to eiamlne'into special cases. In any part of tbc country, reqvxiring particular skill and familarity with the pension kuis. Jn makinjf the appointment Mr. Williams was highly com plimentcd by the de; artment as oue of tl.e most efficiënt agents in the service. Hls fust work will be in Tennessee. James Nonis, ex clerk of Sherman townshlp who was sent to jail at Tawas City some time ago for refusing to turn over books and accounts to bis successors, still remains in jail, kaving relied for relief on a decisión of the supreme court. He has now been infornied tbat the case went by default, his attorney failig to defend on account of fickness; therefore he has made a proposltion to his successor 'to deliver up books and papers and pay the town $1,000, partly in townshiporders(someof which are claimed to have boen illegally issued), provided criminal suits sball not be commenced against himself. Molvcr or O'Rrien, former supervisor and clerk. This offer has been refused. Tbe result óf the August run at the Ropes mfne mili has bccn made puHie. There were saved seventecn pounda four ooucaa of anialKani assaviiiü ï'2,:) i in valué, ith Bfteen tona of concentratesassaylngtlOOa ton; total val ie of August product. .?'.■(). amount n saved from not niiti' vri) .tuis of rock, and gives an actual nol savias of sllghtly 01 a ton Thelarger pmt of bo!h amalgam and concentrat B ns safed in the last. two weeks of August, wiu'ii gomo good rock was itruek. If tbemill runs at the pn sent rate tor tbe iull month of Septeinl r ït wtll i how nearly or (Julte (9 to the ton sared In tbla month. The run for August shows au actual net profit, l;ebg the only month wliicli has done so slnec last November, tbe first month in which the mili worked.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat