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Virtne in the Family. TCiere are all sorts and degrees of virtue, nd sometimos we are told that virtue Is lts mvn reward. Mr. A. F. Kvans of Burr's Ferry, La., says, in wrlting about Brown's Iron Bitters "I have been the recipiënt of its virtue in my famlly to a considerable extent." Thls great iron tonic has superior advantages as a reïiable fmiilv medicine. lts power bas been thoroughiv ii. - :,,: ■ ' i ■ - - u-ntiv dwu i:uly ;i milhon bottlcs a vcur are Sultt 1 y EEe druggists of this cuntry. ' Llcut. Danenhower is opposed to more arctic expedltions. He declares the results not suf flcient to offset the cost In human life and treasure. Miss Clcveland's litcrary style, in the opln ion of the I'all Mali Gazette, "re])roduces and curlously cxaggerates the staccato Americanism of Emerson.'' Brlgham Young's sou John, who is leading Mormon 6ecession, is the husband of two wives and the father of 21 children- 10 sons and 11 daughters. Belva Lookwood, it is sald, does not wan her name mentloned in connectionlwith the next presidoney, because "booms must not be boomed too carly." Sir Moses Monteflore's will occupies twenty large folios and gives away au estáte of about $2,000,000, mostly to Jewish religious and charifable institutions Gen. Sherman thinks notenoughliterary us bae been made of the ereat story of the settle ment of the West , which he regards as one of the grandest epochs In tbe history of mankind. George Sand never had a dratfing room. In Paris sae had but a smoking-rcom, now and then a dinlng-room, .but i articularly a study In which philosophers and musicians came tegether. A Mother's Feara. E. W. C. - We know tbat many children bave died frorn tbe use of cough mixtures ctntaining morphia or opium. But the new remedy- Red Star Couh Cure- is entirely vegetable and harmless. 'and eminent phy- clans test f y as to its curative powers. New Zealand is the par.diïe of small farmeri. IÍ you are tired taking the large old fashioned griping pills, and are sat:s!ie.1 thut purgin vourself til) you are weak and sick is not goo ' common sense, then try Carter ■ Little Live-; Fllls and learn how easy it is to be fiei f rom Biliousnes-. Headauhe, Constiput on and ali Liver troubles. These little pil., ir? smal!, r. etsier to take and rdi f t!rn flo' plll in nse. Forty'in a rin!. One dos Vrice 25 cents, Invalida' Hotel and Surgical Institute. Th s wideiy celebrat1''1 iii-titutlon, lo:ated at Bulïa'o, N. Y., !s organizí'11 wif ' full staíf of eightten cxpericn.''1' aii" sklllful Physlclam and Surgeons, cons1111" tlj(' ";ost complete oricimlzationof iik lical snrglcal skill in America lor the ireateii'nt ol all ebroole diseas?s. whether r-'lluirlKr medxal or snrgical inuiiis for tlu'i1.' cure. Mnrvelous success has been achleveí in tbocuieof all nasal, throat and lung Jleaeii Hver and k:dnev diseases, disease of "he igestive organs, bladder dlseas-es di-"6811'8 peculiar to woinen, blood taints and s'k1-'11 eM8i 'heumatlsm, neuralgia, ñervo, s Jebüty, paralysis, epllepsy (fits), sperniav0iriiea, ímpotency and kindred affecten-;. ■p'jousmds are enred ut tbelr homes throush ■orrefondence. Tlie cure of the worst ruptures, pile rnnors, varieocele hydroele and stnctures is ïiifi anteed, with only a short residence at the IngH'uÜon. Send 10 eenU in stampí for the In . llds' Guide-fsidM PaSes). whtcll glves .aJJ_:itlpjf, Addreist?ír4.}l? Dlspensarv M, :il Assoolatlon, BulTalo, N. VÍ k Ti y ralse 20-pound cantaloupes in Qeor gia. I piie tnraors, rupture and flstultc radical ly eured by lmproved methods. Book 10 cent ; in stamps. Woild's Dispensary Medí cal Assoclation, Buflalo. N. Y. Coffee can be raised in Florida wlth proflt Use Dr. Plercc's "Pellets" for all bil iou attacks. Cleveland masons are putting up a ÍIOO.OOO temple. Remarked by R. C. Joincr, of Allen P. O. Hillsdale Co., Mich. : "Notblng gare my r eumatism such qulck relief as Dr. Thomas Ëclectric OU- believe lt iufallible for rhu matics." Postal cards are not quite as popular as thc used to be. The TintiSE Oiti.f.ts if disease are the bowels, the skin and the kidnevs. Regnlal tuej' action wlth the best purifyïng ton:c, liur doek lilood Bittsrj. Mr. Bessemer's stel process patents hvi yielded him í6d0,0uü a ycar for twenty-one years. BORDOOB 1 LO u BlTTBBS taken after cating nill relieve anv feellng ol welght or over full ness ol the stomach. Sold eveiywhere. Horned toads are light feoders. Two house liles wlll keej) one In good order for t months. Mrs. M. Schaenberger, Beaver Dam, Wit. writes "We have in d Dr. Thomas' Eelee trie Olí In our fumily torCoughs, (.olds, Croup and Rheuinatisrn. it cures every tme. VEHY IMPORTANT. A cold in the Ileiul causes nnuli discorofor and annoyance and if of frequent recurrenee ofteu produces serio, is results. The membranc of the nasal passage becomes inflamed ant stopped up, an aend and poisonous virus is fonned, sores form in thehead, deafness. head ache and roaring in tbe ears ensue and suf ïerer imuiiy discovers inai ne uas uie uatarra. This loathsome disease is bv many eonslder cd Incurable but oever fails to yield to the power of Ely's Cream Kalm. This i's au artiele of undoubted merlt, not a Uqoid nor a snuff but a pleasant, cleanly and emcaclous remedj which a ehild can use. It is applled into the nostrils where lt 9 absorbed. It opens the paí sages, aliaje Inflammatlon, heals all sores cleanses and soothes the membranal Hnings and restores the scnsts of taste and smell. Il gives instant relief; and a thorough treatiuent wül cirtainlv care. I'riee 50e, at druggista or by mail. Ely Bros., Druggints Oweeo, N. Y. The government pays a man $60 a montli to wind the cloeUs in the Interior dcnartmen' '-,■"- n_ 'ROUGH ON CATARKH. ■ Cararctoffenslve odors at one. complete cure wwfft cases.alao unequaled as Karglc for DIphtherta. SorcTbroal, Foul lïreath. 50c. There are no white servants at the White House. THE HOPE OF THE NATION. Chlldren, slow In development! puriy, acrawny anl delicate, use "Well's Healtli Renewor. Parisiau belles now carry pistola. CATARRH OF THE BLADDER. Stlnging. trrltattou. Inftammation, all KIdney and Urlnary Cumplalnts, curcd by "Buchu-Failja." 1. It is two years slnce the White House had a fresh ccat of paint. BARBED W1RE. If yon have barbed wini fenees, keep Vetörinary Carboliaalve in your stabh-s. It cnrea without ft scar and renewa the huir it s original color. 50 cents and SI. (KI, at DruL'i;ist8 0r by mail. Colc & Co., Black Uiver Fallí, Wij. Drinking salt water wlll cure lunaey, aeeording to a theory elaborated by the secretary of the London iwlmmlng school. Mknsmans' PïPTOKJZKD iikkk TOHIO, the only preparatiun of boel conulnlng il ENTre NUTSiTiova propkktiks. It contatnsblooa-maklng forco eenerat. iiBimil llfe-initainlng propertles; Invalnable for In dlKestion, dyspepsta, nervoua in-ostration. and all forms of general dcbftltr; also, in all Infeebled contlltfonH, wiH-ther tiie resuft "t exhaustlon, nervona Maznnl Co., Proprlctore, New Vurk. Suld by drugguts. Many imitator.-, but no equal, has Dr. Bage'l Catarrh Renicdy. PATENTSobtainelbyT,ouisBaïger&Oo., Attorueys, WuühiugtuiitD.C. Eat'd 1864. Advie-efree. C'olored gems and precious stones are haring a great run in the cast. HalfnrrlQanpo Kiprcs9ly forfamlly usc. Onlyi14 naiioraaauce la Bo5ií bom and cueapest. Pimples and Blotches very Hable to appar at th!s Beason when tïie blood la lieated aml bnrdened wlth tmpurltles. They frequeotly cause Intense Itohlng, and rubblng or scratchlug only Increasefl the annoyanee. The only way to cure pimples un 1 blotcbei Is to sirlke dlrectly at the cause, by takiiiK Hood's Saisapaillla to purlfj the blood. "I had been trouulcd wlth hlves and pimples foi ome time. I took two boules of Hood's Sarsaparilla and am entlrely OQred. I think Hood's Sarsapnrllla tiasno cqual as a blood purlfler." Effik M, Petrie, Portsmouili, O. "Iknow Hooil'" '■1 liy lts _ SB in retnoving eruptlon rrom my fncr " ti ei TjUHBiChanipaign, 111. ■W Inter I was troubled wlth a humor, pimpla coming out all overme, and ltchlnga gveatdeal. I touk Bevcral kinds of medicine. lul they gavo me no relief. At last 1 look Hood's BaraaparlUa and the kumor has dlsappearcd. I feel rlght wcll no." IIkxry SoanOBDSB, Bt, MaryB, O. Hood's Sursaparilla Sold by all druggitta. Ui Ix for .'.. Preparcd oiily by C. I. IIOOI) & CO., Apothecarles, Lowell. Mass. 100 Dones One Dollar. Low Fiicss for Bntter Uw New Vork Tribune In bj market report, ex plaincd why somc butier is sold tor such low prices. 'n speakinfi: of butlor it Mud: ' Light colorcd oods ire vcry hard to dispoie ot and scvcral lots werc hought wcll sold at S to lo cents." If butter makel vould pet the lop price, Ihey shonld usc the Improvcd Botter Color, made by A'elli, Richardsoo & Co, ïurlinüTion, V't. It t;s a pure dandclion color aud lever lurns red, or randd, but tendsto improve ani) ireserve the butler, A re-survoy of tlie lande of Frunce has iusl iein completed, to repair the loss causeo by ,he burning of the citlicial land rcaistry bocks n the days of the commune iu 1-T1. bEBMAN Rf MÍO i CURE3 Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Oackache. Heartscho, Toothache, SoreTlroat,TTPÍ nrt$rrt.:jpraliis,Bralse Burus. Scnlrfs, 'ro- Rites, Hl AM, OTHER BrtlüI.Y PAIW AVD A HES. SolabyDru;la(ï mid [)i:-ri 91 1 rrwlMrfc Flily Ct-ulBAboU' THE CHARLES A. VOCELEK CO. (Sncamri 10 A. VOOELER t CO.) Ealtlmcre, lid., C. S. 1. F W VtilïHi.ri-i! rtnnlovintnc Easy Ana proDtablo, r liooklüffi litiltling, ïïraicliiiij. or Weavlnff '' ■' nn-v fand of cloïü Ínew or om), rags or yarn. A handsome TurUiï.b (uit made with 2o cIm. wor;h of caroet wbí. TUF PPÁDI MAKER can be ueod int rtHnL tui hIImIiu: timrlif net, or byhsud. Awondorful inventinn. It wtlUnt si;lil. PHce S1.O4N Postpaid. AffentJ Wanied. 83 Send Lamp lor circulsrs, tenue, and territory JNO. O. HOITT A O.. L18 8tt SC, Chlcac. 5 TU) iJTü "Z?V. YY 5 w 3 -' - Í S iA S M RTCr -o l.ti7 :rfa:i ar Woiaaalncvc MM Hij C'cuuntyiosenourgooar Sïrye7a. I H Ha lr XubU u;id xpcnsrs. r.jrptiwes ia d7V ruco. Cnvaisiny outfit FliElt: Ptrti-ula O H fret. Standard Silver-warft C9. Poston, IT W1LL PAY TOU TO Gü TO DETltOIT " AND HAVJS YOUR EXAMINED AND PITTED WITH SPECTACLES OR EYE GLASSES AT EOEIIM Se, WBIGHT'8, 1MPOKTERS. JEWELERS AND n TICIANS. 140 WOODWARD AVE. I THEY MAKE NO CHARGE FOFtl TESTING EYES, AND SELDOMM W ' BEST TÖNIc! % This medicine, combining Iron with pure Vegetable tonics, qnlekly and completely ('nrri I)rftlepshi, ! niURoiünn, Wciiuncn, Impuro Blood, 3Ialaria,( liiüxnud Kcyom, and Neuralcin. Itia an unailinc remcdy for Diseases of the Kiilneys nnd IJver. It is invaluafole for Disensos peculiar to WomeD, and all who leail edentary live. Itdoesnot injure the teeth, canse headache.or produce constipation - hIIit Iran medicines do. Itenricbesand purifies thel)lood,stimulatcs tho appetite. aids the assimilation of food, relieve Heartburn aml Belening, and strengthens the musoles and ñervos. For Intermittcnt Kevers, Lassitnde, Lacle of Energy, Ac, it has no equal. The gennine has above trade mark and crossed red unes on wrapper. Take noóther. Bjulponlj hy RUO'TN CKHTCAl III.. BA LTI31ORE, HÍX DR, JOHN BULL'S Smitli's Tonic Syrun FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and ACÜE Or CHILLS and FEVER, AND ALL MALARiAL OISEASES. Tho proprietor of tliis celebrated medicine jnítly olaims for it a superiority over all remedies ever offered to the publio for the SAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PERMANENT onre of Affue and Fever.or Chills and Fover.whether of short or long standing. He refera to the entiro Westorn and Southern country to bear him testimony to the truth of the asspvt.ion taai in no case wnatever win it iaii to cure i tliedirectionsarestrictly folio wedandcarried out. In a great many cases a single dose has beou sufticient for a cure, and whole families have been cured by a single bottle , with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, and in overycase more certain to cure, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after the disease has been checked, more especially in difficult and long-standing cases. Usually this medicine 'rillnot require any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Should the patiënt, however, require a ca thar tic medicine , af ter ha ving taken three orfour doses of the Tonic, a single dose of KENT'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS will bo Buffioiont. Use no other. Dit. JOHN EOLL'3 SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARiLLA, BULL'S WORM DESTRÓYER, The Popular Remedies of the Day rrt.ip.i om-, osi ïi.ïm st.. LOUISVILLE, KT. HAY FEVER I WAS Ani.II TKI '"" A lf 1 QMIJ twenty years, dutingtUel EL j HnnN monthsof August' aml ViCÍlÜJJLSjJ I September, with Hay BBBaygTT"'.._ÍMmm I'"evi-r, aml tricl v a r i o ii s lg9tinr:!j?t C&B remedies without relief. SfnFAM BrJ-vftS I was induced to trvMWiJjseURrcCOUJl Ely's Cream Balm; haveBirUWïHrinl results, and can eomi f B,k M dently retommend it :mB" &.?ê?Sm all. RoBERT W. Towx-HB 'Sm i.kï, (ex-Mayor), Ellza-H v oei Cream Balmife?! hasgnlncd an envlable rep-fl V" USA.l illsplaclng uil other prepara'U AV ttTWtV tloris. AjiarlIcU! s applIeilflA I rC.wC.ll agreeablc to ue. irlce abc. by mail or at dni(rglsl8. Senrt for circular. ELY BKOTHEUS, UrUKglsts, Owego, N. Y. Stomach Liver I REGULATOR CUBE COMSTIfATIO. . Rh'St')!,61"' Idi8?stin. Heartburn, Malaria irioin?? ' P.alPt.atlon of tl.o Heart when The onl 'L PaaiCively Cutos Constipatin. ?Tie, fl.OO perbottlo ; G bottles, 96.00 SEND rol'. CIKVULAKg, KREE. r.J. CHEMEY & CO., Prop'rs, Maauiscturlii Cbcmltti, TOLEBo. o A l'liyslclan of Ktge practica snys of Bldge'a Food: 'Icansay of thls ircpnrntlou of fooi Mint II ha nevkiï KAïLKn me. or falled to tigreu wben Kivcn ■trlcuy accordliiK tomy (lirci-iluii. wiiii nrapulona :ara. tnere need De very itttle trouiile from tiowel complalnts; and t tlils tliüt I nferlhe the fart tha( I have ncrer yet lost a chllil wlili any forin of dlarrhcca or cholera tnfantum." jgHaKHgBAftrqaku'i Stand i Engiui & 8sw Ï1II1 'Áddreís AT BrFAKTmiKck. P. $ I OOO REWARD í THE VÍCTOR tlkilf flt for Dirktl nach JSfTáÉ ■■ CUrw BteJ t OKB DAT 5H W7b"n"d HULLER. :jlgh XUsttrftted HmWW:' NEWARK HQSi#ifcUgsG1r' MACHINE O).. rolul. Oklo. COUNTFRFEITERS BEWARE A Michiarig Concern Enjoined. Frorn th ■ 'fi ohester Mornlng Herald.] The follou in'; injunctlon has been obtainrj bythe Ho ; t era Company, of Rocbester. N. Y., against Collatlptu D. Warner, of Beadiog, Michigan, piobibitimt bim from manufactur, 'ng or selliiiií "Gorman Hop Bitters." The Prenidmt of the UniteH States of America to CoüaUnm D. Wanur, of Jieading Mich., his servants, norkmen, mlesnun and agente and each and ezery ij them: Whereas, lt has been represented unto tbe Justioes of our Circuit Court, the Hon. Stanley Matthews, and the Hon. Henry B., ut Detroit, within and 'or salcl district, setting as '-1- m1- r"-2_1j; ttwit TT Warner, arr manufacturlng and Balling a medicine nameil Qerman Hop Bitters, ín f-aitduUnt imitntion of the ITop Bitters made and sold by eomplaint ; vour said medicine being devhttd, alculated and intended to miilead tbe pnblte Into purcbas.'ng such counterfiit goods as the manufacture ot' the complainant. We therefore, in cousideration of tho premlses, do slrlctly enjoin you, tbe saidColIatinus D. Warner and all and cvery perrons lieforc named, t'r„ bu tht 'i„-d -'üop Bitttri"on uu Hulde conta i:ed in bottles so as to induce the belief thut such fluMs are made by compla'nant; and further, trom mannfactarin?, selllug er olTcrmii lor salo, any bitters i r otln r i;i the liuttles and with the labels aodlntoe genera] form In whieta yon .re manufactndng and .-elling the bitten called bv you Öerman Hop Bitters, on tbefllIng ol tbe iü: or in any otherbottlee, orwlth uny other labels contrived ir dentgnedtoreprei i' induce tbe be'ii-f tbat the bitters or flulds gold by yon are tii goods of the complainant, until the lurtber order ot' the court. k Wttntê. The Honorable moKRISON K. WA1TE. C'hicf Jast'ce of the United States. At Delroit. thla lift i nth dav of July, A. D. 1885 ■ [L. s.] WalterS. llarsha, Clerk. Prosecute the SwintileraHI If wlien you cnll for Bop ïïftti'r ttic druglsl lüiiidr uut ünvMiiiiK bul "HOP Bn ma" with u greeu clustes of _ps f i : i ulu'l. shun tlmt druggtat u yon would a vintr. aiidirhit liastuken yi.uv] i ir Ijokus stuff Indicl liim fortlip fraud and sin' ii tor aamiigei for wludiu uud ws wUlrewor u Hbcrally for the convlctlon. Bee u. 8. ''...i Injunctlcn agalust (.1). AVarner, KeadlnfftM'cli., and ïl lila laleamen, agents, drugKit.s. Hli'l ■: ii.', imltatuls. DROPSY TREATED FREE. DR. H. H. GREEN, A Specialist ior ï.lcren lean Pat, Has treatcd Dropsy aid lts cjmplicatious wlth ili most wunUi'i-fiil lucoeati uses vegetaole reinediea, entirL'iy bftrmleu KemoTM all symptoms of tlropïj In olght totwcity dajrs. Cures p-itleota prcnouncetl hopelesa by the best ol Physlflau. Fromihe frt dose thi symptoms rapldiy dlap pear, vm n u;n i!;ys at lat twoih'rds of all aymp toms üiv re ■: Some muy cry humtmg wlthou: knowlng anrthtni bout it. Keiiici:ii'cr, U dues not co' you aoylhtni toreaüze the merlta of mr treatnienf for yourseir I I ant ci)8:amly cursus casen if loux stacdEng:. casei [ifeÜ. ÈÏS . besa. ! ! LE8 A. a. n m & k ' f é C " '( :t í"í f fï [■Istryof ca;c. Nft'tie sex. how lonc aítMcted, lien bsdlj s wollen aml w here. la fwweïtcoKlve. have leu i.u:ged andüilpped water. Bcnd for frea pam lilot, coD'.amlr.g teitimonlals, ciucaiioni. e'c 10 day trratment furnlshed free by mail, Epiupy fltajpoiltlvelj oured. li orüer trial, end 7 cents in stamps ropay posragej. II. II. GREEN. M'. 1).. UJonefl Avena e Aïlauta. Ga. OTlic BUYERS' GUIDE U issin'tl Sjit. and Marchf each ji r. 50 }iagcit Sy,xliy. iiulu-s,vitUovEr 3,5OO' llliwtration - m. wliolc Picture Gallery. (Í1VKS Wholesale Pi-lces tiirect to consume rs on all gooUü for personal or famlly use. Telïu Iiow to orcler, mui i;i exact tost of everything yon ir.t-, eat9 lirink wear, or hare f tin wlth. These IN VALUADLE BOOKS contaiïi luforiiiution gleauert from tlie markets of the wortel. AVe wlll mail u -opy PREK'tO any adtlres upon receipt of 10 ets. to dcfray expense of mailing. Iet us hear from you. Xlenpectflly, MONTGOMERY WARD & COl O99 Sfifl WT- - -11 a.tlmu7 cmcugU) 111 ♦ #♦##■■■-'■ - - ÉkÊk VEGETABLE COMPOUND 'TWlïS . IS A POSITIVE CXRE SOR . È? Á A" tIl0s" pninril Complalnt Jtíjíígg and Weahnessc so eommou jHÊmk. toour best, , P8VI VEMA1K P0PUL1TI0X. , f Prie$l In llquld, plllor Loieng fora. 11 purpoM i tolcly fcf the Ugittmatt kealing ol cüseose and the relief of pain, a,l that it doe alt it claims to do, Ikoxuandsof adics can aludly tuttlfy. " lt will euro entirely all Ovarían troublws Tnflninition and Ulceration, Falling ud Hsplacunwil, n consequent Spinal Weakuess, and ir part.iculaxl} adapted to tho change of 11 fe. '' It removes Kaintncss, natulcncy, di'itrojs all crrlnï for stimulanti, and relieve Weumaa of tho StomEch. It cures Bloating, Hiadaclius, Ntrvous Prostratlon, Osiii'rtti DckilitT, SlW!]jl-.nes, Depresión nd Indigestión. That ficllnB of boaring down, OMfing pain, .ná backHchr. Isalway perniaueiitly ired brits us), Send stamp to Lynn, Mass., for wtiuphlet. Letters p. iaquirytmlldentia:iv . 'fcr. ;ite. ïf'pages JJJQUID GLUE l Awanled GOLD MEDAL. LONDON, 1SS3. ücd 25fö by Marmu tt llamlin Or?nn and Piano Co., Pullman ÖÖiS? Falucc Cr Co . Sc. ilfd onlv by the RUSSIA ÍSf CEMENT CO. GLOUCESTÉR. MASS. SOLD ü EVERYWHERE. oa-SampJcTin Can by UÜ.ZSo. FARQUHAR VÏBRATINGSEPARATÖRr SeKmmmm SEND FOH CATALOGUE. " ui 5to2l3fi rfl Wondirful ÜÖSÊPHCiLUnTSI STEEL PENS ScloBy ALL DEALERSThrouohoutThe WORLD GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION-I87B. EstablUhed lSGfl. FAYS MANILLA ROOFING! [iesomblcs flnc lealher; for kook.-. OUTSIDE WALLS. and INSIDE in place i; Piaster. Vcry ■ti-ouKiinil duniMc. CABPETS and BUO8 ol ■unte inateral CatalOKQe wilh tcsü-.íi'íiiials and ■ aiiiplcaKrïc. W. H. FAY & CO., dunden. N. J. , y""11- rs VALUABLE- ' "f3Ê1 Si The Gran1 RaPidi ! IS W isTS ,ocs not '-flourish" In ihc way of hlrds nnl H Is practical IrMner flnd fits lts puIls fur thi; vocatlons of nu&incsl wlth all that the torm lnipllos Send for .luurnaL a-ddresa C. o. SwüxauEKtj. Grand Kaplds, Mich. $E" A MONTI1 AND BOAKD TO hO AIJKVfS tur a NEW oud i-uiiiplvte tTFEOFUKAfT The WorliI's (írtji.tí8t polrijpr, and the Nation's jnofit h""iton'l citizen Low pnce, ltuiiitl Salen. P.W.ZIKUUKK & fü.li:; Adams st.Chica I JinV SCïTSlTC can reuní jQ LAUÏ Abtnld rermicnt CTSLi JsQmïLi cmi'lriyfii(-ut an.l ood salary IkJfS HfUintr Qut-en C'lty Sklrt anJ BgUerTNfctfW sto.--kiin:Su]nortrK.Hampl J-rTW outfit ïrrc. Aadreea ('iniinuaU JJ Susioutlcr Co., Cinciimati, O WANTE, KXPERIECEO AGEA1S '! BfciyfiZell'a [few F.DcyclopediM, ín parti orbound. T. ELWOOD ZELL, 4?, lSth at., lhlla. ■HBHDBRBHmmiSSWCciu'icstowii, Mus. _W. N. U. D- 3- 3 i 81 Ml IS bui !"■■' 'i ■'}■ N ■ ('"roo. UriWtlS ,.K J. Supinas. LeWion, uhlu.


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Ann Arbor Democrat