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Western Whispers

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tiíbt tache of snov feil at Devü's Lake, Dakota Nov.4. Pittslmrgh car conUUCUJia nra u.i.. ijl.uaic fonned a protective associatiou. The Manitoba s Northwestern extouslon railroad Í9 completed to IJlrd Sale Creek. The damage bv the destruetion oí Chinatown in Tacoma, W. T., amounted tu -i'.25,UOO. Creek Indians in counetl assciubled voted that they uould not sell Oklahouia at auy price. A nunibi-r oí Okluhoma boomera have bqeu ■arrested, and ore now in custody at Fort Heno, Texas. Thirty-two parüoipauts in the recettt outrages in Tacoma, . T., have boen indi ttd by ihe grand Jurj. Eleven Indlaus have been sentenced to be 1 anged for tomplicity in the Frog Lake uiasi acre last surnmer. Mrs. Wnlkup, who was charged Ith baving polsoned lier lmsband. the Mayor of Emporla. has been acquitted. On the recomtnendatlon of the director oí the mint coinaie at the mint at C'arson City, Nevada, bas been suspended. The sfoek nntional vinion will meet In Denver. Jan. 20, for the purpose of oiganIzingau international aspoeiation. Knijfbts ot Labor in San Francisco will bold : a mening Nov. 28 t take action for the reiqovíI oí the Chinese trom that city. The citlzens ol Stockton, Col., have rigen on ninssr i : ainst the Chbiese, and will boyrott any man hn eueouraiios that kiU oí labor. Uver 100,000 toí 8 of coal rere burned by the fire which est oyed the coal docks oí the St. Paul A Pac fie ra Iroad coinpan; nearSt. Paul. Win. F. Smythe, for inany Jears, eonnected wito the XewYork Berald and one ol the best knowa journallets In the United States, is dead. A Seatle. Wyo.. Jury has acquttted Pcrry Bayne, Indioted by we erand Jury for the nmrder of two Chinaznen in the n'.cent outr bivak. Flre broke out in the Fanvell block in Chicaïo tbc o her murnfng. and Ijefore the llames were subdued í2iX),000 worth of damage had been done. The Missouri Florida Cattle companv's ranche, Dear Deining, X. M., was sacked and ■ burned n few days ago by ïndians, and two . uersuns killed Burrus, ihe oun man'wtio shot and attcnipted to kill Mm. Ray Goode and Miss Walker iu ChUago ;i few weeks :11ro, has bccn n maoded iu defauli of $80,0üQ bul. A laive iand suit on an oM Mexlcan graat 'vil! bood te lirought In the Uuited States court at isan Francisco, mvolvinp; tbc title to I ty in that city andcounty valued at 810,000,000. James Pana, a orotber of C. A. Dana of the New York Sun. while citer buntlng near Eau Clalr, Wis., sbot E. Van Trott, his compaulon, BUstaVing hiin for a. deer Dana 18 wild wlth grief. Tbc bnycott of tbe Kniijbts of Labor agaiont the Mllory stcamsbip voinpaay ou the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe railway continúes prao licallv uoehanged. Ko sierns of settloment are vïsib e. The goveraor of Wasbiugton Territory has iwewd a prorlamatlou uppeallng to the eitif ns to upho'.d the law and protect tbe Chinese ie tbat territory and directing offleers to see that the laws are pfoperly entorced. Tbe MaDitoba N'ortbwestern Tailwty bas comjVeted 51 miles oj track of this season's oscecsiOB frora Minnedosa to d Tail creek. Pte:nier Jiorquay and colleagues iospected it. findiae tbe track and structures moet s&tUtactory. E. Cracker, on oL a wei tby maa at Clevfleud. has beeu srreitod bv D. A. Bennctt of Toiclstooe. Ari., wbo cluiro"-, u was induood to MiU i'ruutjr l,vxj!.hjrrs ■! ftew iu the eopper minina and reduetion companv undi-ialse representations. Gov. Pieree of Dakota, In his annual report says the pouulatton oL the tenito: v ia n 110,000, agaiust 135,180 in 1880. The pas: ycar has beca a prosperous cinc, witli exce'unl crops and good prieescommanded. The finauelalcondition of the territory Is excellent. A wealthy gentleman named Phllllp Van Trott. one of a party of society men from different parts of the uorthwest camping in the woods ix miles from Thorp ', Wis., was shot ajul killed the othcr luuniinu bj one of the partv, James D. Dana, brother f the editor of I the New York Sun, who mistooU him for a ! deer. The magnlfieent monument of Washington whieh has been placed at the head oí Grand avenue park, Milwaukee, at a cost of $3f,U00 and presented io the city bv Miss Lizzio l'hmkintou, daughter of Jno. Plankinton, was unveiled on the 7th Inst in the pu-sence of several tbousand people. The monument is from the studio of sculptor K. II. Park of Florence, Italy.


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