MASOMC DIRECTORY. A.NN ARBOR ( OMMANDKRY, No. 13 - MeetS HrSt Tuesdayof eacli month. W. G. Doty, K. C; W. A. Tolchard, Recorder. Washtknaw Chapteh, N'o. 6, R. A. ]V. - Meeta flrst Monday of eaoh monto, I. C. Handy. H. P.; Z. Koath, Secietary. II II li. l CENTRAL. TRAIN8 EAST: Mail 433p m f)ay Express ft 3') p. m New York and Limited Express 10 09 p. m Atlantic Express 545a. m Night Express 6 40 a. m Qrand RĂ¡pida and Detroit Express . 10 28 a. m TRAIN 8 WEST: Mali 8!a.m Day Kxpress 10 28 a. m CbicaKO Express 232p.m Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo Express 5 30 p, m Eveuing Express H 23 p. m Paciflc Exp-es8 1038 p. m The New York and Limited. Atlantic, and Night Express trains east, and the Chinago, Evening, and Pacific Express trains west, run every day in the week, Sundays included. t. L. NOBLE ! Can show yon the Flnest Line ot FUR GAPS Ever seenin Ann Arbor. Themake a splendld ECHRISTIIAS PRESENT ! Something new (hit season in Imitation Seal with Mink Triming.
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