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Temperance Echos

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The temperance question seems to be omewhat on the increase in the city. 3ommencing with next Monday evening Mre. Mary T. Lathrop of Jaokson, one f the moet loquent advocates on the emperance rostrum, will hold three meetings in the old Baptist ohnrch. The ladies temperanoe union will hold a social and watch meeting at the same lace, New Year'n eve. The White Cross club has rented the old Baptist church for one year with the rivilege of purchasing the same within li at time. Next Sunday afternoon Mrs. R. O. L. 3rozier will address the club at 3 o'clock. n the evening the Rev. Mr. Adams will ïold the fort. A social will be given by the White oss organization next Wednesday evening, Dec. 2y. Ham. Jones, the great revivalist, has xpressed a desire to hold a series of meetings in this city sometime during the winter, and whoop it lively to the unbelievers. He will be heard from on the temperance question also. A new Good l'emplars lodge was orgauized last week, with 47 charter members. George Scott was elected worthy chief. ' ' Rev. Dr. Leonard of Ohio, late prohibition candidato for governor, is to speak in this city after the holidays. The Good Templare social Tuesday evening, was an ejoyable affair, besides the treasury is $15 better off, that being the net prooeeds.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat