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Ann Arbor, Mich

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Wall Paper. Wall Paper! Partios intending to do Painting and Papering this Spr, g should examine my Stock and Prices before making purchases. I carry the Largest Assortment of DECORATIVE GOODS Inoluding Embossed Gilt, Plnin Gilt, Bronzes, Mica, Flats, White Blanks, fee, &o. I am also agent for the celebrated Ingrain Papers, manufao tured by Monroe of Boston. LINCRUSTA WALTOÏÏS I Of all Designs and Pntterns furnished on short notice. I am prepared to do the Finest Job of Decoration Either in Oil or Paper, in the City, as I employ only Experienced and Competent Workmen. My Window Shade Department Is Complete, and I make and Hang Shades in a satisfaotory manner. I have also a Large Vane ty of Curtain Poles Boom Mouldings, Window Shades, Fxtures, Chaina, Curtain Ornami'nis, Etc. In fact everything to make your homes pleasant in the way of Decoration. I have also a Very Fine Line of Silk Tapestry, which I am offering at VERY LOW FIGURES ! I carry the Largest Assortment of Painte and Painrers' Supplies to be found in Washtenaw County. No cheap goods - The Very Best Quality . Don't be deceived by partios advertisiug that they are the only agenta for anv papers manufactured, as I can get anything that is made in the paper line, in this or the old world. ALB E IFt T SORGr ! (SÜCCESSOR TO F. & A. 80RG,) 26 and 28 E. Washngton-st., -


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Ann Arbor Democrat