C. Walker & Bro.
CARRIAGE EMPORIUM The only place in Washteiiaw Coiinty where you oan obtain real styisb. and strictly Pirst-Class Bxxgrgrios ! Is at our Ware Booms. We long sinoe gained the reputation of mannfaotnring the Finest Painted Jobs, tbe Finest Trimmed Jobs and the most Stylish Jobs, and and the Carriage dealers and manufacturera are already patterning after us, but they can't get there, for the lack of facilities. We ehall at all times carry more stock than all other dealers in town put together. Also for sale LUMBER WAGONS. Prices to suit everybody. O. WALKEE & IBIRO., Nos. 9 and 11 Liberty St. and 21 and 23 Second St., Ann Arbor.
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