Lesson from a Mastodon. The tusks of a tnastodon recently tound Id Ililnols wetghed H5 pounfo eucn. What a gicantic toolbacuc that Hnirnal must have boen capable of bavlngt And sucb neuralgia Nnuralífla, or nfv .Ju-, gcueriiUv proteeds L" Siïïii&JSSmëS and pïrln!tSfs and drives neuralgia out. Mr. W. W. Rcdman, Plqua, O., says, "Brown's Iron Bitters permanntly eured me of neuralgia. Paris rrULjhs infest the gardens oí the Tul It-ries, tut ilie po lee say tliey "must go." What Misa M. 1. Crowe, the Nieos of the Eov. Geo. Moody Crowe says about Dr. 3f. B. Henion's Bure Cure for Halaría. Mis. M. L. Crowe, who resides at No. 6 Beaeon St., Boston, Mísí., was a creat Bufferer lor eight ycars Physlcians failed to do her any good. and her friénd3 bad triven up all ho'pes of herbeingany better, and dcclded that abermiBt be a coutirraed lnvalid lor Ife. Miss Crowe says : For eight years I suffered more tban tongue eau teil. I was lirst taken witb a nervous "rest;essues9 whüc attemiiaji school. After a few week9 I is aauoyej by not being able to sleep. I would retire feeliog Terj slecpy, but would He awaka uutil tbree 6r four o'clock ín the morninjj befoie my eves woulO .lose ia sleep. Then I lomnienceu to bave taine n different partí ot' inv body, and just before my monthly perlorls - eay a (ïav or two - I would have regular spaáms of pain that would be impossible to describe. 1 lost flesh gradualiy. My skin would bc salluiv part of tóe time, and ut'other times a dead white. I lost my nppetite and could ueitlier sleep nor eat. 1 would have cbilly sens.ations pass over me, followed by hot l'.üshes, wblch was very aouoy1q(?- My luiud Ueeame alïeetid. I liad a constant dread oL f ome impeodlng danser, and at times I had a strong dtslre to take my life. 1 became very blue and melaDciioly, and wlshed to be alocc and uodisturbed. I worrled over imaginary trouble, and notfting tould satisfy me. I became very irritable and could not bear to have any one talk to me. My raenses almoBt entirely ceased, bdU there not a spot in niv body that w&s Lot tilled wlth pain. 1 had Rivenuuuoctoriiig, lor everythin' I took Eeemeü to maKe tuc worfe, and I had ijowu Ured of dosing. A fried of mine brouaht me a bottle of Dr. J. B. Henion's uure Cure for Malaria tind ureed me to try it. 1 commenccd the use of it without any faitb ; In a day or two bowever, my pain erew less, and thlngs commenccd to loóle a little brijfbter to me. I contínued tbe use oí the Sure Cure untll I bad t;ikcn niue boules, and iiy hcaltli was restored, tbc pain all disappeared, te inontblv f unctions were rastorcd, iuy appetlte returoeii, aiul I have gaiaed thirty "pounds in flesh. 1 freeiy give tüib testlmony in íavor oí l)r. J. B. Heulou'a Sare C'xue for Malaria, hoping and trustiug tfiat It roav be tU niean3 of btlpinj; other to flnd relief" Lieut. Wfcissman, who is in tbe iervice of tbe Afrlcan assoclation, hs dicuverea tnat the rl' Jioii wlilcli wusahvays believed to juin the Congo ubove the equator station, lurms a curve and iulls into Kake Leoijold II. Cocoa pov?dev a btliuvcJ to be the comlDc; exploslvé. Il la asserled that, with equal pressure, this subsUm-.e gives rmler vdocity to a ball than eau bc attíiiued wlth i .r.iiuary powder, whlle lts sincke Is found to be less dense and olear off more quicklv It bas been cstimated that from a single iound of tteel costing about 50 cents there can be manufacturad 1O:),UO'.J wattb screws worth $11. Some of these inachine-madiscrewa are 60 small tbat an uncducatcd eje reiulrei th ald of a uiaïDlfylug glass to s'ee wliat thev really are. The brouzc .'tutue Iound iu the bed of the Tiber recently and cousidered the fiïure of a Blave in the act of striklnt; wlth a dugger la now held tó bc - ynuthful Bacchus. Ttie rtfcbt toot, broken above th ankle, and the missing part of tbe thyr'.is whicb be holdi io bis hand have teen fouud. f tiorffalrlicn used to be a name to swear by !n sculpture: he rau Canóya a. close secona. Atltbe sale offifr Moses Montüeore'a effect.s several rine pleces bv TbonvaUlsen did n.t biinii S1CO; a "Kreek Uirl Vit!i Dog" fetched 5115. A colow&l bust of Napoleon i.,crowaed witb laurcls, by Canova, brought Í450Facts for Families. In order to cook your liare, you must first ctcli it. It is iiuich easier to catch a eold than to catcb a bare. To ijet i id ot eold, always use Red Star Cough Cure. ïo ut lied Star Cough Cure, ouly requires twenty-live ccnty, traii Francisco omen wlo talnt on plnqurt aie Ulvided iu opiulon as to whetber to iali themselves "womcn artists" or "lady artists.' A cuinmlttce bus been appolntcd to seltie tbc isputed poin'. Tbe value of tbought caunot be told. Just so witb the best of everything. Take Dr Blifelow's Positive Cure for all throat aud iunz tnjubles, )f you approciate a upe-'dy and tborougb cure. Pleasant to take. 50 centb and SI. An eiirlv full of knocUeü tbe grape croo sillv in Swltzeriand tbls all. A ScbiUei monument ba been erected by th; Vplksfesl Vereinol CansUidt io Kainnotini Vni l'lii:;!.bia. of f ortUless imltatlous of Dr. Jones Rel Clóvcr Tontc The genulue cures beadSChe, ptlea ■-,■ -. atu: , malaria, and is arperfect onic anJ Bïood pnrifidf. Pnce 50 (CïliS. ___ A Mlddletowñl (■ ññTi c ock hasn't been allowed t'. rnn don tor 227 y"' , A circulatinsr Hbnry ior tue blind bas been etab!Isbe.l in New Vork nty by nve wealthy wo:nen wbo latjj sigbt. S.B jiv.ri' . lía'.11 ■' stcamcr Anzona, had bis foot tadl í i nam -l Thomas' Eclcctric Uil tnred it. Kotblng cqual tolt fort quick pain feTlever. _______________ H ïipcr county, Km:.'as. has a u-pmau clerk. Tun Ci.EHf.v, hik MBDl'cAt Facultt akd rHE Peoplb all endorse Burdock Blnod Bftterj au tbe bfft Ey?t' m lerovatiug, biood purifyinc toDlc in tbe Sena. for testimoplal. ífiroí oftbe iir.lianjtr6 want v drv up the Znyder Zee. Fob BvitNi. Scal!)s. büi'iM-: and all pain and snreness of tfce iic&b, tho rauú iotebo:d ren-.edj ts Dr. Thoir.u6' tcltctric Oil. Bc ture you gei lbo ernuinc. OnlJ to bahies bive beeu bo.c iu the White bo:ise. ' TheKov. Y:n. :-v.u'. Wtartou; Ont.. ilatcs: Ai:er beia Ineftecöiajjy treated by se venteen. dláeicnt docAors fer SerpíuJa and bloed dis. ra, 1 wat eurea by Burdotk hiocd Bitters. Write hlm or'pt'ódt ]n Ceylouitejf preserve rneat wiiü boaey Qttead of alt. THE COMINO FAEHtONABLE TOTO. The tour of the great iakes bas not yet become so fasbionable as the tour of the Continent, but when Americana learn to aypreclate tbcir country netter the time may. perhaps, come when ft will be a3 "quite the ihiutc" to make a trip to Dui-Ub, Macklnaw or Sault Solnte Murle, as It ia now tü take a run over to Paris, where all gool Arnericaus are supposed to gü when thpy ole. Duluth, to be sure, has Dot reallzed thote sylenüid dreams of commtrclal supremacy to elcqucntly rophesietl by Proctor Knutt lu Lis luuious speech lu contrress vetirs uso. l 'it silll t isyoung and kas plenty" of time to grow. Just as VV. D. liuwell's "Wedding Journcy" bas inarked . out a beaten track f ur young eouples in tlieir houeymoon, down tue 8t. Lawrencv, up the Satrueuay, tbrougb Montreal and Qucbec and :ome aguin. u novellst la wauted to palnt the corles ot the lakes, theli conneetiug rivera uud the many beautlful clties üjat look out upon the watert; BulTalo, Cleveland aml Detroit, and of these Detroit U the prettiest. lts spleudid stre;ts and uiany haucUome homes tnuke it one of the most attractlve eities la the West, ana the tourlst will want to stop olí herc for a 1. u!e wh;!e. If he does, perhaps he may chance to .stroll Into Franklln SU-eet, wuere at No. 217, Mr. E. G. Richards has the office of his planlnc tu'.ll and box factory, and pcrlmps the geutle tourlst may kappen to meet .Mr. Richards, and the TOnversation, as It of'.en Uoes, maj turn upoo iLe mauy evils and weakoessea '.h&x Hesu is htir to. If all this comea lo pttss. Mr. KicUards may teil hlm this story of nis rc-covery from neuralgia ís he tolditto a recent visitor ■ "i bad had It for several years,and theattaek wcre most violent. At last they became bo frequent tbat (hey vrere altuost daily occuri-enees. All my f-ilorta to ob'.aln at.ythlng like a permanent cure were fruitless. I would souietimes get temporary relief by rtfortiug to hot appllcatious, but tbe neuralgia would como rlgbt inu.k agaln. I haü used almoet very reroedy 1 eould hesrof,aad bad also had pbyslcjaas to prescribe lor me, but noise of Uit s dld tok aay good. I have pr .ibably spent two küii'li'eü dollars in voiioua ways without any lenc.'lt wbatever. "Athlüphoros took ho!d of the dlsease qulckly and I got relief in lh Brst two doses, 'lhrei; boules SSected a períeot cure. I have some In the bouse now and shall certainly always kefp some, aa It Is worih It pricc, if it did no more than glve me relief. Vibetber it haa curcü me permanenllv I cunot say, but 1 do liuow that at the time I bcgan usiDg It I was êulfering lotensely, and that wltbin three month (froin the )ay f stopped taking : to this) I have not feil paruclc of neuralgia. ]t was Mr. Blalr, tlr train dlsjtf:her at the Detroit Qrand HavcL anü Mllwaukce Rallroad, ivho recoiumi.uiled me to use Athlophoros afterbc had tricd It und curw) bmself of b very severe of long nUndlng." If tbeafotle tourist still doubtstheefEcIcncy of Athjophoro to do what is clalmed ioi it, let him cali uxn Mr Ijluir, wlio will mo?t wllllngly aJd his btstimoojr to that of Mr. Kithaids In support of tbe bovereigt remedy's 'uriitlve powers. If yoti cannot g;i AmuopBOfLoa of your JrugRUr, we UI end It cpr9j pld, n r'';u!pt ot recular irlcc - ni doliar Ijutilc. We prefer tbat you buy r. froln your drugülat. but 'f tic Iiasn't It, do not be persuHüed to frv sonietliin; 'jlsc, but order ot once frgín iimsdireit.'il. Atui.oj'öoko Co.„ ut Wa:i Streel. New Vuri Hartford, Conn., tbinks Uiat lts bit'h school Is tbe only aliolutely firc proof building in this country. Beware.- L)'i not let yoor Drugglit palm ofJ on you any r.e'.v, cbeap remedy or colds when you inquirí; lor Dr. HulPs Cou;;l fyrup or yo will be ulsappolrited. Prieft 25 'fuls. There au; i;i itie ttJtc o. lo-a 122 womcr. rhysiclans anü only live ivomen lawyers. Witii I'.ly's C'ieam Salm a cbild can be treated without pain or dread. and with perfect applied ith the iinger and gives relief froro the ijrst application. Prlce 50 cents At drugïis;s. W cents by mail. 1 ly Bios., Owcgo, They are juat beglooing to biancü telery by means of chareoal on New York farms. The bottj.e of Ely' C're:m Balm that I.obtained of you laat summcr bas eutirely curcd my llttïe iov of u severe attack oí catarrh- Mrs. Sallie Davl. (ïreon Pu-tofliee. Ala. A loug weio na luar ou tricyclea was matUreceutly by a aid yroorn in Hungary. Relief froru Sick Headache, Drowslness, Nausea, Dizziuess, Pain in the Side, &c., guarantecd to usin Carter's Little Liver Pilis. These complaints sro nearly always aused by torpid liver and constipated bowefs. R.-store these organs to their proper functions and the trouble ceases. partera Lítüc Pilis wül do this every time. Üue pill is a dose Forty in a vial. Trice 25 cents. The birth et theli 89th chili was duly celebrutedjy au agert l.e'pslc couple !a=it wt.ek. "RCTIGH ON PAIN'-LKUid. "IioUKïi on Palii" LlQUld 'uc. Quick care. Kcara-1 i?ia, rbuiuatUin, íctica, pulaSj spniina, hcaüacbe. ciamp. collo. "ílouislí on fallí flaatt-T. 15c. Secretary Lcinur lives in a flat. ROUGH ON CATAKKH" correcta olTfnslye odors at once. Complete cure of worst cliroaic ca3ss; uiso imequiiHud as Körgle for diplilUerla, sorc thrvut. f'ul tcQt(t 50c. The people of Borneo eat monkeys. "ECUOH ON C0TJGH8." Aak for "Rough on Couifhs," for oo'iEhs, coida, aor tbroat. haai-sc-c:a. Troches 15c. LlguM. {-Je. Georgia bas eight living tx-tiovërnors. Neuralgia, riieumaüsm, erisipelas, tumors, Ewellings, sore throat, touthache and all other pains and acies are proinptly cured ly Salvation OU. price Iwer.tytiv cents. An automatutic corkscrew kas Leen Invinted by au Albany parson. Children's Aij.mexts, sucli as "constlpation,1 dlsordered bowels, worm', and many other diieases so prevaleut, ean be sueeessfully treated by tbc occasiuual use of VVaLKER's Vixegaí! Bitters. Itisas lafeuid certiJn in itsaction i pon chlldren as up n adults. It acts on (he livcr nnl cleanses the l,loo] A fUDil to buy Ctristmas toys for little folks n hi;si)ÍUls and aüijib uses 6 itinj rai:tl by a London i per FABMBKS ANI STOCKJKN. '1U9 ODly remeuy tuui y.:-.}]. cüts and wucds on DorMfl siii'i cflttii;, aivi nlnays growi the buir in ls original color. Is 'eterlDHry C'arbollsulvo. 5U ceota aikd SI. 00, al Druiiists or by maiL i:nl & Co.. Hlaek lUv' '""'■ Wi TL : Bost Butter Calor. ThejTiii uiuoimity w:t!i wh(ch il;i ymcnof hitt repuuttion lia ve adopleti. in prfcrcn:e to iuïvthin e'e. the Improw d llutter Color made by Wells, Richarilson L Co., ol líurlinjrton, Vt , is reniarkabití it shows ihai tlic c'aims of imllativ color are baseii ss, wisc dl'J mtn I ! :se no olhcr. If aflllctc'l -;:h Sorc Kyi-s, msh Dr. Isaac Tboiüpscn's Eye Wa' r. Druggta stil it. 25c. UxstMAXIf PIPTON17.ÏD KKKy TOVlO, the only prtptiratio:i of bttf cori'uiolnk; Ms en inir. nutritioci Bopiíí;riE. Ie contalnfe b(oo l-tnaklng force KCiieratIhk and Ufe-sustalnlDg : rtluabfë for In díKt-ftioD, dyftpepftla. nervoua Kostratlon, ■■■ forms of geu.ürftl debllliy:alt edcondlUonft, wlifctlicr tijc ICflUlt of ea rvir.n pro&irutlon, oviMworK or acute ütatasc-, partl jf resuitln fioin pulmonary compTdlnta, Cftawetï, H&zai-d Si Co.. Projirictors, Kw Vorü. üold by uruüElbC. M !;■ lookJ glovcnly Mflih ■ bls. I.ycn's Ht-cl StlffcnT' !.■- D 't irn ■ ft :i :i. TRAD MARllMr (SubínSE Ahnoltllrln -KaFree from Oj'i'le, Lineth-s and JPotson. SAFE. OMii SUR E. J? P%l!tS. THE OUBlBg i. VUUHEB c)., BALTI)10ll!i.MI. su B% a Cures Rheuroa' si, Neuralgia, SnrijílIÍ KprDln, 1 199 í rt! puïck i i v (f:,-rs. 1 Vil I tII Af DÜC001 ILEKS. TUECiíAntra A-taniiai tu.,iur.iiiUE,iiii, Did you Suppose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflammation of all flesh, How Womcn Differ from Men. At least three mon on the average jury are bound to disngree with tlie rest just to show tlint they've got tnlnd of their own; but there ifíiu disagreement amone tbc women as to the merits of Dr. Pierce's "Favorile Pres riptton." '■ They are all unanimoua lu pronouucn it the best'rcmedy 1d the workl for all those cbrontc diseases. weaknesses and comj.latnts peculiar tn tbelt sex. lt transforma the pule, hasrgard, dlepiritcd, imo one of sparKlini; heultl), umi the rlDginz lauh again "relgns supremu'' in tlie bappy hougeboU. Anaconda, In MoDtana, has grown In twg yenrs from a bowling wildcrmss to a town d 4,000 people. Hnmnn Calves. An exchange says:- "N'ine-tenths of the unhappy marriivges reault from humau calves befng allqwed' to ru& at lai-gt la society pastures." Nine-teutbs ol the cbronle orllngering discases of to-day oruid'. in iüipure blooiï, liver complalnt or büousno. resuliin in scrofula, eon?umpt!on (which is but suofula of the lunra son;.?, ukers, skin (Hitases and klndred BÜi:(_tions. Dr. Paree's "Goldea Medical Diacover;" cures all these. 01 DruLKiat. Dartmouth college student r.rc etrlking i hard for au open rèading room and library on Suudays. Sick and bilious headache, and all dei-ange! menta of stomacb and boweU, cured by Dr. Pierce' Pallets"- or sntl-bilious jrramuet. 25 oeutsa No cbeap .o:c5 to allow waste of Virtues. By druggishi Lafayctte, Ind., Las bei-u muil: exclted over the ap"a-iiace "in its luidst" oí a cornstalk 25 feet iouji. We Submi! Facts In regard to Hol's SarsaparHIa At t reiritiJy for rhcumfttlsm. and sak yo.u ïf you are affllcted#wjtb tbla dlsease to try Uit medicine whlcb bas so gre&ily beneflted ottifirs. Huadrcds of vho tuftcred the tortures of rbeumatiem. even li les stvcrest forma, have been perfttetly curtd by Huod't Barsparllla, the greut Muod p'jrifier. H cürrectstht; acldlty of the blood, wMch Is tc caust of the ii;sca$e, and glvcs strengtti nd vigor to every pai t &l tbo body. "iiywlfchaa been troubied a toog tinto with faflammatory rheunr.iit!fin. erj'l waseo bad Imíi iprlng thflt ti wrs liavil work ■ orto walk. Sht darlved more resl l.clo fj-oni laüitji foar botties ot Hood'a üarssparr.lö.than any oihern.tdlciüt ib bas laken." JoaKPH V. üEEtcN. cor Firsi and S'.reet, D3r' ton.Ohlo. 1 1 uted 0 o?ï BartaparlHa Itist iprlnjti und can troty uy lt lilp m very mncti To tiiosc suffevlng with blUoui eomplalnU, tervcus i-roairation, or rbeumattsm. 1 earneati reccooinriead lt," Mus. E ABpijtT kb. RMmnazoo, MUb. jELood's JSarsnparilla Sold by all druggUt 11; !s fui fic-pa'-ed onU by C I. HOOD &, CO.. Loweïi, Ufia 700 Doses One Dollar. -$? íáí Itf ' " BEST TQíííc, I Thls medicina, ceniWning Iron with pure Vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Curoa lynpepin InrïifiHtiini, Wcnkness luipure Ulood, .llaIarlu,CUIili and FoTer, lt is an unfaillns remedy for DiEeases of the Klrincyft nnd Ijver. lt is invaluablo for Diseaes peculiar to TVomen, and aii wbo cad sedentAry lives. ltdocs not injnre the teeth, caust litad achcot produce constipa tion - oüier Iroti mtdiaves do. Itenrichesand purifies theWood.stimulatei the appetito. nids the asslmration of food, relieves tleartburn and Bei;iiig. and streugtbss the muscles and neri. For iDtermittem Kevers. Lassitude, Lsck of Sneiir', &c., it has no equal. Tl?e cenuir.e h abwe trdc mark and crossed rel üneson wrapper. Take noother. Lil.oiil?hT BROW rllHHCAt tO BALTIinUF. Ui i tüLTv '.- ATA ODLi CREAM BALWUMn Gleanse3 th9 H e a d . WWCLYB Keheve, Sta at Cnce Kg Alia -a Inflammatioa Bp'S-.cOioiL''tVDJ Heals Sorel" BastoresJ iaste' and Smell K oiM A POSITIVE CDREá A panlclc is appned '.müVBK' bSA. Eend or cirealar. ilAl F t fCJl ELT BltOTTTKHB, Dia-glsl3.'J .vegp. !í. Y W% Y% RADWAYÍ ' """ RELIEF The Cheapest nuil llest Medicine fot Family lis IN THE WORLD. In Lrom ono totwenty minutes, never faïls to roUve PAIN wltb ono tborough appllcatioa. No matter now violent or cicruclutlnï the pain, tho Rbeumatlc, Bed-rldden. iDllrru, Cripploa. Nervous, Ntiualfiic or proarrateil with il!4a?o Jnfty suiïer. IIADWAY'S KEADY KEJLIEF will ultord lustuit use. BOWELCOMPLAINTS. It will, In a few moments, when taken accordlag to direct (ons, cureCrampi, Spasnis, Sour Btomach, Hcartburn, Sick Ueadacbe, -Suinmur Compiaint, DIarrhcea, Dyseutnr, Collc, Wlud in the Dowel, and all intcrnnl Paina. TDAUCI CDC sbould h1wrt carrr a bottla prevent sicknes3 or palns froin chanco of water. it la better Frcncb Brandy or Bitters a a Blimulaut. MALARIA in lts Varlous Forma, Thcrfi Is not a remedial agent In tlie worlJ time win CURE Vever and Agua and U1 ether Jlalarions, BlllouBandother Fevcrs (alcleil by KaJwuT's I'llli) soqulckasKAÜWAY'S RKADY itKl.IEF. l'rlce 30 ceau. Sola by DruggUts. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT BOILO3 ÜP the BP.OKEN DOWN' constltution, Purlfles tho Blood, restoring lu-ulth and vlfor. Sold by DruggUts; 91 a bottle. Dr. Radway's Pilis For DYSPEPSIAi anil tor the cnr of all tue Disorders of tlie Stoniuch, J.Ivcr, Eowcls, Constliatlou ijuiouscerii. PKea. Headactio, rtc. 1t1c9 43 1 ceáts. lie ure to eet "HADVVAY'S." DK. RADWAY & CO., 3Z Warren St., New York. gs. TF1K LH Geld & Jewelled Wm MEDAL gC&&j[ Wm uwariied by tlie jdttjÈBm v4 Atiiii'l n i ion étÊFBÊÊÊÊSw TO TUÏ AUTHüR OF THE SGIENGE OF LIFE ;wlio I Iho clilel' f'onsii.iiiia Vhysiiun ol tlie l'cnboily iM.'diciil Instituí-, ltbeliiKtiicU-st Medlcjtl Tiile on MBhood.Jtx"austed Vllality. Nerrom and l'livslcul Cebillly. Preuioturi: Ui'cilue In Mhü. the Errors of Voi:th,antl tlie uutold miserie-i resulting (rom IndtacreOonjw excess lu earlj IMe, whlch the autbur haa proved mu be alleviótml n.l posJUroly curcd It U a stíjQdaiil Medica! WorH on t)]; nljove. nud Is a troas ure to every young :nnl nilddli' anfl '""n-, " " rauted as reprMM0J or tn monï refundert lo cvery lnstam-o ; 0 page cmbossed ii.iim, luii gilt IK preaeriptlotu for all dlseaw. Prlce only SI, hy mnll, sealed, postpuld " ul's.(i cents. St-nii now. Thls work Is ■ i ially recommenrted b the mi, c.iKy. i anu teachpi', and eveïjr ono uf lts more (ban lion readers. Every man. toon or "■ }■ 1ï'"1'?.rtt1i DRUÑKEÑMESS' Ixa.ffitan.tXy Curoci. Dr. Hnlnc' QOLDBN K FlCIKlCiiBfíw dusiroy.iBll appïtlt '"T aloonouc liquorj. It caa be eo-e'i ad:..m:stercd lu coFeo, tea, or aay rtielo of lo.i.l. even In liqimr with neverfaiUnu reult Thouja:-.ds of i worst (irunlcurdahivnbopn cured, Klioto-day 1 levrthprqult i drinkliiïof ibWrownfrfewm. tr..! ■.■cdby rvcry bodv wlio itnoivs uf lts vtrtuu tu;t iloon-kecpors. 8end for coatainins hnrdrcdi of tcstlnionliH from the beat wovaen and roca from aU pru ui tho country. Address ia confldence. GOLDEN 6FECIFIC CO., 13? Race St, Ciaoisutt!. O. A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty but it isa part. Every lady may have t ; at least, what looks !ike it. Magnolia ; Balm botb freshens a-Ad beautifics. Iroehmiwright, ÍEWKLEE3 AND OPTICIAH% IMPORTERSOF DlAMONDS, WATOHES, CLOCK9, BRONZES, MARBLB STATÜA.B, IET TOTTERY, OPERA GLAS3E3, FaNS, BRIO-A-BBAO.ETC. JOBBERS AND P.ETAILERS OF ELGIH AND WALTHAM WATCHES, BTERLING BILVERWARE, TRIPLE PLATED SILVERWARU AMERICAN CLOCKS, FINE CUT (iLASS, ETC, ETC; OMBRELLAS, (40 WOODWAHT) AVE., DETROIT OPB BA nOCSE BLOOK, DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. SOLÉ STATE AGEKT3 FOB PATBK, PHIL1TPE 6 CO'3 CELEBIUTED IVÁTCIIE3. I ÏSffiöË'S SÉLIQOID GLUE ÜgjNIENDS EVERYTHINO Hfffi 'Jflm China, Ktirntture. Bric-b Brflc, Ac. ISdfoJUVv' Streng as Iron, Bolld as a Bock. DyV, The total qi'.tntity sold during ths KMTVy f -L'■ past tïve ytr:ir amounled toovr tf$3LsiÉÍ w.w&riM-l.tnk wants rr. S TWQ GOLD MEOALS. SUSBSÜ'ffiS'l'n.-iouncM ,1 strcn-i (lus known MO Svïiddeaïer'é canl fliid lücpostag fnnfcuM 1tA Ariil lirfflinplecnn FREË bymalL uimaiiq ha m. RüBU ..j Ca citucejter.iiasa. Tlit BW EK8' GUIDK ta Issned Sept. aud March, each ycar. - 330 pagel, S, z ïl4 tuchea, wlth over 3.5OO tllustratlon - wbole Picture Oallery. lüVES Wholtutilt Prlccs errrrrf ío consumera on all goort for ptrsonal or famtly oe. Teil Jiow to order, and give exact cost of eTery Uiing yon une, eat, drink, wear, or have fiin wltli. These I.VVAU'AHLE BOOKS contain Information gleancd from the markets of the world. Wt iUl mail a copy FRElï to unjr address apon recelpi of lü ets. to defray expense of mailing. Let u hear from you. Itenpectfolly, ■ - IVIONTCOWIERY WARD & CO. 227 & 229 H'abath Avenue, Chicago, 111, B. H. DOUCLASS & SONS' Eapsicum Cougli Drops Tor Ooughs, Colds and Sore TKroata, an Alleviator of Conaumption, and ofereat benefit in most cases of fiyspopsia. (8EWABE Of IM1TATI0HS.) Thoy aro tíio roault of over forty year erprienc in oompoundñig COU&H K-EMEDLES. Retall price 15 rent per quarter pouud. FOK SALE ItV ALL DEALERS. I Bxlin ,!w7il B i Cure B5i'il[tfiji P'biliousness, ' 3tXT3Ril LITTLEFALL9.N.Y. ■ II lawSF v'"ae troubled wiiti i7?ollimSr i...-h CondttpatlOQ. Í o6 ut pmtmavak S uua-h; uut slnce t-om CDCtnK ue of ytmr BOSBOOK ÜLOOD Bittkts l col ketter tlwnl have (or yirs. 1 have recom .tiended tt to many irlend wüli tho moi excellent MM.JM.A. Kl:wm. liflnwUMo_Iir!.e5IJLi4A I. IiOlt MftnboodU i remist u ro J'teaT, IV cknt, ralnsund allfortnsof ltbility in Men from early error, ijfnorance, viceoroii bsi Qulcklj ond Eully Curvd wJtho'itcon'meiri' i;t liv ihe civíalí trëatment row t!i-n!y tS'Rbiishuï;! AjnencAauJH v 01 ltuerlt f REE to curnott irjulrer nui io ooys, or curio t?Jt7-s;-;ifrii. ai-KB iiiu.tratecl weik oa lHttMtti f tho ieiiltu-Crlnnï'jr ? rrJu snd ISepT. (Seak-i!, í (xr 6 ceiita in jtanips.) OtT"s títlmontcl5.busí tifíttnimiid!clrrffitirí'.fti3. Coii-itltotlon Frw. ClVIALOEgfiYlTaUoiNewYoTfe I CURE FSTS! TrhísaSro i uo out maan uierelj to top tEïm Tt a timo ond tfiea !■ them rjturn f In. I : ■ A!3gh ril euro 1 have nilfl the d 8eB .. 1113. kiH.islv M FALLWOSlOÏSEaS llfo-'.oigs'.udy. lw;rrtw reraódï to care the worst Ciscs EBcausi olliir. hv. Sled Ia do reiaon fer Do rio relvi„g cor 8end si ?ïi8.a(r s,si5raaiiaw5a1 fi'jaífsia AliVI AnVcanmstohiuidtonieRUCSliitocir nlll LHU I bonlvoutof raB, ram orauy clou. bTUËiugDCADI MBSZflnBGI') tkcs, (Uoin J."1!O ILAriLSfi NtraDrsorpflttrs4. Pllfl UhVfRM xrwtrsïm Easy, simple hond. Anondsr-HTfrllgrl B.rr IM T Ct fulinTcntion. It WL1'" BW1 ff G.E,'VT 9EXL3AT8IGRT. MnH Wanled,i Great Prloeonly SI. ■■-■■■■ Indueements. apply f or terrttonrNew plan. No monej raqnlred. .''?'-C:' HOITT fc CO.. 2W6um;C.CMHU6a JOSEPHGILLQTTS STEEL PENS ! Sold By ALL DEALERSThrouohoutThe WORLD ) GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXP0SITION-ia7B.] #R U A WARE Lorillará's Climas Plag bforlng a -ed Hn (uy ,' that IxrlllurdV Ituse I,er!'!'neat; that LorlUaWi 'Tr Clirptnca md trt lorlllarU1 Snulli, ai4 ■ il aad cheapit. .itmlliy contldered ? fR U P T U Tft E EOAXS IMPERIAL TItUSS Thls new ti-.i.s has a piral spring uu'vA ren iT.ïaii'KK; yk-UU to cvery motk'U. iccainina tlie Uernlft uhvftyí. ltcurea. YoIl day und mout witti Encloie stampforClrci:lar. Vseilln bo:h llospltals. 4skonr.lruïs:8t. KG A.N'S IMI'fiRIAL TI'USS CO. Bux ia Aun ATnor.MlcU. PJJSllllTQN 1 btva a positiva lor tn bOT aiíia.; liy lia ui thOQSRndt of caecs of the worst kind D:1 of lonc tltodlDC have bctn curcil. Indeed, nitroni 1 mj fli:i In In efflocj, that 1 wlll ifDd TVO BOT'ï'Lta FBLS, toíe-hír with a VALr CADLE TREAÏISE on lbl ar .uffertr. Giro Exprci! aud P. O. aain. lL. T. . SWCH!, 1 rtirl Sk, N.ï. ■Si SlIlIS WHtTt AtllLSt fU$i Ba ■j Best Couxh Syrtip. 'l'asies gnmi. use H ■ tf%B RH COURTSHIPand MARRIAGK. I 19 E This most wonderful and liandsome I ■■ V" bcoïi of i6opaLcsmailcd fcronly ïoc. tm%0 W tm Ads. Union p'b.Co-, Nevrark. NJ ArTi i"ïTT'PTl? To Intrrwluep them, "we f. f!i-i )pc ratina WjshtnK Machines. I f you want ei a s ra ■HTCn An icun Mau or Woinsn In ever dHlaH I CcuuMiloiellourROOdi SilarjI5. SBf Q S per nontntnd Expendes Kxpcntti in tdHflV ■■vence Cdvi4?ii:í vUttit FRKRt Parti.i:ari W fr.-. tïtR-.a ird aüver-ware Co. Boston. Mas. CHRIISTMAS EVE Is nfjl VfiPTinflN the tlinptorfuuwHlithorULIUr I UUR. Magie Lontfrna are otitdone. Kree circular. HURHAY HiLL CO.. K9 Eat 28tJ St.. Now Yorlt. in i ni'sjrTnTTfUTrnTTrsan 'irr n ii r iininiin ■R'SPASTiLlLS.o?a.caóisS irJtaiown, lliu M BBÏ IIU Sforphlno nablt Curca In 10 iSI'll iSH tnSOdu.v. Nora.vUU Curad. iinijrfTt'DY. Secure a Baslhcsi Educatloti by llUlflCmaü.froai Büvant's CoLi-eci.Euffato.y. V 1 KCVew Bcrsp Picture ond vi F'ir.c'V (.'ard? inew, l!:)r!mnlli-d011O0. E5SEX CAJiD WORKS Ivorytftn. conn. KrCt-.ron-.oCold Scrap. Viop Fr:ng. c. CoiS" tont Jcpor p.iid 6e. Codd. atcam uard Wcrke. Hartforfl, Coün. t onElv sCRAP P1Ctuü;:í nú yw Chrcai I (faivl Oold Serp -T,t PnetpoM fot lOct. _ W. N. U. D.- 3- ?1 TELEGEAPHY. LLAiB(Sitere 6Bit ■ radoBtfarniilici1. Talcmine Broi'., Vancrrtlit, Wla
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