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Minor State Happenings

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'i in1 oew lauses in the agreement gorernlne Michigan n;ds dunne: lusó aie two u numlier aiiboufli soveral minor cnanges have Leen made. 'I ürst oí in-u secilom prov.dea tbal trhen an editorial ticket or other form oí íree transportation is issue, i to pnbl'i of newspapêrs, do money payment shaii !■ made for !!■ ubi catión of timo cardt. 'flic Becond provluea for the transoortation of de 1 ' bodiea, whloh icnstbe Incased in ie aatlBej t iiIntermeni eack, hermetlcally sealcd.ln addition ti beioe in a eoilin, and thia in a t;bt wcoden box. Thosa dead of contagióos or InfecUons diseas'.'s mast be wran] cd iu in :i ghcet Ihoronghlj sauirated with a strou golution of Elnc i .e f ore being encased in ibe antiseptlc sack. 'the cofh'n mu-t also be Barrounaed uit!, tawdust, also satuxated wlth thesoluüon, i andeviri dead body mast be aecoinpauicd lv .1 p rson in barse presenting a certllk-at drath iiom a !hyrk-ian or a pe:mit from tbe Board oí llealtïi and a eartlttcate from the shipp.'ngundcrtaker that tbe corpse bas been preparad for transportation Btrictly in accordanee witb the rules. Jesse H. Farwell oí Detroit, i.routfht j suits Id attachmentat Chicago, agalnst Waiter A. Newberry and Edward H. Newberry, two of tlio Newberry estáte. The snit against Edward is to recover L'.', ?; and the snit against Waltc to recover $4,670, whica sums Mr. Panrell claims to haveloaned the defendanN. the loans being seeured, u is gald, by : Hens on the expeetancy accruing on thc deuiise of Mrs. Newberry. The Battle Creek Moon says that Edward Hungerford constructed a [ewelcaee m:idc irom S9 different kinds of wood in nearly400 i pieces. Thc InslUe la lined with íaúií. the irork of bis wilc. Beisnow maklng anoLher whlch will contaln 70 different kinds ol wood, somc (rom England, (iermanv, Spain, Canada, uuU South Anu'i'ica. Araons the ne' salt blocks rccently eompleted ur in coursc oT construction are lx at Macistec, three at Ludinsion, onc Bteam a Algonac, ' n ;it Frankfort, lour at Maiine i it. anu one at .South Saginaw. The cfttimated capaclty of 1 1: se worka tur the ensuüu; year Ís 700,000 airela of alt. Frank Ever. :i iarmcr Uving In south Battle Creek, bunghlmsell thc oiher inoi-Dlug. He aróse aa asnal directe 1 his íarm hands alLt taelr Vrork, and then went to the barn, where, aboat 8 o'clock, a hived nj;iu Barry. charg. d mih tb murder oí an ludia. i at Charlerolx, lust summer, been tound tcuilty of manslaoghter, and .-■■!. tnn-.d to Ioula f or three years. ils accoaiplces, (íraha.u. Duruo, and Moore have been bound over for trial tt the ncxt term of court in the suni ui $800 eacn. Thirteen men are undi-r arrest at t'eattle, Wyoming, cliargeU with consplraey, they havm partlclpatea in the recent striki-. Uon. T. B. Burry of East Saginaw, who in tbc eves oí the himber barons is also a conspirator, lias f;one totíe.ittie to invest;atr tu ■ matter. Ueorge Montaguc, Hvtng nearBradley, recently Struck his lather a terrible blow on the temple, crushlpg the bjne. Tne attSL-k was niad;" during a fit of tetnporury Instanlty, an 1 had uot a b.otlier appeared upou the bi ene tne fathr would undoubtedly have Ixeu killed. Mar. ui tt board of supervisors have voted $600 to M. J. Qrlffin ol uapemlne, ho was si;ol at Iron K.T.r, Mich., IS ago by a ürunken Uane whoni be was trying to arrest. i:as been in iil heilth ever slnee. and the hall cannot l.e extracted. State Treaeurer Bntler'a animal repyrt will show: Balance on Land Sept 80, 1S4. !.- L4Ü,830 ts lor the year, $3,8(8,837.65. Total. $8,52J.2.54; paymeuts duriu'g tnuyear, ta,7oü,9iü.l.ts; balance In trcasury Sept, :J0, L88S, (■80,251.5. Frank Richards of Adrlan,a young man aged I aboui Ü7, was tound dtail in bia bed the otner nervousness ;iud Insomnía. lie procured a bottie oí medicine and the theory Is he took au o 9 e. Gov Algcr is. teil the state public school at Coldwater, tbe letorm schcol ;t Lansiog, and the Industrial school ior girls at Ad ian, and when bc üepaited the childreu's fuml for i .n-ruts was $1UO larcr than when he wem. Th" wiic of th Hon. Wells R. Martin died in Vermontnlle recently after two vears' oí ; ! lingcriu;; Qlness. Tne rieeeas 1 had been a j r.'-iiciit oi the vlllage aearly lilty years. The family is '.veil kaowu throughout the state. The womau's relief corps, Na 37, auzüllary ! to the G. A. K., dl II Usdale, üave expended nearly f40 ia tne rellel of the ilrsii:ute soldiers'" families and ib widows and orphans of dtceased soldiere, durini; the six weeks. Frank Masco of St. Iirnaec, inistook Autoine Once, rouin. íor a deer wh.lo out bunting a few liays ao and shot hiiu, küÜDg ti.m ID stantly. Masco dollwred liiniself np to the authorities. Mand, :i .'.ycar old daogbti r ol .John Batishill ol Detroit, was run over by a train on the Wabasli roa;l ind one le was cut olí. A verdict of 4,0Uü damages bas ust been awarded the ciiiid. soüüi-liroilii1! f HilUilülc rrriiivud acal' Kniíland. Thev are tbe 6net ol hor.cs ihey BsfbteceiTea thlsscasou, audau have been good ones. It was cousuiuiit On which indiu-ed tbe irnor lo jaiuuii íJiiviu ricKauu oí tanuae i county, from the Jackson prisou. lir hatserved two years oí u live ycüyW si'iitence kt larceny. Hou. E. S. lhcl8, minister to 1'nstlnu 1, in ïeplv tu .Dulries made by L. E. Fa rurol Port Hurón, wr.tes tli.t tbere is no ni.niey in the bank of Kiif;land Lelonging to the Townley estáte. Jackson Knlghts ui Labór are out iu stron;; res iuuorslng t e iLcrltorloufl vork of Pólice Commlsüiuner Brooks and denoundue thit uctii.u ol those who are Irying to oust hlm. A eompauy of Eas! Sg naw capitalista lias been f om. cd. wllh a capital o. Y iO,000, to build a bridge over the Öa&ioaw river io talce tbe place ol the coDdeiui.o ilitntse:' ave. bridge. Tbe coron t's ,,ury lind notbinz n tbc deatb. uf Walter . . Louof Hint. iiuplicat au anyone but nliDgeil. Xbey say be too. tbc doseol morphiue wblfe Inloxlcated. In October Thomas Baskerville of l'ittsford lost a :■ au ol ïioisus. The other dav lic was notiritd by Sheriff Wood ol HUlsdalc oL tbcir recovervat Uloominton. HL Ford Campbell, a former resideoí ol Portland, was hlllc : in l'i'irce, Neb., a few days sicci1, by th. ■■■'■ lleutal discharge of a ;un in tbc bands o u business partnr. Eight tboiHiind dollars of the (20,1X0 nbscribed by cltlzeus oí Ka amazoo to endow a profe8sorshlp in tbe college bas already been paid in to tbc treasurer. lialtheis Sheets, aged Hü, dropuel dead uu Front street, Monroe, uthrr aiternoon of paralyaia l the heart. He bad resided In Monroe lorty years. (baríes Wbittmore, a former cttlzen of Pontlac, died in Denvei, Col., feceatly. The remalns were brougbt to Pontlat iur Intermenu Ex-Gov. Begole wlll start itbbiswife for Los Angeles, Cal., short! j alter tl e hoHdays and remaiii tin-re the re6t of the winter. Salvatlon 011, tbe reatest cure on eartb for .pain, as an auodyne bas ooequal In the market. It without doubt best llmmeut Prlce twenty-livc cehtt :i bot'le Tbe sccou'l tróp ofapples for ibis year is beinj; gathered from the trees in jarts of California. Street car Unes are BtiU a ereat novelty in Vermoiit. ]!iirlin;t'iu is aboiit tbe only place that sopporta ilieni. llarrow school In England, is taxed up to its capaclty aml no new pupilscan be received for ïoiui: tllll" to s Ollli". l.ondon alone contalns more churebes and chapéis tinin are to be found in any country ol Europc, except Frunce. whosc place ol abode happens to be near :i dlstillerv are liable io irt-t dronk every dav and isokc uo boney at all. The elegant Oblo river brhlge t cunnect Porti: ml. Ky., with New Alb.iny. Ind, will bs BDtebe i In spring oí 188B. Ttie statue of Wllllam Allen for Ohlo's niche n the capftol at Washington will be made by Cari H. Niehans of Cincinnati. Iu tplte of all th.e new remedies which are eonstantlv Introdttced to tho public, Dr. Buli's Cough S rup stlll taUes tho lead for tne cure of Cough's, Colds, &c rrlce.25 cents.


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Ann Arbor Democrat