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(en. Robert Toombs, :)ie noted Georgian whose Ufe l as been so dos K i. 1 1 rworen with Ibebistory oí the sontb, dle.i til Washington, G. on tiie 15th inst. Borne ihree montos ago whlle in Allanta be beeame alarmedat liis (ondition an.t telling liis (rienda tliat he ras gi Injt hoaie 10 die, went to VVash'nton, Georiga. A few days after bis mimi bcgan to trander and dcring all tiK-.-c ni n wce'.is while the body was racked 'with .:t.n, he in Imagination been ligntlu ovei batUes whlcli ed to thc s ceaslon. a few days beíore i deatb be rallied and liopes wire entertained of bis recovery. .lust as Hope bcgan to wblspei of 'nguter days, be suddenly relapsed, and for two days betore hJs deatb was in a comaiose condltlon, unable to lift a linio. At last the end carne, and pcacefully, sllently as tbc night c unes on, bis freed spirit took its iliirht. ■:: Toi niiis born iu Wilkes county, Qeorgla, July 2, 1S10. Mis Fatherdled wbeu bewasyoung, íeavlng a good estáte, lie was educateil in part at the univtrsityof Georgia and gxaduated al I nlon 'college, Sehenectady. I n 1859 be stud-ed law at the univcrsily of nía [ti ivitv dLtjartiiK'iit il BtudT lit: ■ was aitnilttecrtö nar öy a ípecia act nf the leg alature and opened in olfice ut Waahlnirton, Ua. When the war broke out with the Crceks in 1836 Toambs rais ■(! a coniEanv Ol militia and Ie 1 tlicm as captain Xo the i.'ld. In 1-14 be waa olccttd to congre&8 as a whijí, and at onee took a place among tbe foremost orators on the In 1883 he was advanced to tl. e Sonate, bolding a s.-at in tbat Lodv and ranking as a br.lllant but flerce and vindictive i'e'.ati-. ■ nut lCci.ii passcd ber ordlnance of "ii In 1'r. Ti eu be reslgned and took a seat In Ihe state Beeesaion convention. He camc vi'i-y near i eina; chosen pr sldent of the Bouthein confederacy and retir. d in disgust when Davlswas cbosen overbim. Davis offered bim the ] osltlon of gecretary of state iu hls caliiui't and Toombs at tirst decline:! but. aft rwards acceptcd and eerved for severa] monthls. ThenLe reslgned andtook acommisslon a brigadier general in tbe rebel second battle ofManassas and alaoal SharpBbvirf. and geemed to be . rlalng man in the i'cbel öusts, but hls floree spirit was continuallv getting bim Into trouble with hls brother onïcerSi and be r slgned and returned to Georgia. When Sherman invadcJ that state n 1S(4 h-j was made brigadier general of militia, but failed to do auything of note iu tbe Held, After close of tne war he fled the country and passed thrce years in Caba, 1' ranee ani England, untll thiujta .jí a lit i Ir more cuín fortable for gentlemen who had tried to ! Btroy tb ir eouutry. Then he returned to a.resnm ■! the practlce of law aud mad ■ great mceesg at the bar, hls fees öften belng as bign i.OuiiO for a single case. Tbc 'uiiiitr !,as not beard mucb of bim in recent jeaib, excepl b : cri dlcal wail aainst the . Euccess of tha Union, or some Qery denunclfttion ol tbe nortb, tLat ahowed tiia tbe o!d rebel spirit In bim was UDqueuch d. Heieaves a very considerable fortune. earlv all Louisvill lawyere play poker. Oregon 's trying to probibll prlze flghting. An Idaho lowa adv it. for a brass band. A girl's school of Bgri ultiire Is a Frencb : Killarney, the laraous, is novv a shabbv town. Geo V. Cable t cache n cla-a In Sunday A beautlful i ull-ttncb ! rougbt LT0 at a London s.ihSuicides Ketting dis)resslngly commou in beiiin. Tbe annual ezDensi a ol the Frenen ehamber - !..Vi: 100. At a ie. vut Fa'.c Garfle'.d ■ autographbrought 'O cent ai: ' ( Icveland's r Lood ii s ih bilU, for public [jurposes, amouni toi ,OJ).000pei annum. G!adtone dtc'.aieg be did not subscribe to the c onfederate cotton loan of 1868. long houeymoon trips are -the thins" vvlth new-marrle I pairs in Kiiiland. Cleveland is wonderinc; It l( can't get nat mal gas, hy pipe lines. fro.n Plttiburgb. The autbor of "My Mai lao l" Is ust about to imiiiisli lirst volóme of verses. Two burglan broke into Plainfield N. J., Jall- and stald there agalnst thelr will. The Shakers liav" founded rejrultlng stadions at Pbiladelphla and Watervllet, N. Y. A dranken juryman rendered necemary the adjournmcni of a ease in a Boston court." A fatal case of se sickness occurred not long ago ou a líteamer iu tl.cfiulí of Mexico.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat