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HENRY NíATTHEWS, I Has] the plf-asure lo Inf onn the pabilo that he ii reucly to receive Ihem in hisuevbrk'k MEAT MARKETí! ONE DOOB KAST OF LEONARD HOUSE. Everything In Us ir.o v.iil bo firsï-class, atv. At 'Reasc .-ab.e Ra:es. He returr.a Bft Bln ' .'ílnuiks to &U nis oíd cua tomen for their I coral ally invitos tliimi, andall new cufitona6?s to hi. new quarters, ■vhero i irüealing Wl nlarKPhisnlreadv growtas busioeu' EBERBACH&SOft, Dealers in Drugs, Medicines And afine lot of French Hair Brushes AND Enelish Tooth Brushes, We cali special attention to our stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pure Chemicus of our own Importation. A full Une of TIEMAN'S SURGÍ INSTRUMENTS At list pricos. Are cordially invited to examine our tock Cl quality and prices. EBERBACH & SON. Emanuel Wagner, -ATW No, 33 South Main Street, At AMBROSE KEAENEY'SOld Stand, Has opened a New Grocery & Provisión SIotb. ALL KINDS OFCANNEDAND SHELFjGOODS. TEAS, COFFLES AND SPICES OF ALL KINDS AT AVERYLOW FIGURE. AILES &. CO'STPATENT FLOUF KEPT ON HAND. A miT T ! TJlIE.__QK_TQKACGO. CIGARSAND SMOKER'S ARTICLES. Emanuel Wagner. JACKSUN FiRE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe AND JDTl-TTST TIL3H I AU our Drain Tilo ars made of Fiie Clay, are oí unusual strength and light weight. which materially reduces the breakage and exrene of transportation. The ditching of this class of tiling is less expensive, as they do not require to be lald below trost but only deep enougn to escape the plow. WbOethtsifl more economical it also aids in obtaining a lietter fall or grade to the drain. A full assortmcnt of all sizes, for saleinsmall quantities, or car load lots, at the FESDON LÜMBER YABD, James '1'olbert, Agent. ' THe, the Createst Labor-Saving Machine of the Age." To the EdUw of Tlie Chicago Trimmc. Dwiqht, III., Mareta in.- One of the strongest and mojt convincing facts that I have yet seen with regard to tile drainage is brought out in the December report of the Agricultural Depar ment of Illinois. It is this: ACREAOE. Awenge In corn in Livingston Couaty, 18817. Ï68,B97 Aoreaee in corn in Logan County, 1881.. 140,869 Ijyingston over Logan 127,718 YIELD. ïleld of corn in Livingston County,1881. .6,988,5 Yield of corn in Logan County, 1882 6,O70,ftM Livingston over Logan l,902,5J8 In other words. Logan County bas ratsed near ly as much corn on 140,859 acres as Ltvingstom county has on 268,597 acres. Put it in another form, the farmers i Livingston County have ' been obliged to plow nearly doublé the acreage ! of land (268,097), and have raised but a very sruall percentage of increase of corn over their A farmer who bas his laud well tilled need only work eighty acres of land and grow just about as much corn as the man who plows 160 and takesallthe risksof drouth and much betidea. It U not fair, tben, to conclude that the greatest labor-savinR machine to-dayof theaeeisthe til draini From the same source of information I gather the following as regards the progres of tile-drainage in these twocounties: Feet. Total number of f eet laid in livingston County uptol8Sl 1,140,793 Total numöer of feet laid in Logan County upto 18S1 3,!89,469 Thi table proves beyond all theory that owinj to the tree use of tile that one county ha ben able to product nearly as much corn on 140,000 ; ftcresofland another county has produced i pon26R,000acros,whioh is nearly doublé, and Ibe beauty of the whole is that it was done with half the work ! Mr. Editor, suppose a kind Providenceshould lengthen out the spin of our day j astil we saw IUinois thoroughly tile-drained, where would be put the corn that this Stat would produce, and what would we do with our "lilver dollarst' Samuel T. K. Primb." RINSEY k SEABOLL No. 6 & 8 Washington St. Have on hand a complete stock of every ■ thing in the Crocei-y Line. Tasif Codees and Wiitrui', In large amounts. and at CaslL J?jocg& And can sell at Low Figures. The large invoice of teas they Buy and Sell. 1$ good proof that in Quality and Prlce they Give Bargains. They Roast their own Coffees every week, and : none but prime articles are used. Their Bakery turns out excellent Bread, Cakes nd Crackers. Cali and see them. PricesGone Down A largo stock of Wall Paper selling at ACRE AT REDUCTION! I claim to havo the largest and BEST SELECTED STOCK Of Wall Papar and Deoorations in the county, and can give perfect satisfnetion in Goods or Work . Paints and Paintors Supplies a specialty . Á.Xbe:L?t Sorg, Successor to F. & A. Sorg, 26 & 88, Walisington st. - Aan Arbor Po'itics Too Mach For Him. A lady on 1 Avenue, New Vork, quickly : rammoned --i doctor: "Oh, doctor my husband nearly dead. He attciiiirl a caucua last nigbt, He made four speeches and promise l to be t!i hia f-llow cltlzenM agaln to-day. Bul ob, doctor, he arly dead." "Has iie boon !n politica longt" "No, only last year. He worked hard for Jame Mc ■ o:)"He will i!!■ hm a stoinach for any dlsease, [j he vrorked for hiiii." Politica! llfe, of short or long duraÜOD, la from the great ;i::b!ii' men. Kx. U. 8. Senator B. K. Bruce, wbo haa been long in publU' life "The other Uav. stopping IntO a ar at n crossiog, liou&d Dr. - '■ - - v.ithin, who eyed me op and dnun In a eurprised way, remarking' "V. lum well you look!" "Wel!. I feel pretty well,' J anawered." The doctor utteréa nn increaulous reply, wlu-n the Senatoi frankly told 'nim, n answer to an :: ' t waa Warner's Bftfo cure which accomplished forhimwhai the profespion had falieutodo. Senator Bruce sayshls frieads are ■■■rv much kstonlshed at : elatioD of power. - The ■; ()v rw:.t mingly DefeaM d. S ome Brown unirersfty student teaoh in Dlsiht sehools. My wlfe, who suffered severely from rheumatisrn, reclcved marked benefit from the Athlophoros wh:!e taking it. aml th;.: benefit reccived haa been permanent ad oi DO doubt. .Johnsou Stephens, Hazol, Wis. New gold mines open in Tasmnnia. Xb Opium iu l'iío's (ure for Consumptlon. Cure rail. 25e. Then I Amerlcans In Paris who "amountto Bomethlng" as resident?. BtiRDOCK ij.ooi Bitters taken after eating will relieve any feelingol weicht or over fulness -i tbe Btomach. Bold cverywhere. Londonëri aro relisbiog an exhibltion of : American apples. Remarked by R.C. Joiner, of Allen P.O., Hillsdale Co., Mich: "Xothlnsr eave my rheumatism sucb qulck relief aa Dr. Thomas' Ecleetric Oil - believe it infalüble for rheumatics." Mount Popocatapetl turas out a ton of sulphur deposit eveay day. The TintiiK Outlbts of disease are the bowels, the skiu and the kldneys. Recúlate their aetlon th the best purifying tonlc, Burdock Blood Bitters. A male mooü has been trained to plough by a Uakota tndian. Mi. M. Scbaen .erger, Keaver Dam, Wis., writes: "Wehave ased Dr. Thomae' Eelectric OII In our famil) Coilghs, Colds, Croup and Rbeumathtn. It cnrej every !i:ne. The po ulation of Paris is saïd t beincreasing at the rato of 39 per : Wil %e has dow 368 undergraduates, 60 of irnom ire in the freshman ciass. Don't neglect a cough and let it remain to Irrítate your lungs wben a safe and apeedy remedy can be had for, 50 cents ín Dr. Bigélow's l'osltive Care. A c ure íor hereditarv bllndness has been 'dlscovered" by a New York oculist. FOI B SCORE TEARS ASI) TEN HAVE XOT been tuk equal of Ely'a Cream Halm as i remedy for atarrb, Cotds In the Head, and Hay rever. It works lflte masrle, givlnB 'reHef at once, and perne laneat bonedt A thorouih treatment cures the irórsi cases. Apply th the finger into the nostrils. Priee ;"io cents ai drugglsts. M cents by mail. Ely Bros., Owcfto, N Y. A Nebraska lown has a business flrm composed of an [nd an and o bfnaman. R m forms oí nasal catarrli wlu.-o ilir.o h gofnic to bed, Ely's Cream lialm givcs perfect and Immeaiate relief, [ts beneiit to me las been priceless. - A. O. Chase, M. D., MUlwood, Kansas. ■■ Apostle ol the '. oteéis" l( the appellation o!' a fashionable cbureb rector in Dtan. I ii wi; useJ mie bottle oí Ely's Cream Balm and it is the best remedy 1 have found for catarrh in Dfteen years.- . Or. Babbage, Attoroey, Hardingburg, Ky. San Francisco '.as a ■treak" in the person of a uian with íour cars, who s nol [na museum. Fifteen Years an Invalid. Cured by Dr. J. H. Henion's Sare Cure for Malaria. Mrs. Fannie Reed, of Oriskany Falls, New York State, ha-f heen a confirmed invalid for the past fifteen years. Shc auffered from paia In her ivrist-. flneers, andankles; she iffered terribly from female weakness, and a hing pain through the email of tbe back and through her bips; tberc was a constant sense o1 ; resue and pIa n top of the bcad, attendeil with a terrible weak, gone sensatiou at the pit of the stoinach, she Btiffered greatl] wltb cnllly sensations and hot flashes, at the same time her hands aad fee' would becold.her appetite dlsappeared and In1trould llrsi 6 constípate and followed in a few days with looseness. Hor 'hysiciau toklher thát Malaria was the cause oi all her trouble. Btfll they were unablè to do her any good and slio bad given up ail hopes ofrecovery wlion ehe saw Dr. J. 1!. Henion's Sure Cure for Malaria advertised u cure noüilng but Malaria, lï;is gave lior confidence and she procured a bottle. and before it was used up she was much improved, and after takiug live bottles was entirely cured. Mis. Reed eays, Dr. Henion's Sure Cure tor Malaria will cure a person if they have Ftrength enough left to swallow it. tnat it cured ber, and no one could be worse tban fht waa and live. Fifty-three persons in Galneavllle, Fla.. cal] one man father Hlsotber Dame is Thomas James. He Is not, and never bas been a polyCamist, but he bas been called upon to mourn the death of Bevers] wives in the course of his experlence. __ Itis by copyiug aiter nature that man gets l'est ïesults. Dr Jones1 Red Clover Tonic Is nature's own remedy, is purely vegetable, cao I e taken by the most delicate. Cures all stoniach, kklney aud livor troubies. 50 cents. Youn farmers of Dakota are starting Kast tn spend the winter In i-earoh of wives. One pair of boots eau he su rl caily by uslng I.yon's l'ntrnt Molalltc Ili'i- hIITimioi-h. Odd ñames for girl bables are all the "go." "RoHgh on IÍHI8" elf a) ytit liats. M!c'. l:e Mrs. Judie takes "Rongïï uu i " tir'l .7sof : t-urni. hitiilous. ISO Gray hair ts more bon-ton lïi-m ever. "i;llf.r]i on " Ilisnu)M--:l!':f. .wJ5 "ROUGH ON ITCH.' "Ronghon Iteh." cures tklabomors, ernpttoiu, ringworm, tetter, sait rbeum. frosted í'1--'., (.-litlMaluá. Itcb, lvy polop, barber's iteh. Wyr j;n. cven suicides u day is lioiiin's quota. "ROUGH ON PILES." Cures piles or hcinorrtioida. Itcblnff, protradlnff, bleedinpr, tntornnl or othcr, Intnrnal and extemal remedy In tucli pachaip1. Sure run. 50c. DrugalstB Ruaeia bas 83,40 ofwhom ;i-0 aro woiiien. The dentista nnmber but üou. and the pharmacistfl 2,600. BURNS and Scalrfs are instantly rendorel painless, ml invarialily rnred without a se ar, by the use uf Curuollsalve. the great skin mnedy. 26 and 50 cents, at DiugsrUti or bjr mail. Cola fe Co., Black River Falls, Wi. Every woman who Buffers fromSick Hoadache and who dlsllkes u take bitter doseSj should try Carter' s Little Llver Pilis. They are the easiest of all medicines to take. A positive cure for the above distressinsr complaints; glves prompt relief Id D. estlon; prevent and cure Constlpatioa aml I'iles. As easy to tako as suear. Only one plll a dose. 4Ü iu á vial. Price ''S eents. If you trv Ihem vou will nótelo without them. PATI'lVTSobtnined by Louis Bagger &Oo., Attorneyh Whington,D.C. Et'(l 1864. Ailvice free. for DTSPFPSiA, iNU!t:K=TitN'. ciepression o! aplrlw and Kcnera' ■' ■■ Mi 'i tj' !n tliefr varlo'js torms: alio as :i , nmvcntlyi; cklnat :iilr' o't Calisayi HaíUfíísCo, New York. and sol'! bj .'' bc st conli-, and for overleg tioiu rever or othcr alcjEnesl It luis no éqnal. _ Meditar TRADEUÍ MARK. UGHRE Free from OpUttesf Jïmefics and loi$on SURE. OKCtS. PROMPT, iuflO IUk'uVaULES Jl'Vuiü'lEll CO.. 1UI.TIM0UE, MD. TT JACOBS QH GERManreMEDY f" f ■ Cures Rheumatism. Neuralgia, _ A I UAin HscLicbr, llradulir, TooUuke, ■"II I'ÏJI s,raln., üriil.n, lo.. tic. rnl I'KICE, Vil (V ENT8. ■ VI I Mili Al DHtOÜIHÍ AXD DEALÏBS, KUECIIAIULH A, ÏOOÏLEK 10.. I11I.T'IUKÏ, ID.


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