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The trouble nhleb haa exlfted iu the Polish Catbollc ciiurdi iu Detroit tor some time, eulmlaated on C'hristuias diy in the raurdcr ut ! Jolm Levltski, by an unknonn person. The trouble iu the church origiuated iu the actiOD of the Bislrop deposing the Driest aud closing J the church. The Hishop had promised the congrcatiou that the trouble should be adiueted uefore Chrletmas that the usual festlvities ou that duv mjght be observed. This was not clone, bowever. and the peopie, disappoint1 c 1 and deprived of the privilege of obiCrvlng he celebra tlon of the most Important of t inbolydays cQngregtf& in a body between ■i.iiüj and :i,ouj stroug and marehed to ihe resldence oL the Bishop to ask him to open their Churcb and alluw the Christmas fustiviticí to p'roeeeJ. The Biskop refused to see tbe commlttee appointed by the Poles. and quletly slipped out to tlie alley bik'k of his residence and was drlveu rapldly awiij. It was reported that iie had One to St. Joseph's ehureh tu another part of the city to celébrate mass. aud lire Poles again formed in liuc and marehed to St. Joseph s to see even at tbat latr hour ittl.u Bishop would uot allow them to occupy their church. They ere refused admlssion to si. Joseph's. Balked at every turn, and realizing that tbey ere debarred entlrely from ceiebntUng thé Christmas day, the "foles marehed txiek to their owu ehurch and slowly dispersed. About '2 oVlock in the afteroooD tht-v axaio bega il to congrégate, sonie 5CKJ peopie appearing. and (earldg trouble a SetachiQent of pólice af called out.' Xear the ehurch is a saloon kept by one of the Polls and in front of this the crowd uatht-rcd. it béltig knuwn that a nuiuber of Polts wno were enemles of tbe deposed priemt werelnslde. Alad about 15 or lö yeara old passed by the door of the galooo aud gave it a kiek un i horrled away. instautly toe door m:is 0] eued and a man 'apueared aud tiredfour fhota lnto the crowd. Oueof the bullets hit Jolm Levitski kllling him instautly. Another tJiot ju-t i;razcd and eut the shoulder oí a woman. ïhe men retlred Into tbe saloon and tocked the door. and the ata l man was taken to the station house. A tl bment oí' pólice broke into the saloon aud placed under arrest the uiue men found thereiu anti) ÚA matter can be thorouglily investigated aud the guflty man apprehendeti. '1 his actton ot the Bishop is strougly denquuced by Catholic-s and Protestant "alike. Hts conduet preeipitatéii therlot, and a reasonable eoueession to the demauds of the ïeople would have prevented it.


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Ann Arbor Democrat