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A Bit Of Secret History

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A Lr:ui!iu:iii wnu ua uuuii piuimnont in New York politics for many years .s:iid lo thu Botton Travelier correspondent tho other cvetiing: "I can tcll yon a bit of secret hiítory which happenetl lnsL fall, aiul whioh luis nevcr been in print bofore. Now tliMt it is a year okl 1 do not seo :uiv liariu in letting the trulli out. As yon know, during tho last prosulenUal election I was connoclod witli the Republicau National Committco in Now York city. My facilitas wero sucb that I hád a pretty good opporUmity oí knowing about all that was sroing on. Up to llio vovy last íuowont wo bolievctl that Blaine woü curry tho i State. All oí our Information pointed . conclusively to that end. the kistory of that elecLion day, however, tolls tho story more graphically khan 1 eau of how wo wcvo doceivoit. About au hour af ter tho returns begau to como in we ktiew that our caloulatlons had bcon basod upon misinformation. had to bo dono and done quicklv or tho day would bo lost and Grover Cleveland tho noxt President of tho United Statos. In tlus emergency it was represeuted to tho couiniitteo that a chaugo of 3,700 votos could be efleclod opon Long blond f the proper financia] indticementa wero held out to certain niou vyho g_uaranteed to do the work. Tho price named was Sö.OOO. Most of tho reiurns froni the Long Island distriots :ro carried on iiorsobuck. As soon as the votes aro countod Ihcy aro dcslroved. Tho returns wero on three lally sheets, and you ::n Gasily uiidersUmd what was iutendcd. Knowing t!io siluulion of affairs as well na 1 do, I am s:itis!iod that at that timo the Republlcan National Conunittoe had it within iu powor to have defeated tho will of tho nation. 'Jüey had plenty of money, tho menwore roady to do the work, but the offer v, I, and (irovor Cleveland becarue President. Of courso the temptation was great, but that iiiakcs the rofusal of tho committee al! tlie more praise-worthy. These are faots, and oan i: substantiated by meuiber.s of tho connnittee wlic tvore present, if they care to talk."' Tha :kw Biitis 't Colmnb n oidfielJs ore largcly in tho liau-.U uf Ch:jia;ne, wlio are stroi'gly WtrencbeJ, tli-jini up the shlocrs i y be busbe'. rl , JLsmont s as simill 115 Cleveland )s lare. i


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Ann Arbor Democrat