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President Angelí is in Indianapolis. Prof. W. H. Payne is in Topeka, Kas. The university opens Tueaday, Jan. 5. Prof. Cady has gone to Grand Rapids. A new engine lathe has arrived at the engineering laboratory. Prof. Trueblood bas been instructing a haliday class in elocution. -Frank Angelí of Harvard college, is visit iuk' his unole, President Angelí. Bonine easily won a 150-yard dash against a skater on the ice, one day last week. W. B. Flynn, dent '87, improved his vaoation by building a woodshed for nis father. There are five members of the present oongresa who are graduates of the univereity. Joslyn, lit '87, was defeated by Byan of Ohelsea, in a foot raoe on the campus, Monday. The new olock romains unpacked, awaiting the arriral of a man from the factory to put it up. Boyle is property man and Mehlhop, Wilson and Wrigbt the exeoutive committee of the dramatic olub. Dr. A. B. Prescott was elected president of the American chemieal society for the year 1880, at a recent meeting held at New York oity. The Hon. T. M. Cooley's address, deivered before the university temperance ociety, appeared in last week 's issue of be Centre of Detroit. Palmer Aberdeen, law '86, received a 3hristmas preeent of $3,000 in gold, willed to him by an au ut, who died bout three weeks ago, at Bosemont, Ont. The Hon. T. M. Tarsney, law '71, and ie present representative in cougress rom the eighth district, is said to be ne of the most popular members of the ïouse. Mrs. Einily McLaughlin of Boston, will address the university temperanoe aciety about Feb. 5. Mrs. Mary A. Woodbridge of Ohio, and Col. Stobieaki re expected to speak before the society ater on. President Porter of Yale, is the editor ecently appointed of the new edition of Webster' s diotionary . He has decided o admit the slang phrases "buil dozing," boycott," and "dude," as newly comed words, but he hesitates about the woid mugwump." He should giye the latter word a conspicuous place in his work, lecause every honest citizen has cause o reuiember it with muoh satisfaction. We take the following from the Poniac Bill Poster: "Although the Ann Arbor polo boys defeated the Pontiao eam by a single puint on a disputed foal, they doubtless went home pretty ïoroughly convinced that our boys are ;ayers." The Pontiac team may be :ayers but they are not polo players. [ad it not been for the hot stoves and ther disadvantages that our team hdi 0 play against, which are foreign to xjlo rules, they would have defeated the 'ontiac team and been back Lome in ie time which it took to defeat them. 'he university can boaat of the wtiuusrsst polo team in the southern Michigan eague, although they did get "downed" t Mt. Clemens. There are excuses for ïat defeat, as the boys had nothing to lay with, and also had to play in the ark. The old team of last year has een considerably strengthened by the ddition of Doe and Colby, and the boys lave bright prospecto of standing at the ïead of the list when the series of games re completed. It took the university team just ten ninutes, Wednesday evening, to show ie Mt. Clemente boys how to play polo uder a good light and with the proper ools. Our boys won two Btraight goals 1 four and six minutes respectively. 'he Mt. Clements team were considerad ie strongest in the state outside of the 'niversities, and this defeat shows clear' the strength of U. of M.'s, and pute ïem at the head of the league.


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