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No Mystery About It. There frre no mysteries or Becretfl about the compoundlng of Browu's Ir. n Bitters. The preparatlon of Iron is the onlv one that can be teken without tnjuring t li - - téeth or stonsaeh. Itgivesvig r to the feeblé, Ufe to the debilitated, and bealtb tö the dyspeptle. Yon need oot fear to üivi: it tu the most Alicate child. Mrs. Emnu WiiliiiniL-, of Starkweatber, Miss.. suya: "Ltrelieved noy dauhter uf dyspepsia, and myself of general flebfllt] ." The discoverj' if repoi'ted trom Nonvav of a new element ni plekél ore. wbk-li is deacrlbed as being malleable, oí white color with a tinge of biown, presenting, ivuen pure, a metalie lustor, bui oxldlzlnj; when ext osuii to the atmosphere. H i.s about as ham ns oopper. The Lancet nnoouucefl that Prince Chaj-lcs Theodore of Bavarla, nrjio has devotefl hiinsclf to the pracUce of medicine, is ezpected in París for ths parpóse ni' becondna inítkted luto M. Pasteur's recent dlscovcries for the treatment of hydrophobla. Oecultations of a Taurl and severa! other stars, visible in ibeH vades to the ti a lied eye, will occur on the i'.'th ino-t., by meansof whicU astronomers expcct to gct renewed measuremeQts of the semi-diameteí of the moon. The botanist. Apa Gray.whose 7rth birthday was celebrated a ?hort t me ago, has sent au iUtograph letter of t'miiks to' eaoh of the 150 botaülsts who contributed to thu memorial vase nresented to him. Tbc aniuial exnensrs ol tbe Freneh chamber of deputteB n,500,C00. Al a recent sale Garfleld's autograph brought 10 ceufs and Glereland'a 7. I.ondon's gas bilí-, fcjr public purposes, miount to KSOOOjOOD per anaum. Two lüliv'lars brokc into tbe Plainúeld N. J. iair - aud staid theie aüainst their will. Three Quotations. Wben a üiíin is bj 11 bim down, tlion go througL 1ik i oi-kr -s Tcxas Post. Vben o man II cougliiug (rive bfm Ked Star Congb Baltltnorc ai-w.-. Wben yoi. nu to cooauoi pain, use St. Jacobs Pbliadelplil News. (ilmlilone Jeclmes bc did nol subscribe to tin.' confedérate cotton loan of 1863. ïbri'c ntontlis' treatment tor 5ht. Piso'a Renicdy for C&tarrh. told b.' rnlsts. C kt Lyon'ij Heel sü'nifis appHcd to your ncw JuOts and tihoea biTur r ■ :i 1 11:1 tin : naiIOraaaUCeia Kóttlea. Ut ana cnewex. Tbestataepf WUlja ;? Alien lor Obio's niche n thecapltol a!. Washington ill te made by Jarl II. Niehflns of ClnelunatL STRICTLY PURE. ITCOJCTAKVS AIO OPICJI I7S ANI FORIK cents r Wg$Cj!iïm C onÉMCüRiS roup. IN THREE SIZK BOTTXES. PRIC'E 25 CENTS, 50 GENTS, AND $1 PER BQTTll ■j)K CENT BOTTLES art pul up for the accomAy modaiUm uall h tt ilesirc a (Jood and Low Prteed Coiiffh, Cold and Croop Kemedy yHOSE OKSlIifNi; A KEMEDY FOB COSUTvjPTION O AV LUÜe DISEASE, Secure Iht l.argi tl.00 Dottles SOU) AT Ml. MKIlUlSK pBALEBS. BROWVeai mM i ( C% " i y ' BEST TÖHici 3 Thls medicine, comblning ron wfth pure Vegeinble tonies, quicfcly completely ture lyspftla, Tndlsotion, WpuUeu, Iinpure I! l.lalurSu,l'blllaund Foven, and NearalslaLi Ilisan unmiljne romedy for Discasesofthe Ki'1:i:vm mul l.tver. It Is Invalunble lor Disensos reoiiliar tO Tvoüicn, and all w)u lead Ecdcttfarj Hves. Itdot's no! Injure the Keetb,cfinse ht'ml'iohe.or produce f'i:.-:i..-iiioii- other Iran medicines do. Itcnricliosnrifj [uirlfles thehlooi,stimulate tha iippetittr.'aiiia tlie asslmilation of food, re. lleves lU'Ki'ítiiini nnd ]k-]í'liii:ij. und strength ens tho ir.t:'.; les and nerv8. For Intermittent Fovei-s, I.assitnde, Lackof Enercj-, Ac, it Iiii3 no cqual. tsr Theconulne lin ahore trade mark and crossod red üiit's on wrai)icr. Toko no other. ■Mronlibj BBOWK tlltïlUL to., BALTI1IOIIB, na B. H. OOUCLASS & SONS' íoí Coughs, Colds ad Sore Throats, an Allovi&tor of Consuraptipn, arjd ofgreat benefit in most cases of Dyspepala. (1EWARE OF IMITATIONS.) iücy aro the roault of ever forty years' erperienco in oompoundiuK COTJOIJ REMEDIES. ICclull (iri, e 15 ccnU per qtturtcr puund FOK SALE 11 V ALL DEALEKS. BIHIMKCNNeSS Dr. Raines' KOLDEN SVEClViCtnHautt qstroysall apputjt llo liquure. Itoan UA -i-lif tii:;u u;i 'T-'J ín coflee. tea, or any articld of foud, even i: liquoc Itself.wKli iter.futUng re.Hlill. ThuüKundS o( tho tconl drunk-ard.i havrbrn rur. ■ liollovo tliey ault drinklngof tbelrowntrej reedbyerrrj body wiio knows o( in virtnes biit eijoon-kponeri tiend for piynplilct oonta-niii!; hunclrorts of testimoniáis frnm the ttsl woafen :..y nirn ficin all partaof the country. Addrefis In confldnnco, OOLDEN ËPECIFIC CO., 18? Race St . CincinnaÜ, O, 1 QATO a pOSltiv tin ■■ ■; byl.ftUSO thouiAmlB ofuiN oí tin vnn( kind tnl oí lime Knadlng b&ve teen cured. Icdeci. ?o i:ron? 11 my fitïi In i's elUcorr, tht I wi.l Btnil TWO BOTTÍ.KS FRKK. toKo:h?r w itíi a VALUAHI.E TREATÍE on Uil nymffror. Oivo Kxpreia s&4 P. O, 4flre. DS. X. A. KLQCCM, Ui rí i bV, N.Y,


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Ann Arbor Democrat