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COOK HOUSE, EH. HUD8ON, Proprietor, Xewly Fumislied. loe leadlng houie In Ano Arbor. UNIGN HOTEL. FIRST-CLASS in aU respects. Everythlng ner; fine rooms, well rurnislied. Torras, (1 per dayand upwards. Special tes to woelty boarders. Meala 25 cent. Jolin Schueider Jr., Propi'ietor. Corner'of WasLingtoo and Seoond slreeU, Ann Arbqr, Mich. NICIIOL- URüö., WW. & A. C KICHOL.3. D.S.,l),nl) Oifice tVmp o Block over Siving Bank, Aü'i Atl)ir, MUIi. WILLIAWC CASPARY, O AKKRY AND COH?ECT10NEHY, Cor. Kourth and Aun Btreetf. ' EDWARD PATE, MACHINIST, and repalrer of Surglcal Instru mon, Ldott, Umbrellas aud Paranoia í-in. Manhine and Bicycle Work a Spec.alíy. No KNoith Main-st., Anu Arbor. Micli. XJ i til : i'i'rlip fT'EACnEB of Piano, Oran and TLeory 01 I Mi;sc. N. 6. Rst WOTblagton-st., over Rib iLV oí èaöoit's. LeaTo orders for Fiano tuning JOSEPÍI CLINTON, MerchantTallor. hopover Wm. Allaby's boot and shoesioie. All vork guarauteed or nc cnarge. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, ATTOKNEY AT LAW. Offtcs, Nos. 8 HUI 's Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mloh. E. B. NORRIS, A TTORN'EY AT LAW. Does a general law, - coiiectioa and convevaic ousinesrf. A floierale patronage ia rsspectively solicir.ed. Office in the courc úouse, Anu Arbor. O. C. JENKINS, SÜF.GEON DENTIST. Rpoma No. V) Bouth Uain Streel, opposite th rirst National Bank inn Arbor, Mich. ANTON EISELE, DEALER IS MONUMtNTSau.i OrftTestoafi maiiufactured from 'iiness?i aud lrojisn arble and ScoLch and Anicrican Oranitc Shop r. Detroit acd (,'atberiue sts., Aun Arbor.. Bieb. WILLIAM HERZ, HOUSE, SION, Ornamental and Fresco . ter. Uüdiuz, Calcimiiürij. GUa7.inL and l'aper 3tnLÍng. Ali work done Ju the best sty! and ; tarrunted to iriTestisfacon. tliop, No. 4 West i iVashiuglüu su-cet. Ann Arbor, Mícuishu. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. PIANOS, OKUANS. SHEET SIUSIC, Ins'.ruotion Bookj, V;o:ins, Guitars, l'iute, 4o., bap at Wilsey's Music Rooms, easl side i'ublio kjuarw, Aun Arbor. Michigan. TJie laroet and iwtStocko Jlusical tloods eer brouKl'.t into R'ashtenaw Countv. Violln and öuitar Stvliigs & ipeeialcy. N. It.- lt w'll bc to your iDterest to Mi befoi'O purchasiug anythinj? In the Muslo . lae. . . ' - Abstracts of Titles on Real Estáte. [HAVE a completo compilation of the Official ! Records of Washtenaw County to dato, lncluliuE ail TaxTitlec, Ejcecution?, any inciunbnuicO m Real Estat, tbat ís of Kecord in tbe Kcgistrs ! ilflce, is sbown by my booka. Office, in tlie otfloo ?f tbe secretary of tbR Va?htellnv mutual iuiurinco coinpany, in tbe b;isc!neci of the :ourt ioue. C. H. IIAKLY. Aan Arbor. Mich. ISTe-w 3VLax3s:et3C. W, VOGEL. Propiubtor, Latu of Clu-Uca, at THOMAS MATTHKWH' OLD STAND On Áha Street. raasu and SAir meaib kept un hand ! The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Orgar-Ized 16G9, under Uie OonciAi UanKing Law ! if Wis state bas non-, induuing capital Stock, itc, etc, OYER $500,000 ASSKTS. liutinoK uien, Guardians, Trusteen, Ladie and ither i;rüns v.ill flnd tbis Bank a SAFE AND CONVENI1NT place at whlcb to make Deposita and do busiiu-e. interest is Allowed on All Savings Deposiis 01 $1.00and upward, acoordioR to tbe rul o! the bank. and interest compouodeil semi-aunu iUy. Monoy to Loan In Sums of S25 (o J0,OOO iecared bj Unlscuiabered Reul Esuto and otcor ïood p-ecurirics. DIHEUTOES-Chrlstlan Maclt, w. V. Wint W. D. Harrlman, Willlan Deuble, DavicI Uiusey. Donlol HUcockand w. B. Bwilh. OïTICJEHa-ChrUUan Maok. Priwidont: W. W Wlnes. Vlce-Prwident: C. E. Miscock. Cashicr D. KIERSTEAD'S WINDOW SHADE FACrrORY, S4 North Fiftö treet. The Favorito of cver.v House].' ir. t. The attention of the public is most resp'ct'wily called tomy manufactura of Superior Wooden ' Shade, knotrn ai the liustio Window Shsd. For Durabilily, CnrapnefW, Coaveniem-e and Beauty, they can not be eicelled. My aun m !o upply a line of goods of genuiüc merit. put up in elegant strle, Rnd at fair ratos. I am dov manufacturing a Superior Shaile, llie ' li ■-! oi the kind ever offereil in this market. WeaUiel Strips of every rarietr, for doors and vt iiulow. kt my establishment. 6et Your Properly fnsured By c. h. ívullen, INSURANCE A.6KNT, Ko. i South Main trest, Ann Arbor. The oídas i agracyin the city. Eslablished a quartir of a ceoturyago. Repreííiiting ih folirminc ñrst class companiM, with OTr 180,000,000 awots. Home lus. Co., of N. Y.; ContiuaiïtRl Ins. Co., tf N. ï.; Niágara Ins. Go., of N. Y.; Girard Ins. Co., of Phila.; Onnt Iuo. Co., oL Hartford; Commercial Ünfon of Londen; Liverpool and Londnii i.nd Globa. taPRates low. Lowes Jlbrlly artj':s' ■■! ind rwapUy paid. e. n. MH.ffeK The organ grlarlcr who pasi bat ior penmes, after he has ground out a I notjjcggiiig. 80 decides a About three dozen cattle to the square mlU ! manage to eilBt- despltc dopletiou of Üieli ranks by in the noble state of lowa. The oíd Brandetb house propert; od Broadway, New York, soM recently at $11,000 pel foot front. It was not wanted aa a postóme titc. Creraation la Tcry "catcbing" in Itah The erematorics alrcady pstabliahnl have ail th buciness they Cau attend U and furuace r building.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat