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He Took Whisky

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A nobby and snobbish milord of British extraction traveled from Big Hom with na aud Abe ideJman ou tbo stago coach oarly this weok. Milord was excessivcly exclusivo. Ho wonldn't bo society, and spoko to no one except tho two '-John llenry" servan ts he had with birri, and was altogethcr a; unpleasaut as his snobbisliness coula maleo bini. At a dinner station thero wern a lot of jolly cowboys on a lark, ar.done of them-"treating" evorybody, askod the Knglishiiian to drink. Of eourso milord haughtily refnsed. The cowboy d'isplayed a dangorouslookinarsix shooter and very impressivelv iusist(!(l un liis drinkintr. "But 1 cawn't, you kuow: "1 doa't drink, you know,' w:is milord's rcply. Mr. Cowboy brougüt the muzzlein dungorous proximily to the knot in which milord's brains wore supposod to lio hiddon somuwlici'e and llien lio Maid he'd diink- he'd tako soda water, you know. "Soda water nutliin," said Mr. Cowboy. '-You'll tako straight whiskey. " "Bul. aw, this American whiskoy, I cawn't Hwal'.ow ít, you Uuo.v." "Woll," said tho cowboy, "I'll mako a lióle in the sido of yonr hcad so tuat wc can pour it in," aud lio bcí;:iii to draw on milord, and milord said: "Aw, that'll do; I'll drink it." Then iho cowboy Inyltcd inilord's servants to drink, which horrified Uim. "Thoy don't drink, you kuow," ho said. -'Well, vn-'il, sec. whethoi thoy do ov not." saii Mr. Cowboy. "The chances are yon dou't gire 'orn a 'hopportunrt.y.' Como up beru. you felïows, and guzzlo;" and iho two John Henr.vs, witii n iittle show of reluctunco, but reallj glad to got a drink, came up, and ihe oow'boy pasiod a tutnblcrfiill of torohlight procession whiskey lor milord and the servanta ponre l ior thenisolves. hmi the cowboys made the John Henrys clink gUssés with milord, and all drank, anrl thoro w;is great fuo. Milord tried ailer Uiatto lo'very jolly anl thf stimwlanl nssisied ïini (iccitl edly. But in Iho coach ho feil back Into bis exolusivenesa and retuiuod it throutrbout, and has probably got it


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat