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City Locáis. Wanted - A young man who desiren to learn Bookeepiug, would like a place in some farnily to do choree for bis board, Address Wm. Walsh, Box. 123Ask your procer for the Roller King or Roller Queen Flour, Swathel Kyer & Petersou's best grades. For Fresh Candies, rnantaotured daily, go to A. F. Hangsterfer's Candy Factory, 28 Main street. ÜCEAN OrSTERS. At the Banner you can get Ocean Oysters, in the shell, servtd in any style. BüCKWHEAT FlOUK. Get your tables ready for 50 tons of Buckwheat CakeB to be made from Central Mills Patent Buckwheat Flqur. It is the best made in the State, and is absolutely pure. If not kept in stock by your grocer, order directly from the milis. Remeinber all Central Mills producís are of the best. Almendinger & Scuneider. For the very choioest Oysters go to A.F. Hangsterferer's, üyster Depot, 28 Main street. CliAIRVOINT PHY8ICIAN. Dr. L. D. White is still in the Duffy block, opposite the postotliee, where he bas an extensive business He can be found ni bis office at all hours. Oysters Twenty cents per can at A. F. Hangsterfer's uyster Depot, 28 Main street. Hate and Caps reduoed at The Two Sams. $1.85 will buv a fiue Child's suit at The Two Bami. PlïENCH ClïKAM Candies 25 cents per pound at Grangers, State Htrect. Every person desiring a suit or overcoat must attent! the Halo at The Two Sams. The Two Sama are haviug a genuine closiiig out sule. Overcoats at $3 0 worth doublé. Fuesh Pan Caudies 20 cent per ponnd at Grangers', State street. Teil your neighbora of the Keductiou sale at The Two Sams. Oysters In every style at Granger's State street restaurant. Fok Sale- Stook of Goods. Consi8ting of Hats, Caps, Furs and gentlemeu's Furnishing Goods. The entire stock will be sold at a bargain, together with tlie Fixtnrea and Store Furniture, or would exchauge for other propertj. Also three flreproof Safes - new. Por table hot air furnace suitable f r heatinj? large building. One No. 4 - Clülson's patent cone Furnace, proper tor dweiling of medium size Three Tables an.i three Washstands. Also Jersey Cow and Calf. C. H. KlCHMOND. Ann Arbor, Oct. 21 , 1885. Cisterns built and repaired. Mason work of all kinds done on short notice. Leave orders corner Fifth and Hurou etreets. G. D. ('ollins. Loaning. - Money to loan on firet-cliss Real Estáte MortgageatCurrent ratea of Interest. Satisfactory arrangemnts vestmeufe. Kvery onveyaui; tuu i..-" saction in abstracts of litles cartfally examimed as to legal effect . Z. P. Kino, Ann Arbor


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