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The Entrinoer as a Popular Hero Storles of luivc.nturos nj the rail, of the herolsm of engineers and (tremen, the tiullai.iry and bravcry of conductors, the thriiüug ccapes from deatb of brakenen, and of the many sunerstiüuus uf railroadmen resrarding thelr ilin'meruiii caUlng, consúltate a form of llterature aa entlrely peculiar to (belast tifty years of the nincteenth century as tbe developineut oí steam itself. The enulneer's position ai i popular neroand Eomancer seemi assured. The newspaper reporter apparently never tires ofstorlesoí the grimy arlvers' anectlón for the pundfi-tius machine which he controls, of hi.s balt belief that thére is something almost iüiüiiiii En a favorito iocomotive. aml of liis abont belng chased bva phautomciigine, and mlraculous escapea from au Immeoiate and boirible death. rerhaps next in popularity is tho tircnian's always exeiting accounts of liow he erawled out on' the eowcafeber of hls engineand snatched from therajlsa goldepbaired lovély baby }ust in the very niel; of time to Bare it from belng crushed beneath the great irheels. Bow we all admire him for it, and feel aè thaukful for hls bcroism as the horror-slricken mofher wbo is invariably a helpless witue&s of herdarling's danger "and wbo fa1nts away wben she sees hlin safe in the arme oí tbe tin-man. Kniühts of tbe cab we honor you and foei snre wat bèneath rriany an oll-stained bloase beats a more cbivalric and courageoua heart I tbiin dld bencatb bullet-prool annor "f niuny t knlgni uhu in daya f oW boldly led bis unurotvcted soldlers where tl' lenden tin) feil tblckest. Bui we ask u hearing tor the tráln-despatcher. ir bis poaitlon is ooi lnil.ï cd arouua wlth danger it la at least one of great responstblUty anti impórtame, and he merlfi) attention. Mr. W'üliam Blalr, tbetraipatelier on the Detroit, Grand ïinwn and Mllwaukee Rallroad at Detroit, tolls tbla KOrMl 1 story of a nol altogether pleasant experiencc Ol' lliv. "For about Bftcen reara 1 bave boen au ali most constant sufferér from neuralgia, wbtch uften unfitted me For my (lutlea and made llfe 1 a burdeu. Tbe straln on mv nerves was so great tlmt I ni-arly lost, the use of oueof my ; eyes. I never sneceeded iu fiettinic anTthing that would glve me more than tcibporary reI lief untü 1 began uslng Athlophoros. A lew i doses relieve ú rae and the ílrst bottle made a viry (ifcidoil change. In all 1 have probably used half a d zen bottlcs. and it Is slx month's i since I have had nn attaek. i I nave somé here at my ollicc and soine at home, so that I ani well prepared in case I may need it. lf tht: neuralgia carne on durin business a dose or two would soon drive It ; away. For neuralgia Athlophoros is undoubt edly the best medicine I know of, and I think I ought to know as during the many years that I liave suffered I have had occaélpn to try about everything In the lino of medicine for this compláiiit. My confideuce in Athlophoros s sucli that I bave recommended it to many persons tronblad witb neuralaria, aud In all cases it has bien usexl very satlsfactorilv. Jn one case that 1 cali to inind the gentleman found relief in two doses and iri a short time was entiielv well. I have reeommended it. If you cDnot get Arni.ofHMRos of y uur druKglit, wc Wtllsehd ii eïpress pnid. onfcceipt of rtiular pilt ■■ - ene üoliur iht bottle. Wo Drefer tbal you buy 1 from your drugglst, hui If he nasn't it. do uot We poi Buaded to trj BometbUig else, bat order al once fiom us as dtrecttnl. A'i HLOPHOKOs Co „ IVi W'&H Street, New Yurk. A rustió visit ir to Burlington, Vt.. speut ThanKtglVi'njE Day on the ho'rse rallnay, makiug the trio ol' foür miles twenty-two time. How to Frolong Life without Dieting. Everybodv lequlrea a certain amount of food to SUSlaln life; uonorallv sjnaking, bowever, f)Cople twico us inueh as is reqnired; tbild mposlng an extra amount of labor upou the iül'i stivo orjrana which bave been woakenedby Malaria and ure scarcely alio to digest food ,.,,..i,,,-i, f,, aiutatn Ufje mul tl,., halane .,r tnnA acts as an irritant lhose who to saentloe their stqmachs to gratify tholr palates eau do so]by taking a teaspoonfu) of Dr. J. B. ; Henloira Btire Cnrefor Sfalarla after each ! incal; bj tt"in 60 yju eau oat amthlng you , desiro without barm; t i kopt by all DriiggisU and only coste Üne Dollar a Bottle. Those who bave suffered from .Malaria for ' many yeara and have other dlseases compM■ catea ivitíi it can consult Dr. Henion at Uochestor, X. V., by mail. He will t xamine their case and Eond preaeriptlona frec f oharge. Salí ons are unkïiown in líussia, but you can : get vuur "poloon" in any hotol or eating j house. M. I.. Blalr, Alderman, 5th Ward, Bcranton, Pa., Btated Nov. 9, 83: Hé used Dr. Thomas' Ëclectric 011 for spralns, burng, cuts, hrulsea and riieuinaiisiu. Curcd cverv time. A futa', of sea sickness oceurred no) long ago om a -teamer in the gilf of Síexlco. Bao Dbaisaok causea much síckncss, an bad blond and Improner actlon of thc liver and kldneys Is bad drainage to the human aystem wbleb Burdock Blood Bitter remédy. A.dnmken jurvman icndered oecessary thi a ijoiirnnieut of a case in a Boston oourt." Bewaue of FitAcn. - Be Bure you get the genuloc Dr. Thoraas' Eclectrlc Oil. It cures ( ubis. Croup, A-tlima. Deafness uud liluumai r ï -ni. The desuní Ohio river britlge to councel i l'ortkn 1. Kv.. th New llbany, lnil, will be üuishe I In 1 "f isi;. Georgc Caniubel), LlopklnavIUe, Ky., saya: Buií'i ek Bloou Bitters la thc besi preparatlon tur il.e Blood :iiivl stutnach ever inauufacttiro.t. Don I 9 un bclii'j; oalled Churles II. l.y !.- l'.iliowrrs. A ceutury of progrese has obt produced a remedy cqiial to Elv's Cream balín tor Ca tarrh. Cold in the llead and Hay Fover. It U not a llquid or a snuit, hut is' porfeotly safe and easilf applied with the finger. It gives Immcliate relief aud cures the worst cases, Price 50 cents. At druggists. 60 cents bv mail. Ely Bros., Owego, N.Y. A cold of unusual severity wbich I took las; autiunn developed luto a dlflieulty decidedl; oatarrual in all its eharacteristies, tbreattning a return of iny old chronie malady, catarrh! One bottle of" Ely's Cream Palm completcly eradic-atfd evory symptom of that painfül and prevailllig dlforder.- E. W. Warner, li 5 Hudson St., riochestcr, N.Y. Elv Bros., Owego, N. Y.: - Please send me two bottles of Cream lialm. I can't do without It. It is the best medicine for Catarrh lu the world.- J. C. EdmdnsOn, Coup City, Xeb. New Orleans Is getting impatient tot the eompleilon of its promised theater, to hold :?9,0O0 poople TETTER. A n-.cmber of thc Pioneer Pres? staff, troitblt'U for eleven ycars with obstinate Tetttiruij h;. IüuïcIs, Iib oompltt-ly cnred H ia tbad n iiKii.üi, ly the nse (!" L'vK-'s 'arbol [Pioneer Press, St. Panl. ii you :iiv tired taking large old (ashioo edgrlplng iilis, and are satisnetl that purgiue yonrself iili you are reak and Blek is nol good common senie, then try Carter's Littlo i.ivor Pilla and learn how easy it is to be freí from liiliousucss. Hcadache, Constipatfon and -.ill Llver tronóles. These litüe pllls are smaller, easler to take and Kive qulckcr relii f thau any plfltnuse. F.n-ty'in a vial. One a (lose Prlce ;;" cents. " ■■Eougll mi lima" rTöura om lae. Mrs. Judie takes banjo lossons. "RoUfrjj 05 yL:-i" h:iril ii; s ili i"i:i-uTT[t:u. 15c öray hair Is m tun (han el "litJUKlt on 'l'o'iHim'lif." lustHiil i-i-lii'f. 15& Australia is in a bad way financ ally. 'R0UGU ON ITCh"" "RODghonltcb,11 .■:r,■,;i:l liutnord, eruptloiw, ringwonii. ictivr, i.tit i!i-'ui;i. fro led (vfit, chUblaliUj 1 i-li, ivy polsoit, barber'a Iti'h. r.; Jttrjt. Seven suicides a day Ís Berlln'a quota. "BOÜGH ON PILES " eurrs plleá er licmonliolilfi, iti-htus. I'rülrudtn?, i bleedln intürnal or otlicr, Intornal :tu(t exteruai ri'intMlx In i-iii-li i.icl;ir. i-uu-. -tr. DruggJaM For cuts, briilses, snralni or stralne, burnj, BCald, frost-bitfs, chllblaios, umi bltés or I lonous ftwects, Qothlne equala Balyatlon OH. [t annlhllates pain. rrlce !."i cents. The residente nloni; u lumber Hume in the mountain above Caico, Cal., have a novel i way oí Kettiim thelr mail. It Isstarted on a raft from the bea l ol the llame at regatar dates, and the pcopleTbeJQw wuUli ior it,:take ont what belouc tö tnem, andtheo tend.the ratt witli its iirccioua cargo on the wuv. An object o[ public ourioaity, near New Philudéijiliia, Oblo, is :i man who never shcars the wool from his Bheepor plucks hls Reese, nr "rings" bis suiiu'. He Bajeit is sinful to . lütcrfeie witb nature, llis own hend and beard are never shorn, nor are hls nails oat. Ever; Utensll aijDiit the farm is home made. The Prairie du Tont levee, near Kust Carondelet, 111.. ;ust reacbinír compliBUoQi will protect lu.OOi) acres of cholee bottom lands, the floodin of whlch last summer caused thf loss of ?300,00.). This levee will eost 12,000. Gold was tirst diseovercl in (.'aliforuia iu 1M-. Dr. Buil commenced to proscribe bis Coogh Snip In tbr same vcar, nnl oow it is tbc leading eough rome ly througliout tbc country. The fruit trees in Santa Barbara are beiit dua; p and Engliab walnuts plantcd in tbeir Stl'Hil, Pbktsst erooked boti ftiui lillatufed hpcls by wearlng Lyon'a Patent Heel itiri';i-i-. PATEWTSoMaincfl byLoui Bagger 4cCo., Attorneya, Wnïlflnaton.ïi.C. Eit'd ]86J. Advicc frc. naii0raoauC6U ,otti5I. Buoad miMpen.


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