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COOK HOUSE, EU. HUDSON, Proprietor. Newly Furnished. 1 be lemlhiir !kuo iu AnB Arbor. UNION HOTEL. "TMRST-CLASS in a!l respect Everythfng X new; fine rooms, well rurni-'iod. torras, H per dayand up'.vards. .Special rates to woelcly boarders. Menta s nt. Ju in Schuelder Jr.. Proprietor. Corner of Washington and 8eo' ond btreetg, Ann Arbcr, Mlcn. NICHOLS BROS., YY W. 3t A. C. NKHIOLS, IJ. U. S IXntl 1 Oilico M:isonic Tempe Biock, over Sivinjf Ilünk, Am Arbor, Mich. WILLIAKT CASPARY, O AKKRY AKD CONi-ECTIONEHY, Cor. Fourtti and AsnBtreeti. EDWARD PATE, MACHINIST, and repiilrer of Knrglcal Instru mpnia, I.ocitf. UortjretttCT -11111 i'oiimoUi r"e MaHiIne and Blcycle Work o Speclalty. No 85 North Jlain-st., Anu Arbor, Eich. RUBÉN KEMPF rpEAOHKÜ of Plano, Orean and Tlieory 01 sev &. Seabolt's. Leavu orders for 1 iano timing JOSEPH CLINTON, Merchant Tailor. hop over Wm. Allaby'a bool and Bhoescore. All work guaranteed or nQ sBorga. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, A TTORNKY AT LAW. VOfflce, Nos. 8 Hill's Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mich. E. B. NORRIS, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Does a general law, V collection and convevaice liusmcsH. A Moderate patronage is rspeotively solicited. Otüce In thecourt house, Aan Arbor. O. C. JENKINS, SURGEON DKNTIST. Uopms No. IS Bouth Main Street oppostto the Kirst Nutlomil Bank Inn Arbor, Mich. ANTON EISELE, DEALEB IN MOKUlftMTS od Gravcstonei maiHUactured froui 'linnossee and ltaltan rfaible aud Scotch and American Granito Shop Sor. Detroit acd Catherin t., Ann Arbor., WILLIAM IIERZ, HOUSE, SIGN, Onutmntal and Fresco Pdlnter. GildniK, Calrtmiiiing, Ulazingand I'aper rianging All work don in the bost stylo and rarranted tu gireuHisfaction. Shop, Ne. 4 West IVajhingtou street. Ann Arbor, üi.b:,;au. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. DÍANOS. ORGANS. SHEET MUSIC!, IraU-uoL tion Bock., Violins, (Juitiirs. Flutes, c. , ibeap at WUny'e Music Rooms, msi siile f'nblio quare, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Tho lai'Kent and )Rt Stock of Musical tioods ever brought into (V'ashtenaw Coiintr. Violin and Uuitar Minga % ipecíalty. N. K.- It W'H be to your interest to lall beiore purchasing anything in the Musio la. Abstracts of Titles on Real Estafe[HAVE ft complete compiliition of the Official Kcoords of Washtonaw County to date. incluling all Tax Tille?, Kxecutions, anv incumbranca m Real Estáte, that U of Record in the '{eglitcre ifftce, is shown by my books. Oflii-e. in the offlee of the eecretary of the Wathteoav uautualioiurince cornpany, in tlie basement of the -;ourt louse. C. H. HANLY. Aun Arhor. Mich. C. W, VOGEL, Phopkiktok, Lote oí i Lebas, at THOMAS MATÏHEWS' OLD STAND On Ann Street. fEBSn AND SALT MEATS KEPT OU IIAND The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Organized 18(39, under the General üankfng I-aw ii tnis state has uow, incluüing cajMtal :Ujrrtc, te., etc, OVER $500,000 AS8ET3. Business men. GuardJans. Trustees, Ladlea and ther persons wiïl find tbis lïnnl: a SAFE AND CONVENICNT 'lace at whlch to makc Deposita and do businoe. interest is Allowed on All Savings Deposit dt $1.00 and upward, occording to the rules of ihe bank. and interest compoundcd eenii-anuu lUjr. Money to Loan In Sums of $23 to $5,OOO, jecured by Unlncumbered Itenl E&tato and rntor lood bScarltieB. DIHEUTOR3- Christlan Mack, SV. W. Wln VY. 1). Harriman, Vil:-uin Deuble, Djvid Kinsey, DiiDlel llisouckand W. li. Smllh Ol'PICIDKS- Chrlstlan Mao. President; W. v WlDes. Vice-i'residt'iit: C. E. Uincock, Castaler D. KIERSTEAD'S WINDOW SU A DE FACT0R7, 88 Norlh Fifih Ktreet. The Faorite of every Housek!!'p. Theattention of the public is moet re$p"i'i:ully called 10 ny inAnufacturu of Superior Wooden Slmdes. known ai the liustic Wlndow Siiado. Kor Uurabilily, C'ieapnfss, Coironienue and Beauty, they can not be excjellfd. J!y ann is o Fiü'ply a line of goodsof genuhie niprit, put up in elegant stvle, and at fair rates. I anv ,.,w manufacturing a Superior Sliade, the bfiit ot the kind ever oftVred In ;his inarket. Wcalhoi btripa of every var ;ty, for doors and windowê, at my establishment. Get Your Property InsiiredBy C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE A.GÏCIST, No. South Main street, Ann Arbor. Ilic oldest ajcencyin the city. Ettabllghed aquartcrofa centuryago. Kepresenting tho follnwlnfi nrstclawi companies, witta over $80,000,000 i-vlu. Home In. Co., of N. Y.; Continental Ins. Co., cf N. ï.; Ninfrara lus. Co., o! N. Y.; Girard Ins. Co., of l'liüa.; Onent In. Co., of Hartford; GonnucroJal Union of Londo i; Liverpool and London aud Globe. KrRate low. Loases libfirally adlustcd në rempUy paJd. o, i: HU.XS;. The oran grlnder wlm passes arounáhlsual for pennXei, alter he has round out a lime is not bcírjin;;. Bo decides a Washington lurige. About thrcp dozeu cattle to the square rolle mana;;c to eiist -dosplte depletion of (heil ranks by butchers- In the noble stato of [owa. T&eold Brandetb house property on Brood' n-ay, Mew ïork, Bold recently ot $11,000 peí foot front. It was not wantéd aa a poslofflcí lito. Cremation la very "catching" in Iialv. rhs en -niHtorlcs already cstihlishwl have all ihe business they can attfinl to and furnaciw nr ' hyililiny;. I


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat