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The Ohio legislature iu joint icssion on the 12th inst. elected John Shernwn Uolti d Stut a senator to succeed bimseif. Sberjmin rece vod (■'4 votes and A. 6. Thuruian 01 coinplimcDtary democratie votes. Mr. Sherinan been in the Scuate s'ncc lsn. with tbc exception of the four yearj r m 1S77 to 1SM, during which time he was suerotary of the treasury ander President Hayes, Prior to hu electlon as senator lie was iu the [uwer boflse of cougre'ss, bavlng bien ok-cted as ii representativa In 1S.V. He made bi? polltical debat in 1843, hen he was elueted a delégate lo the natiuoal whl i onvenllon Leid in Phihuk-lpliia. ][c la git yeani old. Tbc term for whicli l.e bas Leun eUct.'.I expires (a 1S93. On the mornlng of fïie Í2fh tle inercurj reglsterefl oaly lualjove ïëro :u Jacktnnrille, Florida. Thls has b;-cn th lop.eest unil geverest cold apeU ever feit In l'loii . . lic loss in orante i on the trees, aecoriUnr Ui Capt. Ive, manager oí the Florida fruit es and 100 aeres killed. The free.c ixliiuled to the extreme southcru poiot of the pcirlusu.ii. Water plngs, tank?, ete.. Crozcu solici Skating was indii gcd in U]k . t h(' pouds, a scène ticver beföro vTifncJied In Florfda Allgröwers say the tree; ar. In splendld condit'on to wlthstand ;!.- frewe owingtothe sevcre weatber pcevlous. 'l'l;t thaw out will pro! ablj leave ihlogs ü a u.ur hopelul eouditiou. Col. EdWard Rlehardson, the most ( ïteuslTi cotton plantirin ütc world, died sutUïen'y n the itreetaof Jacks n, Miss., on the ■.'.!i. ol pkralysU. Union City, Tenn., IidJ a tfirrjhlj destruct ive fire on the T-Jth. Tlircc persons perislieO in the Manies. Nine Democratie memberj of the Ohio legis laturewere unstated ri the iifsciubliiii ol that body, and an eqnal nuinbcr of Kepu'jlicans glven seats. '1 lie deposed mem! e . srll beivcii a hearinft. . a Ecbjoner was ivrecked o;I N'antuckeL Mass.. on t!:c? 12l!i. and 5 .; livfts wen: lost. A lire in a book binuerd tutablisbmeut New ï'ork on the I2tli ilestroyed amongothei tliings l?,5.0 eoplesof (cu. Granfí ftook. On the iöth oí Oetobcr laol MlVn'ie Dishncr. jivinje nsar Columbus, Nel'., loll into :i IraBCc trom wülch etae dij u; ïwakCti uatïl .liin. Vi When the j oung lady awokc i:er mind na. perfectly clear, hut her iirmsaitd legs ve:-í i aralyzed, The phys.'elans -n.v íhe will regala thcir use. Land Commlsgioner Sparka has renden. d a decisión Öeprlvlng ihe Norihcru Pai l! ■ rallroad of two and n half inlilioa aeri,s o: land. An appeal will be taken te the sucitarj o" th( iiit-Tior. The isli parllament was formallv op:'iie.l outhelith. The van'.ii ol the 11 .m.-cí ol parliámeht wère thorongbiy searehed ;i co.'din;; tc the ol I eustoiTi i;iit nu ln.üuitttjüg OÍ a (ai., Fawkei plot wcre dÍM.-,e.ed.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat