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Peek-a-boo. Soanlon to-night. There was quite a fall of snow Friday night. There are 60 patients in the university hospital. Ypsilauti grangers wil] install officers to-morrow evening. Samuel Seabolt of INjissouri Valley, is visiting bis relatives in this city. Mrs J. W. Brower bas been visiting her p ople in Lapeor the past week. A. V. Robison & Son will build a brick livery barn on Fourth street, next spring. Eli Manly and Geo. Burnham caiiíílit seven brook trout in the river the last of the week. Jno. Shenield of Ypsilanti, was a witness m the Holcomb perjury oase tried at Hillsdale. The first of the year is a good time for subscribers to pay up, is'the cry of niany of our exchanges. The Dexter Leader is tor sale, the editor wishing to engage in the sale of (be Ferguson road c.rt. " The Mormon Monster," is the theme of Miss Kate Field's lecture to-morrow evening, in university hall. Tiie annual meeting of the Keek Fui niture Co. will be held at the president's office, Tuesday evening. Jan. 19 Mrs. R. R. Warren of Battle Greek, talked temperante at the old Baptist church, Bonday afternoou, to a large audience. G. Abel of Delhi, is preparing to build a large barn. He is gettmg out the timber aud will coinmence work ui the spring. Mrs. Dr. Martin White, who was found dead with her tliroat cut, at her residtnee in Battle Creek, was a sister of J. W. 'Reeve of Webster. It is safe to 8iiy that the Sunday saloon law will bo enforoed, for the Balóos meu are now waiching each other. It is dog eat dog with them. Hon. Chas. R. Whitman of Ypsilauti, was one of the speakers at the 21st anniveraary of tlio Audrew Jackson association, in .Taoksou, Friday evening. James M. Ashley, jr., was more than a matei' for the officials of the D. L. & JL. M. R. Jim is biicked by the people of Howell md otiier places along the line of the T. A. A. & N. M. R. R. A sanitary couvention under the auspices of the state board of health, ia to be held at Howell, March 3-4. Dr. A. J. Weswiiifier is secr. tary, who will furnish such ïuformatiou as may. be desired. The new grooery firm "t Stimson & Son, have a change of advertí -ement this week. By the waj , the Stimsous are up to their ears iu business at their Ann street store. Will is a pusher. The tliird one of the concert given by the university musical ociety will come off in umversity hal Saturday, January 30. Season ticket holders who have already secured thpjr seats, will simply have to show their tickets to the ushers. Tlie North Arnericau says: Miss Ulmer is a charming little actress in the line of characters she assumes, aud her perfonmDce of "Malvina Sophie Hoskins" could hardly be improved upon. She is sprightly aud vivacious, without evideneing coarseuess, and is altogether so natural and hearty that Hhe wins the sympathy of her audiencö at once, aud retains it uutil the close of the drama. Ypsilantian: 'I he New Years ball at Follett Hall, as one of the uicest affaire of the kind, we are informed, that ever occurred in out city. Over oue hundred and fifty of our bruveat and most fair ones were present, and all were delighted with the new hall and lts model arranemente. The supper provided fairly eclipsed all previous effortn of Mr. aud Mrs. VV m Lewis aud was an indication of their artistic ability in that direct ion. How dear to my heart ist the old family bib'e, that stood on the table so wolemn and siill; where of ten I've hid evervt liinjf I thought Hable to fall into the hands of bad brother Bill. How ardent I ve seized it with eyes that ere glowmg, and shook its brighi pages till out the thiugs feil; but now all its charmiug old secrete are goiutf with the newfaiifi led bible, the twenty-cent bible, the uew revised bible that says - sheol for heil - Ex change. C. Mack was n Detroit Monday. The pólice drew their pay, Tuesday, for December. The anouncement of Fall & Heudriok ou local page. Amirewa & Witherby have telephone connection, No. 119. Supervisor Burch of ManDhester, was in the city Tuesday. Mrs. J. F. Spafford of Manchester, is the KiieBt of Mrs. Win. G. Doty. 'l'he dry-goods men close their respective places of business at 6 p. m. Club rooms are starting up all over the buBiuess portion of the oity. The water-works company has sold $150,00(1 of bonds to eastern partios. Mrs. Nellie Osborn of Grand Bapids, is visihng her brother, W. K Chuds. Treasurer Watt's report shows a balance in the city treaeury of $ 6,217.38. The St. Lawrence society wil] give a concert aliout the middle of February . Fall & Heudrick will close out what stock they have left af ter February 1, at auction. Wednesday was the last day for hearing claims in the estáte of Sarah Hibuer, deceased. The directora of Ann Arbor Arbeitera verein will meet to-night to close up the year's business. There are 95 inrnates at . the county house. Aboutthe same number as one year ago tUis time. .Mr. Mirwin, a hotel keeper for some years in Decatur, in this state, has moved to thls city with his family. There will be a concert given by the "Twilight Quartot" at the A. M. E. church on Wednesday evening, Jan. 20. Some 30 youug men signed the pledge at the temperance meeting addressed by the Rev. Dr. Ramaey Sunday afternoon. Capt. Fairchilds is now serving his sisth yeur as secretary and t ïeasurer of the Washtenaw mutual tire insurance company. The annual meeting of the Workingmen's society will be held monday eve ning, when offlcers will be elected for tlie year. In auother column O. O. Sorg has something to say about paintrrs' supplies. His place of business is 70 South Main street The balance, $291.06, remaining from the scientilic association, was turned over Friday, by C. Mack, to the ladies library association. Juo. Fisher nnd Hampton Atkinson have been made special policemen, without expense to the city, to maintain order at the opera house. Mis Graoe Hall of North State street, was given a very pleasant surprise party one eveuiug last week, the occasion being her birtbday anniversary. B J. Billings still continúes to sling mail on the Toledo road. His time should be short, for a man of his stripe ought to have been bounced long ugo. Hon. A. J. Sawyer was in Detroit Monday, looking after the case brought by the Detroit and Lansing road agamst Jas. M. Ashley, jr., for whom ho nppeared. Jno. G. Feldkamp brought the tinest Joad of pork to this city, Tueaday, that has ever been seeu on our Btreets. It was purohaaed by the superintendent of the poor for the connty house. Mr. lud Mrs. VValter Pollard, of Leadville, Ooi., who have been visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. O'Kief, for the past three weeks, left for the:r western home Wednesday. One of the arches over a window in the north end of the new museum building íb about ready to tumble out, while a keystone over a window near ihe front of the building is several inohes out of place. It takes 12,000 pounds of pork and 10,000 of beef to supply the county house for one year. The bc ef cost $136 less than a a year ago and the pork $228, a total saving on the two article of $336 to the county. The Michigan po -tal telegraph com pany have been grauted permission to set the poles for the pnrpose of making connections with their office, corner Huron aud Fourth staeets, in such position as the street committee may dictate. Directora elected by the First Niitional bank, Tuesday : P. Bach, Jas. Clemente, J. M. Wheeler, C. H. Richmond, E. Treadwell, Henry C'ornwell, J. J. Ellis, A. Felch, Wm McCreery. The directors met aud elected P. Bacb president, and S. W. ( larkson castiier. W. A. Porter, one of the most effieient pólice this city ever h;id, has been employed by the Michigan Ueutral railroad to maiutain order in and around the passenger house. Hackmen are not allowded insidc of the depot, and habitual loafers are bouuced on short notice. William is the mau for the place. The marriage of Mr. Jas. McKermin, a prominent farmer of Webster, and Miss Margaret Shanahan of thia city, was solemnized Wednesday, at St. Thomas Catholic clmrch, the Rev. Fr. Fierle officiatmg. The best wishes of The Democüat are extended to the newly married couple. The bride was the recipiënt of iiii.ny handsome presents. The Detroit Fire and Marine ace compauy, ot whicli U. Mack, L Gruner C. E. Hiscock, Kmsey & Seabolt, C. Eberbach, J. J. Ellis, H. Cornwell, E. Treadwell, Jno. M. Wheeler, and otbers of this city are stockholdere, de olared a dividend of tour per cent, Mon day. The company niakes a grand showing of 858,000 net surplus. The contract for furnishing wood for the various school houses bas been let to Ed Hammell. Geo. V. Weeks, E M. Lewis, L. AUlenlierg and N. C. Oarpenter. Thirteen bids in all were received. The price is as follows : Oak, white and yellow, $Ü 05 per oord, for Rood straight, body wood; hard maple, $4.25; hickory, $4.50 and $5 stove wood, oak chunks, $1.75. The following are the otticers elected by tlie Ann Arbor Schutzenbund for the coming .year: President, C. George, vicepreüident, Jno. Waltz; seretary, Fred Graf; treasurer, C. Krapf; echutz: n masterR, Jno. Mayer, H Armbruster There is to be a shooting match next Monday, and the one making the best score will be the schooting king for the year. The shooting house and targets have rccently been connected will electric bolls. Au addition 16z30 for Ihe accomodation of guests was put up in December. One year ago the sleighing was excelleut. It cost #17 .50 to inspeot tlie Stabler block. Warren Babcook is the new postinaster at M1I1111. Sunday night was the coldest of the season, 3 below zero. H. H. Howe is visiting his brother. Major Howe, at Ionia. O. D. Heath of Ypsilauti, has opened a steam laundry in Howell. Bishop Gillespe will occupy the pulpit of the Episcopal church Sunday evening. Jno. Dale a former resident of this city, is running a meat market at Ithica, Gratiot county. Dr. Eexford of Detroit had a large congregation at the Unitarian churoh, Sunday eveniug. Miss Kate Field will leottire to-morrow evening, in university hall, on " The Mormon Monster." The Knighte of Maccabees of thid city city start out with the new year under auspicious cireumstanees. Next Thursday is the time iixeil for the grand masquerade ball to ie given by the Beethoven society. Kev. Dr, Bixby and family have taken up their residence in tnis city, where they will remain until June. The Uuity club, Monday evemng, repeated their entertainment of the Friday before. It was an elegant affair. Prof. Sage bas singiug classes at Lima Centre, Honey Oreek, Webster town house, and Merrill school house. The Ayeres house in Milan caught flre last week and was damaged to the amount of $10. Causo, a detective üue. At the regular meetiug in Jauuary of the Unitarian society, Prof. Pettee and John Allen were elected trustees for the term of three years. Gov. Felch, accompanied by his sonin-law, Tudge Grant, will leave next wek for a trip through the soutli. The governor will winter for a time in Florida. The Mendelssohn quintette club will give an entertainment in university hall, under the direction of the university musical sooiety, Saturday evemug, Jan. 30. Elenry Binder, whose cigar store and sample room is adjoing the Farmers and flechantes bank, on Main street, speaks through an advetisement in to-day's paper. The ire of Miss Mattie Sperry can bet;er be imagined than described, when a ean, lank, long-eard houud ran Rway with a 12-pound roast of beef, one"day ast week . During the year 1885 only 206 arrests were made va this county. A somewhat different showing than the previous year when 95 tramps were sent up in one month alone. The petition of the Edison electric ight company, tolight the clock in court ïouse tower for the coming year, for $6 ■er month, was referred to the general 'and commütee Wednesday evening the directors of ,he Keek furniture compauy deílared a dividend of six per cent. The name of ;he company was also changed to the Michigan Furniture Co. Coniplaints have been made against S. VV. Saxton for eelling hquor to minors. I'here are eeveral other complaints against the aame party, hut the papers lave not yet been served . The niilroad war at Howell has ended. Both sides have withdrawn their forcee, and Jas. M. Ashley, jr., is happy. He was more than a match for the officials of the Detroit & Lansing road. Wm. B. Fulcher, the young man who was injured by being run over on Huron street, one day last week, has been :aken to bis father's residence in the wn of Milán, where he is undergoing repairs. Dr. White, the crank, who killed his wife and children at Battle Creek, was n this city so:ne weoks ago and roomed at Wm. Kennedy's. Four weeks las night this same White stopped over night with James McKeraan ia Webster. Vigilant hose company elected the following offleers, Friday evening: Cap:ain, H. L. Cole; assistants, J. Fischer, A. Teufel: secretary, J. Kenney; treasurer, Q. Meyer; steward, Kred. Weimer; lst pipernan, Chas. Edward; 2d pipeman, J. Snow. Bougbton & Payne have a branch store in Detroit, where they niake a specialty of lawyers' supphes, blanks, books aud stationery. This flrm also has a store at Decatur. Here they handle school books and ladies' furnishings. We are pleased to note the enterpiise of these two gentlemen. Dr. A. C. 'l'aylor of Manchester, has got a mandamus from the supreme court compelling the board of supervisors to show the reason why they disallowed his bill of $15 for post-mortem services. The doctor was ordered by the coroner to hold the post-mortem, who sent a deputy sheriff after hiin. Howull Democrat: Three guus were fired last Thursday morning in honor of the completion of laying the track on the Toledo and Ann Arbor road. Gangs of men are distributed along the route to ballast the road. It will be ready for use in a few Uays Mr. Ashley assures Kvart people tnat the cars will be running into that town by August next. There is a teacher in the third ward school who will plank hereelf beside a red-rot stove, and when she becomes so warm as to be uncomfortable, she will order one of the scbolars to open a window, no matter bow cold the weather is. l'erhaps if she would exchange places with those children sitting near an open window, the draft migue blow a little common sense into her. Business men complain, and justly, too, at the apathy of the liceuse committee in permitting Btrangers, who have no interest whatever in the city, and who pay no taxes, to bring their goods, wares and merchandise here and sell thetn at auction. It is safe to say that those buying goods in this way pay, in a majority of cases, all they are worth. If the council would exact $20 per day license j from all strengere who "do" the city for a short time, and live up to the strict letter of the ordinances. our merchants would have no cause for complaint. Aa I it is they feel agrieved. The attention of the council is called to this matter, that they may act with more consideration hereafter in cases of this kind. Frauk Hangsterfer has a forcé of 22 men cutting and housing ioe. Willie Root had a moraing glory in blossom Saturday, Jan. 9. "Dad's Qirl," at the Grand opera house, Friday evening, Jan. 19. B. J. Corben of Dundee, was in the city, Tuesday, on profesional business. A great cut in the price of pants at The Two Sams, for one week only. See advertisement. Graves' comedy oompany will appear at the opera house Jan. 26. Bedman & Barry's " Midnignt Marriage," Jan. 29. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Hoptonic Co. in Grand Rapids, W. S HiAa whb re-elected general manager. C. Erapf has been presented with a magnifioent gold-head cane by his Odd Fellow friends. A deserved compliment to a deserving gentleman. The board of directora of the Washtenaw agrioultural society, last week, elected A. V. Robison superintendant and Jno. Nowland marshal. Next week's Demoorat will contain Superintendent Hicks' report of the business of the Hoptonio Co. for the six months ending Dec.' 31, 1885. At the Northfield Catholio ohurch, Wednesday. Mr. Thos. Lennon and Miss Nellie Joung, both of Northfield, were united in marriage by Rev, Fr. Duhig. A fire was discovered, Friday morning, over Wm. Molutyre's store, in a room ocoupied by George Jackson . The floor was taken tip and fire extinguished with but little damage. The central committee for the sangerfest, held in this city next August, met a few days ago and songs were aeleoted and will be ready to be forwarded in a few days to the various societies of the state. The hearing of special claims agmnat the estáte of David Botsford, has been adjourned until Friday, Jan. 22. The amount in controversy is $500. Hou. E. D. Kinne and J. C. Knowlton, are the uttorneys in the case. Hartford Post: The play of "Dad's Girl" is a good one in plot, incident, aud dialogue, and it affords many opportuuities for display of Miss Ulmer's varied talents. There was a large attendance, and the audience was highly pleased with the performance. Mrs. Margaret M. Beoker of Litchfield, Minn., and a sister of Geo. W. Effner of this city, died Saturday, at the age of 78 years. Some 25 years ago Mrs. B. resided in the fifth ward, and afterwanls in the township of Lodi. She will be remembered by cnany of the old settlers hereiibouts. The sale of stampa and stamped envelopes at the post-oflSce for the six months ending Dec. 81, 1885, amounted to $8,0J8.46: July, $1,076.63; August, 81,183.08; September, $1,292 61; October, $1,578.89; November, 81,479.86; December, $1,458.39. Amount received for box rent during this time, $1,305.75. A farmers' instituto is to be held in Webster, under the direction of the Farmers' Club, at the Congregational church, Jan. 19-20. The exercises wil! oonsist of mueic and addresses, and papers will be read on several important topics, by Kev. Wm. Jones, Geo. Merrill, Prof. Steere, I. G. MoC'all, Mrs. E. S. Cushman, C. M. Starks, Hon. H. H. Hinds, Mrs. F. Chamberlaine, Wm. Ball and Prof. Samuel Johnson. Miss Lizzie May Ulmer appeared at the Chelsea Academy of Music in Dad's Girl, and was very favorably recived by a large audience. The play was written for Miss Ulmer, but it is in many respects superior to the average order drama. While the oharacter of "Mulvina Sophie Hnskins," iHHumed by Miss Ulmer, is, as might be expected, prominent, the play is by no means a one-part piece. In fact, there is hardiy a part that does not demand a skilful actor for its presenta tion. The story of the piece is simple, but it is natural and interesting, the incidents telling, the situations novel and effective, and the dialogue f ree f rom the convenional phraseology of the stage. -Boston HeraM. It pays to do as you agree. Those who have visited the clothing house of Fall & Hendrick before and since the greut reduotion sale, must be conyinced that these gentlemen have kept their word good. The large piles of olothing have dirainished in size, while a great hole has been made in tbe stock of under wear and geats' furnishings. 'fhey must have been doing a tremendous business, for out of several hundred overcoats they have only 60 on hand. They have followed in the footsteps of their predecessor, Joe T. Jacobs, wellknown to every man, woman and chilo in Washtenaw and adjoining oounties as the gentleman who inaugurated the only one-price system, which Fall & Hendrick have strictly adhered to during their business oareer.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat