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Stockholders In Salt

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The annual meeting of ibe stoekholderi of ' the salt association oí Michigan was held in . Easi íaginaw Jan. 21. Y. K. Burt, president, subinHted a report that the total atnount of salt consumed iu the United States in 1885 j T.-as 'JjSöO.OOÜ barrels, agrei;atinjr 275.000,000 i pound6 or about iiity pounds to every nian and child in the country. Of this 3,100,000 ! barrel as naportea rruiu roreign muuum, : ,ooo,oou Durrcls was lurnished by Michigan; i the otber eieren salt produciug states furnishing 3,400,0 JO barrels. The distiibution was ! as follows ; New York, 1,749,000 barrels; ' West Virginia. 2O0,0JO: ühio, 530,000; Cali fornlo, 176,000; Prnnsylvnnia. 170.000; Utah, , L'5,000; Virginia, S5,000; Louisiana, 330,0.0; Ken.tueky, lü.lOJ; Illinois, 50,000: Massachu I setts, 1,900. The states and te'rrltorles in which Michigan salt Is supposed to be msrketed at a profit are: Minnesota, Dakota. Wiscon sin. Ion-a, Neitraska, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas Colorado, Michigan, Indiana and Indian Tertoey. These uamed are supposeJ to have fl population at the present time of 15,851,003 andeverysix persons are supposec! to consume one barrel of salt annually. 'maklne the consumption in these twelve states and territories 2,642,000 barrels, leaTing 058,000 barrels to bc disposed of in tne other states. During the the assoclation, in order to reduce the stock lo sell the erop of 1S75 and to redaee the surplus carried over in 1SÍ4, were obliged to sell the S50.000 barrels in the markets outsid of the twelvc3 states and territorlea named above. The report showed that the total aüjfjiint of salt impurted has lartrely decreasett üuring receul years owing to the fact that the mar.ufuctuie of the product in the Uulteil Btetes ha-i lucreased to such au extent tliat the suyply is uea.-'.y equal to the demand. Tfct report uf the Secreiary íhowed that the aatflcilKinr. bad suid diuiu.ï'tlii: yesr ?,T82,33S) barrels, ui which Oi.Mlo tmis wtre so d to packers. The quantities sold at principal pomts teas follows: Chicago, 1,393,187' barrels; t. Louis, 400.000 ;Milwaukee. 204,000; Dulutli. 1X0,000: LouisvlUe, 100,000; Clnclnnaii, 50,000; Nashville, 0r000; Sandusky, :i-,000. The :imount on hand at the close of the yjar v. a ;X,000 barréis lesa than tbc; previous vear, Vïhile tho production was larRelyln eïeess" The report of the Tivn-un-r showed the re eeil ta dnriDg t m ki year to h: 13,001,721.81 is tli ri balance on hand of Í988.á39 'íl. It was vm d to continue the organizatlon v.hich ex plrea by Hmitation in Mareh.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat