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Here And There

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The salary of the mayor and city attorney of Louisvillc is paid bv the dogtax- $8,000 a ycar. A bottle of milk which a Baltkuore chemist was testing tlie othcr day eiploded with great forco and nearly killed him. "It is the modest man in the restaurant who gets the bad oysters," rcmarks a Phüadelphla eaterer. In other words, to the victim go the spoils. Not more than one-lifth of the jails of Georgia are snpplièd with fires, oven in the most severe wealhcr. Consoquently the mortality in Ihem is large. ïhey teil of a conductor in Georgia who has worn all the hair olí of the Bidea of hishead by his bai wljen he asks lady passengere for thoir tickets. A New York politician ha hit upon the idea that it would be a glonons schciïic; to found a ne-gro colpny in the state, that would make it solidly republican. A man who died recentlv in tlis Suinmit countv uüiiuary nc;u" Akron, O., had for a long time "prior lo liia dea been in the liabit of taking a pml of Jandr.num ever four day. Rcading. Pu., is au oíd and rich town, wherc most families own their own houses and evcrybody U coinfortable and happy., but thcre is not a miliouaire residing wiLliin its corporatc limits. ! As late as l$3í a c-hild of nine was i sentenced to be hanged in England for poking a stick through a pátched-p pane of glass and stealing two penoo worth of paiut, out he was uot exeoated. Prominent and wealthy farmers in tlio vicinity of Axbury, Tenn., are feceiviug Ihrcatcning and anonymous letters ordering them to discharge their nesrroes or their property will oe deslroyod. Thcyoung lady, Misa Jones, of Ilia-hland, ulster county. N. Y., who received $50,000 for an act of kindness to an eldeflv lady ia New York city, has reeeived elcveu letters asking her hand in marriage. The eoal-mines near Egypt, N. C„ aro to be reopened next sumraer. One of these mines has a shaft 4S0 foot in depth. It was this eoal that was med on blockade-runners at Wilmington daring the war. As fall approached, a Georgia farmer pulled un a watermelon vine that had been bearing all suinmer, and transplantcd it into a green house. It now carries half a dozen meions, which will average twenty pounds eaeh. A resident of Greenpoint, Long island, whose wife died on Saturday, went to aplorgj-mu on Sunciay night withanother woman to be inarned. VVhen the miniáter learned the ccumstances he refused to perfoiia the eerenidny. Not content wilh sanding their cotton, soathern farmera are "extending" their crops by artificial meuns. A merehant m Marión, S. C, lsUily found a rock wcighing twenty-ight pounds in a sack of oats hc roceived from Texas. One of the most curious phases of humau nature shows itseli in that oft-inade remarle, "Well, he didn't lake his niillions with him." Knouyh consolar tion lias been drawn from tf.ut circiunslancc to inake a host of poor peoplo half content with their lot. The Irade in wild animáis is f.ilUag off. Even lions are a drug in the niarket, and Jumbo's skeleton attracls much more popular interest than a dozen Uve clephants. Snakes sinno tKii intiuiluo tiou in the circus and thcatrical business are looking up in deniand. Peoplc on the streeta of San José, Cal., were electriiied the other day tosee the poimdman scuddinv (Jov:i the thoroughfare with a dog ia his arias, while an angry woman was in full pursuit. - ii .m. i_ „ . T-. taken the poundmau drópped the dog, which the woman recovered. A dealer in pictures says that there we probably 150 pictures in this country worth $10,000 apicee, but that pictures by great artists oftcu sell at much lower pnces. He ha known a very godd picture by Rosa Bonheur to sell at SI, 200, thoqgh her pietures usuallv bríng $4,000 "or $5,000. The sherifi' of Monroe, Ga., last week attaehed tlio iinimals in a circus for a debt of $1'.000. An elephant, monkeys, a sca-lioii, etc, were quietly turned over to him, and he has sinee been ia a quandary. líe can not handle or do anything with tiiem, nd the circus men shnply stand oll'and enjoy his discomiiture. A gentleman was walking on Main street, Hartford, the other day, when he noticed that a workman who was digging a treach had bronght up with the dirtsome sort of a coin. He asked the man to name a priee for it, and the reply was "3 eonts." Paying the money. he got what proved to bo a Connecticut eopper of 1778. j A peculiar accident oceurted reoeutly jat South Abington, Mass. The Drockton braneh train, "whca running around the ;"Y" curve, jumpea the rails, ran quite n distancc on tlio sleepers, and then jstriking a patent switch, took to the rails iagnin in good slyle, without doing the slightest damage to the train, increly giving tlic passengen) a good shaking ap. The records of the season's sporting around Boston seem to prove that the "good old days'" of sport in the vicinity are past, A vet eran sportsmau thinks ;hat Connecticut is the best state now tor bagging woodco;k!, partridgos, and mail. It is not inspirinj; to spend a day tramping jthrough the old grouuds without bringinr home anything but a jray squirrel at the end of the day. A Philadclphia lady is in dorp disutrss concerning her coadunan. She rcturned from a drive in very dojected spirita ,lie other day, and explalucd the causa o a friend by saying: "f sent clenr to South Carolina to get a man to match my brougham. Ho was a real olive rroen, and I was delighled :tll slimmer. iVhy, you don't know how many conjratulations I received on my taste at ;hc City Troop-raí;cs! But r.ow the cold weather comcí he turna that nasty fray. The wretch, I believe lie kncw íc he wquld." At Birmingham, Ala., the other day, i feather-renovator on ripping open an old feather-bed discaverea a nandsomo diamond ring. It was sent to the oivncr of the bod, a lady, who on seeing it took t and held it to her lips. She then ressed an invisible spring and the picure of a handsonio young man in conlederato uniform was rcvealed. She sad that the ring was presan ;ed to her )y her luisband bcfore he loft ipv the army in 18G2: she. pla.'!d it in the bod in .883' for safe kocping. .ml forj{t where she had placed it. Her mi-baii'] was ciÜed iu one of tbc battles aiouud lüehmond. A wonderful cave has rceo.ntly been explored in Snake valley, Piuo county, (-vada. It cousists of a great nuinber of apartnicnts connectod bv lont; galleres and ornamental with beaoUfol slalactitis of a tian:;i:ronl whitonoaa The hirgsst room yo.t fu'jnd is 00 feet ong, üöf' toet wide, and 150 font in ïeight. Fanoiful nanic.s havi been givcn o the objects mot witli in the ccursc of he exploratiou. Solumon' Templí is i magnificent stalagüiile oii'jmn, deojiatras Nccdlo is a s'ondcr e-Kf.% btwatil'ully fluted, and th; Onnü C4bedrl :ï au onormous püo of wll'itt btl.ALRMtes oighty-live feet incivciinifoi -"v-r--, tvv-nryüve feet in heigllt, :uid suriüwwiited by a domo of good pruportioo. The tnva also contains littlo lakes a.wt Mrerms, and ono seepiing watorfall. a. n ;t gltMt of sbining, icy-Jookinii st".!;imitc, tht ) hm ben Shrisfonod Miagara. ■


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