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Febhuakï ?.- Senaie- The Cbalr phiced before the Scnate the resolution as BUbmltted yesterday by Mr. Hiddleberger of Virginia, aud the substituto (or it submltted by Mr. l'ugh of Alalama, rclating to the relations betwecn the president and toe Sënate in regard to Information and papers airccting governrneut offlcen suspended or appointcd, aud afterbeing debate at leDgtb the resolutlon was [ reiene 1 to the proper tominittec. ..The Dakota blll iras toen placed beforc the Senatc. Senator Logan argued in favor of admission and Senator Morgan agafnst it. Adjourned. Jioisi;.- '1 In: sllver questlon was called up iu the Hoiue by u rcsolution oflered by Mr. Eland ui Mleel&alppl, aud a lone and arninated debate ensued The liill relatin"; to the taxation of fractlonal parts of dlstilleil spirits then camo up aud was disousscd by Mr. Butterworth of Ohio, aud Mr. Mills of' Texas, but no aetion was taken aud the House adjourned. Feb. 4. - Sexate. - Amoog the mcmorlals presentid in the Senate and approprlately rererred waf one by Mr. Sewell oi New Jersey, conslsting of a concurrent resolution of the leglslature of New Jersey, protesting agamst the granting by eongress of any right to build i bridge froiu the shores of New Jersey to those of Staten Ishmd, and assertint; the doctrine of states rights iu dénial of tbc power of Congress to grant such authority. . .iVveral petitions were prescuted froui ergnnizatious of Kuights of habor urging Congress to open upto settlemeut the Terrltory of Okliihoma. The blll provlding for the appointment of an assistant secretar; of the navy, ivas called up. and created a regular teinptest in the ï-euate, the discussion at times assumin; the character oí personal Invective. No aetion was taken on thej. blll, and the matter went over to n.ake room for the bill for the admission of Dakota. Iloi'SE.- In the House Mr. Culbertson ui Texas, on bebalf uf the commlttce on thu judiciary, called up the blll providlng ttaat an additiou to the present moile of taking depositlons ol wltnesses in cases pending before United States tourts it shall be láwful to take depositious in the mode prescribed by the laws of the state in whieh the court is held. Mr. Hammond of Georgia, on bebalf of the same eommittee, willed up the bill I to prevent the claim of the war taxes under the act of August B, lSlil, an:l acts ameudatory thereof, by the United Stutes, beiug set on aainst states haviug claim against the general governmeut. Mr. of Mississippi, made an argu ment in lavor of the bill, contendlng that it was a matter of simple justlce to varióos states of thu Union. Mr. Hcpburn of lowa, attacked the bil! as a proposition to relieve certaln itates that had been In rebellion from obllgation o. payiuent without in any way attemptin? to secure equal justiee to all the states, liy ii-iii)liiirsin; Uiose which had promptly made (uil payment. The House went into eommittee of 'hc w-hole on the shippiug bill wulch mcasure was passed, and the House adjourned. Feu. 5- S:;xate- The Senate took up and passed the bill to provide for Ore ml of tin. old site of Kort 15rady, Mlch.. and for the purehase oí a new site and the i reetlon of a suitable building thereou. On niotion ol -Mr. Sewell, of New Jersey, the bill heretofoie introduced bv him, amending the sectious of the revi-ci statules relatlng to the auuual appropriatlon Ier tl' miíitia was passed. .All other business was laid aside, and the bill to make a state of the southern half of Dakota was culled up. The discussion which followed was sharp and splcy. and participated in by nearly every Senator present. A number of substituyes aiid amendments were offered and lost. The bill reported from commitue was tlieu pasted, }'eas, i2; nays, 'Ui. Theonly Democrat voting in the affirmatlve was Mr. Voorheet. The negative votes were all Democratie. The bill divides the Territory. ol Dakota on the line of the forty-sixth [mralled of latitude; provides for the ad'missiou of the southeru port on as a state under the title of Dakota, and the organization of the northern I ortiou into a separate Territory under the name of "Lincoln." The ïenate adjourned till Monday next. House - After disposing of some unimportant bnsinrss the House went into eommittee of the irteHnoo ttapHvnti1 calendar. The eommittee roí e and reported varlous bilis to the Houjc. leaving tlie Kitz John l'ortcr bill standing t the head of the calendar. Bills w-ere 1 asicd for the relief of Francés E Stewart. Jas. VV. 1'arish, it-.or Beaubocher. (. S. Hunt & Co., Phluney A: Jackson and Dudley Hall & Co. Mr. Raudall of Pennsylyania, from the eommittee on appropriations, reported the pension aupropriation blll. and it was ceterred to the comnütti'i! of the whole. The bill as reported appropriatc3 $75,751,00. an inciease of atx)ut l"),ÜO0.ÜO0 over last year. It is made up as follows: For army and" nayy pensions, 75,t'00,000 ; for fees and expenses of examining surgeons, ?500,ÜOO; for salaries of eighteeu pensil n agents, $?2.000,and for miseellaneous. mcluding clerk hire, rents, etc-, $183,209. On motlon ol' Mr. l.aird of Nebraska a resolutiou was adopted maklnjg the Kitz .lohn 1'ortcr bill a coutinuing Bpeclu order from Thurtday, the llth Inst, until Thursday, the lísth Inst,iñcludIng a nlsht sesslon on Tuesday evenlnj;. Tbe House theu adjourned till Monday. Febkuahï 8. - Senate. - A number of petitions wern presented in the Si-nate prayïng that the Oklahoma lands may be opened up to settlement. A bill lixing the time lor the meeting of congress in 1887, and every 8econd year thereaiter, on the tirst Moi:day in Uctobjr, and in 18SÖ, and every sewuïl year tbeiealter, on the seeond Monday of November, was reported favorably, and ihe res.o!ut:ou urovidms that executive se sions be held with open ioors was reported adversilv. The silver questioa came in for a sLare'of the attention of the Senate. The b:ll prov.dini; for the sale to the Chicago iV Great Western railroad company of what Is known as tbe "liridiwell" property in Chicago was taken up and passed. The ques ■ Uon of tbe president' givlng hls reasons for remováis from office was brougbt up and discussed at great length. Senator ïinerman of Oblo, make a long argument trvlns to conviuce the 8enate that it was the duty of the executive to make a contidaut of the fenate. Otner .Senators wereequally contident thut the president was under no obligatious to give hls reasons. Senator Snennan Uefended his position in a very able address and still had the fioor at the hour of adjournment. ..Among other bllls introduced was one by Mr. Camèron of l'ennsvlvania to piomote tLe forelgn trade of the United States, and eucourage the inercase of the American merchante marine... In executive sesslon a number of appolntmente were conlirmed. HofsK - In the House a number of bllls of general interest ere introduced and approorl.tely disposed of. TIn.1 eommittee on labor reported to the House tnelr convict lai)or bill. The bill as reported is the most comprehensiva of anything ever framed on the subject. It probiblta the employiuent of convict labor on public buildings, or works by the eovernment. This iucliKles all river and harbor improvemeuts. It prohiblts the use by I any erovernmeut agent or oilicer or any Con tractor workiug onder the government, of any material whieh is even remotely the product of eouvict iabor. It prohiblts the employment on any public buildings or works öf ■lien labor; that is, of laboren who are not bona Bde residents of the United States willijn the meaning of law, and who have uot taken ma their flrsi natoralization papen. The House went Into roiimiittti' of the whole (Mr. Hammond of Cieorgia, in the chalr) on the half-gallon liquor tax bill. Mr. Weaver of lowa, took the Hoor with a speech ou the Bnancial questlo'n and an attack on the natiqnal banking system. Thcre were four things, he said, relatlng to tinance which this Congiess must eaact: 1, Must provide for Ihe unrestricted eoinae of American silver. :.'. A law must be passed for the issue of treasury notes to take place c f bank notes, ;i. The larger portlonof surplus In the treasury must be paid out in liquidation of the interest bearing public debt. 4. It must forbld, by law, any further discriniination agaJnst silver "coln. The committce theu rose and the ilousc adjourned.


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Ann Arbor Democrat