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Card Of Thanks

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To our many friends and neignbors whose sympaties and kindness have been so freely manifested during our recent trials, we are pleased to acknowledge our sincere thanks. Mb. and .Mrs. Donovan and Family. Reporter: Monday evening a delegation of Dundee Royal Arch Masons went to Aun Arbor and attended the Chapter meeting of their brethren of tbat city, and witnessed the work of ex altation. The dele&ation consisted of H. A. Wilkerson, J. ML. McBride, John Pherdun, B. J. Oorbin, C. W. Pettit, O. O. Kenyon, Rey. H. Coate, and M. Hecock. The visitors report an enjoyable time and speak in the highest terms of praise of the chapter of that city and of the friendly treatment receved from their brethren. The crowded condition of our jails throughout the country, and the vast number of murders, committed almost daily, right in our own state, speak volumes in favor of the establishment of the whipping post and the gallows. Give a drunk and disorderly, vagrant or mild offender, üve, ten or twenty lashes, as he deserves, and. he will not be fast to commit some petty j offense in order to get back to tlie post. He will move on. Hang every person. j convicted of murder in the first degree, j and there will be no further truble or expense, besides it wonld have a very depressing efifect upon our wholesale mur ders. Let the people vote upon the res-r toration of capital punishment and it woukl be carried to day by an overwhelming majority. - Mason Democrat. "How can Mrs. Smith weai such a handsome velvet coat?" My dear child, don't you know her husband used to pay all his money to doctors, but since he took to uoing Dr. BuII'b Cough Syrup he gives it all to her to spend. Time is money ; so they say, and it is observable that it takes nowadaya a good deal of money to have a (jood time. "Years have not seen and time shall not see," the people sit down quictly to suffer pain, when enterprice can afford such a panacea as Salvation Oil. Y hy are some men like dried apples? liecause, when they are soaked in the water of prosperity they begin to swell. Those who believe that nature will work off a cough or cold should understaud that this is done at the expende of the c jHStituhon. Each time this weakens the Bystem, and we all know that the termination of this dangerous practico is a consumptive's grave. Don't take the chances, when a fifty cent bottle of Dr. BigelowV Positivo Cure will safely and promptly cure any recent cough, oold or lung trouble. Buy the dollar bottle for chronic or family ase of Eberbach & Son. Some reporta about a county official haviDg got abroad, the local wrote for lus paper that he had been "fully vindicated." The compositer put it "vaccinnated." Credit is due the Germán women and physicians for first using Red Clover blossoms as a medicine. BeBt result aro obtaiued when combined with other medicinal roots and herbs, as in Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonio, which is the best known remeily for all blood diseases, stomach and livor troubles, pimples, costiveness, bad breath, piles, agüe and malaria diseases, indigestión, loss of appetite, low spirits' headache and all diseases, of the kidneys. Price 50 cents, of Eberbach &. Son. "Wall, wall, that's just the queerest i sight I ever seen,', said an old farmer to ' his wife, as he gazed at the Edison light on the ferry boat. "Strange, isn't it? Wall I should say so; why, that's the first. time that I ever seen oil kerosene burnin' upside down." The best on earth, can truly be said of Griggs' Glycerine Salve, which is a sure, safe and speedy cure for cuts, bruises, scalds, burns, wounds and all other sores. Will positively cure piles, tetter and all skin eruptious. Try tliis. wonder healer. Satisfaction guaranteed. or money ref unded. Only 25c. Sold by C. Eberbach & Son. A coloréd man, who was hunting a house to move into, was asked ïf he had paid his reut to his former landloid. "Yes, sah," he said, rather hesitatingly . "Can't you get a recommendation?" "Oh, yes, sah ; I can get M r. Smith, my landlord, to give me a recommendatiou." "How do you know you can?" "Oh, I know I can, 'cause he wanto me to get out."


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Ann Arbor Democrat