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Around A Great State

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Hon. George C. Bate?, u pioneer of Detroit, (lied in Denver, Col., on the ütli lnst., of in-' ftammation of tbc bowels. Mr. Batea was in' Lis Tth year. bat bale and wtll preserved. He ! was all nis Ufe a successful practlclng lawyer, and did a large legal business In Denver. He dicd, bowever, in coniparatively poor circums tantes. George C. Bates was boni In Canandaigua, N. Y., ln 1S1ÍÍ. He worked on a farm and atteuded coiuiuou schools until hls 12tb year. He prepared for college in the Canandaigua Acadejgpy. He uiaduated from Hobart College, Qeneva, N. V.. i.ufruS't 5, 1881. He studlea I Jaw in the office oi John C. Spencer in New York for some timo, arrived in Detroit May 13, lSÏfc!, and that fall entered the ofliecs of'Cole & Portcr. Ma; 5, 1834, lie passed an all-day exainination and was admltted lo tbc bar. One of the cxaniining commlttce waa Hou. Daniel Goodwin, still living in Detroit. He practiced iiv in Detroit for Bcveral years. President W. 11. Harrlson appotuted him district attornev for Michigan. Bc held the office four years. For Bereral yeara followiníí bis retirement lic as lareely engaged In deiending suits broüght bj thegoveiunicnt. ïir n:i the whig candidato for cougress in tbig district in 14S, but was defeated. ín 1848 he was again uarccd district attorncy. He held this place until 1852, wben be resigned. In this year bc ptumped C'alifuruiu for Scott. In thecampaign of 1S56 besroke througbout Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin fur Frcmont. He was onc of tbc most célebrated campatgn orators of tbose excitins times in national hibtory. He practiced la w in Chicago from IWil until 1871, umi lost. mm-li propcrt in tbc Krent lire. In 1ST1 be was appoiuted by President Orant, United States Attorney for Utah. He acted eliieieinly in this position and on his retirement became the counselor of the Mormon Cburch for Iwo years. Id January, 1877, he returnod to Detroit and resuuied the practice of bis profession. In the days of the great Lcadville exeitcmeut he removed there and thcncc went to Denver, wbere he died. Mr. Bates was ropreaentatlve from Michigau to tbc VVbi National Couvention held at llarisburg in 1S3Ü, at which Harrison and Tyler wcre nomioated, and the oldest survlvlng delégate to any uational conveniion irom Michigan. Michigan Hourns. Adtt-Gen. Kobcrtson has issued the followip; in refcrcnce to Gen. Hancock's dcatb: "The Commandcr -iu-Chief wilh onfelgncd and most proiouud regret anuounccs to tbc Michigan [state troops the death oí Chat ilistin gulsutd aud (iullant ofiicer, MaJ.-Gon.WInÜeld Scott Haueock, U. S. Army. As au apDiopri ate and deserved tribute to his memory tbc troops oí Michigan wlll wcar tlie prescrlbed badge of mouriiing, aud drape tlieir colors whcu on ),arade lor tliirtydays." Qot. Alger has issued the followin;; proclamation: Another of tlie leaders of tbc gallant host that battlt'd for tbe life of this nation ha.s fallou. Gen. Whilield Seott Hancock, senior major-gcueral of the army of Uie 1,'uitnl States, died at his post of duty on the 'Jth iustaut. He was a birave and skillful soldier and a truc and honorcd man, and it. is dUG ii is memory that tbe stau: .-lioulii Kivcsome Btting e.idence of that esteem we lave for such livcs and characters. Thereforc I direct that tbe Bsgf) on Ibc stat capítol be placed at half mast for Uk; prriod of ;iü days, and that on tbe day of bis funerai the varlous depaitmcuts be closcd. (Slened) Kussiïll A. Alobb By the governor : II. Á. Conan't, Sccrctary of State. Lanslng, Feb. 11, 18S6. Comparative Statement. As an itcrn of intrrest, and rei tuiüly of a very satisfactory Cí.aracler, I glv lije markot valuc of hall' a dozen of Laku fciuperior's best mines in -lauuury, lsü, conip&reu with Jauuary, 16S5 : Mines. Jan., 18S5. Jan., 18Si Increase. Atlantic $ 2Ï0,(XK) $ 400,000 S U.0.0OÜ Calumet & llecla 13,.r)00,000 21,400,000 7,'.00,0iW Franklin 10,000 440 00;) :;:!l),ou ■ Osceola 400,000 560 000 106,000 Quincy 1,000,000 2,120,000 l,(KiO,(,D.l Xam&rack. . . . 1,320,000 :j,OÜO.(KX) 2,2!0 000 Total tl6,?30,000 $28,520 000 $11,?JO,UUO Tbis shows an ucroa.sii ol' over T0 pur ceut. aud will not comparo unfavoraMy wftb the appreclatlon in any oUier lasa of stocks. - Ilougliton Ciazette iiöstou Cor. MINOR STATE HAPPENINGS. Ilcnry Willils of Batlle Creek, who Is so anxious for a ship canal, addressed the House coiuuiitte a few days sinco. The state buard of audltors llave íound no valid bouuty claims against tbc state, lbougb eeveral have been laid asido for future refereiice. J. Eminet Kobinsou, a reporter on tbc De troit Kress I'ress, was found dc-id In bis bed tbc other tnornlog. 11e had taken an oplatc to Induce sleep, and itissupposcd tbat he t(;ok an overdosc. lic was ayouog man of marked ability and onc of the 'most promlslng jouri; ilists of the day. J. L. Stieknev, forinerly manager ol the Detroit l'ost and Tribune, is cuarged ivith ha ving einbezzlcd the funds of tbc eompany to the amount of about $4, (WO. ErestiueSehoultz. sister of Herman Schoultz, who was Biurdered near Kast Tawas ovi a year ago. is pow iu jail awaiting the actlun -i the proper oflicials before bein couveycd to tbc asyluin, as she is iusane. óome persons thick her mental illuess was caused by :i uk the Bbootlug of her brother, and by tl, e iü usage she receivfid. At the animal meeting of the Btatc .vpnis man's.assoeiation held in Kalaruazoo on tbc v!'(;.' Ulii'uni iliósm director for' tué lü'k'f i íour years. The next eoovcntlon will bc held in Lanslng on the tbird Tuesdaj in Januarr, 1 1886. . The body of Mrs. Charles AtkinsOD of üntonaKonwasfrozen to deatli.and was found In :i ! snowbank. Atklnsonand bis wi;e visitcd some frienus andupon slarüiig home Mrs. AtKinson. i proposed tomalicanothcr call.bnt the husbana refused, proccedlng bomc, while the wife starled iu anothvr itiio-tlun. She was nol seco by hlm afjain allvc The as a balf-brced and was held in high esteeia. Galusha l'ennell ol St. Johns lias nominati'l lor tbe office of Unltcd States ! marshal for tbc costern ilistrict of Michigan. I Gov. Alger sent the followlng teleeram of coudolenoe lo the famllgof Gen. Uaneouk, M dressed Ui Mul. Gen. Whlpple, Oovernor'ï islaud, New York: Mease convoy to CIcti. ! HancocU's familv my lieai tfelt Bymnatby in ; their great aUlfctioD and ussure tlieni tliat tbe old veterans, as wellaaall ether people of Michigan, wlu receive the sad news wltli the deepest BOrrow The Port Iluron Times s:ys that Chief of Pólice Whitncy of that city lias secuicd possesBion of a letter wikten by a respectable young I lady of that city to the proprietress i ;i disorderly houso asUing 10 lie taken iato lier establishment. The yuuug Rirl who wrote the letter iuelosed a photograpb :md stuted Bhc was at present keeping house for her father, bvt visbed to leail :i "!;■)■ llfc," find conse quently made the above appllcatton. The (jir ■ is well known, and it is probable the letter and photograpb. will be glven to her father. Tbe Michigan erou report i ate the eost of :i bushei of wbeat in St. Clair county at 4- cnts in Maconil) county T:!.2. Tbe chlef dlfferences are in the cost of f ertillzers (St. 'lair estimated at 45 cents per aero, Uacomb ê'-i-lï! per aero) and iu the cost of land, whiie tlie vield in -St. ('luir i.ouuty is shown to bc ncarly thrce busbcls to tüe acre greater. A companj bas been organizcd at Kalamaïoo to manu acturc anew design of buckboard and expeets to make ), 00 tor tbls season. A large urick building Is to be crccted for the Couipauy's usc. Doraestics la liattle Crcck are org&nlzlng to protect themselvca trom non-paymont "f wage. The following offlcers wen; elected by tl grand encampment, I. O. O. K. at thr aoaua meetlug 1 ü' Rapids on tbe lltb inst. : Grand patriarch, Geoiiiu Qrceofield, Marshall; lilgb prlest, Jolm Alwnrd, üamden; seulor warden, AndrewHarsbsw, Alpena; junior warden, J. W. Crosby, Bprloéport; bctIdc, E. II. WHitnoy, I.auslnc; ticasurcr, H. !-ule, Jackson; represenUUve aovercign grana lodgu, K. '■ Munger, St. Jobns. The uext scsslon of tbe erauu encainpnicnt will behcld In Muskegon the secoud Tucsd:iy In l'ebruaiy, II James l'. lirown. au CDftlnei r on lbo mlddlo diviaiou of tb;: Michigan Central roail, died I Buddcnl.v the other m rning. Ho came " tbe nlgbt before, and was laken wlth cramps toon auerwards. He ws.3 30 jears old and uninarr:ed. Richard J. Hughes, deputy oil inspector for the Flint district, dicd at tlie Campbell House in Baj City on the I2th inst, of lun; trouble. lle wás 4H years old. lic h-aves a wife and iauiily. The reniains wcro taken to FUnt tor interment. PatrickDoÜIhantau, aged 2:i years, employed In Dease & Pratt'a luinberlns camp near Kast Tawas for-the past live montes, was killed aluiost instantly bu the 12th Inst by a limbfrom a falllDg tree. Tbc rcuialus were taken to East Táwas, and as he bad no relativos he was buried In the potter' tield. oWllliam Campbell. of the planing mili oí Merrill it Camphell of Bav City, dropped dead the other evenfng when aboul to (?o to concert Deatb was caused by the brusting oí a blood vcssel in thu bruin. He was 26 veara of age and was hisrhly esteemed, The remalns were Bent to Central Valley. Orleans county, N. Y.. where his parents resl ie. Mis. Junes, :m oUl lailv who was njurcil :it the time of the burniug of the Jackson county liouse lied on the 12th iit. Albert Ilainilton, Wm. Uenry and Frank Mltchell all employés of the Chicago & Grand Trunk io:ul are onder arrest In liattle Croefc, charged with plundering freight curs. Tue ereut council .f the improvcd order of red men trom t hf state wis held in Kast Ssginaw on the llth, The followlne ofBcers iverc elected: Great prophet, Rudolph Worsch of lackson; great sachcni, Win. W. Tannei1. Grand liapiils; ireat senior sjiamote ï. J. Bromley, Eatoa Kapids; grent junior gagamore, W. A. Crouch, Kast Saginaw; 4rc&' chief of records, II. Poole, Di-troit; greal keeper oí wanpum, F. i. Alder, Jackson: great serap, s. Kitisman. Beacon ; great Micheiiaua, II en ry Zoel, Grand Hapida; great gaard of Lhe wigwam, J. Lövinson, lYavcrae City. great guard of the forest, .1 N. Carpcnter, Bhcrman. Action en (be endowment features was DOatponed year, and It was declded to bold tbc ncx( ineetiug at Kalauiozoo on Ihe seco: (1 TiU'íday in I'Ybmary, 17. Tbere are 13 tribes in Michigan, witli 7S6 □Qcmborft. O.O. Perry of Grand Raplds, lus two young daugnlers and a sou narrowly cscaped deatb from asphyxlatlon caused by escapinjj gas from a coal slove. Mr. IVrrv, wllO was ucarly ufftwatod. in-..,,-H...i tt. ■;..,.. -.;.-■-■■' and let trcsíi air Into the mom. Aiter the excitgmcnt had passcd away he was taken violently ill, but botu he and tlic lamily are now out. oí dangcr. llowell is expccUng a business boom the coming season. Several new stores are to bc uiltund new residences are promiscd. Teachers in the Vutar Bchools have ndopt1 the nlan o! supplylne to all pupil who serve il a neal baugc of honor. Tlic schemc orks well. Curo's new roJlei flourlug mili has a capady oí 100 barrels a ilay. S ven tliousand dolrs' wortli cf ntw macliinerj has rccentlv been dded. Masón bas Kniijhts of Labor organizaon. Therc were 2,815 barrels of sait manu. ictured in St. Clalr i i January. The ííovernor has uojioluted Oyrus. t. Luce I Gllead brancb county, reprcsentatlvfl to the eetlne ot tno American agriculiural assocla-, on to he beld :■■ Ni-w YorK, Feb. 10 and 17. Rlnaldo Fuller, adrugRlst of Mantón, wliose I ycare oíd dauchtrr, Teñóle run away from lome Incompany itim [asi wuman, drovu out i tho house of Charlea Evcrts, a Bínele man vingon a farm six milis from Nasbvllle, and 8covercd that thu trio bad Just Uít thero, he.v Btartcd In bot pUrsuil aud soon overtool; lem The runvway was taken home. The directora of the E. I'. Ferry lumber impany met at Qrand Rápida a few days go and electcd as president, T. J. O'Brien; ee D. I). F.rwin; secretaré. Chas. Ulalr; easurer, IC. F. l'hl. n. wasdeclded that the tairs of the eompany !■ eloscd up as mm n as lossible, in ordci" to realizo on the nve.stu.cnt. tic propertv incliules uücut plne, aunual op of logs in the river of alioul r?.ÜHi.(K)) et, about 4,00UÜ00 reet of lumber, docks and largc quanj ity ui lath and ahiugies, two saw, aning and grist niill.s, store, building and al cetate. at Montague. üf the $!oti,UOO ipital stock E. 1'. Ferry itnd frieuds hold 115,000. Kent county peach-rowerfl discover that icir Crawfords are killed; but tbc llills, Chilis ld liarnards are a!l rlgbt tluis l::r. A number of l.crjawee county farmers wiïl move to Virginia in tlic spring. Tlic Michigan postal telcgmph eompany bavc rved an lujunction on t.he inter-state tc!c ■ajh eompany restrninlDg tliem fromrunninii ïeir line vvitliia live fce.t of the fonner com)anjrs line. The Michigan poatal cotnpany lave thcir lin;1 uomplctcd i" Detroit, auil the tcr-statc compauy, it is alleged, air bow adng thclr potes so close that thcir wires ill interfere wilh the proper orking of the iglal comuany's wires. The postal company's ne runs aiong the blghway paralied with the Icblgan Central raüroad, and tliey claim to ave the prior claim by virlue of haviug: thcir ne coinplctcd. Mr. Willis, the father oL the project to run siirp canal, named lor hint, across the state ' Michigan, addressed the board of tradc in etroit, and (ried to induce lbo board to drnlt csolutions to be presen led to the Grand ruuk rallway, asKinii it to construct a direct. iic of road froiu Detroit to Uattlc Crcck. 80 ir as liiilmail facUltlua ure cOD'cerued Ihis ould brlng tbc two cftles 47 miles ucarer 10 ether, lt would alo divert the grain tiaile ï Battle Creck and tbe trlbutarv country froin 'oledo to Detroit. The project met with warm upport. Kmina VVood, a Grand liapids doincsilc, as found dead iu bed the other mornlng. The third aunual mectlugof the Southwestn Michigan wool KTOwcrs assoeiation willbe eld at Kalamazoo VVdneBday, March 3. l'rof. E. J. McEwau ol the state agrlcultnral ollcgc, has returnc-d to his post after a winter f üludy at the John Hopkins' unlvereity, ialtimorc. __ A stock company baa been oranizcd at rand liapids for the purpose of Introduclnj :1 uw telepuone, tbe lotcr-slatc, in Micltlsiin. he fullowfng are the olllcers: L'irMdi-iit, I. M. Veston; Vlcefresldent, L. 1). Kollett ; Treasrer, üeo. Holbrook; Becretary, L". V. Xajrlor The wcst-bound passenger train on tlic bicago & (rand 'i'runk struck u man who as valklog 00 tbc Irack just eastof Fllnt ie ottier niebt and inslantly killed hiin. fttr the accident the ü-aiu was inmndiatrly UïiJJjeji uad. l.liunfur. .vur.iU'-iuy n t:ii') nu rakeman, wbo was leit In chargé ol the body, aw two men aneak awav tu iDIfcrcnt direcïons who falleü to rcRjiond hen balled by ïim. The deccascd liad un four shirts hut uo oat; and four pair ofaocka bul noataoes. o cine aa to bis Ifleutlty. Plnïree & Smitb of Detroit, whosê goods ave been boycoltcd by tbc Kui;4hts of l.abor, lave askcd in lu'.ve lb boycot removed. Tbo Innurancc adjustór have adjusted tlic osslDCurrcd by the burniug of the Grand tapida 1 Indiana car shops, catlmatlog the otal loss at 'is,iKX); Í20.ÜÜJ on the cars, i,oUOon tbc building un.l $3,000 ou lutnber. Tbc total Insuraucc was -M,(iüO. Mechanica lave agota Ijck1"1 worl uml plaus lor new jriek buiJilins bavc bien prcparcdi Attorney-GeuenU Taggurl rendered a decisiou on the 18th InsL, lu the effect that lupervlsors bad tbe power to divide coimties ulo representativo district. Thcconvlct nareed McLnod, whowasstabbt'il by Foroiuan l-andcrs a l lm Jackson prison, , .1 ou tbc I3tb lrum tbc ITevts of the n'ounds he rccclved. Wm. (rein, whosc wlfc was killed in the recent railroad accidenl at Chesaning lias setUed wltU tbe rallroad nompany for -J.r.OJ. The companj offercd $.000, but WlUlam stuck tor the extra $5' 0 and got it. DuriDg January th Kopca mine took out in Eold $1,711.38; sllvcr, $101.84; concentrates, $1,339.17. Tbe expense lor tbe month were (1,800, leaviug :i uel proflt oL $1,351. S9. The Montague Iron worke has jugtdosed a contract wlth the Chicago A: West Michigan rallroad compaoy to Bulld 'luce band saws, oneenglne and two Btcain fceds. lhe consideraüon s $1Ü;ÜÜO. Michigan mincd 150,000 of the 05,308,3i6 1..11S uf bitumirjous coal mlued in 1885. Some time ago Mrs. Win Green of Chesanlug was killed In a rallroad accident The conipany has settled wltb Villinm íor ?2,50O. I Minor 8. Newell, commlselouer of the statu land office, od the 8th uay OÍ April, lSWi, at 10 0 dock a ín., Will Bell :il puUlc auction certaln mineral sclicol l:mls situated in too rountius o( baraja, Iron, Marquette and Mennminee. The mínimum price per acra ís üxed by tlie (overnor aud tre;isurcr, raDging [rom 5 to SfrX) per arre. Mrs l'eter Duvis, a bigUIy rospected lady of üwnd Raptds, dioppcd dead n the street wille on lier way to ihurcU Suuday, the Hui. A talement has bcenpreDared by tho oflic a s o líe potoílice deuai tntent ghlugthe reteipts di luo presidcuual po5toiílci.s lortbc Ia8tycar. 'J lie follow Ing show the oflk'es in Mlchicao In whlch thc rccelpts atnouut to more tlian Í5.000; l)elroit,?:KK),(K)0 SO; Adrián, $13,60606; Albion, t6,V70 08 ; AJpena, $5,4;í0,(W- Aun Arl.or, $19,14S 10;; Créele, $'íi,3330; Bay City, t21,U43 01; lile Rápida, ?'.',- 4Ö6 48; Cadiilac, $ ,025 56; Charlotte, T,t;í)l 18 CoMwater, $9,604 6S; East Sagintw, (29,29346; Flinl $13,203 76; Grand naven, ï.).412 15; Grand Rañids, $71 47930; GreenviUe. $5.746 SU; lUlladalc, í7.8'J7 8S; Ionla, 9,431 84 uhpcmInR, íü, 612 12; Jackson, $i;,lll 0 ; Kahuna boo, $2,5r9i:LanInjt, $2697X.7S; LudinRton, Í5,36á 99: Manistec, $9,47T VI ; Mimiueitc, $9,253 98; MarAall, $6,934 H; Monroe, Í5,381 9; MusIíegOD. $18,15215; Niles, $6,17595; Ovoso, $.").'. 0-2 r.o; Pontlac, $7,48877; Port 1 Hurón $H0.:v; Ba(?lnaw, $1O,U78 68; Three Kivcrs, $5,40362; Traverse City, $5,84677; Ypsilantl, $8,559 63. Tbert! wee M.ï',b ton of coal mined tl.rouUout tbe L'nion In 1885, of whlch Mlchl gan Is credited with 15U,0U) ton.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat