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Western Whispers

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Joseph Riel, a brother of Louis R:el, refusos to finn apétltlonforlhe pardon oí the Metis prisouers. The Ceutral Land compauy of Wyoming, whose stock is mostly owned in Boston Ib charged with huvuiír obtained a $3O.0(XI,U0O 'I'. R. iluild of Green Bav, Wls., has becn nominated to succeed the late Congressman Rank n in the House of Representativos. Mr. lludd .s a memoer of the state Senate. baring tbe recent storm in Kansas 100 persous lost thelr Uves, and 100,OUO head of cattle wcre frozén to üeatb. A movement is on foot in Chicago to boj-cot all prison madegoods. The Central land compan; oX Wyoming is charged witb beiug frauduleutly lu possession oi" Ü5,t)üü acres of valuable mineral lauda ia that territory. During the recent severo cold weather therc was great destrueiion of Ule in Kansas. Witliin a radius o 1U0 miles of Dodge City 100,000 head oicattlehave frozen to üeath, " and 100 human beings are known to have perished. The deputv Bherlfl at Batocbe, N. W. T., wrltes: "Tue onlj way to prevent an outbreaii in tbe spring is b, the iniinediatc dispatch of at least U,000 men to the south to prevent tbe hordes 'frum crosslng over luto the nor th west" The Central Iowa southbouud aecommodation struck a broken rail six unies south of MarshaUtown, [owa, tne other ovenlng. The rear coach was draggea olt tbe rails Uil it struck a bridge. wBen it went over, falling 20 feei. The coach tooK lire and was desiroyed. U!i;lÜlflSat;ev;rm;iiasgreat.aS was apprehended, George Q. Cannon, the thief mind in the Morman church, and oue who has done more to uphold jjolygainy tban auy other, was airested on the 14th inst. Thereporte that the severlty ol the winter has (leptroyed :i largc per cent of the cattle on tbe plains is authontatively denied, and the statement made that the winter has been favorable. SUnknown persons seized a glrl in Windsor, 111., aud haagcd her to a tree. She was out down and her Life s.axd. A note was lelt her saviuj,1 the oUjtct ot the miscreant was "to geteven1' with her taaier.


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