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"Dust To Dust."

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The funeral obaeques of the late Emmet Bobison, occurred Fnday at th family residence on División street. Th Bev. F. dementa, an oíd friend o the family, asaisted by the Bev. Dr Bamsey, oonducted the service. On either side of the casket containing th remains were several floral offerings, on from the presa of Detroit and from M Bobison'a companiona on the Free Press a floral knapsack from Company A, floral triangle broken and inarked " W Three," from Harry E. Palmer and W Bohnert, Mr. Bobison'a most intímate college chums; a croas resting on a pi low, from the county officials ; a crow from the prees of this city, and a flora pillow from the university, clase of '84. The active pall-bearers at the fuñera were choaen from old friends. The were Charlen F. Hathaway and W. G Fralicd, from the Free Press staff, Mors Bonhert and Harry E, Palmer, both o Detroit and clasamates of '84, C. II. Bich mond, jr. of thia city, an old imiversit friend and classmate, and Burt Bowe, univerety ohum. The honorary bearera were: Joh Barr and Theo. E. Quimby of the Fre Presa; John M. McOarry, Tril une; A bert Bagg, Journal; C. T. Thompsou News; Max Cohén, Herald; Eugone & Clarkson, Detroit, and W. B. Chambe lain of this city, old classmatea; Joh B. SVhelan of Detroit; F. A. Ainaworth University Argonaut, O. E. Wagner o thia city; Chas. E. McGrath, Detroit; D J. Haff, aecretary clnss '84, and John I Greusel. Bepreaentatives from the preas of thi city were alao present. Company A, of wbich Mr. Robioo was a meinber, turned out aome 60 stron and accompanicd the remains to th grave. KESOLUTIONS. The county officials, Friday morning appointed a committee on resolution F. H. Belaer, wbo reported the follow ing, which were adopted. Whbbeas, We have learned with deep eet aorrow of the sudden death of ou beloved asaociate and friend, J. Etnme Bobisou, formerly deputy clerk of Waan tenw county, and latterly a member o the presa of the city of Detroit. And Whbkeas, auring our acquintance wit the deceased we have learned to loye anc admire his sterling manhood, genial na ture and excellent business capacity, anc have watched with pride his steady pro gress upward in the ranks of his chosen profession. Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That we hereby extend to th afflicted parenta and relatives of ou departed friend our deepest aympathy in their great bereavement. May Goc have them in Hia tender keeping.