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Disastrons Effects of :Malaria. A MalVpiant Poison.n There is no seetion oí this country but what ; Is suffering inore or 1 !M Irom tbe effects of , Malaria, 'it is the principal, causa oí all cases which alllict the hu:nun farnily; it ei ! like a thief in ilie ni;;ht and steals away our ' health, and leavei ;i legacy of tullering and ■ despair. All epldetnics ol iever, Krysipelas. Dyscntery and uther maUgnaat uud , ous types of dlsease are i aused la Malaria.ami physicians seem absolutely at a loss what to ; ilo for it; thelr main depc-ndence is placed in quinine, which fte:i does more lmrin thau e o i. The only remedy that is pleasant to take. and that will positively ture Malaria and all of the discased conditions arislng thercfrom, Is Dr. J. li. Henion' Surc Cure lor Malaria; it contains no quinine or arsenic, is picasant to the taste, aml will positively and pennunent1. radícate all Malarial ïxiiton from the system. Itlckeptbj all lm;ists. l)r. Henion guurantees to cüre 8 out of every 10 that have been pnmouneed incurable, no matter what thelr disoase i. if thcy will wrlte tu imii or visit him at Kochester, S'. Y., and to iil ttotó lio ase his Sun; for Malaria i'xaniinations and préscrtptions are free. A debt ot Siar,000 encumbers the Cincinnati Zoological gardens, and it is announeed that they must bc sold unless the business men of the city come to the rescue. A system of private subscriptions is proposed by the inanaeere, whereby ttacre is a faint hope of Becurlng n longer case of lll'c. Few monarclu eau 1 oast of progeny so 11lustrlous as Klng Cbriéttan IX. of Denmark, i'ive out oí bis mx childreii are marrled and have tamJlles. The eldest mus of each of these lamülee ara the prospectlve monarchs of DenmarK, (reeee. the Brltish empire, Kussia, and Hanorer. The Rusïlan bath is the best coid luxury, and is sald to be very inviscoratin. It 18 80 Evebt WHBRB. - E. B. Kall, druggUtat HlattsviUe, Kan., has this to write about Allen's Lung Balsam: "Jt is the best throat and lung remedy, and gives general satlsfaction. 1 cheerfully recommeud it." Buy the large #1.00 bottle ior Lung Diseases. ïhe special collcction of 1,800 eopper, wood and stu'l ennravings of Shakespeariana belonglng to ti:e late iiichard Grant White has been bbuht l.'.ï Wellcsley college. Mass., for its Shakespeare library. l)on't neglcct a cough and let it ïemaiu to irrítate youV lungs when a safe and speedy remedy can bc had for 50 cents in Dr. Blgelow's l'ositive (.'ure. A couple were marrled by Judge cheney in Los Angeles, Cal., Chrlstmas, and In siratitude the bride presented the judge wltha mammoth Btrawberry 3 inches lonit, -Ji 'u circumice. When the follielcs are not destroyed, llall's Hair Rcnewer restores hair to bald heads. For all ailments originatingin disorders oí ihe stomaeh and liver, take Ayer's Pilis. Courage, the commonest of The virtucs, obtains moro aplause than diScreÜODj therarest oi theui. ' 1 ' is i si:i.ís 'io attkmi'T To cleante a stream hile the fountain is inipure. Dyspepsia, eomplainte of the llver or kldneys, scrof illa, hradaches, and all discascs arisiug (rom impare blood, are at ouce removed by jJk. Wai.kkh's California Yinegak BitTEit.s, tlii' iufaliible purífiorof the blood and renovator oí the systeni. It has uever been known to fai!. ( liildivu Have more necu ol moilcis thau of critica. '1 have u:-eil OU6 b.At.c.Oi yur medicine, Athlopnoros, and fouml yreat relief írom it lur neuralgia,' w rites .íuliu V. Hall, írom i-iankíort, .vlitu., ni orderlng iwo bottles oi tlie remeay to be sent to her as soon as possible. -i: respecta love, Imt. uulike youtii, it regpeets lltue tlie ii;ns ol Inve. Mim) the Babies. Coldslnthe llea.1 aud Simule uevelop Intoa L'alarrh yhlt■n ruina the heaitli. I e i.ii's (Jieam balín, a plvasaut and Silte whicn will surely i revent aud euro. It iü not a llquld or a suuft, but is casily applled with tne tluger. .H aruggiats i aye it. ai cents. Bj mail tu cts. Seuu for circular, l.y bros., Owrcgo, N. . IL ve do ot contlnuatly' deny ourselves. i wedo i.ot learn oí liim, bul oí otuek' maiters. Haa been 0. E. EverSinceMessrs. Ely BrOí., Gentleinen: - My boy (i yeais, w'.i.s íeeenlly taken with eoid whiea . emed nnaliy io settle la Ülg head. liis los; wns Btoppcd up for da;e and BlgbtB to tha: i. tiinieuit ;or him to breathe und s.eep. callo i a poysldan who presenbed, üut dld h.iu no gooU. l'inally 1 went to the úniir btoro und ot .i tjottle )í 3'our Cream iialui. it fceenieil to tco.k like maie. 'Ihe uoys uose wat elear in two das, aud he li;is be !U O. K. ever slnce. - K. .). Hazard, New ïoik City. I Jau. 27, I Ü4. Three tbtngs to admire: lntelleetual powtr, ('lïulty und ttraceiuineas. Invalida' Hotel and Sure;ical IsstitnteTíiia uúieiy celebratedlnatttution, Locatd at Búllalo, N. ï., is organiZed wltu aiullstatlol ■ eifoteea ezperiencea uuu skiulul fnjsiclans au i burgeoui, eonsuuiuu tüe uiost eoinpleie orauí.ut on oí medical aud Bürgjcal sklíl i:i Aiiieriea, íor thtí ueatmeui oi olí cbronlc dlse.astís, HUetüer requirln or ourgieal ineans lor tu ir cures. Manelous BUccesibas li.-i-u m-liiived ni me coreo, ull nasal, inroat and luoj; uiícaxes, llver and kiaucv dleeases, uisease oí ilie digestivc brtns, biauder dk eases, discases peculiar to v.omeu. piood taints and skin dlseases, raeuiuatisai, neuralgia, iiejuu8 debility, paralyakj epiiepsy u-10. &perinatorrna, iiupptency slüA .inuied aUectiona. Lhouwudsare eítre.l .ü. inel.' bornes correspondence. 'ihe [ nworst lupturts, pile tumo:s, ailcojele, hyurocel ■ aud M.i.etures Is n"nran.. .-tu. wilh only .1 short ii'.-ri icni-e at the instituilou. tíend lo c uia m staünps íor the taTatiod UoIile-BooJc lú , i'iig y.) wliien gives all pa.tiCUlars. Atiuress, vüiid'a Dispentfary Medican -V--.s jeiatioi1, ÜU a.o. A. 1. ' Im.i k un. i usKlris to wear with house, ttret aiul liieai.r ilresstís are the nns popuiar. Uso ír. nerce's "feueta ' íor conatlpatlon. L'aridian L-au dressef) are ornamente. t by t ny iiiiíui 01 stuiled birda or real binterflies. Malí so-called rememea bave íoiled, D1. . ... ..... Black albaca tlned with red Itannel is mueh u.-fi íor uuuerskirg. in IIoüa;iu, mu 11, l. .1. Uoesoury pub!isbes tha .j.v.-, aud :i lts columna stionglj recomuiendá Lr. íiiuma-' Üleclric mi íor. constas, coids, sore turoat. catorrh and aethma. Parlslau woinen wear tiny lace muffs in ballr.x m-. A 1'iiü: ami kki.iaiii.I'. Mkumini;. - A eoinpouud llukl ixtiact oí roots, leavis, barks and berrus ís uurdock blood Bitters. '1 hey cure i ;:ii uucoa -.- ni the iii o. i. llver m.u kidnéys. Xan-colored Swede (flovos nu.u íüelr own Ín popularity. b'oit aíiaciie, 'loothache, Bore Turoat, : wellod N c . and the resulta oí eo ds aud iuOamuial on, use L)r. rhomas Electric Oil - the great paiu destróyer. Beadcl ;u:le is veiy pojiuiar íor Hall dre íor VDiin ptíople. Adoll Lalioz, carnaje mauu.actorer, 119 Carrón títreet, liuttalci. ti. V., tlaetw: 1 as [ iroubltd wito nausea ol tucstomach, sijk heaúa lie and eueral deBlilty. burdocli lilootl imitéis curtid me. MufHers for wearlng Insidedrese c ate ara large Síjuars oí creamy vrbite anuurc siik of very íine a:ut soft qilalllv. i'.VÍ'í'J 1 .-...u; .1 ,111 M u_v 1 ,n:ia f':tL-yrr& Cü., Atto:jn.., VVM)hingtuUtDC Eat'd 18tí4. Adviccfrce. Fichus oí crepé cross over the bus , oue eud iseuii'.: tlie otber Cróssda it. the latter eXteudil K to l:ie walst lile. Wkkn ;.ii:iií your ihhji oí mh.' mra.Kbte&ed uae l,n:is Hui btiiienen; ihe vo mouey, glve conifi.iiiiiid keep iim'.h struigm. K;.;l 1 8] n Ua aii' ] ropeiiv mouute.1 an 1 uiuii mi Ule t 1 table as eaü beils. HTlfnrrfSaiiin cr!lf" fí)rfi nü? 'UiroU VCho raí'! . har.l carned. money oreverynew (ougb svrup :!dvertised,--when ou cdu procure tha1 standard remedy íor oug'us, Ur. Rull's C'oush Syrup. I'rfee 25 ivaya loyally submisaive to rhat is over tbem: onlv ir.emi soulá are othervlse. The afiectiou of parents is best shown to heir ebfldren by teaching tliein what is good md truc. Love can excuse anvthing except meuuncss; jut kllls love and cripple natural vffeetion. (ive bread to a strenger, in the name of the jniversal broth'rhood whlch binds all men to{ether. Good rcsülutious are liko 1 orses. l'he iirst !ost is an item vl les impórtance than the keeping; The 6Ub!imity ol wisdom is to do tbose ïn-.ns. Inch are to be desired wheu ;lylng. There ere somc men wbo are Kortuue's fiivorites, and irho, lilie cato, Uïhtforever on Iheir legs. Salvation Oil, the celebrated American reincdy, is guaranteéd to cure rheumatisrn, jore tnroat, swcllins, bnüses, burns, aod frostbites. Prlce odIï twenty-flve cents a bottle. ' A meinber of the Geological survey says that Salt Lake will be of {wat valué iii the near iuture, not only on account oí the common salt it will produce, but also for the sodium sulphato it i eparated in a llocculent precipítate by the cold wcather of midwinter, and annuallv thrown up on the sho c cDormous quantlu63. 'I ik rè ;ir' mauy other laKCS in the ïur west whence an inexhaustible supply of commercial alkalies may be obtained at snuill tost. Mono Lake, Cal.. alone being e3tlmated to hrld over 78.000,003 tons of sodium carbonate. Two men callcd up the telgraph operator at East Wcyraouth, Miss., last ireeK, an.l gothlm to go to the depot :t midnilit In order to send {ram. As he entered the station the men drew revolvers and dcniundcd the tnoney in the 6afe, kuowiuij it temporanlv contained a large amount. Qnlck as ilash the operator whippcd out a pistol and "got the drop" upon the would-be robbers, who Bed in teruor. The immense prehistorie shell hcaps at Damariscotta, Me., are being dBg up and shipped to Boston to be grouiul into dust and sola as pcmltry food. These deposite, whlch are described 'in Erucst Ineenoll'a Census Beporton American oyster industries, have long been an object of great Interest to antiquarians. A doM' ol Red Star Cougb Cure ill prevent yon SIsfurbing the eongregation, and ]ut you ui ;i right frame of mimi t enjoy the Berrlces. Twenty-flve cents a bottle. Therc ore ia the present congrcss íour raen who are over seventy. A rustic vtett ir to Burlington, Yt.. epent Thanktgi?lng Day on the iior.-v rallway, nwking tbo trip of four miles twenty tWQ tim. s. It is by copjlng alter natur that man gets best resülts. Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonlc ibature's own remedy, is purel; vegetable, i-m betuken by tlie n.o-t, delicate. Cures aU rtmñach, kidnev and livi-r tronWts. fi') cents. Hoods on r-trect wraps are popular In Pari3 just mnv. New Orleans ia Ketting Impatlent ior the completion of its promlsed tfioater, to hold 12,000 pto)]'. SCRATCHES.- J. I'. SbaOer, Madison, Wis., says: "1 mred ft horsc of the v(;rst case of BOrttchea that I ever saw, wlth i'ctorinary Carbolial o. Ü5 and 60c. at Uiuggisl. Ir i.s better to ook on pro3perlty Iban back on glory. üest, tasiest to use and clicapcst. Plso'8 Rfinedy for C'ütiivih. lly Jnisii-b'. .M).


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