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Minor State Happenings

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ïho grand I;d;e oí ÜJd l'ellows met Ju conrtntion 1q Bay City on the 17th ingt. Tte report ot the uraud secretan' üliowed a gratifymg in nitmbersLip. ufixrs lor toeen-uuig ycar were ehosen a followg: O. A. Janes of Hillsdale, grand master: S. A. Fullas of Cadillac, dcputv g:and ica icr; Geo. M. Leve; ui uwosso, rand warden; S. H. VVhituey of Lansing, t;iaud secretury; D. B. Flltcuardoi Alleman, grand trc.surtr; B.F. Kounds of ïfeuton llarbor, grand representativo. Jaekson was chosvn as tne next place uf meeting. m. Kay of Ludington was arrested on the lbtn inst., charged with loriug pension papers. The mutilateJ Lody of Peter Hlgins of Bellaire was iound In a maoure hean near nis bume, on the 1 .tli Inst. Jlis wiie ai.d ucuhe are suspfetcu of lus dea'.h, aud üave Deen placcu uuder arrest, pending luvejtigatlon. The annual rc-union of the oíd Third Michigan cavalry was huid in Lansing on the 17th ins . The attendaoce was lanro, ihe iimtlu scai re i Teterans coming irom all parts of this and other states to met tlieir eomrades in strue, and iive over again for a few briei hours the tceues of otber das. l,ieut. McIntyre ot Hillsdale deliveied "the reiinentil acldress. 'Ibe fol.owin olücerá trera chosen lor the ensuing year: President, Maj. t.. B. Newton; vice-presidents, Wru. Woodward, Capt. urrin, J. Farsons, C'apt. Quackenbusu, and Comrade Cauiüuer; secivtary and treasur.-r, A.F. Webster. The State Dairymaa's Assoc'ation was held in Kalaimuco on the luh and lUh iütt. Topics oL mterest to the cheese and butter niaer were prisnntcJ in ablv preparad pipera aud thorouj,hly discussed. The ïollowias uitieers wcre elected for ii_e eusuiiiü year: Presiden, U. B. Horton of FrnitridKe; secietary &Ld treasurer, E. A. fctowe ot o rand Kapids". V ice presidents weiv selected irom var.oas localities in the 8Ute. The next mteüngwill be ield m Hint. CadwelI's hack barn 'in Lansing, together witu foiir hors'js, burned the Oiher eveuin" Loss, i;2,5OO; partly insured. Melvflle B. Weeks oí Plyiuoutti recently recelvad $1,00.1 as back yensión money. Michigan fishernien wül meet in Abstract hall, Detroit, Mareti 2-3, toconsiüer allmatters penainiu to the lisuing industries oí tuc great lakes. Adjutant-Oneral John Robertson has issued thefolloning: -'Uu the recommendatioa oL thi: stat;; board the stuie troops, in command oí Brig.-Ucn. 1. C. Smith, wi il liold thei encampment for the present year at Island hiu' . cumraenc n? on Tliursday, tbe lOth, ana ending oii Mondav, tie 19th of t)uv. lnaccordance itli güeral orders No. Í, tuireut surius, lcw wi.l not be admitted into coinpanies afier April II next ensuiujj. Ttto gcntlemsn, íepresentiusja Pcuusylvania oil Sviidieuto bare been cauváasiní; the country in the vioin ty ol Koyai Oak lor the pist week leas;ng all the land possiLtle, and luiend ii they get euough land, to slnk a lot oí weila next su;nmT. ihey tay therc are spiend d prosDccts for oil and hih pressnre gas. Citizids regard the scheuie with favor. On tlie advlce of tlie pardou board th gov eruor bas pardpned Ocort;o Aiesander Vvho was sent frosn Kalamazoo couaty Deo. 14, 1!S5 to six month's imprionmeni in the loniá Iiousj oi correctiou or larceoi. The reason lor ttie pardon as statcd is tljat Alexander is a au. I is ctcelining rapidly in Fleh L'uiniijissiyuer Clark of Nortbvll'e la in Chicago arraaglng for Uic nattonal meeting of the American Ushers' associaiion. Gov. Aleer lias appolnted George H. Turner ofiiiut, uil Inspector for the six.h district in place of l{. il. Utrghes deceased. Frank B. Llttkfie'.d. a weil kuown hotel keeper of Stanton, die 1 in C.recnville a lew aay.i siucu. FreJP. Watrousof Hoilv tliluks the Adveriiser ol' tLut place ha9 da:imgod him about $5 - Xw wortl), and has accord.ngly brought suit for that h noui.t. Watroua oivcd Slocuru, the editor of the Atlvertlser í 3, and siueum adverl scd the aecouut, addin; tiiat it vrouid be Eold ehcaD. Livingston county fair grounds have been soul to the Toledo, Aan Arbar & Northern Michigan ia Iroad. Mr. ]ra Frost, ageJ t5,the okiest, and one of the most retpected c:tizi-ns of dead. Dr. N. C. Hall, notorioas in this county and state for Uavii, Deen tbrlce triol for ihe murfler oí bis Hifc aud once convicted, sued the MUwaokee Sentinel for lü,(XK) libel damages lor publlehlng the facts about hls nast life which facts wre c.irrent report u the villaet of Cascade, Sueboygan county, Wlsconsln, where Hall now live, ilali didn't get a verdict.- Clinton county Kcpubliean. Dr. J. II. Bennett ol Coldwater astnrowB frúm hls bugg the othcr erenitur. and hls collar bone and iuroe rlbs broken. His horsc beame fr gntened nt a tractio;i In Ihe i-oad. liilc t.ic doctor -.v:,s a membtr of the 1 gis.atur.! three yoarj ao bj int odaced a wil iiohibiting the use oí these engrae on the, but :h: members defcat d sagj. The sherlffs' conveutlon held In Ionla recently elected J. Perklnt of Eaton, president, and Max Eatunnnn of Manlstee, ! tary. The next mcetiug will be held in üaiamazoo May (5. The Michigan bucle ti e and drainage c'ub lio.d ti:i.irannuai me t,n; in Flint on March auu 10. They have s:cure.:l reduced ratcj on the raüroads aud at hot A special to a Detroit diilysavs: A wonderful story. If true, is told oí añ aeciant to a larmer named Fanninif, living neartown It i i ld that whiio examining a ' revolver lie weapon tras a cid ntallv dischare 1 ! anuthball lmbedded .te. f in the min1 I bram, en er ng at the temple. The man Is ald to be atlll alive, consciojs and ratioual. Mm. Jobn Sturns, an old resident of ac, is Cead. The Ion.'a ud Montcalm assodatlon of Bpliituallsts wlU bold lh--.r second annual meeting at Iouia on the 27th and gtftn of Maan A. B Jtrmch of Oyde, the eminc ,t lree tboubt c:entitic lecturer, wil. be the principal seikcr. David KI o.tly, a wealthy farmer of Shirlev 111., hecame iiisani and lecreted hiraself in au oat bln in the bain. When his fmUv attcmptedtotakehiin t the umped from n-shnlinjiplactianilflreda number of shots ; woundiii; i is i.:otherLevy, his wife, ' law. and bU sou, aKed 17 year. He pursutd uia victima u short dlstance, but returued and ! set Hre to the barn and perished in the flamea. Frank Kelsc. au old resident of Ilillsdale couuty and at oue time deputy sheriff of ihe county, diud In Jonesville Feb. Slat of ' h„Vibif' T;'.dI;:' w secui-ed th : contract for ! puildin? the so diers' home, has settled contracts for th entire work. Aspechl üotirii; of the botrJ of supervisors of Lake county, called for ihe puroose of a s;tefora countv sviit, wai led In laidwln Feb. 19 and 2ü. Altera' ügbt be weea Luth r an : l'aldwin the ! lattwnas guutoJ as a permanent : ccx-aty et Xfc. m ?rd also rraaed S tiul ' VFL1? 'AuU " .telck C0Ult 5 etc ! AKOdtajr iranEdc ee wm appoínted and toe Wwk wlU be putltóil ns fast u poesible, i Wllllam lJrke of NUej ;n fatally injured in , u collUlon between liis butcgy uud aa omnibus uu the ::1m. Dr. D. B. Craln. oue of tne lurllcst settlers In ueítern Michigan, dir I fu St. Joseph on tlielst. Kenward Plillp, w: kpowo Journalist, ind the alleved autfcor oí tbe More; letter, 1 which playeu un important pari in the Garfiel i Lanipaigi), d;ed i:i New VcrK, Sumtay, tbe21st. Johu Rjan añil a coiupanlou iiamcd Kennedy ítartej tu walk Irom Ubpemlng to tbe Swauj zey mine, u aletanceof six miles, on the 21st i mst. Kyan i ecame nuinb wiüi the eold, when ; liif corapaalun carrlei htm nearlv a müe ivhen be wa-i compelled Irop hiin and btagser on alone. When KcnnedT; rcachcd the juncti n lii cou il uot spjalc for hours. Men were j sent baek lor livnn and fonncl blin [rozen. Soit will Ie i'oinuieiK.'vd agulust the Urand Rápida ifc Indiana Kailruad bv Airs. O. o. l'errv of tirand Kupids. ior $50J damajes tor being put otl the train last Uctobcr. wlnle i n her return home from J.ouisville. SÍie hail l" ni ;lit a round trip ticket, ,nd nlicn near Jelfersonville, Ind., the couduetor made her get olí iu a drencblne rain because she had not sijfned the ticket in the presenee of the Louisville agent. The Chicago & West Michigan rallroad commeuces work this weck to exteud tUeir track from llie maia liae to a point near the State SLilditrs' Hume, so that the contractor can L'oinmeuce shipplng material. It is estimated that there will be 800 car loads of ireight. Alex. Macdonald, aged 25, was killed by a fall of rock in the MihrSttKse iron mine. two miles from Negaunee. -Military Cadet Schermerhorn's resignation from West Poiut leaves a seeond district cadetship vacancy for Congressman Kldredge to lili. The art album factory at Battle Creek has an order frora W. h.. Vandcrbilt íor a massive and elegant album. It will be 2SxüO iucues of luoroccu and silvcr, the trlmmines alone costIng $150. J-ouis Bund's houae near Jioughton was burned to the grounü the other night. A man namcd Kaempier alone in the house, drunk, was burucd to death. Kalih Vorhets, one of the oldest ploneers of Adralu, Is dead. AnolPierce,whosettled in Coldwater in 1837, Jied iu Missouri of kidney trouble Feb. 'il. The body was brought to C'uldwater íor burla'.


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