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Glad.-tone hia taken tlie otlice oí privy councll in addk: u to tbat of premier: uu uuusual procecUlnx. It is understood tbat u tbe spring the Dominion governnu'iu wiil sen.t anoiher eomiiiission throujjb the northweac t.mtories to makt a thorough Inresttgation aud roport upoa tbe losses Mistaiiicü uv larmers aad utbers throiwh the rebeil.on. The Britlth parliauient reassemble.l uu tbe ltth. iso meaurt lor Ircland's relief wlU b lntroduced Leiorc Marca ist. ïbere are 8ÜÜ BUff.eriOK families In Paspebiae below fuetee, who threateo pUlïure and earnage uolesa io.;d bc given tbcm. Jt ie denied [nat anj plot exista against the liepubilu uf iraDCe. 'li.e mlultry ato be given dtscretionar. power to expel the princes il uecesMtry. Itis Huthorativt-ly auuounccd that Gladstone's flrst irejendtfoo lorjrelandlg tobe the suspension of tvlctions, umi Le ihiuks this eau iie accompllsüed ty i;rai!Mug the right ol appeal to the coui ts. Gladstoue'á health is said to be breakina down from civerw ik. St. Joiius, n. ü., w;is isitei byadeatructive üda. wave ou the 21st. arehousus in the lower part of Ule city worc llooded to a depth of four fiet. . Filty thousand soelalists met iu Hyde Park, LoudoQ, on tbe aist in.-t. Speeches were made fnmi thxec platforms. Kcsolutions were auopted exprcjetug luaiiruaticn at tbe delay ol the governmeut In commenclng pabUe works for the relief of the unemplojta urns delivered nu euecüve oranou, Iu nhich he deprecated any uitempt at )nutiii; or riotlne atlnliund ili; preTiooi tiütüjn tó moekene 01 duo uu-u auü appealej to iLe uud.ince not to lake Ihelr ran&Qm preiuaturely, i.or to eivc ine poiicc spies a cüance !u trauuce tbtm. lhecrowd ou tuis occasion was yery orucnv and tne only liisturuauce of the dav was occasioned by a biuuiUr oí tbe pólice. " It is eparted that u plot exlsts to uult Spain aud Portugal under the Duke of Bra,'anzu and to ovcrthrow the present Kegencv in Spaiu. The DuKe of Montijensler is said to head ibe intrigue. Tbe Sultan bas notiücd tin: Uritish ambassadors that Tuikey will grant uo concesslon to ureete. Lord Kandolph Churebill urges the Irlsh loyalists to organice. The annexatioo oí Uurinah was confirme! by the iinUsh patiiarnent Feb. 2&J. - Vigorous protatts ome Irorn all quarters aaluBt thj projeeled Oeruitto colopiïation of rolaad. Pondmaker, the Indlan cWeí entenoed to ■uit: otltrjr for compl'clty 11 rc-bell'on Ín the 11 mbwest bad been baptlzed by the prison ■ pr.u i. Twentv-elght other Indlans were i tineJ wlili him.


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Ann Arbor Democrat