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COOK HOUSE, EB. HUDSON, Proi Newly Fumishcd. ') iití leadlos üouao lu Anc A.rbor. UÏÏÏON HOTEL. FIRST-CLASS In n!l respect Kverything new; flne rooms, veil funii ied. LVrtüs, 1 per dayand nuwards. - uook]y boarders. Mcals 2, ccnt. ,!■ n Schneidcr Jr., Proprititor. Corner of Washington and Sec ond strcet, Anti Albor, Hlch. NICIIOL- UROS., XT W. & A. C XIOH LS, I). D. S.,Dinta vv 'Office Miisontc tem? e lilock, over Sivinsr Bank, An , Arb ir, Mich. WILLIAÏi CASPARY, OAXERY AND COK?LCTIONERY, Cor. Kourth and Aan BtrceU. ' ËDWARD PATE, MACHINIST, and re;'"'r "f Surgical Instra ; ments, Locks, Ü aud Parasolii Fine Machine and Bicyclc U 01 k a Specmltf . Bf) 85North ilaiiist., Aun Ai-bor. aiieii. RUI3EN KEMPF rpEACHF.K of Viano, Oigan and Tbeory ol X Music. No. G, liast Wasliiii(tou-st., over Ria ser á Seabült's. Lave oidera for Tiauo timing JOSEPH CLINTON, MerchiintTailor. shop over Win. AUaby's boot andshoe store. All work guaianteed or nc coarse. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OfBce, Nos. 3 Hill's Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mich. E. B. NORRIS, A TTORN'EY AT LAW. Does a general law, x coüection and convevaice business. A. moderate patronage is respectively solicited. Ofrice in the court house. Aun Arbor. O. C. JENKINS, ! SURGEON ENTIST. Rooms No. 19 South Main Street opposite the First National Bank éjin Albor, Mich. ANTON EISELE DEALER IN MONÜMWTS and Gravestone mauufactured f rom 'i.ninessee and Itoimn Sarbleand,;i n.iri '""ri Grunite Shop r. Detroit ard Cathenue sts., aiju o.iuxji.% Uich. WILLTAM IIERZ, tTOUSE, SION, Oniaiuental and Fresco PainLiter. Gilding, Calclipiuiii?, Glazingand lper Janging. All work done In the best style and frarranted to arire satief actipn. Shop, NTe. 4 Wefil Washington street. Aun Arbor, Michigan. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. PIANOS, ORQANS, SHEET MUSIt!, Instruotlon Boolcs, Viulins, Guitars. Flutes, &c, iheap at Wilsey's Huiic KooniK. enet side I'ublio quare, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The largest and )st Stock of Musical Goods ever brought into ft'aülitenaw Countv. Violiii and Guitar btrlngs % ipeclalty. N. B.- It wlll to to your interest to tall beforo purchasing an}'thing in the Musía be. Abstracts of Titles on Real Estáte[HAVE acomplete cqmpilation of tho Official Records of "Washtenaw County to dato. iac'uline all Tax Tillen, incumbrancs n Real Estat, that 3 of Record in the Registers iflice. is shown by nvy books. OÍT1 s. in t!n cffica of the eecretary of the Washtenaw mutual inaurince coinpany, in the baseüient of the court louss. C. H. MANLY. Ann Arbor. ïlich. C. W. VOGEL, Propkietok, Late of C'helsca, at THOMAS MATTHEWS' OLD STAND On Aira Street. rBESn AND SALT MEATS KEPT ON HAND The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Organized 1869, under lbo GencrAl Banking I-aw f this slitto has now, incluuuig capital htJcC, itc., etc, OTEB $500,000 ASSBXS. Business men, Quanlians, Trustees, Ladies and itiier persons willfïnd this Bank o. SAFE AND CONVENI1NT ?lace at which to makc Deposita and do bueineec Interest is Allowed on All Savings Depositi DL $1.00 and upward, according to the rul o! ihe bank. and interest coinpoundcd semi anmi Money to Loan in Sums of S2S to 0,000. lecured bj UnlncumbereJ Real Ksuto and otr.or cood aecurlties. DIHEUTOH3- Chrlnlan Mack, VV. W.WIni W. D. Ilarriman, Wüüam Deublo, Djvid Hinscy, Daniel lllscuckand W. B. Ruiilh OFFIÜBR8- Chrlstlan Mac. Prssldent; W. . V Wlne. Vice-l"reident: C. E. Uitcock, C'ashler D. KIERSTEAÜ'S WINDOW SHADE FACTORY, 35 North Fiftö dtrcet. The Favoriie of every Housekefprtf. The attention of the public is most rospeclfuUy called to my iiianutactur of Sui erlor Woo.ien Bhades, known as the Iïustic Aindow Shaüo. l?or Durabilily, Qneapnett, Convonience aud Beauty, they can not bc ezcell il. My aim s fo eupply a line of goods of genuino mei it. put up in elegant stvle, and at f:ir rales. I ani no manufacturing a Superior Shade, the b(3t oí the kind ever offered in this markct, Wcathor Strips of every rariety, for doors and Windows, at my establishment. Get Your Property InsuredBy C. H. (VULLEN, I2VSTJRA.1VCIÏ: AGKNT, No. 4 South Maiu treet, Ann Arbor. The oldest i agency n the city. Established a quarto.rof a century ago. Reprenentiug the follnwinj; first class coinpiuiies, With ovf $30,000,000 u'suets. Home Ins. Co., of N. Y.; Continntal Lne. Co., cf N. Y.; Niágara Ins. Co., N. Y.; Girard Ins. Co., of Piula.; Oriënt ''■ Ina. Co., of Hartford; Commercial Union of Londen; Liverpool aud Londou ancl Globo. WRates low. Ioses hbrlly adjustcd n4 rampUy pald. IX U. MILLEW. The org&o grinder who passes uroundhlshai for pi'imirs aíter be hac ro md out a tune is Dot beini;. S decides a Washingtoa i About three dozen cattle to the square mile mani;:e to exlíi de pito depletion of thc-ii ranks ijy liutrlnis In öie noble state of [owa. ïliu (ild Brandetb howe propertj 011 i{ro;idway, New Vi rk, sold recently at $11,000 pui footirout. It was not wanteil ot :i póstomee te. Ciematlon is very "catching" iü Italy. TUt dfematorles already establlsbed have all th business tUcy can attecd tu auü {urnuce r fcuildinj;.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat