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Around A Great State

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Kiianin' Persell oí Flint bas been appointed post oílioc Inspector for üiis state. George St. Jolm, swltchman on tbc; Michigan Ceutraï road ai Saglnavr, wbllo belping b makê up :i train, ut tempte I to get ou a buk cai but üjipiit-ü ;uiii feil on tht' niii. the wheels ol the c$r passing over liim, killin; blm almos; Ingtantly. Tlie body was cut i twain just abüvc tno tips, Tl1 1 ceasedwasSO yeara ol , aml resided us Soeloaw City, where he leaves g wldon and one chlld. Dr. Constiintiiir of Momphis, snicldod Fcb. 24th. The governor has pardoned Charle3 Cüllam. cent up f rom .St. Clftir tount. ju 1882 for lö vears (i r mur.lcr; hIso !!■;■ UcClellan, sent 'to the lonia bouseol correetion trom Saginaw, ■: i 1 IJkst, furtürcemoutbsforluiv l'or thu bi'uc t of b poor wklou', (co. Y. Darllag, commander ui (i. A. K. post N'o. iii.t, St. Obarlcs, Micb., u :ini any Boldler who cap do eo tos ad bina Informatl n rejtardlng ïltcdeaii) i ï '::rrt'ii Baker, BOpposed i" have belonged to üic Nincteenth Mcblgan in a sanitar; convention ill bc held inllowe'l , n the öil añd itii ol' March, ander the aiup: is of the state board oí bcalth. Lausinc; daims to le t:.e iliiivl ïnilling town in the state. Edwiu l-, Hall of Battlê Creek, died at Thomasvillc, (a., recentlj. Mr. Hall had gone soutb In tüe of beuetitiiii; his health. iiiiiiiH Moreland of Jerome, 68 years old, shot biinself ihrougli thu anddled in a fcwhonrsi No cause la assjgned f or the act. V. MathesOD is erectlng a atuve and heading iactor' at North Star, Gratlol eounty, Jean Eumphrey, ander sheriff of Livingston county, broké hls 104 bj u ;ali 0:1 the ice. Janson Carpenter, an old settler of Shelby, bas eut and clcarcd 000 acres oL land iu Michigan. ■ patenta recently Jssued are tbc foUowlng to MicUigan inventora: !?. (i. Alcxun. :it. Detroit, telt boatjC. M. Bartuolomew, Plalnwell, pump; C. L. Colliu, Detroit, crystaliziuic oilg; l'. s. Dav, Jackson, bath-tub:J. C. Durllng, Marine City, wlre.hoopj W. M. I uit, Dowaglac. Band band; 1). (.. Krum, KapiUs, planing ïnacliines ; H. B. Sortor, Kalamazoo, aeUrerlng mail; A. II. Traver. Jaekson, corset The statement Is made in the Peninsular Record, the'offlcial oruu of th Knirhts 01 I ai ir, tbal an assembly oí tlie orean has been Inworkingat Calmnet for ncarly amonth. The oilicers of the CaHimrt LLecla. mfaJaq compajui K'-'v" ' '■■'■ 'At'"'1 i-hat any ol tbeïr employés jQlnlng the Knlghts of Laboi would be dlscharged, bat It was tliought thD thal :ui effort rtould be made tci organize nol withstaudiug the actlon of the nompany's offieers. Ëhelton (iunn. ajed 11. is under arrefit in Rápida ior ivrltluetbreateniug lettel J. 1). Harding, the newly Hppolnted postmaster at Biadley, threatenln t burnhls house, tho postotiíec, and kill liim uniese he ■ l hu posltlon witbtn thirty days. The lpttrrs wi;".1 tuailed at NV'ayland, and tïic handwrltlng and h:ïs goes to show the young man'a guilt. Many thinks Lee üuull, tormcr tefj i iinp'licated also. ■ The Becretary of the state agricnlturaj society wlllreceiTe trom clties interestcd for a permanent location of the state fair, untll Maren 23 1 1 nicJ that Judgo Powerö of Kalamazoo iüttnds to rcilirn is territorial judge of Utah The villas;..' board of 8t. Louis has closed a contrae! wiih V. . Starkey of lonia, to re iiiuvu liis mu and paü factory tp St. Louis. The villaje dohated St.suo and two acres of land for the factory. euuion of the First Michigan Infantry wUlbebetaat Jacksoo May 5. Gen. Wilcox Btt's llarliur, nul Ben. Kobinson of New Vork, will bc there. M. II. l.ane of the Michigan buggy ..)in,any Kalamozoo, has been offered a bonus of (25,stablish a Usé iudustry in a western ti.wn. '. 1;.r.i;.':!;!;!,.iv.l:.'-.;v'l{{ü!Jïn15üa 'C: Ban li ane sco. in the presence of a large compony ol cltlzen üiü gun öred a steel projcctlle elght inchea long by two and onc-half in dii tbrough ïourtecn platos of boiler iron, sLtand one-quarter lnches in thiekness, and Xour íeet Into a los of Bwamp oak. This wa done witti ten pounds of powder and the hole was ent as MiioutU as il turued out. There is Uttle or QO rccoil. It is claimed that this gun wiil earry aball fliteen miles. Several otüer tests were maile with smaller arms, all showing its wonderlul abilities as a steel and iron piereer. Chas. Tiedka, contractor for the soldiere' lome, llled nis fcoud lor 40,000 witU Manager also a boud for the sum of i5,0JJ uiider the ipcehaijics' liiu law to protect the ivorkinen and thbse who provide maThe iKums of the bondsmen are wlthheld. bui it is onderstood that sereral Saglnaw capitalists are aniong theui. Pow Wis.', Kd and Dennis Kauc. have I ren held for trial on a charge of assault and batterv Upon Daniel Loaney at the riot In Coral on the night of Feb. ':, whlle Loaney h . i een i mimi .ver to the next term of the drenit tourt charged witb lirlnsj; the shot wliieh lülieil James Saloney. A number of tcughs in Oscoda brokc into a atable house the óther night, and after demolishlog the furniture sei lire to the buildIng, irhlch was.ontliely destroyed. The gang wrn arrested. Ilcnry Stevens, a íficulgan lumber klng, di:d in touthern California Feb. üith. Ii-. (;. N. w. Ewager, fir twenty-fiye years a nj ,-iiiau In tbis taie ánd a íormer w. (lied at bis home in Denver, Co)., vccenuy of ínílammatory íever, uu. r an of eüifht Öays. He was73j-cars ol ago. Mrs. Frank Urubaugh of Itliaea, eharged :■, : murder her husbaudt'. put in no d and luis been held to the ejreuit conrl In Lhe sum of $aL0. Jler bnsband slgned her bal! bom . il Ie Hodgkin of Cadillac, was bitten by a dog come time ago. Feb. 24he was suflermg wilh hyd.(jihobia in uil its horrors. jury in the case of Detective Ballard against Byron Crouch et. al. rendercd a verdict of $aiH.4S in favor of Ballard. Tbc jury liours. Ton CnrtU, tenteneed from l'ontiac onc vear ago to 10 years at .lacksou for burglary, en grantéd a new trial, and is in jail in l'ontiac avralting the setting of the circuit court. Moses Ferry, from Bajrjnaw City, and bi ad sawyer for the l'ennsylvanlalumbër coman'. Viis killed in l'n-dmout, Mo., the other inorning. He was accldentally.thrown before one óf tiie large circular saws and lus body was ent In two. under ltose, an employé oí the Brush e'.ectrlc llght compahï ol Detroit, feil from oue ol the lij,rht towers in that city, the othcr day. and was histautly killed. ph B. t'larke the oldeit practiciDg attorney In southwestern Michigan, dled at bis home in Dowagiac the other morning of plieu8 i yi old and widely knewn, havlng held mauy prominent positious .l pront and trust. Ilë was a brother öf ltGrace Qreenwood.'1 Th ■■ i .Uowiu'i are the oflicers of the grand eouncil óf royai tê&plari f tëmperacce for i, ulngjear: Grand couneUlor. Mrs. P. B. Whittici.l. Gran l Raplds; grand tIcï eouncillor. L. K. 'Kuiiiiir.'l, Hay City; gran 1 ehaplain, Mis. O. .M. Cooper, Battle ('reek; grand treasurer, A. íS. Paríridge, Flushlng; grand berald, U. W. Brundage, Kalamazoo; grand ! deDuty hc-rald, Andrew Harshaw, Alperia; rand guard, R. J. li. Newcomb, MaiusUe: grand sentiu;-l. T. E. Sharp, WhltehajQ; i jrfor three years. II. L. Brewer. Gréenillê. The next fession will beheld in Lan9ing on the íourtb luesday in i eftruary, isöi. 0 ■'■. mm nny has been organized at Zeeland tot the purpose of crecting a : . tlmi 11 have a capacity of malung ui gilt edgecreamery butterdaily. The site selected is on the side of a hill where u .-trcani of i okl spring water i au i uu Uuouuh the creamery. WiUiuin Jones and wtfe. livin? near Vandalia, werc dlvorced severa! weeks slnce, Mis. Jones retalning possesslonof thetwo children. The father made everv effort to get the cbildren. Uut iailed uutU'thc othrr day, wlien he paid hls ex-wlfe -?:i.(X)0 and the custody 'of his ehilircn was trausi'crred to hira. The Toledo A: Ana Arbor railroad will be built to Cadillac by fall. Haníord Emlth, tbe defauUinx treagnrer oí townsblp, Kalkak county, has been Iracedto Canada. The amount oi the mu bezzlement foots up over $3,1000. A leward of?600is ofleredfor his captare, llisboud-)inen are poor. so the loss falls u[)on the townbhi) and eouuty. The Qolncf drlylns park aBsociation annouuecs a series of races for June lií, 17 aiu 18, wlth about l,üou in the porsea. In the 2-minute, 3:80, 2:S0paclnj;, and 2:40 daeee the purse is $löu; in the free-for-all, $200. Tiie iirveyors of the proposed Mus; QrecDVilledE Sagina.-, railruad have n AfWev. line 6 íouncl to he a fayorabl one, thelast etohtesn miles From Carson to Ashley l fiíiir a direct cascand west line witli rery liglit grades. East Jordán wants mi ., o. 1, mason. W.J.Carvetb ;f Ilastlngg, convicted of an at.tempt to p ison Lis wife. has beun sentenccii to JacusoD for 10}i-rs Willle Hcdklns, the iitt'.c boy of Cadillac who has been suileriQK irom liydrophobia, will recover. M ary Noel, ajred 23 vears, dauhter of John Noel, a wel] known farmer of Wyoinlng townshtp, KcDtcouutv, dicci other evenlnu in alioiiM' i:i (.i-.i n 1 Kapids, i. ia suspecttd, from the cffeete o an abortlon. Thecaiueoi her trouble Is said to be ayoung man living aear her home. II. Sehafer of Corunna, arrestcel on a charge of throwing poison m a well. has bad a preliminary exainination and been bound over to the May term of court llis bail '.vas Bied at $-2,000. (ieo. W. Wendoek and E. L. Laey, appointcd inspectors of the Michigan uiilituy academy last year. liae sent in a report to'Gov. A'ger eommenolnp the coure of instruction given at Orchard Lakc -and spcaking In bigh iernu ol ttir efflcloncj of tLe professors aiiu admirable situation of tbc sebool. A man Iívíul' near Coldwater was eonvertcd bj the salvation army, and the cood spirit rnoved blm to acknowiedjte t') onc farmer that on a previous oecasion ho bad stolen sevcral sheep from him, to anothcr t at he had robbed bis hen-roost, and vet a third that he had grain bags belonging to him. E. 11. Clarke, a prominent and wealthy drugcist of Cotdwater, bas offered to eret. a freo public library building and dónate it to the city. The estimatcd cost is ?15,0J0. Edward Keeve.s, bookkeeper and confldential clerk for O. ii. Gibson, a liveryman ol' Grand Kapids, had a duplícate key to the safe made, and durini; the tcinporary abseucc of liis cmployer stole HOi collectcd Ï20 more an 1 ilepartcd for parte unknown. On the lst inst therc 237 inmates at the Michigan soldlers' home. Harre; Manhall, Ihrice tried and finallv convicted íor criminal assault on Miss Delhi 1 irakc of Woodstock, Lenawee couuty, has been senteneed to tour years at .lackson" lic still insista that he is not guilty. Some of his counsel made an eloquent plea for the prigouer and the lattur wedt audibly. Chas. C. Johnson of Maniste will have to pay Miss Maren F. Kirk iü,UOO for failurc to Keep his promise of marriage witli her. Georgo T. Wllliatus ofHanover, Jackson county, sued that town for S1O,(AK) lof the loss of the llfc of Frank Williams by the breaking of a bridge. The jury rcturned a verdict of . nts. Richard Youngs. a pnminent farmer Dnng ncar Hastings, feil dcad on the street on thu lst inst. He was a pioneer of Barry county. Qeorge B. Stebblns, was elected president of the state spiritualists' association at its recent meeting m Grand Kapids. The Xiirr.s stave conipany?s hcading works irere destroyed by lire t'eb. 7. The works t;ave been lying luie for neitrly a yctir, and the 1 roprletors thlnk that tramps set lire to the Oulldiug. Tli is is the second or third time tbc works Have been destruved by lire. A yonng bov, nged 17, wa-s run over by a Grand Rápida & Indiana BWltch engine in (Iraud Kapids, aud instanUy killed on the lst Inst. lie was ïtKind alongslde the track with his scalp torn olí lijs bead and his body tcrrlbly mutllated. Notbinu was fouud on bis body to kleutiiy blm and no one has claimcd the body. William.Foley of Port Sanilac, hurjg himself i)ll UlO 1-St lllSl. A vacant building In Hudson. belonging to the Eaton Brothers, aud formcrly usèu as a rheélbarrow factory, burned reeently. Loss about $1,(XX). covered by insurancc. An attempt was máde u few weeks aüo to lire the sume building. President Willis says the agricultural colloge is lull to the rafters. During the vacaliou Just closed all available store rooms, tc. Lave beeu eonverted into sleepiug rooms, and all are Dow taken. About tü uew studqnts entered last week, aud ir.ore are coming. The -'.'■Ví(':';íff;iíi'eiieíu'"j'or"iiiv.r lei'oiniiíodaUou. Before anotlier year a neiv dormitory will be indispensable. The body of an uukiiown boy was iound on the Grand Rápida Os Indiana track in Urand Kapids. Hls nmains were badly ïuutilated. The body o.' a well developed male ehild was found by an employé of ltt i Cranages in a llour sack near iminiU in Hay City the otlicr morning. Jt had evidenïly been there for gome lime as deeomposition set in. An inquest will be lield. Tweuty thousand brook trout eggs were re' celved from Caledonia, N. Y., and plantod in the Towuseud ponds at Twin Sprinars the other day. Henry O. Bowen, a pioneer of Nashville, died ot rheumatism of tfie heart a lew dajs ago. The Detroit, Bay City & Alpena railroad will employ 5'JO men on the Alpena extensión tbis Miinmër. and the result of it i.- hopcfull..' regarded at Au Sable aud Oseoda as likely (o produce an fnercase in the rate of wages. Mis .]. M. Bwett'.and lias purchascd the abstract bookg of Kaiamazou c mnty lor $7,00ü and will run the lier mvn solí. I.ake Hurou ve] orled to bc open as far as can be seeu ironi Au Suble tnd the ice on Saginaw bay istliin audweak. This looks like ■ n early breaklng up. Mr. Charles D. West of Adrián sustains a ileep atliictiuu In the almo:-t cúmplete décimation ot his íamily by searlct lever. Only a few days &p a son as taken o;ck aud died after a"n iliness that lasted put a few hours. A second cuild died tbè sectmd daj' after, and a thlrd one succumbed to the dlsease the next dav after tl. e decíase of the fcoond. The oldestBon is dangtrouily UI alio.


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