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Washington Waffles

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The issue of the s.tanüard silvcr dollars irom the miuls i. uring the wee-t euckil t'ub. 2'j was S06,930; tb 1SU duriug the correspondí!!;; pcriod of Imtyear was $l :i 40. The shrp o.' frdctionnl llver colD (luritij; the moutli of icb. uaiy amouuU lo (160,469. "An aisodftttuu was Incorpórate! Ia Wiishngto . Feb. ; " uu er i te name oftlie "Clerks' i Beueficlal League,'1 h ■ ub'cct ot whtch is to i :usit li.-i1!. :;i_c U U r. 3. Branches will be ( stabllsbed in all the large cites tor the pit office audcus'.om house c)e ks. Theinitia ion i ice is '. Tbc posl-ollice appropriatlon bilí íor the current ycar asks for (54,326,688. About il5,tOJ,üuO aie askcd of this congress for the im[ roveruent ol rivers and harr,or.-i. A bilí wai Introduce In the Sonate Feb. 25, establishing u tal Hüvlmvs depository as a branch of the ctepartment. Smne Washiugtoi gentlemen pr.iose to e.v tablisb a permanent Ajnencan exposltlonin tl:at city and to hola a workl's cxpositlon in I89i In Donor of the 400th anniversary of the diseovery of Ainerit a. The pension pavmenta íor Febiuary amounted to about $11,000,000. Secretar; Lámar has requestedtne attorneyireneral to insUtute suits against parties for tiin'icr trespass on lands reserved lor school i purposes in Washington territorv, thus assert! in the rilit and purpose of the geni ral governinent to proieet these lanls froin tiespass till such time as the rant of the lands is completed, upo the admission of the territory ú a state. The public ebt was reduced $2,'O2,153.31 (lurinji the month of l'Ybruary. The seeretary of war bas withdrawn his ODjcctlüns to the proposed sale of the Kort Bra 'v site. A special message from the president was Iaiil beiore the Seuate on the Ist inst. In this message the powers ol the diftereut branches of tbc goveriuneiit ari' clearlv delincd and set forth. The rlgbt of the Seuiïtt to cali for unofficial papers Is deniéd bj the president, and he further slate ; that his power of Buspension is'not subject to siiuttorial review ex( ept in case of tmpeachment. He iurther states that he is íespousible to the people and not to the Sonate, and in ery j.laiu AnglO-Saxon eays that the threat thatno coniirmations of n m inations will I e made nnless the demiud, ol the Senate be ecmplled with, will not deter bim Irom doin what he lelieves to be for the best good of the people. The tieasiiry department bas gnstoined the action of the collector ol custonn at Corpus Christi, Texas, iu assessing duty at the rate of 10 (cntB per pound on eertaJu wool imperted at Laredo. The issue of the standard silver dollars from the m'nts áurlnz the week ended Feb. 2? wa $805,000. The issue during the correspondlns period of last year was i.w.10"the shlpmente of fr---1 -ve.' o:n durnnt .... „.x„iiii of rebruary amounted to - 89. The naval committec of the House are of the pinion that buildt rs of the Ameriearr navy nist patronlze home industries. Pension commïss'oner Blaek i ; inaking ireparations to exposé his predecessor's shortoinings.


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Ann Arbor Democrat