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TH3 m mi mm, PUBMBIIED KVICiïT FUIUAY AT ANN ARBOR, - MICHIGAN BY JOHN L. BURLE1GH. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. TERMS: I ei. so per anjvtjm If pald at the end of sii montii, or i QI.OO I N ADVANCE, II. E. H. BOWEB, Editor. Office, P.ooms í and '', O;ipra üonso bloek, oo ner Main and Aun Streeto. COOK HOUSlí, f? H. tIUD8OM, Prpprietnr. ..Neuiy Fui-niil'.rd. 'I h lcadlng houa In Ano írbor. UNION HOTEL. ' T7MBST-CLAS9 in all regpecl Everythlng X n?w; (inr r ■ ferm, 91 pvrtUyand uiwartls. Speels: .-lies to reekIr boarden. Mei! 25 cral. Joan Schntder ■ir., rrpriotor. Corner of WaaliiugtouandSoO' ona clreeto, Ann Arbui-, Mlch. NrCHOLS BROS., ' , 'OTu-e "" ..).■ lilick, over Sias Bank, V 1 :i -, ■ ' WTLLIAW ÜASPARY, I DA.KEIIY AND 0OH7CCT1QKEBY, Cor. Fourth n:ul AanBtreotc EDVARD PATE MACHINIST, and rei airerof RurglcaJ ïnatrtf meifluí! l'sntsojf] Kine Machine and Bíchele Wo k a Sijccir.lty. m) 85 Nortli Main-st , Aun Albor. ftiicli. npKACIIFK oí Piano, Crgan and ïheory ol -'■■■' ■ ., over Ría scy & Seaboi&'s. Li ;uo 01 aria Cor I lauo timing JOSEPH CLINTON, MerchmitTailor. shop over Wfni. Allaby'sbool and shoestore. All vvori; guarauteed or nc cuargo. JOHN F. LAWRÉNCE, ATTOHNEY AT LAW. Ortlce, Ros. 3 Hifl's O"jra House, Au Arbor, Mlch. E. B. NORRIS, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Does a general Iaw, . cclieciiot! and mc uusincsa, A uoceraii' p.i t - : j t -,.- ; [j solicitad Dñice in the c 'int boiue, Anti Arbor. O C. JENKINS, V'UKWi'í.írt -T-rctiNT. Röcm Xo. 19 South O Main Street uppo-lte Ui e First National Bank liiu Albor, Mtch. ANTON EISELE, DEALER IN' aiONÜHTSwad Gravestone oaanufactured from 'Knnessee and Italian tfarbleandöeutcii aod American Granito Shop W nMiLd s., Ann Arhor.. Uich. WICLTAM HERZ, HOUSE, SIG:, Ornanicntji! and Frenco Prttn ter. Qild)ii2, Calcliniiiinj, Olüzinjf and Paper riunging Al) work don iu the best style and rarranted tü ïiresatieiaction. Shop, Nu. 4 West tVushiuglon etreet. Aun Arbor, Mirbigan. WILSEY'Ö MUSIC STORE. OÍANOS. OKGAS'S. SHKKT hCÖSIO, InstrucL tion Books, Viojiiss, Quitar, Flutes. &c. , ilioap at Wilst-y's Muslc Rocnus, ea side l'viblio' iquare, Ann Arbor. Michigan. The larjeust and )at fetock of MusicaJ Qooda ever broiiffhl into ffaahtenaw Countv. Vtolln and Quitar Strlnga % tpeclalty. N. B. - It yiUI bt to your Interest to jiill before purchasingr anythins in the Muslo Iba. Abstracts of Titles on Real Estáte[il AVE acor.ipieto compilation of the Official Becordi of Waahtenav County todaio, iucluling all Tax Tiilf , Kxecutioii?, any incumbroiice )ii Real Estáte, tfaat laof Recordin tlmKeglstra idee, is shown by my books. QiiU ?, in the fhca tf tbe secn feary oí WnshteoAv mutual iasiir ince company, in the baseaiQui .f tbe lourt C. ïl. MANLY. Aun Arbor. Slich. Marlet. C. W, VOGEL, Proprietor, Late oï riit-isru, at THOMAS MATTHKWb' OLD STAND On Ann Slreefc, rBZSH AND SALT 11EATS K.EPT ON HAND The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Organiseert lBü9, unJer tlie Qenerl Bknklns I.air tf Ihtv state has now, iticluaing capital htoele, ito., etc, otjsr $000,000 Assura. Business man, Guardians, Trustees, Ladlea and ther persons will ttnd tbfi Banb % SAFE AND C0NVENI1NT lace at whlch to mak e Deposits and do businre. interest s Allowed on All Savings Depositt Df tl.OOand upward, accordlng to tlie rulrs of ihf. bank. and interest compouudcd eemianuu Money to Loan in Sums of 525 to $Ö,OOO, iccarcd by Ur.LucumbereJ Keal Estáte and otear jood securltios. DIHEUTOK- ChrlstUn Mack. W. W. Wlne W. D. Hnniinan, W'IH-Hra Ueuble, David KÍOMT. Daniel llisooci and W. B. Sailtb OFÍ'ICEBS- ChriBtian Mao'.. Prasident; W. W Wtnes. Vk'6-Prenidi'Ul: C. E. Hlscock, Oajhlor D. KIERSTEAD'S WINDOW Sil,DK K.UTf iRV, SS -N'orth Fifia dtreet. Th Favorita of veri Housekflep. The attenlion of the public is most rosjun-fully CHlleil to my niamitncturi! of Sr.i i'rinr Woodeo Shades, known as tlie lïiisiio W'indow ShadO. For Durabiiily, C' :-apiiofi, Convonience and Beauty, they can not e exce il. Kj oim is :o eui'ply a yo dsóf enuiufl mérit, put tip inelegant st lp. p.iui itt fair ratc?. I ani now manufseturing a Superior Shade. ihe ukjI o( the kind ever offered in this market. Weathoi btrips of every variety, for doors and wiudowt, at my establishment. Get Your Property nsuredBy C. H. MiLLEN, iisrsuTtivcii: agknt, No. 4 South Main ttreet, Ann Arbor. The oldest aKeuoyiu the city. Established a quartfrof a centurv ago. RpresentiDg the follruvin flrstclas companle, with over S30.ituu.U0 a'wats. Home Ins. Co., of N. Y.; Cuiitinental Ins. Co., cf N. ï.j Niágara lus. Co., ol N. Y.; Qirard Ins. Co., of Pluk.; Orioat Ins. Co., oí Hartford; Commercial Union oí Londc' í; Liverpool und Londou (ind Globe. &W Ratea low. Ineses liberal); dtusted u rsmpUy pald. 13 8 " ' I SV. The oi es aroundhtekal Tor pennieg after bc ims gronnd out a üin is oot begging. So decides a Washington i About torce dozen .:ittle to the square mile m;in:i;rc to eJClsi fanks by butchtrs iti thQ noble atatQ Of [owa, Tiie old Brandetb bouB6 property on Broadnay, New ITork, sold reccatly ;it" $ll,0)i) peí foo. front. It was Bot wantol M a postofflet tU-.. Crcmatlon is vcry "catchlnj" ld l'r.Cy. The creroatoiics alre&dy efitabllshed havo all ih hualnesa they can tttend W aml furnaces tu 'luililinj;.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat