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Here's a precious pair of "spasms," a hurch paper having lucidly declared bat: In the twelfth hour of glory of God, he hfe of God, the Lord in God, tüe loly Procedure shall crown the Triune eator with the disclosive illumination. Then shall the oreation, in its effulgence, above the divine seraphim ariae mto the lisolosure in one comprehensivo, revolvng galaxy of supreme creat-ed beautiude. An exchange learnedly adds: Then shall blockheadiem, the jackassical dome of disclosive procedure - above the allired great leather fungus of Peter Nipninvigo, the great goqseberry gnnder, arise into the dome diaolosed until ooiqual, co-extensive and conglomerated umaxes into ope grand, comprehensivo mux, shall assimilate into nothing, and revolve like a bob-tailed pussy oat after he space where her tail was. The following is taken from the School Bulletin, published at Syracuse, N. Y., and was called forth by a leoture on the "American Mind," delivered by a college president, who made use of the simple and comprehensivo little pbrases quoted in the article: What has the American mind left unaccomplished? With Icarian resoluteness it bas penetrated the solaric halos of etherial heights and described the incandescence of lunar'pertuberances, and it has descended into the innermost recosses of the dolphinio and mermaidic portions of the coralic abodes. It Las Qot only outwitted the "Stone-eyed Sphynx of Assimilation" and is "waken ing receptivity" germinated the "souls of HnruUHnii onarchy," bilt with matUomot ïcal and scientiüc accurac it has determined the sine and cosine of "the fatalistio curvings of divinitism. " Upon the "desired perpetuity" of madonnic halos" it has cast a "dry and inductivo light," and through both the concurbit and "tho ilembic of native genius'] it bas recast the "unassimulated oonstituente" of "apparent organism," and with oracular utteranse and "ecclesiastical closeness" has steadfastly maintained a "receptivo attitude with the willing power of homogeneity."


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Ann Arbor Democrat