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City Locáis. I Dyeino and Clbaning. Mrs. M. M. Tuttle, in the Keek block, is agent for the New York Dyeing Estabhshment. Qarments of ladies and gentlemen dyed and cleaned to perfeoecton. Si'k and Satín DresRes, Scarfs nd Ribbons, in every color, may be leaned and color preserved. Aleo Light ilks or Ohecked, Striped and Figured mtterns, without injury to color or fabic. Furniture Goverings and Drapery, n Chintz and Holland, Bed and Winow Curtans cleaned by ingenioun mahinery wiihout ripping apart, and they re not ent in the lazing procese. Isde-up garments dyed and cleaned in Imost all cases without ripping. In act everything dyed or cleaned in a manner unequalled by any similar esablishment in the country, and at the ame price as charged at the asrennv vj XJ.?!h. Mutiëat' hïï Sney tore. A. Wallaoe & Co., have another oar oad of horses for sale. They can be ound at Bert Oook's Fe.d Barn on Secnd strect. Millineby Store. The rooms now occupied by Mrs. M. tf Tuttle, at 60 South Main street, Keek lock, for a millinery establishment, are ie most commodius in the city. She will qarry a large line of Millinery goods, nd invites the ladies to oall and examne goods and pnce. All the latest :yles of head wear kept in stock. Store n the evening lighted with electricity. Down Thby Go. Now is the time for those who wish to mrchase carriages in all styles, to visit ur warerooms on W. Liberty and 2nd ., and make ihcir selections. We are orced to sell that we may make room or our new brick manufactory which will be commenoed at once. Boom we must have, and on this acoount carriages nd wagons will be sold lower than ever efore in this city for all firstclass work. Walker Bros. The New Spring Style Dunlap Hat just eceived at A. L. Noble's. The Dunlap Hat. iy originahty, fairness of quality and orrectness of style, has becomethe leadnii and most fashionable Hat in Ameria. For sale at A. L. Noble's Sherwin-Williams Paints. I am the sole agent for Washtenaw 'ounty for the Celebrated SherwinWilliams Paints of orer 100 different lades, auy one of which can be seJected rom samples at ni y store, 70 South Main treet. These paintB have been used in lis city for the past five years, and have evor failed to give perfect satisfaction . O. O. Sorg. Olass. Glass. Glass, Special attention given to f urnishing 3late Glass Fronte and Mirrors. O. O. org. Dry Colors. I carry the fullest line of Dry Colors n the city, and at reasonable prices. Bemember the place, O. O . Sorg, No. 70 South Main street. Wanted. Position as salee man or lerk, by a young ïnarried man. Refernces given. Address this office. Alabastine. 1 am agent for the Grand Bapids Alabastme.the only pure oolor for walls and ceilings. O. ü. Sorg. Punfy your rooms by using Alabastine. i'or sale by O. O. Sorg, 70 South Main treet. IS ice Sweet Oranges, 18 for a quarter, at G. Schiappacasse's. Anv one wi-hing flrst-class Oranges and Lemons, Candy, etc, should oall on James Sohiajipacasse, Uuron street. When you can"t get money anywhere else, have good security, wish to pay a fair rate of interest, and do a square business, come to me. D. Obameb. Wanted. Two flret-olass pant makers by W. G. Burohfield, No. 10 East Huron-st., Ann Arbor, Mich. Hall to Bent. Suitable for a society or any other purpose. Cali on or address O. M . Martin. Loanino.- Money to loan on first-class Real Estáte MortgageatOurrent ratea of Interest. Satisfaotory arrangements made with capitalisls desiring such investmente. Every conveyanoe and transaction in abstracts of titles oaref ully examimed as to legal effect. Z. P. Kind, Ann Arbor Claibvoint Physioian. Dr. L. D. White is still in the Duffy block, opposite the postoffice, where he has an extensivo business. He can be found in his office at all hours. Cistorns built and repaired. Mason work of all kinds done on short notice. Leave orders corner Fifth and Huron streets. G. D. Collins.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat