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Do You Kncw a Vi WTiO'e wife is iroul'ed ivi'.h auliil'ty. i ei ronsnr s. livor complalnt or rbeu natism, Jut tell blm tt is a pity to let ldy su cr lb:it way, w' en Brown'a Iron Bitt.Ts will relieve her. Mrs. l.lí. i díerly, üext r. Me., mys. "Browa'8 Ircm Bitters cured m f debilit; aml 1 alpitnt'on of th 1 e.irt." Mra. H. 8. Mc1 augluní ni S arl oronjth, Mr., sa' 1 e littcr cima her o dtb'litr. Mre-HanllDK 'í WindI an ( ctiT. In tbe same stille, s it cured h r ol i ziiicsH n bead. So it has cureJ tbcK snnd ol' otlier ladle It is sa!d tli:it (lie Waterburv watch comwül comtaence winding up iheir bosineas shortlv. I had a Dreadful Coigh, and raied a considerable smount of b'ood and n atter; I es ti s. J ve ■■. and sy wak 1 c i.ld sj; rc:j y !: ah u: th ! onse. 'I hls w;is tbecacofa non itu consampt'oa ar slna from IlTer complalnt. He recoven d his liealth completelv by !lu use oí I)r. PUroe's "Goleen i Meukal Discovery." Thoufanda of others Lear timilar t: stímony. Jorah was tío flrst vlct m of foot-pada. He was ivh;ik-l. i i ii si. dít. For the L dies. Layahter s the i o r min'a piaster, u wij; i vt ry iuir Icd :g -t; Turn ngsadness lato glai mu, Darkest hoorto May davn brigut. 'Tls the ace: e;t -ml tbc dieapest Cuie io:' il!s of this descrlpl on, Sut for üiosc inat woman's li ir to. Is J)i úrte s-l-avorito l'resciïption. Carea all na i;c-s una Irre:ulartic8. "bcaiiDK down" tensa' 'ons, "interoaliey r," blo&tiDff, dlsp'p.oemenift, Ennan ina'ion. nimning sichness and tendency to eanicr ais tl.srae. Priee reduced to one collar. By droogste. Ifoi ; or ion, let your liic besucn Uiat none wil! I êltevc bi.ii. -: - Delicate Llaeafe. affectins male or [(male, li wever lm uceo, epeedüy aml {-)i: in. ntl i'uivü. Illnstrated touk for 10 cents in;t:iiii;s. Wor.d'8 Ulapensary Medical Assoviath 11, üj Ma n Stre u Bi;alo,N.Y. Sprlnsr-fong oí the diy-goods clcrlt- "SingnR in de lain." The Kmi eror of Gcrmany doos not Mee the piano. '■1 forgot" is ncver au acccptáblo excate. Tfcc longfït po'c kno.ks tic esimmmis, nnd bigc ow's Cure luio.ks all i ast mi :n u n;.;i J.i. „..,.,-v .....i. i . '-1 aut iorchiidnn. Êaie aud speeily. 53ceuw. Sprint; Isthe Benson when the eowsllps in the pastuic. t: rus, mi ni n-'uii en i uit'. tcmjHiv ne in uil ihcir hup tuig siaulines?. Hox't mvii i r. there is a cute for catarrli and cold n 1 e ad. Thousanda t st fy tbat Ky s ( rcüin alm i as i Dl rcly cu ed them, lt Is a af o and ileacant remeuy. it is not a li u ú or bntil. lt nirei bj deanslDR ard healin. Prlce "OnnU. At Erugists. üu ci-nts by ma I. -Ely Br ia, Oweg . .n. i. ■ t'am Jones says he never wiot.: a sermón iu bis Líe. I uave used Ely's Cream Balín for dry Caterrb ito wl ich enstein rrsoisare subject vi o con. e to !he lure.iit lias provetl a cu;c.- li. 1'. M. e■]s, Denver, Col. Bret Harte s uead Isnow almost white, but hls )acc is s:i: youthíul, I n ave been a preat suílmrof dry catanb for manv v ;.rf. and 1 trk-d maiiv rtmediei v.Li h helpgd nu', but 1 1 a i none uhi.h d d mr (o much heueflt :i llv's Cream i alm; it cotnplctely i-ure I me.- M. ■). 1 al!y, 'JJ Wocdwa.d Ave., Boston Hlgbïands, Mass. Poe tor Mary WaH er never waits whfle 6he gets her 1 ijrli bat b!ot-' ed. Wb ki: omm] kd 1 Iv s Cream 1 a'm where a cure lor C'atarrh is called lor; it is in mot c.]-..-i.."..'.ii;'.'.' iil'C- 1 eek brs., Uiu.isti, Mrs. Hooier aya tl at Mme. Bernhardt is now nothiuic but skin and After u-iög abouttwo-ih rds of a bottle o' At. lophoros iry rbeu.i atism went away as ïf by eome engine pi w r. and in a fi-w i ay I waa eiiiir lv c 1 and weot :;b.ut tny or ." T. K. C i :itli(! il, eontraetor, 3l5 hlèvcnth avenue, Milwankee, v .-■'. Wby do dogs ie. d muelin' ' To ir.ake tbeir pants," probably. CoNSCMPTiox.-t-l or the euro of th's dstn ssfng 3'gease tbere 1 ::s Loen io n e licine y. t diacovertd tbat eau show more evidente ot re..i nur.t than Allen'a Lung bal::nn. 'i.c, %c, auJ $1 CO a bo tle. w, naai in MÏÏREAM BS forc the sccoiul WB l'A'fct Cln?rcCOVy Balm ras cxiausW'-yOlOaO, TJ td - f ivas tro'Mu , fHAYFEVERM M?jÊ zi'iti chroiiic ui fcfr "SSb 'ar rh. gatit ril iti Wa!f " SOBl beatl. "dijpculty MT rffWi breathing ".-! H Sf"rj5o&'3 'un, 923 cursi!,. mmÈF I.'l.-.IL'IL' st., piiia. H "FEVER Apartide Isaptlled Into oach oostrl! knd is :igrea. olc to itse. Prlcfl J t. by mail 'v et '' riiKt-'lst. Srml fur ■irculur. I LV BBOTBEttSL llrugeists, üwego, K. Y Mr. M. P. SCniïOf'K, (T2 "Bt Ltko Street, Chlcajo, vu Heliess fron Rbetit])fttUm. Hls jjiiv-icfan fcnrcl aniputatlnn of the bl irouW be Ku-asury. He trïod ATHLOPHOROS. n-i io two days was eure'l. Athloporos ia prooounced aftm'.ute'ystte by one nf the leadiog hyiictansof thccoun::_r. lik jrour drmïijlit for A v. ifjOtteMBOS pet it of bira do nol iry pometljiog tlsc.but order al once Trom us. We rï - ■:. : :iion rccelptof price. l.UÜpcr hot tle. TTÏTOPHOROS CO.. 112 Wall St.. New York, ÏÏATS ANÏÏ"'"CAPS f ƒ To the dealen ;t such ïow prloes that IT WiLL PAY A BUYER Tovlslt our store. FurnndWool Stift iniaiof-, nlso w ruw hals lor Ueuls, La.ias anu OUIIdren. F. BUKL & CO., UCatKl us JqffertoH Ave., Detroit, Mich. r.DR. RADWA.'S" SAESAFAEILLIAN KESOLVLNT TheXreat Blood PurifierForthe cuMbfnll ron te dtseoses. oi.rantc Rlicu n a dit, (!ir ni ( a tu I ■ ie le. . 8 iv.i.u Ktp ..itiio (.lii'.pln'n . e:c. O.s.i uhr wc n - ir t.u hlhg ■'■ AHtttitJ ia, cd g uf tij, l. i.:--.!! irp) Water Bo wuiteS ■.i.fjgs, ' u . i. . iu) s ÏIloicüc.% . rupriun vt lio i .t ■, l!i.. IiP.-:iscfl, JJl-ul'Sy. KtckOlS billt Iï n'Ull), üitiucli.t e, c n.mi.ii,.. .üu, i '..!■■■ i ■ ■ I. i'i ey, L-idUoi, Uvcr coinplaiuu. utc, SCROFÖLA, tVhother transmlttod frötn pflron'fO" aenuirccl, fi wi 1 1 1 tl.c u .uiwr.ii.j-: o: Ui" cibaptfr tïe tolvtnt, i ii ■ -■ - r '■ ■ . ' :t tnado w) cv ■ : n s; s havo been nCttoUw. h cioiüIj trovn Ui ■[! yo nh ui o V UB, H WAi "a : AU At'Ali , N lt E T, a ]■,. i;., k mp ■ 1 -i Ini,u'' Ie :a mi cMihimliiKiiy metil i pupc i i ici ' : 1 to puiiiy, ht'al, rcnnlr and In i .r t tlie hi uktïii down and wiistea body, ' ■■i, sale mu: pci manent ■ ni ana i are. For aio !■ Bil diu.íKisiíí. üue uollar a bottle, RADWAT'S SS [ Koï ttio relief anl ouro of all Palnj, congestiona and ; LtiflutiunattüUft, I DB. RADWAY'S . PILLS PorDravwaiA and fat Hie cure oí all tt:ed ot s ülll i" :[.':i.!-u, liiiiuusDun. J lu-. IUü a bu, etc l'.i DB. ftAlWAV,& CO., a Warren St, N.Y.


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Ann Arbor Democrat